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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Feb 1.
Published in final edited form as: Lang Cogn Neurosci. 2016 Aug 6;32(5):570–575. doi: 10.1080/23273798.2016.1215477

Rule-based and Word-level Statistics-based Processing of Language: Insights from Neuroscience

Nai Ding 1,2,3, Lucia Melloni 4,5, Xing Tian 6,7, David Poeppel 8,9
PMCID: PMC5794029  NIHMSID: NIHMS912829  PMID: 29399592


To flexibly convey meaning, the human language faculty iteratively combines smaller units such as words into larger structures such as phrases based on grammatical principles. During comprehension, however, it remains unclear how the brain encodes the relationship between words and combines them into phrases. One hypothesis is that internal grammatical principles governing language generation are also used to parse the hierarchical syntactic structure of spoken language during comprehension. An alternative hypothesis suggests, in contrast, that decoding language during comprehension solely relies on statistical relationships between words or strings of words, i.e., the N-gram statistics, while grammatical rules are not used and no hierarchical linguistic structures are constructed. Here, we briefly review distinctions between rule-based hierarchical models and statistics-based linear string models for comprehension, and how the neurolinguistic approach can shed light on this debate. Recent neurolinguistic studies show that tracking of probabilistic relationships between words is not sufficient to explain cortical encoding of linguistic constituent structure and support the involvement of rule-based processing during language comprehension.


It is vigorously debated whether language comprehension is driven by rule-based decomposition of hierarchical syntactic structures (Berwick & Weinberg, 1986; Everaert, Huybregts, Chomsky, Berwick, & Bolhuis, 2015; Phillips, 2003) or reflects the online analysis of the statistical relationship between adjacent words which obviates the need for abstract structure building (Elman, 1990; Frank, Bod, & Christiansen, 2012). For rule-based models, the hierarchical structure of linguistic input sequence must be revealed via syntactic analysis in order to comprehend spoken language. N-gram statistics-based models in contrast propose that the probabilistic relationships between (typically adjacent) words are sufficient for comprehension. Here we briefly discuss the distinctions and relationships between these two hypotheses and argue that recent neuroscientific data suggest that the brain can and does indeed represent hierarchical linguistic structures, even in the absence of relevant probabilistic information.

The predictive nature of language processing

It is well established that the brain actively makes predictions which allow quick processing of incoming words (Dikker, Rabagliati, Farmer, & Pylkkänen, 2010; Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, 1980; Poeppel, Idsardi, & Wassenhove., 2008; Tanenhaus, Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard, & Sedivy, 1995) and which can aid in enriching underspecified sensory information in challenging listening environments (Miller, Heise, & Lichten, 1951). For example, in noisy environments, sentences with higher transitional probability between words are better recognized than sentences with lower transitional probability (Miller, et al., 1951). Furthermore, when a word in a highly constrained context is replaced by, say, a cough, listeners usually feel that they heard the full word on top of the cough sound (Warren, 1970).

A major motivation of statistical language models is to characterize how the brain generates predictions of future words. For an N-gram statistical model (Martin & Jurafsky, 2008), a future word W is predicted based on the N−1 words preceding that word, e.g., W−(N−1)…W−2W−1. Such predictions are based on the transition probability between the previous N−1 words and the future word, i.e., P(W|W−(N−1)…W−2W−1), which is estimated based on previous language experience. Such models have offered successful applications in engineering contexts.

It has been controversial, however, whether N-gram models are sufficient to describe the human comprehension system. First, some sentences, although grammatical, have extremely low transition probabilities between words, as in the famous example coined by Chomsky: “colorless green idea sleep furiously”. Such syntactically correct but very-low predictability (and usually meaningless) sentences are processed differently from syntactically incorrect random word lists, as shown by abundant psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic studies (Friederici, Meyer, & Cramon, 2000; Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, 1980; Pallier, Devauchelle, & Dehaene, 2011). For example, in a noisy environment, syntactically correct but semantically anomalous sentences are easier to recognize than ungrammatical sentences (Miller & Isard, 1963). Correct syntactic (or phonological) structures may also facilitate language processing by generating predictions (DeLong, Urbach, & Kutas, 2005). Such predictions, however, are based on tacit syntactic (or phonological) knowledge rather than N-gram transitional probability. For example, an adjective, e.g., ‘green,’ predicts the forthcoming category noun, even if a low-probability one, such as ‘ideas.’

Second, the grammars of human languages allow, in numerous linguistic contexts, long-distance dependencies between words. For example, “you can either read the first sentence of the first paragraph of the first book or not read it.” The word “either” predicts the word “or” but the distance between them could be of any arbitrary length depending on the number of embedded clauses, and such long-distance dependencies pose a challenge for N-gram models. What underlies this problem is that human language is more complicated that can be described by an N-gram model (Berwick, Friederici, Chomsky, & Bolhuis, 2013; Chomsky, 1957; Fitch & Friederici, 2012). Such long distance dependencies are very frequent and can also occur in other forms. Consider the following example: “These insects can digest wood because… in the morning they really like to eat pine”. In this case, “pine” is predictable given the context of the discourse even though the local transitional probability between “eat” and “pine” is very low. Moreover, the long-distance dependency between the antecedent ‘insects’ and the pronoun ‘they’ is regulated by structural distance (i.e. specific structural constraints exist the license the interpretation) and not linear word distance.

In summary, an important asset of the the N-gram statistical model is that it can easily generate predictions about future words and is mathematically approachable. However, not all aspects of human language processing can be characterized based on that model. In particular, the N-gram statistic is not the only source of information used to make predictions about incoming linguistic information (Jurafsky, 2003). For example, it cannot characterize predictions made based on syntactic information or discourse-level context. Therefore, the difference between rule-based hierarchical models and N-gram models is not whether the brain makes predictions or whether the brain is sensitive to statistical regularities. These points are uncontroversial. The crucial difference is over what kind of linguistic units - hierarchical constituent structures or linear N-word strings - the brain tracks statistical regularities and generates predictions (Townsend & Bever, 2001).

Relationship between statistical models and rule-based hierarchical models

Although it has been debated whether the brain processes language based on statistics or rules, statistics-based processing and rule-based processing are related and not mutually exclusive. First, syntactic rules give rise to statistical cues. On the view that language is generated based on a set of rules, only some sequences of words are allowed (and therefore typical and frequent), i.e. the grammatical ones. In daily life, the probability of being exposed to an ungrammatical sentence is fairly low and therefore the brain mainly accumulates statistics based on grammatical sentences. In this set of grammatical sequences, the transitional probability is not equal between pairs of words and can be learned to facilitate language processing.

Second, it has been proposed that rules can be learned based on statistical cues. For example, it has been shown that 8-month old infants are sensitive to the transitional probability between syllables, which may serve as cues to segment a continuous speech stream into words (Peña, Bonatti, Nespor, & Mehler, 2002; Saffran, Aslin, & Newport, 1996). Such statistical learning paradigms can also underpin the learning of phrasal structures (Thompson & Newport, 2007) and rules (Marcus, Vijayan, Rao, & Vishton, 1999). The difference between rules and statistics, however, concerns the levels of abstraction. For example, after being exposed to a large number of noun phrases, one may simply learn the frequency of one word appearing after another N−1 words, but one may also abstract a set of rules, e.g., a class of words that can be used to modify another class of words (Saffran, et al., 1996; Seidenberg, MacDonald, & Saffran, 2002). Such abstraction could be an implicit and subconscious process during language acquisition, while it could also be an explicit process when learning grammar in school.

Therefore, abstraction/generalization might be a potential link between rule-based processing and statistics-based processing (Marcus, 1999; Seidenberg, et al., 2002). Even if considering only statistics-based processing, generalization is critical, due, for example, to poverty of stimulus considerations (Chomsky, 1957). For example, the sentence “university professors never assign homework” is not a strange sentence - but most people have never been exposed to this exact sentence. It is not sensible to assume the probability of such a sentence to be zero just because it has never been heard/seen. In fact, modern statistical models do not simply count how many times a sequence of words appear but instead build models that can generalize (Pereira, 2000). If the brain is not simply counting word frequencies but instead makes generalizations, it must have an internal model about how to make generalizations. Such internal models may not be critically different from syntactic or semantic knowledge. One important question, however, is what kind of generalization is made by the brain and how abstract, i.e., rule-like, such generalizations are.

One fundamental distinction between rule-based models and N-gram models is that rule-based linguistic theories describe the relationship between words using hierarchical syntactic ‘chunks,’ while N-gram models by-and-large assume a linear relationship between words. An N-gram model is not the only model to describe the statistical regularities in language. More sophisticated statistical models, such as probabilistic context-free grammars, assume a hierarchically embedded phrasal structure and are compatible with symbolic rules and representations (Chater & Manning, 2006; Hale, 2001). These rule-level or phrasal-level probabilistic models, in contrast with the word-level N-gram models, are consistent with the particular rule-based hierarchical structure models we discuss here.

Hierarchical structure building and its neural correlates

Research on the neural encoding of speech and sound-sequence processing can shed light on the debate between rule-based models and N-gram models (Bahlmann, Gunter, & Friederici, 2006; Brennan et al., 2012; Dikker, et al., 2010; Fitch & Friederici, 2012; Friederici, Bahlmann, Friedrich, & Makuuchi, 2011; Pallier, et al., 2011). For example, fMRI studies have shown that rule-based construction of hierarchical linguistic structures mainly occurs in the left inferior frontal gyrus, e.g., Brodmann area 44, and temporal areas (Fitch & Friederici, 2012).

In terms of neurophysiological studies, on the one hand, a large body of literature has demonstrated that the brain is sensitive to various types of statistical cues, even without any rule-based structure (Kutas & Federmeier, 2000; Näätänen, Paavilainen, Rinne, & Alho, 2007). Furthermore, statistical learning can also lead to neural tracking of statistically defined linguistic structures (Buiatti, Peña, & Dehaene-Lambertz, 2009; Kabdebon, Pena, Buiatti, & Dehaene-Lambertz, 2015). On the other hand, there is also neurophysiological evidence for purely rule-based hierarchical linguistic processing. Here we briefly review neurophysiological evidence supporting the following two claims.

First, the brain can simultaneously represent hierarchical phrasal structures, i.e. syntactic chunks of different sizes, resulting in a multi-resolution representation of the input sequence. For example, it has been shown that violating discourse-level context evokes the classic N400 response, similar to what is observed when the local sentential context is violated (Van Berkum, Zwitserlood, Hagoort, & Brown, 2003). This result demonstrates that the brain can detect a violation of local and global context within a similar time window, i.e., within half a second after the word onset. This suggests that brain maintains a representation of both local and global context which can be promptly retrieved. It is difficult to explain such a phenomenon using nothing more than an N-gram model, since modeling the global context requires integration of tens of words, which is beyond the limit of human working memory. To consider another example, it has been shown that, during listening to spoken language, cortical activity concurrently follows the rhythms of linguistic structures of different sizes, e.g., words, phrases, and sentences (Fig. 1AB), providing direct evidence for simultaneous neural representations of hierarchical linguistic structures (Ding, Melloni, Zhang, Tian, & Poeppel, 2016).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Cortical tracking of the linguistic structure of speech. (A) The grammar of a set of short Chinese sentences in which the syllables are presented at a constant rate of 4 Hz. The phrases and sentences are presented at 2 Hz and 1 Hz, respectively, because of binary embedding of linguistic structures. (B) Neural response spectrum (global field power) shows peaks at the syllabic rate, phrasal rate, and the sentential rate, demonstrating concurrent neural tracking of 3 linguistic levels. (C) The grammar of a set of Artificial Markovian Sentences (AMS). Each sentence consists of 3 components, C1, C2, and C3. Each component is independently chosen from 3 candidate syllables with equal probability. The stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between syllables is a constant, T = 0.3 s. In each trial, 33 sentences are played in a sequence without any gap in between. (D) Neural response spectrum (global field power) before and after learning the AMS grammar. Before learning, cortical activity only tracks the syllabic rhythm of speech. After learning, however, cortical activity concurrently follows the syllabic rhythm at 1/T and the sentential rhythm at 1/3T. Frequency bins showing power stronger than the mean power of a neighboring 1 Hz region (i.e., 0.5 Hz on each side) are shown by stars (N = 5, P < 0.001, paired t-test, FDR corrected). (adapted from Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 4 of Ding, Melloni, Zhang, Tian, & Poeppel, 2016).

Second, neural representations of phrasal structures (i.e. syntactic chunks) can be formed without statistical cues. Evidence supporting this claim mostly comes from studies using artificial sequences, which are parsed based on explicitly instructed rules. The logic is to show cortical encoding of phrasal chunks in the absence of any relevant statistical cue, and this is achieved by explicitly learning the phrasal construction rules. In one example, to dissociate linguistic structures from statistical cues, a special Markovian sequence is constructed in which the transitional probability between adjacent syllables is constantly 1/3. The Markovian sequence alternates among 3 states, C1, C2, and C3 (Fig. 1C), and the states are independent from one another. In each state, a syllable will be drawn from 3 candidate syllables with equal probability. Each state is associated with a distinct set of candidate syllables, and a sequence of 3 consecutive states, i.e. C1C2C3, is viewed as a sentence. The transitional probability between syllables, however, is constant within a sentence or across sentence boundaries.

When listening to such a sequence without any instruction about the stimulus structure, cortical activity recorded by MEG only follows the syllabic rhythm (Fig. 1D). The listeners were then instructed about the sentential structure and exposed to stimuli that contained a short gap after C3, which facilitates the learning of sentential structures. They were instructed to memorize the set of syllables belonging to each state. After this learning phase, when exposed to the Markovian sequence again, cortical activity tracking the sentential structure emerges (Fig. 1D). This result demonstrates that the brain can parse learned linguistic structures even in the absence of transitional probability cues.

Further evidence comes from studies on artificial musical sequences (Nozaradan, Peretz, Missal, & Mouraux, 2011). When listening to an isochronous tone sequence, the listeners were either instructed to listen to an isochronous sequence (i.e. x x x x x x) or to imagine a binary (X x X x X x) or ternary meter structure (X x x X x x). It is observed that cortical activity measured by EEG only follows the repetition rate of tones when the listeners were asked to listen to an isochronous sequence. When asked to imagine a meter structure, however, additional neural tracking of the meter structure emerged. Since the meter structure is imagined, not associated with acoustic or statistical cues, neural tracking of the metric structure can only be explained by rule-based processing rather than statistics-based processing. Of course, binary/ternary grouping can be described by a Markov model, and so is the sentential grouping in Fig. 1CD. Nevertheless, what is important is that even if such grouping is achieved by Markovian processes, the processes are based on rules, not input statistics. The above examples show that cortical activity can track phrasal structures in the absence of any statistical cues, providing compelling evidence that the brain can form phrasal level representations based on rules.

In summary, word-level input statistics alone are not sufficient and, in many cases, not necessary to explain human language processing performance or the neural responses to language or sound sequences. Input word-level statistics, however, can trigger the learning of syntactic rules or other more abstract processing models. Future research needs to establish what kind of knowledge is gained during statistical learning and how abstract it is. If the brain uses input statistics to fit an internal language model, it has to be investigated what kind of model it is. Furthermore, rule-based processing does not deny that language processing is highly predictive but assumes that predictions will be made, among other factors, based on a hierarchically nested syntactic structure rather than a linear string structure. Using the paradigm in Fig. 1AB, future neurophysiological studies can shed light on whether hierarchically nested structures are constructed online during speech perception and how deeply embedded the phrasal structure could be.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 31500873 (ND) and 31500914 (XT), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (ND), Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China LR16C090002 (ND), the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities Base B16018 (XT), Major Projects Program of the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission 15JC1400104 (XT), and the US National Institutes of Health grant 2R01DC05660 (DP).


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