RNA Recombination Enhances Adaptability and Is Required for Virus Spread and Virulence
Yinghong Xiao, Igor M. Rouzine, Simone Bianco, Ashley Acevedo, Elizabeth Faul Goldstein, Mikhail Farkov, Leonid Brodsky, and Raul Andino*
*Correspondence: raul.andino@ucsf.edu
(Cell Host & Microbe 19, 493–503, April 13, 2016)
In the original paper, the authors reported that D79H was more than 90% GFP retention; however, they used the wrong dataset to construct Figure 1A. This error does not change the conclusions of the paper. The authors apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. The correct Figure 1A is printed below.
Figure 1A.
Isolation of a Recombination Deficiency Poliovirus Variant (corrected)