This workshop addressed challenges of clinical research in neurosurgery. Randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) have high internal validity, but often insufficiently generalize to real-world practice. Observational studies are inclusive but often lack sufficient rigor. The workshop considered possible solutions, such as (1) statistical methods for demonstrating causality using observational data; (2) characteristics required of a registry supporting effectiveness research; (3) trial designs combining advantages of observational studies and RCTs; and (4) equipoise, an identified challenge for RCTs. In the future, advances in information technology potentially could lead to creation of a massive database where clinical data from all neurosurgeons are integrated and analyzed, ending the separation of clinical research and practice and leading to a new “science of practice.”
Keywords: Clinical trials, Effectiveness research, Randomized controlled trial, Registry, Equipoise
Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric TBI Trial
Electronic health record
Food and Drug Administration
International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms
NeuroPoint Alliance National Neurosurgery Quality and Outcomes Data Base
National Institutes of Health
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Physician Quality Reporting System
Qualified Clinical Data Registries
Rubin Causal Model
randomized controlled clinical trial
traumatic brain injury
Over the last decade, 2 themes have emerged as major drivers for the future of health care: comparative effectiveness research and precision medicine. Both have relied heavily on data derived from clinical trials, particularly the randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT). Technological developments such as electronic health records (EHRs) will vastly increase the accumulation and availability of data related to outcomes of care, potentially transforming clinical research and reducing the reliance on the RCT. In fact, EHRs and prospective registries are now thought by some to provide information that could complement or replace information derived from RCTs. Whether RCT or registry is used, the analyses must be statistically rigorous and scientifically sound to best guide the evolution of practice so that 21st century neurosurgery will be based on reliable, scientific data, and analyses. The information provided by either RCT or registry may also lead to more effective use of medical resources and reduce expense of care.
The Launching Effectiveness Research to Guide Practice in Neurosurgery Workshop was held on February 5, 2015 in Bethesda, Maryland, to discuss clinical research in neurosurgery. The attendees included experts in neurosurgery, neurology, statistics, effectiveness research, and bioethics, along with representatives from federal agencies including National Institutes of Health (NIH), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The Research Committee for the Society for Neurological Surgery and National Institute Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) leadership worked together to ensure broad participation for a variety of stakeholders. For example, for the neurosurgery/neurology participation, selection of participants was based on current leadership in national neurosurgical societies, principal investigatorship on NIH, or other type of grants related to neurosurgical or neurological research in clinical trials, and participation in clinical trials related to neurosurgery. Similarly, representatives for federal agencies were selected based on their expertise and/or leadership in the matter under study. This report is a summary of the meeting agreed upon by the authors.
The RCT is widely accepted as the gold standard in clinical research, but published RCTs are infrequent in neurosurgery. Kiehna et al1 found approximately 10 clinical trials published each year in the 5 leading neurosurgical journals. A more recent analysis of the English language literature from 2000 through 2014 identified 61 neurosurgical RCTs, with an average annual publication rate of approximately 5 neurosurgical RCTs.2 The paucity of RCTs reflects, in part, performance barriers in the surgical setting, and frustration with limited generalizability of surgical RCTs. Clinical research in neurosurgery is more likely to employ designs like observational cohorts or retrospective case series.
Multiple factors have shaped clinical trials design, particularly including the differences between efficacy and effectiveness.3-5 Efficacy is the observed effect under ideal circumstances, and is the upper limit of attainable benefit. Effectiveness trials, also called pragmatic trials, are meant to determine the degree of beneficial effect in “real-world” clinical settings. In any clinical research design, there is a trade-off between studying efficacy and effectiveness. A study designed to assess efficacy (with limited entry criteria for patients and surgeons, tightly controlled interventions, and a focused, validated outcome measure) will be at risk of limited generalizability. Conversely, relaxing these parameters may make the results more generalizable, but risks compromising internal validity. The prototypical efficacy (or “explanatory”) study is the double-masked, randomized, parallel arm controlled study often required to support approval of a drug or device by the FDA. Effectiveness research has tended to employ observational designs, though these have evolved from simple description to more complex approaches (see below) which may allow valid drawing of causal inferences.
RCTs and descriptive observational studies each have different strengths and limitations. The RCT has high internal validity, randomization being the best method for managing sources of bias and confounding. However, the RCT often has low external validity—conclusions from many RCTs do not generalize to daily neurosurgical practice, because they fail to incorporate real-world variation in patient mix, surgical skill and training, and other aspects of clinical care like nursing skill and the availability of critical care facilities and physical therapy. They also may fail to be relevant as newer technologies emerge or as proficiency with techniques continue to evolve over time.
In contrast, registry-based observational trials can have high external validity, provided that the registry captures complete, sequential data on the population or a representative sample of the population. However, the internal validity of observational trials is weak, because estimates of treatment effects are subject to bias from unobserved confounding factors. When results of observational trials and RCTs are compared for the same disorder and interventions, there is a clear tendency for the former to overestimate benefit.1,6–8 In some cases, the bias may lead to a false-positive result, for example, in the early studies of glioblastoma brachytherapy, which were marred by confounding. In this example, the apparent benefit from brachytherapy treatment after glioblastoma resection was spurious, arising from the favorable prognostic factors that defined eligibility for the treatment.9-11 More often, observational trials and RCTs do concur on whether or not there is benefit from a treatment6,8 (r = 0.75)7.
There are meaningful operational and logistical differences between the prototypical extremes of RCT and registry observational study. On a per-patient basis, the implementation of RCTs tends to be more labor intensive for both the central organization and the clinical sites, and therefore more expensive. In principle, an observational database can potentially be used repeatedly for multiple studies, further improving cost efficiency. In practice, observational studies may be compromised by missing data particularly on patient-reported outcomes.12 Although RCTs can be large, involving tens of thousands of patients, observational studies ultimately have the advantage of larger scale, with examples such as the FDA-supported Mini-Sentinel database, which captures treatment and safety information on millions of patients.13 Logistics tend to limit the duration of RCTs to a decade or less, whereas observational data collection can be open ended. In addition to their different scientific and technical properties, operational differences may also guide the choice between an RCT and an observational study in specific situations.
Because randomized treatment assignment confers high internal validity, the RCT remains the gold standard for demonstrating treatment efficacy within the confines of the study. However, evidence is needed for effectiveness of procedures and therapies in diverse neurosurgical practice. Restrictive RCTs cannot address the effectiveness of each step and instrument in neurological procedures conducted by diverse surgical teams in varied practice settings, with heterogeneous patients. Such questions require the more flexible and cost-efficient approaches of observational trials. However, these trials need rigorous statistical design and analysis, in order to provide reliable results to guide neurosurgical practice.
Effectiveness implies a causal relationship between an intervention and an outcome. Under the widely accepted framework sometimes referred to as the Rubin Causal Model (RCM),14,15 the causal effect is a “comparison of the outcome that would be observed with the intervention and without the intervention, both measured at the same point in time”. The causal effect is inherently impossible to measure, because only the outcome under the assigned treatment can be determined for any individual patient. RCTs randomize treatment assignment to generate cohorts of comparable individuals who receive different interventions. Deriving statistically valid causal inference from observational data requires reproducing as closely as possible the characteristics of an RCT. A proxy must be found for the randomization method: a means of data management or segmentation is applied to generate comparable cohorts for comparison. The propensity score, an estimate of the probability of assignment to treatment or control given the multiple variables potentially available to the clinical decision maker, serves this purpose. Estimating a valid propensity score requires considerable reflection on the types of data that influence the decision makers, and might include inherent patient characteristics, prognostic factors, training or experience of the surgeon, factors related to the hospital, economic factors like insurance, and patient and family preference. It is not unusual for more than 20 variables to contribute to the propensity score.14,15
An RCT differs from a well-designed prospective observational study in one design issue—the use of randomization to allocate patients to treatment groups. Randomization reduces the risk that treatment effects, within the trial, will be distorted by known or unknown confounders. Treatment effects within the trial can then be determined by directly comparing outcomes. In a prospective observational study, treatment selection is influenced by factors that may differ among groups, so we must account for these differences when determining treatment effect.
Propensity score matching is a way to more accurately determine treatment effects in nonrandomized trials by controlling the existence of known confounding factors. Comparison of outcomes using treated and control subjects who are as similar as possible on a wide range of potential confounders allows us to perform a pseudo-randomized study and draw causal inferences using a nonrandomized, prospective observational study design. The extent to which propensity score matching can eliminate bias from confounders depends on the completeness and quality of the control variables on which the propensity score is computed and the matching performed. Propensity score matching cannot eliminate bias that may be introduced by unknown confounders.
The propensity score is defined as the conditional probability of receiving a treatment given pretreatment characteristics. To design a prospective observational database study that maximizes the effect of propensity score matching, we need to ask: (1) What randomized experiment do we want to model, (2) Who are the decision makers for treatment assignment, (3) What are the key covariates used to assign treatment, (4) Can we measure the key covariates well, (5) What clinically meaningful outcomes will we measure, and (6) What sample sizes will be needed?
Therefore, characteristics of RCTs that should be duplicated to achieve reliable results from observational data include the following:
Prospective specification of outcomes and analytic methods without resort to the actual outcome data, even if this is already available
Prospective estimation of sample size
Outcome measures that are clearly defined and captured in the study data.
Completeness of the data set for outcomes, that is, limiting missing data.
The ability to measure and record all of the important covariates that influence treatment assignment.
The improved power and accuracy of causal inferences after generation of comparable cohorts using propensity scores were exemplified at the workshop using the International Study of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms (ISUIA) observational data set for unruptured intracranial aneurysms.17 In ISUIA, the risk of subarachnoid hemorrhage from an unruptured aneurysm was dependent on several factors including aneurysm location, aneurysm size, and aneurysm morphological features, and the management outcome after surgery was dependent on patient age, aneurysm location, and aneurysm size. In ISUIA, patients were not randomized to a procedure or to conservative management. They were selected for surgery, endovascular therapy, or conservative management based on the clinician's recommendation for each patient. Therefore, any comparison of surgical and conservative management needed to take into account potential differences in the cohorts. In a preliminary analysis using propensity scores in the aggregate data, surgery was statistically significantly superior to conservative care for both hemorrhage and overall outcome at both 5- and 10-year time points (P ≤ .001).17
A number of modern analytic methods seek to uncover causal relationships from observational data, including instrumental variables,18 marginal structural models,19 and inverse probability weighting.20 All of these methods of analysis have utility in some circumstances, but all require recourse to the outcome data and thus are subject to change with different outcome variables. Therefore, ultimately “design trumps analysis for objective causal inference”.15 At the workshop, 2 highly experienced trialists (Robert Califf, Richard Platt) concurred and added that, in their experience, design of a rigorous observational study was considerably more challenging than design of an RCT. They counseled that the required time, effort, and reiteration were often underestimated in the planning and design phases of observational studies.
The phenomenon of “P-value hunting” for data obtained from observational studies (and also from randomized studies) has been recently discussed by the American Statistical Association and it has led to the failure to reproduce results that were initially reported as “significant.” The prespecification of models for observational studies may be a method to overcome this.
Trial designs that attempt to meld the robust reliability of traditional RCTs with the flexibility and generalizability of observational trials are already being used in surgical clinical research, and may guide the design of future neurosurgical studies.
Pragmatic Randomized Trials
Pragmatic randomized trials achieve high internal validity through the use of randomization, but are designed to be representative of general practice, and hence are readily generalizable. Pragmatic RCTs typically have a short list of patient eligibility criteria with relatively few exclusions, yielding a heterogeneous population representative of clinical practice. The trials are generally designed to integrate relatively smoothly into standard clinical care, so there are relatively few stipulations regarding concurrent medications or therapies. The outcome measures tend to be relatively few, simple, and objective (eg, mortality, disability) rather than complex scales, indices, or laboratory measures. Simple outcome measures facilitate performance in a wide range of practice settings. The design characteristics lead to a requirement for large sample sizes, so these trials usually include at least 1000 patients. Descriptors like large and simple are often used for pragmatic randomized trials. In principle, the pragmatic randomized trial can provide highly rigorous outcome data that can be readily generalized to the real-world needs of practicing physicians and their patients. A successful example in neurosurgery was the Corticosteroid Randomisation After Significant Head Injury (CRASH) trial, which recruited over 10 000 patients and demonstrated that corticosteroids were harmful in the treatment of severe head injury.21
Combined or Concurrent RCT and Observational Trials
Combined or Concurrent RCT and Observational Trials also seek high internal and external validity. If the RCT and observational study are concurrent but otherwise independent, clearly the first provides the proof of efficacy, while the second provides the generalizability. In other circumstances, the 2 are linked, and meant to be somewhat more mutually supportive. One approach is to enroll patients who are not eligible or agreeable to randomization in the observational study. This approach was used in the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT) comparing lumbar discectomy to conservative care, although high rates of noncompliance with treatment assignment significantly decreased the power of the per protocol analysis.22 In other cases, the separation of the RCT and observational trial might be based on physician willingness to participate in an RCT, or characteristics of the hospital or practice setting. These approaches are attractive in terms of productivity, but there are potential risks that the basis for assigning patients to the RCT or observational trial could generate biases which might alter outcomes of one or both studies.
Effectiveness in a Prospective Observational Trial
The Approaches and Decisions in Acute Pediatric TBI Trial (ADAPT; www.adapttrial.org) takes a different approach. Its chief mission is to collect data regarding the clinical care administered to children with severe head injury, the frequency with which different procedures and interventions are used, and the different ways in which they are combined. ADAPT has broad inclusion criteria and few exclusions, does not direct or specify interventions, and will capture data on 1000 patients from a wide array of medical centers. The study will rigorously examine the effectiveness of 6 commonly used interventions, such as continuous cerebrospinal fluid diversion, hyperosmolar therapy, or high caloric feeding. Formal primary and secondary hypotheses with well-defined, quantifiable outcome measures have been defined for each topic. For each hypothesis, analyses will be conducted to test the hypotheses. Confounded effects will be controlled for in the analyses using propensity scores derived from the observational data. Sample size estimates for the hypotheses informed the number of participants to be enrolled in the study. The approach is rigorous for assessment of effectiveness, while preserving the advantages of simplicity, flexibility, and generalizability from its observational design.
Embedding an RCT into a Prospective Observational Database
Large electronic health databases can be exploited as data collection tools that allow performance of RCTs with little additional effort. For example, the Thrombus Aspiration during ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (TASTE) study comparing the outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention with or without manual thrombus aspiration used the internet-based Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry (SCAAR).23 Randomization and all follow-up data collection were performed using the registry infrastructure and yielded a rigorous comparison of effectiveness in more than 7000 patients while imposing minimal additional workload on participating medical staff. The cost was about 10% that of a traditional RCT.
Performing a Virtual RCT in a Retrospective Observational Database
This is another way of describing an observational study conducted using the RCM in an existing large database. As an example, effectiveness of total mastectomy vs breast-sparing surgery was compared using RCM methods and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, End Results (SEER) database. Even though the database contained 5-year survival data for only 5326 women, the study was able to demonstrate comparable survival between groups.15 To identify the 30 variables that contributed to the propensity score estimate, the investigators conducted multiple interviews with surgeons and patients. The study successfully accomplished its goal, which was to determine whether published reports of comparable effectiveness from tertiary care medical centers would generalize to community practice, while adding no extra burden to health care providers.
Early progress in medical information technology was closely linked to the financial and administrative aspects of medical care, such as diagnostic coding, billing, and payments. Nonetheless, these same data can support insights into patient safety and outcomes and have been aggregated into large national databases to support clinical research. As EHRs and other digital data are integrated more fully into medical practice, there will be an explosion in the amount of information available on the experiences of thousands of neurosurgeons and millions of patients. The immediate challenge is to determine how this massive amount of data can best be captured and analyzed to provide reliable guidance for neurosurgical practice.
Mini-Sentinel and PCORnet: The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network are representative of current big data resources.13,24,25 Mini-Sentinel was established in response to a congressional mandate for modernization of the FDA drug safety surveillance system. As of February 2015, the database included 48 million people and 358 million years of patient observation, contributed from partner organizations, which include insurance companies such as Aetna and Anthem, hospital chains such as HCA, and care organizations such as Kaiser Permanente. PCORnet is an initiative of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) that combines 11 clinical data research networks and 17 patient-centered data research networks, and supports the NIH Collaboratory Initiative. The majority of data comes from coding and billing databases, with a minor contribution from EHR data sources. To facilitate clinical research, a propensity score tool is available for Mini-Sentinel. Due to the data sources, the granularity and specificity of the data related to surgical procedures are limited. Therefore, the types of clinical research that could be performed are limited to practice patterns, utilization, and broad assessments of safety or outcomes for a class of procedures. Unfortunately, these databases lack much of the information required for many research topics in neurosurgery. Some patient characteristics may be inferred, but there are no data regarding physical findings, results of imaging or other laboratory studies, or severity of the diagnosed disorder. Data are not included on any specifics of the surgery or events that occurred during the operation. Much more detailed neurosurgical data would be required to guide neurosurgical practice.
In the short term, such data appear most likely to come from neurosurgery-specific registries and databases. Examples of registries relevant to neurosurgery include those supporting specialty certification, safety of FDA-approved devices, and longitudinal natural history studies. Although these serve valuable functions, they do not necessarily serve as good models for effectiveness research registries. Some of these registries are based on spontaneous reporting, whereas an effectiveness outcome registry must be more complete and include all representative experience. Since a clinical research registry needs to contain all of the data that may prove necessary for eventual analyses, the number of data fields may be larger. The impact of missing and incomplete data is higher in studies testing specific hypotheses than in purely descriptive collections. Both the quality and accuracy of these data must be of the highest caliber to guide neurosurgical practice.
The creation of increasingly detailed national clinical data collection systems is being largely driven by the requirement for robust quality measurement, which has taken on a central role in the rapidly evolving health care landscape. In particular, clinical registries have seen explosive growth in recent years as methods to advance public and private patient safety initiatives and quality reporting mandates. Perhaps the most conspicuous recent promotion of registry use for public quality reporting was the authorization of Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDR) by Congress in 2014 (https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/PQRS/Qualified-Clinical-Data-Registry-Reporting.html). The QCDR is an alternative to traditional Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) methods that allow participants to satisfy PQRS requirements by reporting measures that have been developed and validated by the registry entity. Among all the available public reporting methods, QCDRs are particularly well suited to harness the power of registries in order to create disease- and treatment-specific measures that reflect realistic and relevant quality targets for neurosurgery and other medical specialties. In short, the national quality imperative is driving the creation of large and valuable information repositories that can be prospectively or retrospectively analyzed to further medical science.
Requirements for quality improvement have provided strong impetus for new registries, such as the NeuroPoint Alliance National Neurosurgery Quality and Outcomes Data Base (N2QOD), a major initiative led by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and supported by the American Board of Neurological Surgery, the Society of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, and the Scoliosis Research Society.26 The first project was the creation of an observational database for lumbar spine surgery, which, as of August 2015, included over 500 participating surgeons in 32 US states who had registered more than 20 000 patients. The database captures 52 “risk variables” and multiple outcomes, including the European Quality of Life Score (EQ-5D), Oswestry Disability Index (OSI), pain scales for limbs and back, and overall patient satisfaction. Participant compliance with data entry has been excellent, and initial data completeness and 12-month patient follow-up have exceeded 95% and 74%, respectively. Importantly, N2QOD has demonstrated the ability of academic and community surgeons to work cohesively in producing the type of data-rich registry which could potentially support rigorous effectiveness research. One limitation of N2QOD is that participants enter only selected cases (albeit through a standardized sampling methodology); rigorous research would require inclusion of all cases. “All care” data collection is now being initiated in test N2QOD sites to determine the feasibility of this approach. Another limitation of N2QOD at the present time is the cost associated with the requirement for research coordinators to enter the data and verify accuracy. The N2QOD has also recently been approved as a QCDR, a designation which will raise the bar for complete data collection at participating sites.
Currently, N2QOD seeks to ensure data accuracy utilizing the following methods:
Data cleaning: Routine reviews of data at the coordinating center ensure data completeness. Significant inconsistencies between data fields are also identified (eg, patients with very low disability and/or pain scores undergoing lumbar surgery; patients with simple pathologies such as disc herniation undergoing fusion, etc) and contributing centers are asked to reconcile unexpected variations.
Self-audits: Contributing centers are periodically asked to review their data vs source documentation and report on the accuracy of reported information. Special emphasis is made on determining that submitted data reflect the eligible patient population, and that diagnostic and procedural categories are correctly recorded.
Site audits: Contributing centers are occasionally subject to random site audits to ensure the accuracy of submitted data, particularly with respect to patient outcomes.
The following additional processes are planned to further improve data accuracy in N2QOD:
Participating centers will be “rated” with respect to the quality of submitted data and their use of approved methods to ensure data accuracy.
Third-party site audits will be initiated. These will include random and ‘for-cause’ audits.
In the long run, it appears inevitable that as EHR use becomes widespread, more detailed data on neurosurgery and other specialties will appear in the metadatabases. Eventually there may be a massive database available as a public utility to support clinical research and advance care in all aspects of medicine and surgery. In order to assure that neurosurgical data are appropriately represented in metadatabases, it is important that neurosurgeons participate and contribute to information technology forums and committees. Since much of this work occurs at the local level of hospital or academic institutions, there are many opportunities to become involved.
In addition to registries, clinical trials provide another source of data enriched with information important to neurosurgery, which could be used for RCM analyses or other research. Requirements for public sharing of data from federally funded clinical research will produce increasing numbers of such reservoirs. For example, NINDS will provide access to data from such studies as the Carotid Revascularization and Medical Management for Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis (CREST-2) trial (NCT02240862), ADAPT for pediatric traumatic brain injury, and Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) for adult traumatic brain injury (NCT02119182). To an increasing extent, industry is also making subject-level trial data available to qualified researchers, though sometimes these data are limited to participants in control groups.
Achieving equipoise has been a challenge to the conduct of all RCTs, but is a particularly acute problem for surgical trialists. In extreme cases, a lack of equipoise on the part of patients or physicians has led to early termination of the clinical trial due to the inability to enroll patients in a reasonable time frame (eg, Radiosurgery or Open Surgery for Epilepsy trial (ROSE),27 Early Randomized Surgical Epilepsy Trial (ERSET)28). Insufficient equipoise may lead the investigator to exclude patients judged to be manifestly good or poor candidates for the procedure under study, jeopardizing the demonstration of benefit and decreasing the ability to generalize outcomes. In practice, lack of equipoise is often regarded as a potential obstacle only for RCTs, and a common method of addressing the obstacle is to propose an observational study. In reality, unless there is some variation in practice within the population being studied, a proper observational study cannot be conducted either. No statistical method can generate a meaningful comparison between cases that are truly “apples and oranges.”
Equipoise is typically defined as a genuine uncertainty among clinical experts as to which of 2 treatment choices will be best for the patient. The functional meaning and significance of equipoise depend to some extent on the locus of perception: as one author asked, “whose equipoise is it anyway?.”29 In a classic article, Freedman drew attention to 2 concepts of equipoise that have shaped much subsequent thinking.30 In one sense, equipoise might be considered a lack of consensus judgment within the neurosurgical community, such as between clipping and coiling for intracranial aneurysms, or anterior vs posterior decompression for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Community equipoise is reflected by the observed measure of “variation in practice.” In a second sense, equipoise may be perceived as a specific clinician's perception of 2 treatment choices for a given patient (Freedman's “clinical equipoise”). Freedman's point was that no physician, faced with a specific, real patient, can be poised on an academician's knife-edge of uncertainty, and that recognition of community variation in practice was a more important fact justifying an RCT from an ethical standpoint. Clinician lack of equipoise can be described positively as “expert judgment,” or less positively as “physician bias.” Finally, equipoise at the level of the patient is a third concept not directly addressed by Freedman. Lack of equipoise at this level is termed “patient preference.” All of these are expressions of equipoise, though they are clearly different, distinguishable concepts that have different implications for clinical trial design and conduct.
Pragmatically speaking, any experimental clinical trial comparing treatments requires the existence of sufficient community equipoise to motivate investigators to participate and other physicians to refer prospective patients into the trial centers. An RCT can only be carried out if clinician and patient equipoise exist for at least as many patient/physician pairs as the trial design requires to complete accrual. Typically, clinical and patient equipoise is left entirely to the judgment of the individuals. A recent innovation is the “equipoise panel,” a means to obtain and apply a broader sample of expert opinion. In the SLIP study of spinal fusion, a panel of 10 expert surgeons reviewed each case and provided their opinion as to whether or not equipoise existed for randomization of that individual. After institution of the Equipoise Panel, the proportion of patients agreeing to randomization increased from 40% to 81%.31 Other types of educational or informational interventions might also be appropriate in assisting investigators and patients in their determinations regarding equipoise.
Alternative types of randomization procedures may allow equipoise to be achieved more readily. In expertise-based randomized trials, the expert surgeon is recognized as a key component of the treatment under study, and study surgeons would typically only perform one of the 2 treatments under study.32 Participants are randomized to surgeon, and hence treatment, as a unit. Since the treatment is carried out by a surgeon who is expert in that procedure and believes in its efficacy, equipoise is bypassed for trial physicians, though challenges may remain for the patient. In cluster-based randomization, clusters or groups of participants, such as patients in a particular medical practice or a particular city, are randomly assigned to treatments, that is, all individuals in the cluster receive the same treatment. For both physicians and patients, equipoise is reduced to acceptance of the proffered treatment. Although these alternative approaches to randomization may increase the feasibility of a clinical trial, they may inadvertently introduce bias. Cluster analysis has the drawback that the analysis may be more complex, and within-cluster correlations can lead to reduced statistical power.
Observational studies may exploit variation in routine clinical practice to produce a treatment comparison. The comparison may be based on variation in the treatments assigned by individual physicians, or among groups, such as hospitals or geographic regions. Individual clinician equipoise is not an issue in observational studies, but community equipoise is. Without naturally occurring variation in practice, all patients in the relevant population will receive the same treatment, and no treatment comparison can be done. Although superficially the treatment comparison may resemble that from an RCT using expertise or cluster-based randomization, the assignment is not randomized, and therefore the results from such observational data are vulnerable to selection bias. This bias can be controlled using an approach such as propensity score analysis, providing the drivers for clinical decision making are well understood and have been captured adequately in the observational database.
Community equipoise is also relevant to trial planning to the extent that the trial outcome will be accepted by the neurosurgical community and lead to a consequent change in clinical practice. For a truly novel therapy where there is no prior opinion, one definitive trial can have a major and rapid impact on practice. An example is the phase III trial of temozolomide for glioblastoma, which was followed almost immediately by regulatory approval and rapidly ushered in a new era in management.33 On the other hand, when strong opinion exists within a community on the part of either patients or physicians, even clinical trials with clear answers may fail to influence practice. Examples include the continued performance of vertebroplasty by some interventional radiologists after 2 RCTs had demonstrated that it was not efficacious34 or the failure of a large panel of RCTs to convince certain elements of American society of the safety of mumps, measles, and rubella vaccination.35 From this perspective, community equipoise is critical to all clinical trials, whether formal RCTs, descriptive registry trials, or modern observational trials.
The Human Factor—The Neurosurgical Clinical Research Workforce
Neurosurgeons are under great pressure to perform patient care, whether in the clinic, hospital, or operating room. There is widespread recognition that clinical research is important for continued improvement in evidence-based neurosurgery; however, this does not necessarily translate into protected time or resources for clinical research.36 Practical support from administrators in academic and large private institutions by provision of time, salary support, or other resources, such as access to clinical space, would significantly reduce the barriers to performance of neurosurgical research. Clinical science is a team effort, and it should be recognized that protection of personnel means not only neurosurgeons but also research nurses, information technology experts, and other contributors. Provision of more education and training about clinical research to residents, fellows, junior faculty, and practicing neurosurgeons would significantly increase the pool of individuals who realize that research can be exciting, intriguing, enjoyable, and fulfilling, and who therefore would participate as investigators in research.37
Rapid innovations in technology could greatly change the experience of clinical research and increase participation by the neurosurgery community. User friendly data portals decrease the time burdens of data entry and make participation accessible to more clinicians. Several workshop participants shared their vision of a future in which clinical research was fundamentally integrated into the daily routine of neurosurgical practice, and evidence-based personalized medicine flourished naturally with minimal effort. Some specialties have advanced somewhat more rapidly than neurosurgery into this future. For example, registry participation approaches 98% in thoracic surgery38 and for more than 20 years over 70% of pediatric oncology patients have been entering prospective clinical cancer trials.39 Neurosurgeons could perhaps learn from the experiences of these subspecialties to advance to a more fully participatory “Science of Practice.”
Finally, in all of this, one must not forget the patient. In fact, involving patients at all stages of study design is critical for success of an RCT: patients can guide determinations of question relevance, protocol feasibility, and outcomes of interest. A specific example of this patient involvement is the recent appreciation of the patient-reported outcomes, where patients themselves provide answers to and report on variables related to outcomes. As this type of analysis expands, it would be important for patients and patient advocates to be involved in the design of studies in order to incorporate what is meaningful to them.
RCTs have the highest internal validity, provide the most rigorous demonstration of efficacy, and are established as the most reliable level of evidence for guiding practice. In order for RCTs to be performed more frequently in neurosurgery, one of the barriers which must be overcome is achievement of equipoise. Discussion at this workshop provided clarity and recognition that there is not a “single” equipoise but rather multiple constructs. Several technical approaches such as equipoise panels, expertise-based randomization, and cluster randomization provide tools for dealing with the challenges of equipoise. A future workshop on equipoise might be considered to guide neurosurgical opinion and examine other means of achieving equipoise in randomized studies.
Many neurosurgeons are dissatisfied with the limited external validity of traditional RCTs; they want data relevant to heterogeneous patient populations and practice settings. Effectiveness research provides theoretical constructs and concrete examples of methods for performance of clinical research which addresses “real-world” needs. Registries and other observational databases can serve as a vehicle for effectiveness research, with potential advantages being cost efficiency and minimal burden to participating physicians.
Advances in the application of information technology to surgical practice can lead to a future in which clinical research is firmly embedded into the daily practice of neurosurgery. Data collection will be widespread, detailed, and inclusive, creating extraordinarily rich, ever-evolving databases. Analysis will be ongoing, feeding back relevant recommendations and guidance for best practices to all neurosurgeons, in a manner specific to their particular setting and patients. The routine collection and analysis of patient characteristics, processes of care, and outcomes—inseparable from clinical practice—will guide the evolution and optimization of neurosurgical practice. Information technology can also improve the conduct of RCT.
Traditionally, a very small percentage of physicians have produced the vast majority of new medical knowledge, while the others have served as knowledge consumers. This reliance on a small scientific elite for the generation of novel health care information is giving way to a requirement that all physicians engage in scientific inquiry through the acquisition and analysis of practice data. In the near future, the majority of physicians will work together to collect and analyze clinical data to define specialty-wide standards for health care value, safety, and effectiveness. This will necessitate a new methodology for clinical research based in real-world clinical practice called the “science of practice.”
Three key features define the science of practice: (1) habitual and systematic collection of data, inseparable from clinical activity; (2) analysis of practice data to generate new knowledge; and (3) the application of that knowledge to produce iterative advancement in health care. The science of practice algorithm is a registry-based approach to clinical research. If the registries are designed carefully, the data will support causal inferences about the efficacy and effectiveness of surgical interventions. Steps taken today provide the groundwork for the attainment of this vision.
Recommendations were made for some specific tools that are needed for information technology applications:
Widely accepted and utilized common data elements for neurosurgical indications and procedures.
A unique national patient identifier, which could be used to track an individual across multiple registries and studies while preserving privacy, such as the Global Unique Identifier (GUID; https://fitbir.nih.gov/jsp/contribute/guid-overview.jsp).
Consensus on critical data fields that should be captured and extracted from EHR.
Methods for inclusion of actual digital imaging data rather than reliance on text extracts from radiology reports.
Covariates that determine treatment assignment need to be defined and measured in order to draw causal inferences about treatment.
Inclusion of patients and patient advocates in study design, in order to ensure that outcomes that are meaningful to them are measured.
Neurosurgeons might engage with other communities, such as thoracic surgery, where registry use is more widespread and established, for lessons learned.
The hurdles for data detail, quality, and completeness are extremely high for observational databases meant to successfully support reliable, rigorous effectiveness research. Experience will be required to guide design and implementation of information technologies to support the needs of neurosurgery research. Methods need to be developed for ongoing auditing of submitted data for completeness and accuracy.
Important initiatives that incorporate these principles, such as N2QOD, are already underway.
Timely performance of clinical trials on selected topics would provide another opportunity for experience supporting 2 components of the envisioned “Science of Practice”: (1) design and implementation of a registry which supports a rigorous effectiveness study; and (2) acceptance and incorporation of the results in neurosurgical practice. Therefore, a recommendation was made for a follow-up workshop to focus on specific topics and designs for neurosurgical clinical trials which would include a registry and apply contemporary approaches to observational and effectiveness research.
A second potential meeting might bring together stakehold-ers such as neurosurgeons, professional associations, advocacy groups, insurers, and others to create specific recommendations and means for advancing the vision of a science of practice. Such a meeting would specifically address information technology and creation of a general, inclusive neurosurgery registry.
This workshop was funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. No authors or workshop participants have any personal, financial, or institutional interest in any of the drugs, materials, or devices described in this article.
The authors thank the Workshop Participants*: Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD, University of Illinois College of Medicine; Nicholas Barbaro, Indiana University; Mitchell Berger, MD, University of California San Francisco; Elise Berliner, PhD, Agency for Health Care Research and Quality; Bennett Blumenkopf, MD, University of Pittsburgh; Robert D. Brown Jr., MD, MPH, Mayo Clinic Rochester; Mohammed Bydon, MD, Johns Hopkins University; Robert Califf, MD, Food and Drug Administration; Eddie Chang, MD, University of California San Francisco; Marc Chimowitz, MBChB, Medical University of South Carolina; Sander Connolly MD, Columbia University; Ralph Dacey Jr., MD, Washington University; Constantine Frangakis PhD, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; Robert Friedlander, MD, University of Pittsburgh; Brandy Fureman, PhD, National Institute Neurological Disorders and Stroke; Zoher Ghogawala, MD, Lahey Clinic Boston; Roee Gutman, PhD, Brown University; Robert Holloway, MD, MPH, University of Rochester; Scott Kim, MD, PhD, Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health; Douglas Kondziolka, MD, MSc, New York University; Russell Lonser, MD, Ohio State University; Geoff Manley, MD, PhD, University of California San Francisco; Jeffrey Ojemann, MD, University of Washington; Carlos Pena, PhD, Food and Drug Administration; Richard Platt, MD, MSc, Harvard Medical School; John Sampson, MD, PhD, MBA, MSc, Duke University; Jyme Schafer, MD, MPH, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; Tor D. Tosteson, ScD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth; Barbara Vickrey, MD, MPH, University of California Los Angeles; Benjamin Warf, MD, Harvard Medical School.
This manuscript presents a detailed summary of the findings of a workshop sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The manuscript reflects the current status of clinical investigation in the field of neurosurgery. The focus of the findings by the authors is on the area of effectiveness research. Rather than presenting the results of prior clinical investigations, the authors propose goals and guidelines for future studies. The recommendations are to direct future research in the field of neurosurgery.
The authors correctly point out the enormous difficulty involved in successfully planning and executing randomized clinical trials in neurosurgery. The limitations of randomized clinical trials are well known to every neurosurgeon. Upon completion, we are not infrequently left with more questions than answers regarding “best approaches” to clinical care. The authors therefore offer methods in which observational studies might be more realistically and successfully completed in order to advance the field of neurosurgery. Most importantly, the authors propose the requirements for the rigorous demonstration of effectiveness from observational data. These guidelines are essential information for clinical investigations who wish to perform effectiveness research using current observational trials.
The barriers to randomized clinical trials in our field are greater now than ever before. Given the challenges of achieving clinical equipoise in the vast majority of neurosurgical trials, the authors conclude that clinical registries are a far more pragmatic approach to answering the questions necessary to appropriately guide practice in neurosurgery. The time is past where a very small percentage of surgeons produce the majority of new medical knowledge. As the authors correctly conclude, “In the near future, the majority of physicians will work together to collect and analyze clinical data to define specialty-wide standards for health care value, safety and effectiveness.”
Peter Gerszten
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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