Subsynaptic Distribution of α1bARs and D1Rs. (A) The mean percent (+/− SEM) of intracellular immunogold particles representing α1bARs in the NAc core and shell. *p<0.001 when comparing the mean percent intracellular immunogold particles to PMB particles on dendrites in both the core and shell; for axon terminals in the shell only. #p<0.01 when comparing the mean percent of intracellular to PMB gold particles in unmyelinated axons. Total number of elements examined containing only α1bAR immunogold: 69 dendrites (core), 52 (shell); 12 spines (core), 10 (shell); 189 unmyelinated axons (core), 141 (shell); 48 axon terminals (core), 50 (shell); 10 glial elements (core), 12 (shell). (B) The mean percent (+/− SEM) of intracellular immunogold particles representing D1Rs in the NAc core and shell. Total number of elements examined containing only D1R immunogold: 252 dendrites (core), 229 (shell); 76 spines (core), 56 (shell); 137 unmyelinated axons (core), 139 (shell); 21 axon terminals (core), 33 (shell); 3 glial elements (core), 4 (shell). (C) Mean percent (+/−SEM) of intracellular immunogold particles representing the α1bAR in single (Non-D1R) vs. double labeled elements (D1R) in the NAc shell; *p<0.05 when comparing intracellular immunogold particles for α1bAR in Non-D1R vs. D1R-containing elements. Total number of elements examined containing both α1bAR immunogold and D1R immunoperoxidase in the NAc shell: 77 dendrites; 12 spines; 21 unmyelinated axons; 17 axon terminals. (D) Mean percent (+/−SEM) of intracellular immunogold particles representing the D1R in single (Non-α1bAR) vs. double labeled elements (α1bAR) in the NAc shell; *p<0.01 when comparing intracellular immunogold particles for D1R in Non-α1bAR vs. α1bAR -containing elements. Total number of elements examined containing both D1R immunogold and α1bAR peroxidase in the NAc shell: 47 dendrites; 2 spines; 13 unmyelinated axons; 2 axon terminals.