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. 2018 Jan 23;9(12):10765–10783. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24297

Table 3. Plasma and tumor Se levels achieved with oral aministration of 0.2gm/day MSC or SLM; correlation with “cure”, and tumor SN38 concentrations in A253, and FaDU xengrafts treated with irinotecan, 100 mg/kg/wkx4.

Se (0.2 mg) Plasma Cmax (μM) Tumor Se (nmol/gm) “Cures” (%) SN38 (nmol/gm)
A253 FaDU A253 FaDU A253 FaDU
MSC 15 16 22 60 100 13.1 29.4
SLM 48 80 100 60 100 ND ND