Table 8.
Effects of Neuromodulator Therapies on Cough in LCQ and CQLQ
Study | Change in LCQ From Baseline |
Change in CQLQ From Baseline |
MID and Comments |
Jeyakumar et al,22 2006 | NA | Amitriptyline: 24.53; guaifenesin-codeine: 2.92 (Note: Wang Gang estimated the scores according to Fig 1 provided by the author) | MID based on 2 methods: GRCS (10.58 ± 10.63) and Punum Ladder (21.89 ± 15.38]).37 |
Morice et al,25 2007 | LCQ: morphine, 3.2; placebo, 1.2 Subdomains in LCQ (95% CI): physical, –1.1 to –4.3; psychological, –1.1 to –3.9; social, –1.7 to –3.0 |
NA | MID in LCQ is 1.3 ± 3.2 and MID for subdomains in LCQ is 0.2 ± 0.8 in physical, 0.8 ± 1.5 in psychological, and 0.2 ± 1.1 in social.38 |
Ryan et al,34 2012 | LCQ: gabapentin, 2.5; placebo, 1.1 |
CQLQ = cough-specific quality-of-life questionnaire; GRCS = Global Rating of Change Scale; LCQ = Leicester Cough Questionnaire; MID = minimum important difference. See Table 2 legend for expansion of other abbreviation.