Fig. 4.
Ancestral character state reconstruction in the Phyllachorales based on the Bayesian tree. All analyses are based on maximum likelihood reconstruction with asymmetrical two-parameter (a, c, d) or Mk1 (b) models. The characteristics considered were: a. Host plant (possible states are monocotyledonous or eudicotyledonous host plant); b. position of the perithecia in the leaves (immersed, erumpent, subcuticular, or superficial); c. presence or absence of clypeus; d. colour of the stroma (black or brightly coloured). Relative likelihood probabilities for each character state are represented with a pie chart at the nodes. Squares denote supported nodes for which posterior probabilities and bootstrap values are presented in Fig. 3. Coloured asterisks near pies indicate that the corresponding state is judged best according to the threshold.