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. 2017 Oct 23;113(3):545–563. doi: 10.1111/add.14012

Table 1.

Characteristics and risk of bias of included studies.

Author Design Sex Age (years) n HCV/ 100 py New HC/py Interventions Effect estimate Confounders included in analysis Risk of bias
Aitken, 2015 55 Australia Cohort 31.7% 29.4 (median) 98 8.6 17/196 OST current Use of OST in last month HR 0.8 (0.3–2.0) C
Bruneau, 2015 [Bruneau unpublished] Canada Cohort NA 37.4% < 30 285 17.3 102/589.35 OST current use of OST in last 6 months 3 HR 0.74 (0.47–1.16) AOR = 0.74 (0.47–1.16) Years injecting, numbers of injection in past month S
NSP (high; high NSP (>100% coverage) HR 0.77 (0.5–1.19) AOR = 0.7 (0.45–1.09) Years injecting, numbers of injection in past month
Combined NSP/OST OST in last 6 months and high (> 100% coverage) HR 0.63 (0.37–1.07) AOR = 0.59 (0.35–1.01) Years injecting, numbers of injection in past month
OST othera (high dose ≥ 60 mg) HR 0.37 (0.17–0.8) AOR = 0.39 (0.18–0.86) Years injecting, numbers of injection in past month
OST othera (low dose < 60 mg) HR 1.15 (0.7–1.89) AOR = 1.06 (0.64–1.77) Years injecting, numbers of injection in past month
Craine, 2009 24 Wales Cohort 29.0% 27.2 (mean) 286 5.9 17/287.33 OST current
In OST at interview
IRR 0.27 (0.095–0.77) AOR = 0.34 (0.12–0.99) Region, homelessness, sharing equipment, sharing needles (all in last 12 months)
Crofts, 1997 25 Australia Cohort* 41.9% 29.2 (mean) 73 22.2 13/85.4 OST current Continuous OST during follow‐up IRR 1.8 (0.37–4.77) S
OST othera (interrupted use) IRR 0.66 (0.55–0.79)
Hagan, 1995 26 USA Case–control 45.0% 24% < 25 46 20/NA NSP (low)a
Ever used NSP
OR 0.12 (0.026–0.55) AOR = 0.14 (0.03–0.62) Sex, age, ethnicity, and duration of injection S
Hagan, 1999 27 USA Cohort 38.0% 19% < 25 187 20.8 26/209 NSP (high)
current regular NSP use
RR 1.42 (0.64–3.13) AOR = 1.31 (0.79–2.2) Onset of injection < 1 year from baseline interview, sharing at baseline S
NSP (low)a 1.72 (0.71–4.19) AOR = 2.59 (0.79–8.5) Onset of injection < 1 year from baseline interview, sharing at baseline
Holtzman, 2009 28 USA Cohort 38.0% 28% < 21 1288 139/NA NSP (low)a
NSP use in the last 6 months
OR 1.22 (0.86–1.74) AOR = 1.49 (0.96–2.29) Duration of injection, shared needles/ paraphernalia; daily injecting; injecting with others S
Hope, 2011 29 UK Cross‐sectional 23.0% 17% < 25 119 40 14/35 NSP alone (high); high NSP (≥ 100% coverage IRR 0.11 (0.024–0.53) S
NSP/OST combined
OST in last 6 months and high (> 100% coverage)
IRR 0.17 (0.12–1.54)
NSP/OST combined
OST in last 6 months and low (< 100% coverage)
IRR 1.08 (0.31–3.82)
Hope, 2015 [Hope (unpublished)] UK Cross‐sectional 25.0% 919 9.9 30.3 OST current OR S
Use of OST in last 4 weeks
Birmingham: 1.55 (0.14–17.4)
Bristol: 0.24 (0.05–1.16)
Leeds 1.31 (0.08–21.5)
NSP high NSP coverage (≥ 100% coverage) (low NSP, no OST) OR
Bristol: 0.99 (0.21–4.59)
Leeds: 0.73 (0.04–11.98)
Birmingham: 0.55 (0.05–6.26)
Judd, 2015 [Judd (unpublished)] UK Cohort 29.0% 27.4 149 42 49/116.7 OST current
Use of methadone in last 6 months
RR 0.47 (0.16–1.33)
AOR = 0.49 (0.17–1.47)
Duration and frequency of injecting C
Lucidarme, 2004 30 France Cohort 17.6% 26.9 (mean) 165 11 16/178.4 OST current
No definition
RR 0.34 (0.11–0.99)
AOR = 0.41 (0.12–1.4)
Sex, geographical region, condom use, daily injection of cocaine, duration of injecting, sharing paraphernalia (cotton, cup, water) S
Maher, 2015 [Maher (unpublished)] Australia Cohort 38.0% 24 (median) 368 24.9 53/212.86 OST current
OST in last 6 months
HR 0.43 (0.24–0.75) AOR = 0.46 (0.25–0.84) Duration and frequency of injecting S
NSP (low)a HR 1.86 (1.05–3.28) AOR = 0.15 (0.88–2.78) Duration and frequency of injecting
Mehta, 2015 [Mehta (unpublished)] USA Cohort 34 (median) 324 17.8 27/166.5 OST current
OST in last 6 months
IRR 0.6 (0.14–2.51) AOR = 0.82 (0.19–3.54) Years injecting, daily injection, age (for whole cohort) N/I
NSP (low)a IRR 1.38 (0.17–11.5) AOR = 0.76 (0.1–5.67) Years injecting, daily injection, age (for whole cohort)
Nolan, 2014 31 Canada Cohort 30.4% 23–34 1004 6.32 184/2108.4 OST current
MMT in last 6 months
OR 0.67 (0.45–0.99) AOR = 0.47 (0.29–0.76) Unstable housing, cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine injection, cohort and year of recruitment, follow‐up time S
Page, 2015 [Page (unpublished)]USA Cohort 21.7% 33.7 (mean) 552 25.1 171/681.3 NSP (low)a
NSP use in the last 3 months
HR 2.82 (1.84–4.34) AOR = 2.62 (1.71–4.02) Years injecting, age, sex, race, homeless, and recent jail N/I
Palmateer, 2014 32 Cross‐sectional 27.5% 34 (mean) 2788 7.3 392/602.7 OST current; OST at time of survey; low NSP (< 200%) OR 0.51 (0.29–0.9) AOR = 0.52 (0.23–1.18) Survey year, homelessness or stimulant injection in last 6 months, time since onset of injecting S
Scotland NSP (high)
high NSP (> 200%) coverage and not on OST;
OR 0.26 (0.08–0.88) AOR = 0.18 (0.04–0.87) Survey year, homelessness in last 6 months, stimulant injection in last 6 months, time since onset of injecting
OST/NSP combined;
high NSP (> 200%) coverage
OR 0.24 (0.1–0.6) AOR = 0.05 (0.01–0.18) Survey year, homelessness in last 6 months, stimulant injection in last 6 months, time since onset of injecting
OST/NSP combined;
low NSP (< 200%) coverage
OR 0.48(0.27–0.95) AOR = 0.59 (0.26–1.35) Survey year, homelessness in last 6 months, stimulant injection in last 6 months, time since onset of injecting
Patrick, 2001 33 Canada Cohort 30.3% 34 (median) 155 29.1 62/207.95 NSP (high)
Attendance at least 1 per week at NSP in last 6 months
HR 3.69 (2.12–6.43) AOR = 2.56 (1.37–6.79) Sex, injection of cocaine or speedballs, frequency of injection S
Rezza, 1996 34 Italy Case–control 2.8% 21% > 28 106 28.6 21/73.4 OST current
OST in last 6 months
OR AOR = 0.34 (0.10–1.11) Female gender, age, duration of drug use, injection of cocaine C
Ruan, 2007 36 China Cohort 44% < 28 86 33.0 47/258 OST othera
Ever used OST
RR 0.5 (0.2–1.3) C
Roy, 2007 35 Canada Cross‐sectional 27.0% 31.8 (mean) 359 27.1 94/267 NSP (low)a
Use of NSP in last 6 months
HR 3.02 (95% CI NA) Age, injection experience, injection with used needle, drug most often injected, sex work, district of recruitment C
Spittal, 2012 37 Canada Cohort 53.4% 23 (median) 148 11.6 45/338.6 OST current
In OST at time of survey (yes/no)
HR 2.11 (0.83–5.37) S
Thiede, 2000 38 Cohort 48.9% 5.4% < 25 80 8.75 7/80 OST current
Continuous use during follow‐ up
OR 0.3 (0.01–3.6) AOR = 0.4 (0.0–4.2) Injected at follow‐up, pooled money to buy drugs, injected with used needles, backloading M
USA OST othera
Interrupted left treatment at least 1 during follow up
OR 0.8 (0.01–3.6) AOR = 1.2 (0.2–7.3) Injected at follow‐up, pooled money to buy drugs, injected with used needles, backloading
Thorpe, 2002 39 USA Cohort 39.7% 52% 18–22 years 353 10 29/327.2 NSP (low)a
Use of NSP in last 6 months
HR 1.29 (0.6–2.79 Receptively sharing syringes, sharing cookers, cotton filters, rinse water or backloading S
Tsui, 2014 40 USA Cohort 31.9% 16% 15–18 552 25.1 145/680 OST current and other
Opiate agonist therapy maintenance treatment in last 3 months;
HR 0.31 (0.14–0.65) AOR = 0.39 (0.18–0.87) Age, duration of injection drug use, sex, ethnicity, homelessness or incarceration in past 3 months M
OST othera Opiate agonist detoxification in last 3 months HR 1.45 (0.8–2.69) Age, duration of injection drug use, sex, ethnicity, homelessness or incarceration in past 3 months
Vallejo, 2015 41 Spain Cohort 27.3% 40% ≥ 25 137 39.8 42/105.4 OST othera
Life‐time use of OST
IRR 0.9 (0.5–1.6) S
Van Den Berg, 2007 12 Cohort 33.0% 31.4 (median) 168 6.78 57/598.56 OST current;
OST ≥ 60 mg methadone daily
IRR 0.67 (0.39–1.13) S
Netherlands NSP alone; High NSP (100% coverage) IRR 0.62 (0.3–1.3)
Combined OST/NSP high NSP RR 0.15 (0.05–6‐0.4) AOR = 0.36 (0.13–1.03) Duration of injection, HIV status of steady partner
Combined OST/NSP low NSP RR 1.04 (0.53–2.05) AOR = 1.17 (0.59–2.31) Duration of injection, HIV status of steady partner
OST othera (high dose) RR 0.68 (0.39–1.13)
OST othera (low dose) RR 0.58 (0.3–1.15)
Van Beek, 1998 42 Australia Cohort* 55.9% 61.5% < 20 152 20.9 26/148.2 OST othera
Ever used OST (yes/no)
OR 1.08 (0.37–3.17) C
White, 2014 43 Australia Cohort 25.0% 27 (median) 127 7.9 20/215.2 OST: OST last 6 months HR Heroin users 0.65 (0.15–2.94) AOR = 0.56 (0.12–2.56)
Amphetamine users 0.14 (0.04–0.51) AOR = 0.51(0.18–0.04)
Sex, ethnic background, age, daily or more frequent injecting, receptive syringe sharing and not receiving OST while reporting heroin or other opioids as the main drug injected S
White, 2014 43 Australia NSP (low)a Accessed NSP in last 6 months; HR 1.0 (0.36–2.86)

HR = hazard ratio; OR = odds ratio; AOR = adjusted odds ratio; RR = risk ratio; IRR = incident rate ratio; HCV = hepatitis C virus; OST = opioid substitution therapy; py = person‐years; NSP = needle and syringe programme; NA = not available.


Not reported in the primary analysis. Risk of bias: C = critical; S = serious; M = moderate; L = low; N/I = no information. HCV incidence for cross‐sectional surveys calculated as I = [(365/T)n]/[(N–n) + (365/T)n], where I = Incidence, T = estimated mean duration of the HCV antibody‐negative/RNA‐positive ‘window period’ = 75 days, n = number of HCV incident infections (HCV antibody‐negative and HCV RNA‐positive) and N = number of susceptibles (HCV antibody‐negative); NA = not available.


Signifies retrospective follow‐up.