Table 2.
Predicting age-specific log shares ever married and log shares currently married (per 1,000 age-specific population) with the boll weevil indicator using county-level data disaggregated by racial group and age: Census and USDA data
Ever Married
Currently Married
Black | White | Black – White | Black | White | Black – White | |
M1 | M2 | M3 | M4 | M5 | M6 | |
Boll Weevil Infestation | ||||||
Ages 15–19 | −.056 | −.013 | −.044 | −.052 | −.009 | −.042 |
(.018) | (.012) | (.021) | (.019) | (.012) | (.022) | |
Ages 20–29 | −.037 | −.004 | −.033 | −.037 | −.004 | −.034 |
(.009) | (.003) | (.009) | (.010) | (.003) | (.010) | |
Ages 30–39 | −.001 | −.002 | .001 | .003 | −.003 | .006 |
(.008) | (.002) | (.009) | (.009) | (.002) | (.010) | |
Ages 40–49 | −.001 | −.002 | .002 | .003 | −.004 | .007 |
(.010) | (.001) | (.010) | (.011) | (.002) | (.011) | |
Ages 50+ | −.007 | −.002 | −.005 | −.005 | −.006 | .001 |
(.006) | (.002) | (.006) | (.010) | (.003) | (.010) | |
County Fixed Effects | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Year Fixed Effects | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Covariates | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Notes: The sample includes all southern counties that experienced the boll weevil infestation, excluding Oklahoma counties. Standard errors, clustered by county, are shown in parentheses. County covariates include male-to-female population ratios for ages 15–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, and 50+, calculated separately for each racial group, population density, and linear and quadratic time trends interacted with the 1889 cotton share of improved farm acres. The intercept is included but suppressed from the output. The sample size varies by group given that some age-by-race-by-county-by-year cells are empty. N range = 3,255–3,480 for white shares and 3,255–3,403 for black shares.