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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health logoLink to International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
. 2018 Feb 8;15(2):294. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15020294

Disease and Economic Burden of Hospitalizations Attributable to Diabetes Mellitus and Its Complications: A Nationwide Study in Brazil

Michelle Quarti Machado Rosa 1,*, Roger dos Santos Rosa 2, Marcelo G Correia 3, Denizar V Araujo 1, Luciana R Bahia 1, Cristiana M Toscano 4
PMCID: PMC5858363  PMID: 29419786


Diabetes is associated with a significant burden globally. The costs of diabetes-related hospitalizations are unknown in most developing countries. The aim of this study was to estimate the total number and economic burden of hospitalizations attributable to diabetes mellitus (DM) and its complications in adults from the perspective of the Brazilian Public Health System in 2014. Data sources included the National Health Survey (NHS) and National database of Hospitalizations (SIH). We considered diabetes, its microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy) and macrovascular complications (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral arterial disease), respiratory and urinary tract infections, as well as selected cancers. Assuming that DM patients are hospitalized for these conditions more frequently that non-DM individuals, we estimated the etiological fraction of each condition related to DM, using the attributable risk methodology. We present number, average cost per case, and overall costs of hospitalizations attributable to DM in Brazil in 2014, stratified by condition, state of the country, gender and age group. In 2014, a total of 313,273 hospitalizations due to diabetes in adults were reported in Brazil (4.6% of total adult hospitalization), totaling (international dollar) Int$264.9 million. The average cost of an adult hospitalization due to diabetes was Int$845, 19% higher than hospitalization without DM. Hospitalizations due to cardiovascular diseases related to diabetes accounted for the higher proportion of costs (47.9%), followed by microvascular complications (25.4%) and DM per se (18.1%). Understanding the costs of diabetes and its major complications is crucial to raise awareness and to support the decision-making process on policy implementation, also allowing the assessment of prevention and control strategies.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, cost and cost analysis, hospitalization, inpatients, health care expenditure, cardiovascular disease, chronic non-communicable disease

1. Introduction

Non-communicable diseases (NCD) are the leading cause of disability and mortality globally, being responsible for 39.5 million deaths in 2015 [1]. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the four major NCDs, together with cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases [2]. Diabetes prevalence is rising, representing a growing challenge to public health. A total of 415 million people were estimated to be diagnosed with diabetes worldwide in 2015, and it is expected that this number will rise to 642 million by 2040 [3]. One study demonstrated worldwide prevalence trends increasing from 4.3 to 9.0% in men, and from 5.0 to 7.9% in women from 1980 to 2014, with steeper increase in low and middle-income countries [4]. Brazil ranks fourth in the world in number of individuals with diabetes [4]. The 2013 Brazilian National Health Survey (NHS) demonstrated self-reported prevalence of diabetes of 6.2% in the population aged 18 years or older, reaching 19.9% in those aged 65–74 years [5]. This prevalence is certainly underestimated given other previous Brazilian studies with laboratory confirmation, which have shown that approximately half of individuals with diabetes were unaware of the diagnosis [6,7].

Studies have demonstrated that people with diabetes are at higher risk of hospitalization [8,9,10,11] and readmission than people without diabetes [12,13]. The diabetes economic burden is significant and is expected to increase over time. Global health expenditures related to diabetes and its complications were estimated at $673 billion in 2015 [3]. Such costs represent a significant portion of national health expenditures, varying from 2.5 to 15% by country, depending on availability and access to healthcare services [14].

In the early 2000s, Brazil initiated a series of strategies aiming at increasing access of the population with diabetes and hypertension to healthcare services [15] and providing early diagnosis for diabetes through a national population-based screening program [16,17]. Later, a National Strategic Plan for chronic NCD was developed and implemented [18]. This plan, in accordance to the World Bank and the International Diabetes Federation, recommends countries conduct national studies of cost of illness and economic burden of diabetes [3].

Healthcare in Brazil is provided by both public and private sectors. Public healthcare services are provided by the National Unified Health System (SUS), which offers, free of charge, universal health access covering about 75% of the population in the country [19].

Demographic, epidemiological and nutritional transition processes, urbanization and economic and social growth contribute to the greater risk of developing chronic NCD. Diabetes, stroke, myocardial infarction, hypertension, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases account for about 80% of deaths in Brazil, reaching heavily poor sections of the population and more vulnerable groups, such as the population with low schooling and income [18].

The full economic burden of diabetes in Brazil is still unknown. Hospitalization costs associated with diabetes and its complications are reported to be the most significant portion of direct medical costs. In this study, we estimated the number of hospitalizations due to DM and its complications and their economic burden in Brazil.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Design, Site and Population

We estimated the number of hospitalization due to DM and its complications in 2014 in Brazil, as well as its costs. We considered hospitalizations occurring in adults aged 20 years and older in all 27 states in the country, through SUS.

2.2. Ethics Approval

The Ethics Committee of Federal University of Goias in Goiania, Brazil, granted ethical approval for this investigation in October 2014 (# 852808). Considering we used secondary publicly available data, with no personal identifiers, the Institutional Research Board (IRB) waived written individual consent.

2.3. Data Sources

2.3.1. Diabetes Prevalence

The prevalence of self-reported diabetes was obtained from the 2013 NHS [5], stratified by gender, age groups and state within the country. The original NHS database was analyzed and estimates of self-reported diabetes prevalence were generated considering a positive response of surveyed individuals to question Q030 “Has any doctor ever given a diagnosis of diabetes?”, excluding individuals reporting diagnosis of gestational DM (as responded in a different question of the survey). Evidence suggests that self-report of a physician’s diagnosis of diabetes is a good estimate of diagnosed diabetes [20].

As individuals with diabetes who are unaware of the disease may also be hospitalized due to diabetes or its complications, we considered the prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes for this study. To account for undiagnosed diabetes, the prevalence of self-reported diabetes was multiplied by a factor of 2, based on recent evidence from the Brazilian literature, indicating that half of the individuals with diabetes diagnosis by laboratory confirmation were unaware of their disease [7]. This strategy has been applied by other authors for the estimation of diabetes disease burden [21].

2.3.2. Hospitalization and Cost Data

All hospitalizations occurring nationwide in SUS are recorded in a National Hospitalization Information System (SIH), which includes information on hospital admissions and discharges and its costs to the SUS. We obtained raw hospitalization data from SIH-SUS, without personal identification information, which are publicly available online [22].

A standardized hospital admission form (AIH) reports the main hospitalization diagnosis. We considered two types of AIH: AIH-1 (conventional hospitalization authorization) for the estimates of diabetes hospitalizations, and AIH-5 (long-term hospitalization authorization) considered in addition to AIH-1 for economic burden estimates.

International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, 10th revision (ICD10) codes [23] assigned for admission diagnoses of all hospitalized patients are recorded in the SIH. The databases were extracted in October/2016, and the following variables were considered: type of AIH, state of residence, sex, age group, date of admission, admission diagnosis, and cost of hospitalization. The data were extracted and analyzed in Microsoft Excel(R) Office Excel (R) 2007 (12.0.4518.1014) MSO (12.0.4518.1014) spreadsheets.

2.3.3. Population Data

Considering 2014 as the base year for this cost analysis, population estimates for 2014, by age group, and gender for each state were obtained from the National Institute of Geography and Statistics. The total adult population (20 years and older) in 2014 was estimated at 137,640,060 inhabitants [24]. The age groups were divided in 5-year strata from the age of 20. Standardized hospitalization rates adjusted by gender and age group were calculated using direct standardization method.

2.4. Outcomes of Interest

We considered hospitalizations due to diabetes and its complications. Complications included microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy), macrovascular (coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral arterial disease), respiratory and urinary tract infections, as well as selected cancers. Hospitalizations for DM in pregnancy (ICD-10 O24) were excluded.

Hospitalizations were thus categorized into two groups: (1) those in which the main diagnosis was reported as diabetes and coded as ICD10 E10 to E14; (2) those in which the main diagnosis was reported as any chronic complication of DM and related diseases, including infectious and neoplastic diseases for which DM is considered to be an important risk factor. The list of diagnosis included in this second group was adapted from the one considered by the American Diabetes Association’s study of economic costs of diabetes in the US [25], and included 66 diagnosis as coded by ICD-10 three-digit codes (Supplementary Table S1).

2.5. Relative Risks

For each and all chronic complications of DM and related conditions considered, we obtained individual relative risks of hospitalization for people with diabetes compared to those without the disease. Relative risk estimates for each diagnosis were obtained through systematic literature reviews (Supplementary Table S1).

2.6. Data Analysis

2.6.1. Burden of Hospitalizations Attributed to Diabetes and Its Complications

Except for hospitalizations in which the main diagnosis was reported as DM, the proportion of hospitalizations due to DM was estimated using the attributable risk methodology. This method considers that diabetic patients use healthcare services more than non-diabetics and that a portion of the care associated with such medical care can be attributed to diabetes. The risk of presenting a particular medical condition, according to the presence or absence of DM, and the proportion of the population with the disease are combined to calculate the etiological fraction.

The etiological fraction for each of the 66 conditions considered were calculated using the following formula:

RAPI = [P × (iRR − 1)]/[P × (iRR − 1) + 1], (1)

where RAPI is the fraction of risk attributable to the population for the medical condition “i” due to diabetes, P represents the prevalence rate of diabetes in each state by gender and age group, and iRR is the relative risk of hospitalization for people with diabetes compared to those without the disease.

A total of 702 demographic strata were generated, resulting from a combination of 2 sex categories, 13 age categories (i.e., 20–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79 and 80+ years), and 27 states. The number of hospitalizations for each of the conditions considered, by each of these 702 demographic strata (sex, age group, and state) was obtained.

Specific etiological fractions were then applied to the number of hospitalizations obtained for each of the 702 demographic strata, resulting in 46,332 estimates (66 ICD-10 codes multiplied by 702 demographic strata) of the proportion of hospitalizations attributable to DM.

Results were further grouped in four age groups (20–44, 45–64, 65–74 and 75+ years old), and are reported by sex, age group and main diagnosis. Diagnosis groups considered for reporting results are DM, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, eye disease, neurological disease, infectious disease, and neoplasms.

Proportion of hospitalization and population hospitalization rates (per 10,000 population aged 20 years and older) are reported, comparing overall hospitalizations and those due to diabetes.

2.6.2. Direct Medical Costs Attributed to Diabetes and Its Complications

Economic burden analysis considered the SUS perspective as payer. A top-down costing methodology was used considering on the combination of prevalence and relative risks [26]. This methodology allocates to diabetes a portion of the total expenditures of hospitalizations (for several conditions) that could be due to the diabetes, based on the estimate of the proportion of total services consumed by individuals with the disease [27,28] as described above.

Hospitalization charges are based on Diagnostic Related Groups (DRG), with addition of values resulting from on intensive care unit (ICU) stay, certain special medications, prostheses and other selected materials. In addition to these direct medical costs, which include hospital stay, staff, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, materials and drugs, non-medical costs for hospital stay of a parent or caregiver accompanying the hospitalized individual is also included. Reimbursed values by cost items are standardized nationwide based on SUS own price list [29].

Monetary values were obtained in Brazilian reais (R$) and then converted to international dollars (Int$) considering the purchasing power parity (PPP) (conversion factor 1.748) [30].

Total hospitalization costs and average cost per hospitalization, by diagnostic groups, and by specific hospitalization cause are presented, comparing all hospitalizations and those attributed to diabetes. Costs are further presented stratified by gender and age group.

3. Results

We considered the national prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes as 12.4%, varying by age group and state (Supplementary Table S2). As such, we estimated that 17,320,339 adult individuals in the country would have diabetes.

A total of 11.3 million hospitalizations were registered in 2014 in the SIH/SUS, of which 8,629,004 million (76.2%) were adults (20 or more years). Of these adult hospitalizations, 284,675 received an authorization for prolonged stay (AIH-5).

In 2014, an estimated 313,273 hospitalizations due to diabetes occurred in Brazil, corresponding to 3.6% of total hospitalizations and representing a hospitalization rate of 22.8/10,000 adults. Excluding hospitalizations for pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, hospitalizations attributable to diabetes represent 4.6% of total adult hospitalization in Brazil in 2014.

Among these, DM per se (ICD-10 codes E10–E14) accounted for 41.9% of hospitalizations, followed by cardiovascular diseases attributable to diabetes (26.5%) (Table 1). The population hospitalization rates increased from 3.5 and 3.8/10,000 adults for men and women, respectively, aged 20–44 years to 146.0 and 133.3 for the age group of 75 and over. Women were hospitalized more than men when considering both absolute number and crude hospitalization rate. However, when considering age-standardized rates, these are higher for men (23.9/10,000 population) when compared to women (21.9/10,000 population). While the average cost of a hospitalization of an adult individual was Int$709 in 2014, the average cost of a hospitalization due to diabetes and related diseases was 19% higher, reaching Int$845. Among the hospitalizations due to diabetes, hospitalizations due to kidney (Int$1602) and cardiovascular (Int$1529) diseases were the ones with higher average cost, and hospitalizations due to diabetes had the lower average cost (Int$364). Average hospitalization cost was significantly higher in men in all age groups and for all diagnosis groups, except for selected neoplasms, probably because of breast cancer costs included in this group (Table 2).

Table 1.

Number and rates of hospitalization due to diabetes and related conditions, by age-group and sex, Unified Health System (SUS), Brazil, 2014.

Age Groups (Years)
Diabetes and Related Conditions 20–44 45–64 65–74 75+ Total
(n) (n) (n) (n) (n)
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women All
Diabetes Mellitus 8898 10,243 25,991 27,141 14,014 17,689 10,465 16,931 59,368 72,004 131,372
Attributed to diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease * 1588 1683 14,527 12,046 14,482 13,536 10,683 14,412 41,281 41,678 82,958
Kidney Disease 1017 1170 4066 3385 3750 2844 3475 2852 12,308 10,251 22,559
Eye Disease 315 216 2417 2885 3400 5326 2333 3922 8465 12,349 20,814
Neurological Disease ** 1668 976 6200 4561 4165 3268 2820 3050 14,853 11,855 26,708
Infectious Disease *** 564 685 1847 1866 2547 2614 4405 5846 9362 11,011 20,373
Neoplasms **** 104 439 1105 2332 1016 1865 542 1085 2767 5721 8488
Total ***** 14,154 15,412 56,154 54,217 43,374 47,142 34,723 48,098 148,404 164,869 313,273
Crude Rate/10,000 population 3.5 3.8 28.4 25.4 101.6 90.1 146.0 133.3 22.2 23.3 22.8
Age adjusted Rate/10,000 population 23.9 21.9

* Coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease; ** Diagnoses related to diabetic neuropathy; *** Urinary and respiratory infections; **** Breast, endometrial, pancreas, colorectal, hepatocarcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma. ***** Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Table 2.

Average hospitalization cost (Int$) due to diabetes and related conditions by age-group and sex, SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Age Groups (Years)
Diabetes and Related Conditions 20–44 45–64 65–74 75+ Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women All
Diabetes Mellitus 551 516 355 319 360 321 340 324 383 349 364
Attributed to diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease * 1245 916 1960 1469 1908 1478 1364 1036 1760 1300 1529
Kidney Disease 3393 2543 2292 1909 1400 1189 823 853 1696 1488 1602
Eye Disease 1324 1206 917 750 627 525 497 455 700 567 621
Neurological Disease ** 545 486 653 595 745 691 807 769 696 657 679
Infectious Disease *** 578 435 669 607 681 635 615 620 642 610 624
Neoplasms **** 1054 1146 1135 1214 1250 1230 1233 1214 1194 1214 1207
Total ***** 855 736 994 768 1065 808 801 664 956 746 845

* Coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease; ** Diagnoses related to diabetic neuropathy; *** Urinary and respiratory infections; **** Breast, endometrial, pancreas, colorectal, hepatocarcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma. ***** Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Total costs for adult hospitalization in the SUS in 2014 were approximately Int$6.1 billion. Admissions due to diabetes and related conditions reached Int$264.9 million, representing 4.3% of total hospitalization costs. After excluding hospitalizations for pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, this proportion increased to 4.8%. Diabetes mellitus per se accounted for only 18.1% of total costs attributable to hospitalization due to diabetes and related conditions, with cardiovascular diseases attributable to diabetes (47.9%) accounting for the higher proportion of overall costs. Total hospitalization costs were significantly higher in men from 20–74 years. The reverse was observed in the age group of 75 years and older (Table 3).

Table 3.

Total hospitalization cost (in 000 Int$) due to diabetes and related conditions by age group and sex, SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Age Groups (Years)
Diabetes and Related Conditions 20–44 45–64 65–74 75+ Total
Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women Men Women All
Diabetes Mellitus 4906.8 5287.7 9231.7 8650.5 5050.5 5684.6 3559.1 5489.5 22,747.9 25,112.4 47,860.3
Attributed to diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease * 1977.4 1540.9 28,480.1 17,698.6 27,636.5 20,006.1 14,573.2 14,934.9 72,667.3 54,180.5 126,847.8
Kidney Disease 3449.4 2975.7 9320.8 6461.9 5250.6 3380.8 2859.6 2432.4 20,880.3 15,250.9 36,131.2
Eye Disease 416.9 260.7 2217.3 2162.8 2133.3 2798.2 1159.3 1782.6 5926.8 7004.3 12,931.1
Neurological Disease ** 909.6 475.0 4049.4 2713.4 3101.1 2258.1 2276.1 2346.6 10,336.2 7793.1 18,129.3
Infectious Disease *** 325.6 298.0 1236.4 1132.6 1734.8 1660.2 2709.9 3624.1 6006.7 6714.9 12,721.6
Neoplasms **** 109.7 502.4 1254.6 2831.1 1270.1 2292.8 668.2 1317.9 3302.4 6944.2 10,246.6
Total ***** 12,095.4 11,340.6 55,790.3 41,650.9 46,176.9 38,080.8 27,805.4 31,928 141,867.8 123,000.3 264,867.9

* Coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease; ** Diagnoses related to diabetic neuropathy; *** Urinary and respiratory infections; **** Breast, endometrial, pancreas, colorectal, hepatocarcinoma, cholangiocarcinoma. ***** Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Among the hospitalizations with the main diagnosis reported as DM, the number of hospitalizations (52.5%), and total costs (46.2%) related to unspecified DM ICD-10 code E14) were the most observed, despite presenting the lower average hospitalization cost. The second most relevant cause of hospitalization in this group was insulin-dependent hospitalizations (ICD-10 E10), with the higher average hospitalization cost (Table 4).

Table 4.

Number, average and total hospitalization cost due to diabetes (E10–E14), adults (20+ years), SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Diabetes Codes Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost
(n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$)
E10 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 38,883 452.62 17,599.3
E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 12,707 340.82 4330.7
E12 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus 1454 384.83 559.5
E13 Other specified diabetes mellitus 9341 349.68 3266.4
E14 Unspecified diabetes mellitus 68,987 320.41 22,104.3
Total Diabetes (E10–E14) * 131,372 364.31 47,860.2

* Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Cardiovascular diseases due to diabetes accounted for 13.1% (n = 82,958) of admissions and 14.3% (Int$126,849,817) of costs of all hospitalizations for cardiovascular diseases in SUS. In hospitalizations due to diabetes, average hospitalization costs due to cardiovascular disease were 10.4% higher than non-diabetes hospitalizations. Among all hospitalizations due to cerebral infarction (ICD-10 code I63) and transient ischemic stroke and related syndromes (ICD-10 code G45), 25% of hospitalizations and costs could be attributed to diabetes (Table 5).

Table 5.

Number, average and total hospitalization cost due to cardiovascular disease, overall and related to diabetes, adults (20+ years), SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Overall Hospitalization Hospitalization Due to Diabetes
Diabetes and Related Conditions Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost
(n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$) (n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$)
I20 Angina pectoris 123,897 2265.29 280,662.5 21,202 2318.49 49,156.1
I21 Acute myocardial infarction 91,951 2025.70 186,265.3 13,784 2036.35 28,070.1
I23 Certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction 937 2069.76 1939.4 137 2293.55 315.1
I24 Other acute ischemic heart diseases 19,283 2878.38 55,503.8 3005 3009.33 9041.7
I22 Subsequent myocardial infarction 2248 1669.43 3752.9 340 1720.45 584.4
I25 Chronic ischemic heart disease 14,856 4065.16 60,392.1 2712 4065.62 11,027.9
I10 Essential (primary) hypertension 74,141 202.77 15,033.7 10,075 228.94 2306.6
I11 Hypertensive heart disease 9704 244.19 2369.6 736 271.00 199.5
I12 Hypertensive renal disease 1159 1736.11 2012.2 254 1277.07 324.6
I50 Heart failure 220,476 790.71 174,333.6 19,892 776.83 15,453
I60 Subarachnoid haemorrhage 9406 3339.63 31,412.6 259 3129.97 810.4
I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage 13,031 1555.16 20,265.3 404 1507.63 608.6
I62 Other non-traumatic intracranial haemorrhage 3736 2118.63 7915.2 113 2033.32 229.3
I63 Cerebral infarction 15,523 909.46 14,117.5 3787 920.99 3487.8
I65 Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction 2775 2782.18 7720.5 115 2755.04 315.5
I66 Occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction 1255 840.22 1054.5 45 784.87 35.2
I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis 49 1303.74 63.9 10 1313.46 12.9
I69 Sequelae of cerebrovascular disease 7642 1577.12 12,052.4 1096 1837.99 2014.7
G45 Transient cerebral ischemic attacks and related syndromes 20,969 573.59 12,027.6 4993 571.77 2854.6
Total cardiovascular disease * 633,038 1404.17 888,894.5 82,958 1529.05 126,847.9

* Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Microvascular diseases due to diabetes (kidney, eye and neurologic diseases) accounted for a greater share of total hospitalizations (29.1%) and associated costs (24.5%). Of worth noting is the high number of hospitalization and overall costs with diabetes hospitalization due to renal diseases, in particular due to chronic kidney disease (ICD-10 code N18) (Table 6).

Table 6.

Number, average and total hospitalization cost due to renal, ophthalmological and neurological diseases, overall and related to diabetes microvascular complications, adults (20+ years), SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Overall Hospitalization Hospitalization Due to Diabetes
Diabetes and Related Conditions Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost
(n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$) (n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$)
Renal diseases
N04 Nephrotic syndrome 2156 362.89 782.4 313 379.81 119.1
R77.0 Abnormality of albumin - - - - - -
R80 Isolated proteinuria 2 72.08 144 0.2 74.58 15
N17 Acute renal failure 21,960 1058.82 23,251.7 5555 1030.23 5722.6
N18 Chronic kidney disease 71,720 2243.99 160,939.2 16,678 1816.06 30,288.3
N19 Unspecified kidney failure 48 162.37 7.8 13 102.91 1.3
Sub-total renal disease 95,886 1929.18 184,981.3 22,559 1601.63 36,131.2
Eye diseases
H25 Senile cataract 37,852 343.59 13,005.7 15,947 342.19 5456.9
H28 Cataract and other disorders of lens in diseases classified elsewhere 46 289.47 13.3 17 277.92 4.6
H33 Retinal detachments and breaks 15,858 1560.10 24,740.1 4773 1560.32 7447.01
H34 Retinal vascular occlusions 8 55.06 440 3 52.36 143
H35.0 Background retinopathy and retinal vascular changes 5 105.61 528 2 41.76 80
H35.2 Other proliferative retinopathy - - - - - -
H36.0 Retinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere 159 128.45 20.4 53 129.84 6.9
H42 Glaucoma in diseases classified elsewhere 21 305.80 6.4 6 313.53 1.8
H54 Visual impairment including blindness (binocular or monocular) 56 837.97 46.9 14 968.52 13.5
Sub-total ophthalmological disease 54,005 700.56 37,833.9 20,814 621.26 12,931.1
Neurological diseases
G90 Disorders of autonomic nervous system 205 1347.22 276.9 23 1821.26 41.5
G56 Mononeuropathies of upper limb 13,303 251.55 3346.3 1678 250.63 420.5
G57 Mononeuropathies of lower limb 223 522.86 116.6 24 585.04 14,3
G59.0 Diabetic mononeuropathy 5 163.55 818 1 174.99 169
G63 Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere 2407 355.05 854.6 334 347.54 116.1
G52 Disorders of other cranial nerves 239 1319.55 315.4 30 1253.71 37.4
L97 Ulcer of lower limb, not elsewhere classified 30,145 527.87 15,912.6 4673 534.64 2498.4
S88 Traumatic amputation of lower leg 1031 1040.48 1072.7 638 1023.73 653.1
S98 Traumatic amputation of ankle and foot 2586 397.03 1026.7 984 455.94 448.8
R02 Gangrene, not elsewhere classified 25,564 678.54 17,346.1 13,107 730.75 9577.8
M86 Osteomyelitis 13,209 572.71 7564.9 4480 625.41 2801.8
M87 Osteonecrosis 1785 1859.59 3319.4 736 2064.04 1520.01
Sub-total neurological disease 90,702 563.96 51,152.3 26,708 678.80 18,129.3
Total renal, ophthalmological and neurological disease * 240,593 1138.72 273,967.4 70,081 958.77 67,191.6

* Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Hospitalizations for respiratory and urinary infections, for which diabetes was considered a risk factor, represent a small percentage (5.3%) when compared to the cardiovascular (13.1%) and microvascular (29.1%) groups in relation to total SUS and accounted for 6.5% of hospitalizations due to DM. Even so, this percentage was reached due to the large participation of respiratory infections (96.5%) in this group, with emphasis on pneumonia per unspecified organism (ICD-10 J18) (69.9%) (Table 7).

Table 7.

Number, average and total hospitalization cost due to respiratory and urinary infectious diseases, overall and related to diabetes, adults (20+ years), SUS, Brazil 2014.

Overall Hospitalization Hospitalization Due to Diabetes
Diabetes and Related Conditions Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost
(n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$) (n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$)
Respiratory infections
J12 Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified 22,596 499.97 11,297.3 1075 530.04 569.9
J13 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae 1315 508.58 668.8 76 520.54 39.6
J14 Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae 288 435.05 125.3 13 422.61 5.7
J15 Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified 79,130 679.63 53,778.8 4250 712.67 3028.8
J18 Pneumonia, organism unspecified 254,891 611.59 155,889.9 14,246 624.25 8893.1
Sub-total lower respiratory tract infections 358,220 619.06 221,760.1 19,661 637.67 12,537.1
Urinary tract infections
N10 Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis 20,247 200.30 4055.5 472 232.49 109.7
N15.1 Renal and perinephric abscess 699 1040.41 727.2 17 1071.13 18.1
N30.0 Acute cystitis 6873 217.55 1495.2 180 257.28 46.3
N30.8 Other cystitis 1718 215.64 370.5 44 237.58 10.4
Sub-total urinary tract infections 29,537 225.09 6648.5 712 258.93 184.5
Total infectious disease * 387,757 589.05 228,408.6 20,373 624.43 12,721.6

* Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

Hospitalizations for neoplastic diseases have a small participation (7.3%) of total hospitalizations in comparison with other groups and represent 2.7% of hospitalizations due to DM. Breast cancer (4.0%) and colorectal cancer (5.8%) admissions were among those with the lowest values, while cancers of endometrium (20.0%), pancreas (18.6%) and liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (22.6%) were among those with the highest values (Table 8).

Table 8.

Number, average and total hospitalization cost due to neoplasms, overall and related to diabetes, adults (20+ years), SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Overall Hospitalization Hospitalization Due to Diabetes
Diabetes and Related Conditions Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost Number Average Hospitalization Cost Total Hospitalization Cost
(n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$) (n) (Int$) (in 000 Int$)
C50 Malignant neoplasm of breast 55,580 1160.08 64,477.2 2200 1146.46 2522.2
D05.9 Carcinoma in situ of breast, unspecified 1192 989.73 1179.8 44 999.72 43.5
Sub-total breast cancer 56,772 1156.50 65,656.9 2244 1143.61 2565.7
C54.1 Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri 3539 1409.76 4989.1 716 1429.85 1023.4
D07.0 Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified genital organs 202 151.49 30.6 31 158.36 4.9
Sub-total endometrium cancer 3741 1341.82 5019.7 747 1376.34 1028.4
C25 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas 7867 1173.41 9231.2 1464 1128.19 1652.2
Sub-total pancreas cancer 7867 1173.41 9231.2 1464 1128.19 1652.2
Liver and intrahepatic bile ducts
C22.1 Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma 807 1082.93 873.9 151 1069.35 161.9
C22.0 Liver cell carcinoma 2517 1306.91 3289.5 589 1282.92 755.4
C22.7 Other specified carcinomas of liver 882 1545.40 1363.0 197 1455.41 287.1
C22.9 Malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts—liver, unspecified 3158 547.64 1729.4 726 527.42 383.2
Sub-total liver and cholangiocarcinoma cancer 7364 985.32 7255.9 1664 954.10 1587.6
C18 Malignant neoplasm of colon 37,627 1238.60 46,604.8 2187 1329.29 2907.7
C19 Malignant neoplasm of recto sigmoid junction 2946 2727.89 8036.4 181 2787.70 505.01
Sub-total colorectal cancer 40,573 1346.74 54,641.2 2369 1440.83 3412.7
Total neoplasms disease * 116,317 1219.13 141,804.9 8488 1207.23 10,246.6

* Numbers do not necessarily sum to totals because of rounding.

4. Discussion

Brazil is one of the most populated countries in the world, with an estimated population of 137.6 million adults in 2014 [31]. Based on recent prevalence estimates, we have estimated that 17.3 million individuals aged 20 years and older had diabetes in Brazil (Supplementary Table S2). Despite increasing trends in diabetes prevalence in the country, mortality due to diabetes declined 1.7% per year (from 40.6/100 thousand population to 33.7/100 thousand population) from 2000 to 2011, probably as a result of better access to healthcare, thus reducing mortality due to acute events [32]. However, when diabetes was analyzed as an associated cause of death due to other causes, there was an increase of 8% between 2000 and 2007 [33], most likely representing deaths due to chronic diabetes complications and related conditions.

Hospitalizations represent an important part of the consumption of health resources in different health systems and countries around the world and patients with type 2 diabetes had higher rates of hospitalization than the general population [34]. In the United States in 2012, diabetes hospitalization costs were the most significant cost component (43%) of direct medical costs ($176 billion) associated with diabetes, which added to $245 billion when considering both direct and indirect costs [25].

The estimated costs of hospitalizations due to diabetes and related conditions estimated in this study (Int$264.9 million) represent 4.6% of all hospitalizations and 0.45% of all expenditures for actions and public services of health provided by the Ministry of Health in 2014 (Int$58.3 billion) [35]. In this same year, total health expenditures in Brazil were 8% of its Gross Domestic Product of which 46% was associated with public health expenditures (Int$606 per capita) [36]. This spending is equivalent to Int$1.92 per adult by the federal government only with hospitalizations for DM and its complications. The average value of an adult hospitalization due to diabetes was 19% higher than a hospitalization without diabetes, and hospitalizations due to kidney and cardiovascular diseases were the ones with higher average cost.

Most countries in Latin America have adopted public health systems with universal coverage in the last few decades. Nonetheless, disparities in per capita government health expenditure can be observed in the region [37] and a wide difference can be identified between countries that share historic similarities, with Venezuela with the lowest (Int$270.88), and Cuba (Int$2366.06) the highest per capita government health expenditure [36]. When contrasting with high-income developed countries in other regions, disparities are more pronounced, with United States (Int$4541.17), United Kingdom (Int$2807.62), and Japan (Int$3115.08) among the highest per capita expenditures [36].

Our results demonstrated that the population aged 65 years and older used a much larger portion of hospital resources, both in number of hospitalization and costs, similar to results demonstrated in the United States in 2012 [25]. Cardiovascular complications attributable to diabetes also represented the largest share of all hospitalizations, both in number of hospitalizations and costs.

Although when considering crude rates, women were more likely to be hospitalized than men, when adjusting for age taking into consideration the different age structure between men and women, men are more likely to be hospitalized than women. Although men had relatively higher hospitalization costs than women from age group 20–74 years, except for the ≥75 years age group, this may be due to the relatively longer life expectancy in women, compared with men [38]. Hospitalizations reported as having diabetes as the main diagnosis were the most frequent (41.9%), although with lower costs. They currently represent a small proportion of all hospitalization expenses for the Brazilian National Health System, but are expected to increase considerably as the population ages. Moreover, hospitalization costs related to diabetes, but not captured by a first listed diabetes diagnosis, must be integrated with these costs to give a more comprehensive picture of the overall disease burden attributable to diabetes.

The total number of hospitalizations due to DM-related conditions was 2.4 times that of hospitalizations for first-listed DM; however, spending was almost 5.5 times higher. Microvascular diseases due to diabetes (kidney, eye and neurologic diseases) accounted for a greater share of total hospitalizations (29.1%) and associated costs (24.5%), part of which could be prevented with a better metabolic control. These results were in accordance with others that show hospitalizations for diabetes complications had a higher average cost than those for diabetes itself [25,39,40].

The hospitalization costs due to infectious diseases and selected neoplasms in adults with DM were 4.8% and 3.9%, respectively, of the total hospitalizations due to DM. Although it represents a small percentage compared with vascular diseases, currently, this was the first Brazilian study to consider DM as an important contributor to such hospitalizations and costs.

Comparisons with Brazilian studies for 1999–2001 [41] and 2008–2010 [42], that used the same attributable risk methodology to estimate hospitalizations for DM in the Brazilian public network, should be performed with caution. In both previous studies, the results encompassed all age groups while in the current, only adults. In addition, in the two previous studies, hospitalizations were also estimated for the general medical conditions group, i.e., all other ICD-10 diseases that are not attributed to diabetes or its complications but for which individuals with DM were hospitalized more frequently. In contrast, in the current study, some of these conditions, such as certain neoplasms and lower respiratory and urinary tract infections, were computed as diabetes complications. It is also recognizable that the more recent literature has brought lower relative risks from international studies for the calculation of etiological fractions, although it was partially offset by the double of self-reported prevalence.

Our study has several limitations which are worth noting. The source of the data (SIH/SUS) was initially developed for administrative-financial functions for the purpose of collection and may not be free of coding errors, intentional or not. This is reflected by the high number of individuals hospitalized for whom the main diagnosis reported as DM was “unspecified DM—E14” (n = 68,987), and “insulin-dependent hospitalizations—E10” (n = 38,883), significantly higher than those reported as “non-insulin dependent diabetes—E11” (12,707). We believe that most of these cases reported as E14 are indeed individuals with type 2 DM. Also, many of the cases reported as E10 may be individuals with type 2 diabetes using insulin.

In addition, the SUS covers 75% of the population in Brazil, which means about one quarter of population with diabetes was not included in the data analysis, and thus our estimates may be underestimated. Moreover, the diabetes hospitalization rates may be different among those not covered by SUS. As SIH data do not incorporate critical variables with explanatory potential, such as body mass index, race, schooling, severity of the clinical condition at the time of hospitalization, degree of use of the services, readmissions and other, we are not able to identify the role of these possible factors in diabetes hospitalizations.

Another limitation is we considered only the adult population, as the focus of the study was on type 2 DM, which is more amenable to prevention strategies. As such, although hospitalizations due to type 1 DM may have been inadvertently included in our estimation, on the other hand, we might have underestimated cases of type 2 DM in those younger than 20 years of age.

Finally, as the more recent prevalence estimate available was that for self-reported diabetes [5], to account for undiagnosed diabetes, and as done by other authors [21], we applied a factor of 2, considering high quality recent evidence from Brazil [7]. The resulting diabetes prevalence of 12.4% considered in our analyses is consistent with sub-national studies in Brazil which a decade ago showed 2 digit prevalence figures in selected regions of the country, being 12.1% in the city of Ribeirão Preto [43], 12.4% in Porto Alegre [44], and 13.5% in São Carlos [45]. It is also consistent with prevalence estimates considered for global disease burden estimate studies [21].

5. Conclusions

This study presented a detailed overview of the hospitalizations attributable to DM in the Brazilian public network. It is a study that deals with the epidemiological and economic aspects of the public expenses with a disease. They portrayed an “epidemiological iceberg” present in developing societies such as Brazil. By increasing the incidence and severity of other diseases, diabetes increases the chances of hospitalization of patients and the use of more aggressive therapies. We believe that improving the quality of life of these patients depends, among other measures, on the expansion of preventive activities in order to reduce the need for hospitalization, minimize complications and reduce the severity of other more general medical conditions. Our estimate is part of the monitoring and analysis of the health situation for the necessary interventions. Understanding the costs of diabetes and its major complications is crucial to raise awareness and allow the assessment of strategies to reduce its prevalence and their impact.


This study was funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Health through the National Health Fund (Process # 25000.105417/2014-01), as part of a larger study to estimate the costs of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Brazil. The Brazilian Institute of Health Technology (IATS)/National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) supported the open access publication costs.

Supplementary Materials

The following are available online at, Table S1: DM and related conditions and relative risks, Table S2: State level prevalence and hospitalization cost due to diabetes and related conditions, adults (20+ years), SUS, Brazil, 2014.

Author Contributions

M.Q.M.R., R.S.R., L.R.B., D.V.A., C.M.T. conceived and designed the experiments; M.Q.M.R., R.S.R., D.V.A., L.R.B., C.M.T. performed the experiments; M.Q.M.R., R.S.R., M.G.C., D.V.A., L.R.B., C.M.T. analyzed the data; M.Q.M.R., R.S.R., M.G.C., D.V.A., L.R.B., C.M.T. contributed materials/analysis tools; M.Q.M.R., R.S.R., D.V.A., L.R.B., C.M.T. wrote the paper.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results.


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