Massive skeletal defects are encountered in the setting of tumors necessitating excision, failed total hip arthroplasty with periprosthetic bone loss, periprosthetic fracture, complex trauma, multiple failed osteosynthesis and infection. Reconstruction of the segmental defects poses a tremendous challenge to the orthopaedic surgeons. The goal of osseous reconstruction of these defects is to restore the bone length and function. Currently the most commonly employed methods for reconstruction are either a megaprosthesis or an Allograft Prosthesis Composite (APC).
Megaprosthesis, initially created for the treatment in neoplastic pathologies are being used for the non-neoplastic pathologies as well. The longevity of these implants is an issue as majority of the patients receiving them are the survivors of oncologic issue or elderly population, both in which the life expectancy is limited. However, the early complications like instability, infection, prosthetic breakage and fixation failure have been extensively reported in several literatures. Moreover, the megaprostheses are non-biological options preventing secure fixation of the soft tissue around the implant.
The Allograft Prosthesis Composites were introduced to overcome the complications of megaprosthesis. APC is made of a revision-type prosthesis cemented into the skeletal allograft to which the remaining soft tissue sleeve can be biologically fixed. APCs are preferred in young and low risk patients. Though the incidence of instability is relatively low with the composites as compared to the megaprosthesis, apart from infection, the newer complications pertaining to APCs are inevitable that includes non-union, allograft resorption, periprosthetic fracture and potential risk of disease transmission.
The current review aims to give an overview on the treatment outcomes, complications and survival of both the megaprostheses and APCs at different anatomic sites in both the upper and lower limbs
Keywords: Megaprosthesis, Allograft prosthetic composite, Massive skeletal defect, Bone tumors, Failed total hip arthroplasty, Complex trauma
1. Introduction
Massive skeletal defects are encountered in orthopaedic practice because of the bone loss due to tumor, infection, pseudotumor, osteolysis following joint replacement, complex fractures, and, failure of a megaprosthesis. The currently available solutions for the massive skeletal defects include either prosthetic implants (i.e., megaprosthesis) or skeletal allograft prosthesis composite (APC). Each of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.
The mega prostheses have been widely used since the evolution of limb salvage surgery in the late 1970s. The custom-made implants were being used before the development of modular prostheses and their use has been extended to replace the proximal humerus, distal humerus or an entire humerus in the upper extremity. Similar implants have been developed to replace the proximal femur, distal femur, entire femur, proximal tibia, distal tibia and entire tibia as well. Most of them are designed in such a way that the soft tissue sleeve is mobilised and directly fixed over the prosthesis. 1, 2 These reconstructions were insufficient due to the lack of muscle strength and subsequent instability of the adjoining joint leading to impaired function. 3 On the other hand, infection and loosening have remained as the main issues following reconstruction with the megaprosthesis.4
The Allograft Prosthesis Composites (APC) were introduced to reduce the complications of megaprostheses. The APC basically constitutes a revision type prosthesis inserted inside the skeletal allograft. The residual muscles and tendons can be attached to the allograft bone to purportedly reduce the risk of postoperative instability and provide better function.5 However, the APCs are also not devoid of complications. Periprosthetic bone resorption, non-union at the graft-host bone junction, fractures, infection and risk of disease transmission are the complications associated with this reconstruction method. 6
The megaprostheses implantations are easy but non-biologic procedures with limited longevity whereas reconstruction with allograft gives an advantage of osteoconduction but with inherent complications. The current review gives an overview of the treatment outcomes, complications and survival of each treatment modality for different anatomic sites in both the upper and lower limbs. At the end, we also discuss the merits of these two procedures by reviewing the recently available literatures comparing them. It is imperative to mention that megaprostheses are in use since a longer duration than the APCs which may be directly related to the availability of bone bank facility in the hospitals as well as the competence of the surgeons as the letter technique is demanding and requires a learning curve.
2. Megaprosthesis for massive skeletal defects
2.1. Upper limb
2.1.1. Proximal humerus
The reconstruction of the proximal humerus for massive bone defects depends on the type of resection as well the intactness of functional abductor system i.e. the rotator cuff and the deltoid muscle. Kassab et al. 7 advocated that if the resection removes the rotator cuff and the deltoid muscle (axillary nerve) then one can go either for a megaprosthesis or scapulohumeral arthrodesis. However, if the resection preserves the rotator cuff and/or the deltoid muscle, the reconstruction can be done with an allograft prosthesis composite and attaching the cuff muscles to the allograft bone. In their own study, Kassab et al. have mentioned that glenohumeral instability remains the most frequent complication following the reconstruction of proximal humerus which was seen in 37.9% of their 29 cases. The results of megaprosthesis in proximal end of humerus are affected by the fact that majority of the bone defects in the proximal humerus occur due to neoplastic lesions which are commonly seen in the paediatric patients who almost invariably require revisions. Although, the advancement in surgical technique and metallurgy have shown the improvement in functional outcome with the newer prostheses, the complications especially the neurovascular injuries, loosening of the component, instability and infection, and the need for repeated surgical procedures remain major challenges.8 The outcomes of use of megaprosthesis in different studies are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of megaprosthesis for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal humerus.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Dubina et al.9 | Tumors | 761 (30 studies) | 45 | 70.5 | MSTS = 74% | – | 17% mechanical failure* 4% infection | 10% revisions | – |
Schmolders et al.10 | Primary tumors and metastasis | 30 (15 with trevira tube) | 41 | 26 m | EFS = 20 | 12 cranial migration of prosthesis | 2 subluxations | 3 revisions | 83% at one year, 63% at 2 years |
1 luxation and infection | |||||||||
1 RNP 1 recurrence 3 fractures | |||||||||
Marulanda et al.11 | Malignancy | 16 (Aortograft mesh) | 51 | 26 m | – | – | 1 superficial wound infection | 1 death from disease | – |
Abbreviations: EFS = Enneking Functional Score, RNP = Radial Nerve Palsy, m = months, *Mechanical failures including prosthetic loosening, fracture, and dislocation, CPS = Compliant Pre-stress Device, GH = Glenohumeral,PH = Proximal Humerus, SOH = Shaft of Humerus, DH = Distal Humerus.
Recent developments include silver-coated megaprosthesis to reduce the rate of infection and, trevira tube combined with the megaprosthesis to allow attachment of the remaining muscles and tendons by using fibre-wire sutures. Schmolders et al.10 found only one case of infection at a mean follow up of 26 months in their series of 30 patients treated with silver-coated megaprosthesis for proximal humeral reconstruction. Fifteen of the 30 megaprostheses were combined with trevira tube. Three patients (10%) had subluxation of which only one had to undergo a revision surgery. However, the authors failed to mention whether the subluxation occurred in the cases with trevira or without it. Marulanda et al.11 used aortograft mesh to facilitate soft tissue attachment and provide mechanical constraint, and improve the stability of shoulder reconstruction following tumor resection. There was no incidence of shoulder dislocation reported in their series of 16 patients at a mean follow up of 26 months. Further, only one patient had a superficial wound infection and none had deep infection necessitating removal of the graft and/or the prosthesis.
2.1.2. Distal humerus and elbow
The distal humerus and the elbow joint are the uncommon sites for bone tumors or the metastasis. In majority of the cases, megaprostheses are indicated in the setting of failed previous arthroplasty, complex intraarticular fractures or failed osteosynthesis with bone loss. Arthrodesis is least acceptable in case of elbow. Although the survivorship of majority of the reconstruction options available is very much limited, the patients invariably want their elbow to be functioning to carry the activities of daily living. Also, successful reconstruction of the elbow gives more satisfaction to the patients.
Megaprostheses are required when even the conventional revision elbow prosthesis becomes insufficient to address the massive skeletal defects. Both modular as well as custom made prostheses have been described in the literature. However, there are only few published studies and majority of them are retrospective analysis with few number of subjects that too with broad spectrum of indications including both neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. The outcomes reported in different studies are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of megaprosthesis for the management of massive skeletal defects in distal humerus and elbow.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Goulding et a.12 | Tumors and Failed TER | 13 (CPS) | 45 | 68 m | – | – | 2 lack of CPS fixation (one breakage) | 6 revisions | – |
2 loosening of ulnar component | |||||||||
3 PH | 1 bushing wear | ||||||||
6 DH | 1 infection | ||||||||
1 SOH | 2 GH subluxation | ||||||||
Capanna et al.13 | 31 Tumors | 36 | 60.1 | 25 m | MEPS = 77.08 | 3 RNP | 23 deaths from disease | 93% at 5 years | |
5 Failed | MSTS = 22.9 | 1 UNP | 5-year survival = 25.1% | ||||||
TER | 1 infection | ||||||||
1 disassembly | |||||||||
Abdullah et a.14 | 2 Failed TER | 3 | – | 6–24 m | DASH = 53.76 | – | None had any complications | – | – |
1 Failed TER + SHA | |||||||||
Tang et al.15 | Tumors | 25 | 38.1 | 45.4 m | MSTS = 23.9 | 2 aseptic loosening of the ulnar component | 4 revisions | 11 deaths from disease | – |
2 aseptic loosening of the humeral component | 4 recurrence | ||||||||
2 nerve palsy and transient vascular compromise | |||||||||
Weber et al.16 | Tumor and Failed TER/APC | 23 | 46 | 46 m | MSTS = 23 | 5 stable Allograft | 1 ulnar nerve transection | 8 deaths from disease | – |
7 THRE | 3 stable periprosthetic lysis around ulnar component | 1 UNP | 3 deaths unrelated to disease | ||||||
5 APC 11 TER | 2 loosening of humeral component | 1 RNP | |||||||
1 PINP | |||||||||
2 infections |
Abbreviations: m = months, TER = Total Elbow Replacement, MEPS = Mayo Elbow Performance Score, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score, DASH = Disabilities of Arm Shoulder and Hand Score, RNP = Radial Nerve Palsy, UNP = Ulnar Nerve Palsy, THRE = Total Humeral Replacement Endoprostheis, APC = Allograft Prosthesis Composite, PIN = Posterior Interosseous Nerve, SHA = Shoulder Hemireplacement Arthroplasty.
Megaprosthesis using principle of compressive osteointegration have recently been introduced to enhance osteointegration by stable compression, preventing stress shielding and hence reducing the incidence of aseptic loosening. This technology involves compressing a porous-coated spindle at the implant-bone interface by a premeasured amount of force through washers and a traction bar, which in turn is secured in adjacent bone with pins. It has been used in cases with large osseous defects with remaining small segment of bone. Goulding et al.12 retrospectively reviewed 13 such prostheses in 9 patients of which seven were implanted in distal humeri and two in proximal ulna. At a mean follow up of 68 months, six of them had to undergo revision-all after two years of surgery. Only two failures were attributed to fixation failure. The other failures were for bushing wear, aseptic loosening and infection.
2.2. Lower limb
2.2.1. Proximal femur
Massive bone loss in proximal femur is a complex condition which is usually seen both in neoplastic conditions following excision of bone tumors and metastasis, as well as in non-neoplastic conditions like failed arthroplasty, infection, complex trauma and periprosthetic fractures or multiple failed attempts at osteosynthesis. A large majority of these patients are young and are expected to live longer than the reconstruction thus requiring adequate bone stock for further revisions. The authors have an extensive experience of treating young patients with primary bone tumors and failed total hip arthroplasty with allograft prosthesis composites. On the other hand, patients with metastases, failed bipolar or unipolar hemiarthroplasty, multiple failed osteosynthesis and complex fractures in elderly are indications for megaprosthesis due to low demand and limited life expectancy with reduced likelihood of revision.
The historically used monoblock megaprostheses were initially replaced with custom made prosthesis and now with the modular ones. Most of the authors have reported the use of megaprosthesis at different sites in a single series. The outcomes of use of megaprosthesis in different studies are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of megaprosthesis for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal femur.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Natarajan et al.17 | Multiple Myeloma | 6 (3 PF; 3 SF) | 47.7 | 88.2 m | 2 Excellent | One loosening | 1 skin necrosis | 2 deaths from disease | 66.7% at 5 years |
2 Good | 1 periprosthetic fracture | ||||||||
2 Fair | |||||||||
Khan et a.18 | Giant cell tumor | 12 | 36 | 4.8 y | Mean clinical score of 28.3 (25–30) | No loosening No dislocation | 2 superficial infections | All alive at latest follow up | – |
Ilyas et a.19 | Malignant tumors | 15 | 37 | 6.7 y | MSTS = 19 | One aseptic loosening | 3 dislocations | 3 revisions | – |
2 infections | 2 deaths from disease | ||||||||
Bruns et al.20 | Malignant tumors (23) & Non–neoplastic (22) | 25 (7 PF) | 40.1 | 2.5 y | MSTS = 24.9 | 11 stem stress shielding | 2 extensor mechanism rupture | 2 deaths from disease | 87% at 7 years |
KI = 82% | 1 DVT | 1 revision | |||||||
1 Septic loosening | |||||||||
1 dislocation of hip | |||||||||
Donati et al.21 | Tumors | 25 Malignant tumors (22), GCT (2), Osteoblastoma (1) | 34 | 12.25 y | 7 | 17 stem stress shielding | 1 infection | 4 revisions | – |
10 Good | 1 dislocation | ||||||||
7 Fair | 1 stiff knee | ||||||||
1 Poor | 1 recurrence of disease | ||||||||
Bernthal et al.22 | Sarcomas | 24 (7 PF, 9 DF, 8 PT) | 37 | 13.2 y | MSTS = 25.9 | – | – | All walking without aids | – |
Shih et al.23 | Failed THA with massive bone loss | 12 | 59 | 5.7 y | HHS = 83 | 1 HO | 5 dislocations | 2 revisions 3 Girdle stone arthroplasty | – |
3 GT displacement | 4 infections | ||||||||
1 aseptic loosening | |||||||||
Donati et al.24 | Primary or metastatic tumors | 68 (38 SC, 30 UC) | 61.6 | 46.5 m | – | – | 4 | 14 re-surgeries | – |
8 infections | |||||||||
2 relapse | |||||||||
Ahlmann et al.25 | Bone neoplasia | 211 (96PF, 78 DF, PT 30, TF 7) | 50 | 37.3 m | MSTS = 22.25 | 5 Aseptic loosening | 9 Fatigue failure | 29 revisions, 5amputations | 60% at 10 years |
PF = 22 | 11 Infections | ||||||||
DF = 22.9 | DF 4 | 6 recurrence (PF 3, DF 2, PT 1) | |||||||
PT = 22.25 | PT 1 | 10 dislocations | 97.6% limb survival at 10 years | PF 82% | |||||
TF = 19.5 | 1 Fracture | DF 58% | |||||||
PT 82% | |||||||||
TF 100% | |||||||||
Bertani et a.26 | Tumors and Non-neoplastic conditions | 23 (13 Tumors, 8 Failed THA, 2 Trauma) | 65 ± 17.2 | 5.4 y | MSTS = 16.2 | 1 Aseptic loosening | 2 infections | 5 revisions | 81.5% at 10 years |
1 tumor extension | |||||||||
1 stem fatigue fracture | |||||||||
Calabro et al.27 | Malignant Tumors (7 failed previous prosthesis) | 109 95 cemented 14 cementless | 60 | 2.5 y | MSTS = 21 | – | 5.8%infection | 6 deaths from disease | 74% at 9 years |
3.9%dislocation | |||||||||
2.9%recurrence | |||||||||
1%acetabular fracture | |||||||||
Calori et al.28 | Non-union, Complex Fractures and Failed THAs | 32 (11 PF, 13 DF, 2 PT, 6 TF) | 64 | 18 m | – | – | 1 dislocation | – | – |
1 fracture (DF) | |||||||||
Curtin et al.29 | Periprosthetic fractures | 16 | 75 | 19.2 m | OHS = 39 | – | 2 dislocations | – | – |
Hardes et al.30 | Sarcomas | 125 | 37 | 19 m 54 m | – | – | Infection | Revisions | – |
5.9% | |||||||||
55 PF | 22 SC + 23 UC | 17.6% | |||||||
70 PT | SC + 41 UC | PF: 4.5 vs 18.2% | 9 vs 9 % | ||||||
PT: 6.9 vs 17.1% | 3 vs 32 % | ||||||||
Ji et al.31 | Tumors | 7 (3 PF, 1 DF, 2 PT, 1 Patella) | 28 | 27 m | MSTS93 = 81% | – | 1 local recurrence | 1 revision | – |
Korim et al.32 | Non-neoplastic conditions | 356 14 studies | 3.8 y (0–14) | – | 2.5 % loosening | 83% implant retention | |||
7.6% infection | 12 % mortality | ||||||||
0.5% prosthesis fracture | |||||||||
1 % periprosthetic fracture | |||||||||
Lundh et al.33 | 17 | 77 | 44 m | – | – | 3 infections | 9 deaths at latest follow up | 94% at 44 months | |
2 CF Knee | 5 PF | 2 dislocations | |||||||
10 PPF Knee | 8 DF | ||||||||
5 PPF Hip | 2 TF | ||||||||
2 Primary prosthesis | |||||||||
Hattori et al.34 | Metastasis | 61.8 | 2.5–86 m | MSTS = 62.3% | 2 dislocations | 1 revision | 86.4 % at 6 months | ||
19 PF | |||||||||
2 IC | |||||||||
1 TKA | |||||||||
Gosal et a.35 | GCT | 11 | 32 | 10.6 y | MSTS = 26.8 | – | – | – | 100% |
Parvizi et al.36 | Non- Neoplastic conditions | 48 | 73.8 | 36.5 m | HHS = 64.9 | 2 radiolucencies >2 mm | 8 dislocations | 10 revisions | 87% at 1 year |
1 infection | 73% at 5 years | ||||||||
4 acetabular failure | |||||||||
Ruggieri et al.37 | Sarcomas | 23 | 21 | 148 m | MSTS = 66% | – | 1 Leg ischemia | 5 revisions | 38% disease free at 16 years |
1 infection | 13 deaths from disease | ||||||||
1 prosthetic disconnection | |||||||||
1 poly wear | |||||||||
1 PPF | |||||||||
Mazurkiewicz et al.38 | Primary neoplasms and metastasis | 49 | – | – | 28% excellent | – | 3 dislocation | 2 deaths from disease | |
60% good | 1 infection | ||||||||
12 primary | 1 recurrence | ||||||||
37 metastasis | |||||||||
Ueda et al.39 | Periacetabular tumors | 25 | 44 | 163 m | MSTS = 55% | 2 aseptic loosening | 8 infections | 5 revisions | 47% at 5 years as well as at 10 years |
4 dislocations | 13 deaths from disease | ||||||||
7 local recurrence | 1 hemipelvectomy | ||||||||
3 implant removal | |||||||||
Tan et al.40 | Tumors | 17 (4 PF, 7 DF, 6 PT) | – | MSTS = 78.3% ± 16.6% | – | 7 infections | 75.6 months implant survival | ||
2 dislocations | |||||||||
1 CPN palsy |
Abbreviation: PF = Proximal Femur, SF = Shaft of Femur, DF = Distal femur, TF = Total Femur, PT = Proximal tibia, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score, KI = Karnofsky Index, DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis, GCT = Giant Cell Tumor, THA = Total Hip Arthroplasty, HHS = Harris Hip Score, HO = Heterotopic Ossification, SC = Silver Coated, UC = Uncoated, OHS = Oxford Hip Score, m = months, y = years, CF = Comminuted Fracture, PPF = Periprosthetic Fracture, IC = Intercalary, TKA = Total Knee Arthroplasty, CPN = Common Peroneal Nerve.
Despite the ease of reconstruction for restoring the structural deficiency with megaprostheses, complications are encountered similar to those with other anatomic sites. One of the most frequent complication is dislocation. The higher incidence of dislocation is attributed to the inability to secure the residual soft tissue to the metal prosthesis .41 Ueda et al.39 used constrained Total Hip Megaprosthesis to achieve the ilio-femoral stabilization and reduce the risk of hip dislocation. Postoperative dislocation was seen in only 4 of their 25 patients treated with constrained megaprostheses following excision of the periacetabular tumors. The use of constrained liners may decrease the incidence of dislocation; however, the authors caution regarding the problems with the use of constrained liners like aseptic loosening of the acetabular component and the catastrophic failure in osteoporotic elderly patients. Nowadays, with the availability of larger heads and dual mobility cups, the use of constrained liners may be reduced. Infection remains the other major problem. The use of sliver coated megaprostheses as mentioned in the literature is supposed to reduce the rate of infection because of the antimicrobial activity of the silver.42 Hardes et al.30 compared the infection rate in 51 patients implanted with silver coated megaprostheses (22 proximal femur and 29 proximal tibia) with 74 patients in whom uncoated Titanium megaprostheses (33 proximal femur and 41 proximal tibia) were used for bony reconstruction following excision of sarcomas. At the mean follow up of 54 months, the infection rate was found to be substantially low in the silver group (5.9%) as compared to the Titanium group (17.6%). The infection rate in proximal femoral megaprosthesis alone was 4.5% in the silver coated group and 18.2% in the uncoated group. Periprosthetic fracture and/or the prosthetic breakage and subsequent implant failure remains the other problem with these expensive megaprostheses. Parvizi et al.36 advocated that the prerequisite for a successful proximal femoral replacement is the length of the distal part of the femur. An adequate length is required to obtain a secure fixation of the femoral stem. If the distal bone is severely deficient then it is better to go for a total femoral replacement by sacrificing the remaining bone rather than going for a proximal femoral reconstruction alone.
2.2.2. Distal femur
Primary bone tumors, benign as well as malignant are commonly seen around the knee especially at the distal end of femur which is the one of the common site for metastasis as well. Being a weight bearing bone, reconstruction of the distal femur following excision of the tumors is of utmost importance. With modern day effective treatment using neo-adjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy, limb salvage is the recommended treatment for tumors wherever possible. Various reconstruction options are available for the reconstruction of distal femur following tumor excision that includes arthrodesis, osteoarticular allograft, rotationplasty, megaprosthesis and allograft prosthesis composite. Because of the accessibility and ease of insertion, megaprosthesis are commonly being used. The other indications for the use of megaprosthesis are failed total knee arthroplasty with massive bone loss, periprosthetic fractures, persistent non-union despite multiple surgeries and comminuted intra-articular fractures in elderly with significant bone loss. The megaprostheses offer early mobility with maintenance of joint motion in these cases. The modern modular megaprostheses have replaced the previously used custom made prostheses. The megaprostheses have been available both with cementless as well as cemented stems. Both fixed and rotating hinge megaprostheses are being used these days as the salvage option in the distal femoral reconstruction for massive skeletal defects. The outcomes of use of megaprosthesis in different studies are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of megaprosthesis for the management of massive skeletal defects in distal femu.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Mean Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Agarwal et al.43 | Osteosarcoma | 135 (92 megaprosthesis) | 32.4 m | EFS | 3 loosening | 8 infections | 5 revisions | 61% disease free survival at latest follow up | |
49 DF, 22 PT, 14 PH, 3 PF, 3 TH, 1 DH) | 1 limb ischemia | 3 amputations | |||||||
LE = 85% | 4 PPF | 1 hip disarticulation | |||||||
UE = 66% | 3 implant breakage | 2 implant removal | |||||||
2 recurrences | |||||||||
2 CPN palsy | |||||||||
1 RNP | |||||||||
Bruns et al.44 | Malignant tumors (23) & Non-neoplastic (22) | 25 (13 PF, 5PT, 7 PF) | 40.1 | 2.5 y | MSTS = 24.9 | 11 stem stress shielding | 2 extensor mechanism rupture | 2 deaths from disease | 87% at 7 years |
KI = 82% | 1 DVT | 1 revision | |||||||
1 Septic loosening | |||||||||
1 dislocation of hip | |||||||||
Ilyas et al.45 | Tumors | 48 | 24 | 5.6 y | MSTS = 21 | 2 aseptic loosening | 6 infections | 1 amputation | 65% at 10 years |
2 SNP | 1 recurrence | ||||||||
CPN palsy | 7 deaths from disease | ||||||||
21 limb ischemia | |||||||||
1 prosthetic fracture | |||||||||
1 prosthetic fracture | |||||||||
1 PPF | |||||||||
Pala et al.46 | Tumors | 247 (187 DF, 60 PT) | 32 | 2 y | MSTS = 81% | 14 aseptic loosening (5.7%) | 23 infection (9.3%) | 24 deaths from disease | 70 % at 4 years, 58 % at 8 years |
14 recurrence (5.7%) | |||||||||
Toepfer et.47 | Tumors & | 129(82 reviewed) | 15 aseptic loosening (20%) | 17 soft tissue failure (22.7%) | 47 deaths from disease | 81.8 ± 7.3 months implant survival | |||
Failed Revision TKA | 36 available | 86m | 28 structural failure (37.3%) | 64.6% overall failure | |||||
20 Tumors | 13 infections (17.3%) | ||||||||
16 Failed rTKA | 46.2 ± 22.1 | MSTS = 17 | 2 recurrences | ||||||
71,0 ± 13,3 | MSTS = 12 | ||||||||
Biau et al.48 | Tumors | 91 (58 MP, 33 APC) | 27 | 62 m | – | 18 aseptic loosening (20%) | 10 failures 8 failures | 23 deaths | |
56 DF | 21 revisions | 130 m | |||||||
35 PT | 15 revisions | 117 m | |||||||
Ahlmann et al.49 | Diaphyseal tumors | 6 ICEP | 42 | 21.6 | MSTS = 90% | 1 loosening of humeral prosthesis | 1 humeral revision | All doing well | 100% at one year 83% at 2 years |
3 Tibia | |||||||||
2 Femur | |||||||||
1 Humerus | |||||||||
Cannon50 | PPF of Distal Femur | 27 | – | 6 m | KSS = 88 | – | 1 infection | 8 deaths unrelated to disease | – |
1 delayed wound healing | |||||||||
Chim et a.51 | Tumors | 10 (5 DF & 5 PT) | 31 | 32 m | – | – | 1 infection | 3 metastases and deaths | – |
1 superficial skin necrosis | |||||||||
1 cellulitis (All resolved) | |||||||||
4 recurrence | |||||||||
Evans et al.52 | Trauma | 10 | 70.2 | 3 y | TESS = 62.5 | No loosening | All doing well | 1 death unrelated to surgery | – |
Gosheger et al.53 | Sarcomas | 250 | 30.7 | 45 m | EFS: | 20 aseptic loosening (8%) 2 | 30 infections (12%) | 47 deaths due to disease | Prosthetic survival |
39 PH | cranial subluxation of humeral prostheses | 4 prosthetic fracture (1.6%) | 60.4% at 5 years | ||||||
5 DH | 3 femoral dislocations | 42.3 % at 10 years | |||||||
7 TH | PH = 21 | 8 poly wear | |||||||
41 PF | DH = 23 | 1 Patellar tendon avulsion | |||||||
103 DF | TH = 19 | ||||||||
12 TF | PF = 21 | ||||||||
42 PT | DF = 24 | ||||||||
1 TT | TF = 20 | ||||||||
PT = 25 | |||||||||
Holl et al.54 | Failed TKA | 20 (21 Knees) | 73 | 34 m | KSS = 68 | 2 aseptic loosening | 6 infections | 2 revisions 1 non-salvage | – |
15 DF | 2 PPF | 2 deaths due to infection | |||||||
4PT | |||||||||
2 Both DF & PT | |||||||||
Hu et al.55 | Neoplasm and non-neoplastic conditions | 40.3 | 89 m | MSTS = 25.2 | 5 loose cemented stems | 5 prosthetic fracture | 13 deaths from disease | 91% at 2 years 83% at 5 years 68 % at 10 years | |
3 asymptomatic radiolucencies | 7 uncontrolled infections | 17 deaths unrelated to surgery | |||||||
3 tumor progressions | 10 amputations | ||||||||
Kinekl et al.56 | Tumors | 77 (49 DF, 28 PT) | 38 | 46 m | EFS = 73% | 13 aseptic loosening | 15 locking mechanism failure | 58% revision rate | 57% at 5 years |
11 infections | 8 implant removal | ||||||||
4 recurrence | 5 amputations | ||||||||
3 PPF1 patellar tendon rupture | |||||||||
5 joint stiffness | |||||||||
10 wound problem | |||||||||
Pala et al.57 | Tumor | 687 | 34 | 7.9 y | MSTS = 23.3 (77.6%) | 33 aseptic loosening | 41 soft tissue failure | Over all 27 % failure rate 206 deaths from disease | 70% at 10 years 50% at 20 years |
26 structural failure (fixed prostheses only) | |||||||||
57 infections | |||||||||
28 recurrence | |||||||||
Staals et.58 | Malignant tumors of distal femur | 15 (Expandable prosthesis) | 8 | 104 m | MSTS = 81% | 1 loosening | 8 breakage | 9 revisions & deaths | – |
2 recurrence | 2 amputations | ||||||||
1 infection | 2 deaths due to metastasis | ||||||||
No longer use by authors | |||||||||
Vincent et al.59 | – | 196 (DF & PT) | – | – | – | – | Cemented (29): | 45 revisions | – |
109 cemented | 62% loosening | ||||||||
87 press fit | 24% infection | ||||||||
13% fracture | |||||||||
Press fit (16): | |||||||||
43% loosening | |||||||||
31% infection | |||||||||
6% fracture | |||||||||
6% LLD | |||||||||
6% recurrence | |||||||||
6% malrotation | |||||||||
Torner et al.60 | Tumors | 7 (6 DF, 1 PF) (Expandable prosthesis) | 9.8 | 65.3 m | MSTS = 26.3 | – | 1 pelvic metastasis | 2 deaths from disease | 71.5% success rate (5 out of 7 functioning well at latest follow up) |
1 implant failure due to MRI done for leg trauma | |||||||||
Vaishya et al.61 | Resistant non-unions of DF fractures | 10 | 74 | 4 y | KSS (pain) = 84 KSS | – | 3 wound problems | – | – |
(function) = 88 | 1 PPF | ||||||||
Zimel et al.62 | Failed distal femoral prosthesis | 27 Compliant Pre-stress Implant | 30 | 90 m | MSTS = 27 | – | 3 mechanical failure | 2 revised to CPC | – |
1 revised to APC | |||||||||
3 amputation | |||||||||
4 infections | 1 fusion | ||||||||
Windhager et al.63 | PPF | 144 (seven studies) | 68.4–81 | 6–58.6 | – | – | 20 mechanical failures | 0–55% revisions | – |
23 non-mechanical failures | 6.6–45% mortality |
Abbreviations: PH = Proximal Humerus, TH = Total Humerus, DH = Distal Humerus, PF = Proximal Femur, DF = Distal Femur, TF = Total Femur, PT = Proximal Tibia, TT = Total Tibia, EFS = Enneking Functional Score, LE = Lower Extremity, UE = Upper Extremity, m = months, PPF = Periprosthetic fracture, CPN = Common Peroneal Nerve. RNP = Radial Nerve Palsy, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society score, KI = Karnofsky index, SNP = Sciatic Nerve Palsy, TKA = Total Knee Arthroplasty, rTKA = Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty, MP Megaprosthesis, APC = Allograft Prosthesis Composite, EMF = Extensor Mechanism Failure, ICEP = Intercalary Endoprosthesis, KSS = Knee Society Score, TESS = Toronto Extremity Salvage Score, MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2.2.3. Proximal tibia
The indications for the proximal tibial megaprosthesis remain the same as for the distal femur viz a critical bone defects of neoplastic, traumatic or prosthetic origin. However, the reconstruction of extensor mechanism is a great challenge, failure of which may lead to extensor lag and resultant poor knee function. The outcomes of use of megaprosthesis in different studies are summarized in Table 5.
Table 5.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of megaprosthesis for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal and distal tibia.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Titus et al.64 | Tumors | 10 | 48 | 4 y | MSTS = 82% | – | 2 CPN Palsy | 4 deaths from disease | 60% living without disease |
2 infections | |||||||||
2 Quadriceps adhesions | |||||||||
6 cerclage wire break | |||||||||
Calori et a.65 | Post traumatic septic bone defects | 9 | 68 | 18 m | WOMAC = 74.8 | No loosening | – | No recurrence of infection | 100% survival at 18 months |
No revision | |||||||||
Excellent result | |||||||||
Cho et al.66 | Tumors | 62 | 26 | 98 m | MSTS = 24.2 | – | 16 infection | 3 amputation | 73.9 ± 11.7% at 10 years |
RH- 44 | 1 recurrence | 8 arthrodesis | |||||||
Fixed = 18 | |||||||||
Hardes et al.67 | Tumors | 98 | – | – | Infection | Revision | At 5 years | ||
SC- 56 | SC = 19 | SC = 38 m | SC = 8.9% | SC = 14.3% | SC- 90% | ||||
UC(Ti) = 42 | UC = 16 | UC = 128 m | UC = 16.7% | UC = 50% | UC=84% | ||||
Yang et al.68 | Aggressive tumors of distal tibia | 8 | 33 | 77 m | MSTS = 66% | 1 aseptic loosening | 2 infections | 2 deaths from disease | 63% at 5 years |
42% at 10 years |
Abbreviations: m = months, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score, WOMAC = Western Ontario & McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, RH = Rotating Hinge, FH = Fixed Hinge, SC = Silver coated, UC = Uncoated, Ti- Titanium.
Titus et al.64 described their own technique of reattachment of the ligamentum patellae to the porous tibial tuberosity of the proximal tibial megaprosthesis, and protecting the repair with a cerclage wire through the patella and the prosthesis. In their consecutive 10 cases of reconstruction with the same technique they had only one case of ligament avulsion at mean follow up of 4 years. Calori et al.65 reconstructed the patellar tendon by lengthening the fibres of quadriceps tendon or its fascia, or patellar tendon itself, or medial gastrocnemius flap in nine cases who required patellar tendon reconstruction along with proximal tibial megaprosthesis for post-traumatic septic bone defects. Only one patient presented with rupture of the reconstructed patellar tendon due to fall at 18 months following the surgery. The current authors have also described their own technique of reconstruction of extensor mechanism with composite allograft consisting of a patella– patellar tendon–tibial tubercle.69, 70 In our series of 5 patients (4 with TKA and 1 GCT Patella), all of them are functioning well till the latest follow up of 10 years.
Apart for the problems with extensor mechanism following megaprosthetic reconstruction around the knee, infection remains the major issue as it is with other sites. The silver coated megaprosthesis are also available for knee reconstruction to reduce the incidence of infection.67 Chim et al.51 mentioned that the use of primary muscle flap to cover the megaprostheses following limb salvage surgery will decrease the infection rates. Pala et al.57 compared the results of fixed and rotating hinge knee prosthesis for reconstruction of distal femoral defects and found that there was no significant difference in implant failure due to aseptic loosening and infection between the two types of prostheses. Hu et al.55 compared the survivorship of cementless and cemented diaphyseal fixed modular rotating- hinged knee megaprosthesis. They found that the survivorship of the cementless fixed component (94% at 5 years) was significantly superior to that of cemented fixed stem (75% at 5 years). In patients with residual minimal bone for stem fixation the newer prostheses that uses the principle of compressive osteointegration have proven low rate of mechanical failure at a follow up of 10 years.62 However, the ultramodern designs of using the expandable prostheses have gained little importance because of the requirement of multiple surgeries and high complication rates.58, 60 Staals et al.58 cautioned against their use due to very high revision rate where 9 of his 10 survivors required revision of the implant for mechanical failure.
2.2.4. Distal tibia
Reconstruction of distal tibia for massive defects due to any etiology is for restoring the ankle function. There are very few cases of megaprosthetic reconstruction of distal tibia reported in the literature.68 This may be probably due to the limited longevity of megaprosthesis along with its inherent complications. The treatment modality may not be beneficial over ankle arthrodesis. The authors have no experience of using a distal tibial megaprosthesis as a method of reconstruction for massive skeletal defect.
3. Allograft prosthesis composite for massive skeletal defects
3.1. Upper limb
3.1.1. Proximal humerus
Allograft Prosthesis Composite (APC) is an alternative option for limb reconstruction for massive skeletal defects of the proximal humerus. The composite is a favorable choice that addresses the reconstructive challenges of restoring the bone stock and reconstructing the soft tissue sleeve meant for providing the stability to the joint. The soft-tissue attachments especially the rotator cuff muscles can be attached to the allograft bone of the composite and provide a stable functional construct. The outcomes of use of Allograft Prosthesis Composite in Proximal humerus as reported in different studies are summarized in Table 6.
Table 6.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of Allograft Prosthesis Composite for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal humerus.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Mean age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome (loosening/HO) | Complications | Result | Survival |
Ruggieri et.71 | Gorham’s disease | 14 | 35 | 25 m | MSTS = 77 % | – | 2 allograft fracture | 2 revisions | – |
1 infection and fracture | |||||||||
1 locking mechanism failure | |||||||||
1 infection | |||||||||
1 allograft fracture | |||||||||
1 locking mechanism failure | |||||||||
Abdeen et al.72 | Osteosarcoma(19), chondrosarcoma(8),oligometastasis(3), others(6) | 36 | 23 | 5 y | MSTS = 26 | 5 superior migration of the humeral head | 1 dislocation | 3 revisions | 88% at 10 years (construct survival) |
4 delayed union | |||||||||
3 loosening | |||||||||
3 prosthetic osteolysis | |||||||||
Gharedaghi et al.73 | Bone tumors | 102 | 24.5 ± 5.39 | 2 y | – | – | 6 Non-union | – | – |
8 Pelvis | 6 allograft fracture | ||||||||
12 PF | 8 infection | ||||||||
18 SOF | 6 Local recurrence | ||||||||
36 DF | 11 metastasis | ||||||||
12 PT | 48 limited knee ROM | ||||||||
16 humeri | |||||||||
Black et al.74 | Malignant bone tumors | 6 | 40.7 years | Initial = 25.2y | MSTS = 74% | – | 1 non-union | – | – |
Second = 55y | 1 implant failure | ||||||||
Chacon et al.75 | Patient treated with Reverse shoulder arthroplasty | 25 | – | 30.2 m | ASES = 69.4 | 1 Metaphyseal resorption | 2 dislocation | – | – |
2 Fragmentation | 1 allograft fracture | ||||||||
1 Diaphyseal Resorption | 1 non-displaced acromion fracture | ||||||||
4 Non-incorporation | |||||||||
Dudkiewicz et al.76 | Osteosarcoma | 11 | 17–74 | – | – | – | 2 non-union | 1 death from diseae | – |
2 infections | |||||||||
1 recurrent instability | |||||||||
Kassab et al.7 | Malignant bone tumors | 29 | – | 85 m | MSTS = 72.6% massive prosthesis | 11 GH instability | – | – | |
Lazerges et a.77 | Tumors | 6 | 65.5 | 5.9 y | MSTS = 73% | 2 glenoid notches visible | 1 recurrent instability | 1 revision | – |
(Reverse APC) | QDASH = 41 | 1 non-union | 1 death from disease | ||||||
Potter et al.78 | Tumors | 49 | 48.5 | 98 m | MSTS: | DFD: | At 5 years | ||
17 OAG | OAG = 71% | – | OAG = 65% | OAG = 7 | OAG = 56% | ||||
16 APC | APC = 79% | APC = 44% | APC = 6 | APC = 91% | |||||
16 MP | MP = 69% | MP = 44% | MP = 12 | MP = 100% | |||||
Teunis et al.79 | Tumors | 693 (616 studied) | Sep-57 | Minimum 2 y | FS: | – | Per patient, | – | At 5 years |
(29 studies) | 143 OAG | ||||||||
132 APC | OAG=50–78% | OAG = 0–150% | 33–100% | ||||||
341 MP | APC=57–91% | APC = 19–79% | 33–100% | ||||||
MP=61–77% | MP = 4.5–85% | 38–100% | |||||||
Wang et al.80 | Tumors | 25 | 48 m | MSTS: | 5 allograft resorption | 10 instability and subluxations | 2 deaths from disease | – | |
12 OAG | OAG = 24.58 | 3 MP fractures | |||||||
7 APC | APC = 27.00 | ||||||||
7 MP | MP = 22.50 |
Abbreviations: m = months, y = years, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score, ASES Score = American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Score, PF = Proximal Femur, SOF = Shaft of Femur, DF = Distal Femur, PT = Proximal Tibia, QDASH = Quick Disabilities of Arm Shoulder and Hand, OAG = Osteoarticular Allograft, APC = Allograft Prosthesis Composite, MP = Megaprosthesis, DFD = Deaths from Disease, FS = Functional Score.
Although the attachment of soft tissue sleeve to the allograft bone improve the function, the ultimate result depends on the extent of resection and muscle sacrifice as the rotator cuff muscles are often sacrificed especially in case of tumors. This leads to insufficient abductor action, and hence the instability and poor shoulder function. Reverse shoulder arthroplasty which was introduced to treat the arthritic shoulder with rotator cuff arthropathy operates through the action of remaining deltoid muscle. Nowadays, the reverse shoulder prosthesis is being combined with the allograft with purported advantage of improvement in the function. Lazerges et al.77 reported a series of 6 cases treated with composite reverse shoulder arthroplasty following excision of malignant tumors of the proximal humerus. At a mean follow up of 5.9 years, there was only one case of dislocation requiring revision. Quick Disabilities of Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH) score improved from 28 to 41 and the VAS score improved from a mean of 5.1 to 2.3. The mean Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score (MSTS) was 73% at the latest follow up and the mean satisfaction score was 8.1/10. Chacon et al.75 used this reverse shoulder allograft-prosthesis composite for revision of failed shoulder hemireplacement arthroplasty. At an average follow up of 30.2 months, the mean American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES)score improved from 31.7 to 69.4 Nineteen patients (76%) reported a subjective good to excellent result. The range of motion improved in all the planes.
3.1.2. Distal humerus and elbow
Elbow being the less common site for primary tumors and malignancy, most of the APCs are used for salvage of failed previous total elbow arthroplasties or failed union following trauma. The outcomes of use of APCs around the elbow as reported in different studies are summarized in Table 7.
Table 7.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of Allograft Prosthesis Composite for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal humerus.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Mansat et al.81 | Failed TER | 13 | 62 | 42 m | MEPS: | – | 4 infections | 5 revisions | – |
4 Excellent | 2 non-unions | 3 APC removal | |||||||
3 Good | |||||||||
1 Fair | |||||||||
5 Poor | |||||||||
Amirfeyz et al.82 | Failed TER | 10 (11 elbows) | 64 | 75 m | MEPS = 74 | 3 partial resorption in humeral side | 1 infection | 1 APC removal | – |
8 humeral APC | 4 partial resorption in ulnar side | ||||||||
6 Ulnar APC | |||||||||
Morrey et al.83 | 22 Failed TER | 25 | 60 | 3.4 y | MEPS = 84 | 92% incorporated with host bone | 3 infection | 9 reoperations | – |
1 Failed hemiarthroplasty | 3 fractures | ||||||||
1 resection arthroplasty | 1 non-union | 4 resection arthroplasty | |||||||
1 non-union | 1 malunion | ||||||||
Renfree et al.84 | 5 failed TER | 10 (14 APCs) | 58 | 6.5 y | BMES = 20 | 79% incorporated | 1 infection | 4 allograft related failures | – |
3 humeral non-union | HSSES = 37 | 1 non-union | |||||||
1 Ulnar non-union | 1 complete resorption of olecranon | ||||||||
1 OM proximal ulna |
Abbreviations: m = months, y = years, TER = Total Elbow Arthroplasty, MEPS = Mayo Elbow Performance Score, OM = Osteomyelitis, BMES = Bryan-Morrey Elbow Score, HSSES = Hospital for Special Surgery Elbow Score.
3.2. Lower limb
3.2.1. Proximal femur
The reconstruction options for massive proximal femoral bone loss are limited either to a megaprosthesis or an allograft prosthesis composite. The indications for the use of megaprosthesis and their results in different studies have already been discussed in previous section. While the megaprosthesis allows early weight bearing and hence, a superior early outcome, Allograft Prosthesis Composites have shown improved functional outcome and implant survival and therefore a superior long-term outcome. The outcomes of use of APCs around the proximal femur as reported in different studies are summarized in Table 8.
Table 8.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of Allograft Prosthesis Composite for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal femur.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Average age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Biau et al.85 | Tumors | 32 | 41 | 68 m | – | – | 9 revisions; 5 for mechanical reasons and 4 for infection | 14% revision at 5 years, 19 % revision at 10 years | – |
McGoveran et al.86 | Tumors | 16 | 51 | 47 m | TESS = 71.2 (37.0 to 91.0) | – | 3 infection | Poor functional scores | – |
3 fracture | |||||||||
2 non-union | |||||||||
1 delayed union leading to fracture | |||||||||
Babis et al.87 | Failed THA | 72 | 59.9 | 12 y | HHS = 73 (52 to 85) | Aseptic loosening in 4 | 19 revisions; | 14 died | 69% at 10 years |
infection 5 | 19 revised | ||||||||
loosening 4 | |||||||||
fracture 4 | |||||||||
non-union 2 | |||||||||
stem fracture 1 | |||||||||
resorption 3 | |||||||||
Biau et al.88 | Tumors | 18 | – | 83 m | TESS = 76 | 1 loosening | 4 infection | 10 revision | – |
HHS = 90 | 5 removal | ||||||||
PMAS = | 1 aseptic loosening | ||||||||
PCSS = 44 | |||||||||
MCSS = 49 | |||||||||
Chen et al.89 | Tumors | 10 PF | 37.9 | 43 m | EFS = 80% | – | 1 sciatic nerve palsy | 1 died | – |
2 DF | No revision | ||||||||
2 PH | |||||||||
(Autograft Prosthetic composite) | |||||||||
Chen et al.90 | Tumors | 14 (Autograft Prosthetic composite) | 28.1 | 65.7 m | EFS = 72.1% | – | 1 non-union | 3 died | 85 % at 5 years |
Clarke et al.91 | 1 Malignancy | 11 | 59 | 49 m | 6 patients had no or slight pain on pain score | 2 loosening | 2 infection | 5 revision | 61% at 5 years |
5 Arthritis | |||||||||
5 DDH | |||||||||
Donati et al.92 | Tumors | 27 | 32 | 58 m | MTSS excellent in 73%, good in 18 % and fair in 9 % | – | 1 non-union | 3 revision | – |
1 fracture | |||||||||
1 infection | |||||||||
Dubory et al.93 | 14 Failed THA | 46 | 34.3 | 14.7 y | PMAS = 15.7 (8 to 21) | 12 loosening | 2 infection | 2 died | Over all 54.1% at 10 year |
32 Malignancy | MTSS = 77% (15 to 29) | 51 re - operations | 81.4 % femoral stem | ||||||
Eid et al.94 | Tumors | 18 | 39 | 93 m | MSTS = 80% | 1 loosening | 2 infection | 6 re-operations | 86% at 5 and 10 years |
Groundland et al.95 | Tumors | PF 5 studies | 13.5 to 14.5 | 54.3 to 69.7 m | MSTS = 71 to 86.8 % | – | Loosening and infection most common complications | Failure rate of APC less than MPs at PF and more than MPs at DF and PT | – |
DF 4 studies | |||||||||
PT 4 studies | |||||||||
Langlias F et al.96 | Tumors | 21 | 38 | 10 years | MSTS = 77 % | 4 loosening | No infection | 8 re-operations | 81 % at 10 years |
4 non-union | No dislocation | ||||||||
Lee S H et al.97 | Total Hip Replacement | 15 | 60.9 | 4.2 year | HSS = 83.2 | 1 non-union | 1 infection | 3 re-operations | |
2 loosening | 1 dislocation | ||||||||
Malhotra R et al.98 | Giant Cell Tumors | 18 | 32 | 54 months | HHS = 91 in 13 pt | – | No infection | No re-operation | – |
HHS = 86 in 5 pt | No loosening | ||||||||
Min L et al.99 | Tumors | 28 | – | 56 m | MSTS = 26.5 | – | No infection | 3 died | – |
HHS = 80.6 | 3 non-union | 1 re-operation | |||||||
1 fracture | |||||||||
Lee Y S et al.100 | Tumors | 142 pasteurized autograft prosthesis composite for PF, DF, PH | 24 | 110 m | – | – | – | – | 78 % at 20 year for PF |
65 % for DF | |||||||||
34.7 % for PT | |||||||||
46.9% for PH | |||||||||
Ye ZM et al.101 | Tumors | 12 PF | – | 64 m | EFS = 23.4 | No loosening | No dislocation | 3 died | – |
10 DF | |||||||||
3 PT | |||||||||
Wang J W et al.102 | Failed THA | 15 | 58.7 y | 7.6 years | HHS = 81 in 10 patients that retained prosthesis | 1 Fracture | 5 APC removed and 2 re - implanted | – | |
2 Non-union | |||||||||
3 Infections | |||||||||
Sternheim A et al.103 | Failed THA in Dysplastic hips | 30 hips in 28 patients | 58.1 years | 15 years | HHS = 67.6 | 5 loosening | 1 infection | 6 revision | 93% at 10 yr, 75.5 % at 15yr, 75.5 % at 20 yr |
Sternheim A et al.104 | Failed APC after revision THA | 21 | 64 years | 96 months | HHS = 57 | 1 loosening | 2 non-union | – | 83.5 % at 5 and 10 year |
Subhadrabandhu S et al.105 | Tumor | 10 PF | 36 years | 63 months | MSTS = 89.3% | – | 1 fracture | – | – |
5 DF | 2 infection | ||||||||
4 PT | |||||||||
1 PH | |||||||||
1 PR | |||||||||
1 Hemipelvis |
Abbreviations: m = months, y = years, THA = Total Hip Arthroplasty, TESS = Toronto Extremity Salvage Score, PMAS = Postel and Merle d’Aubigne ´ score, PCSS and MCSS = Physical Component Summary Score and Mental Component Summary Score as a part of Short Form 36 (SF-36) score, EFS = Enneking Functional Score, MP = Megaprosthesis, PF = Proximal Femur, DF = Distal Femur, PT = Proximal Tibia PR = Proximal Radius.
Allograft Prosthesis Composites are indicated in younger patients. In addition to the restoration of bone stock by the allograft, the APC allows attachment of the gluteus and iliopsoas tendon thereby preventing instability. The allograft is combined with a long cementless revision stem to make a composite where the proximal part is cemented and the distal part is left as it is to obtain osteointegration with the host bone. The immediate stability is provided by the step cut osteotomy made in the host bone and the reciprocal osteotomy over the adjoining allograft. The permanent stability is achieved after union of the allograft to the host bone.
There have been studies regarding the use of Autograft Prosthetic Composite following Extracorporeal irradiation of the resected segment and reimplantation with a conventional arthroplasty. Chen et al.89 reported the use of Proximal Femoral Autograft Prosthesis Composite in 10 of his 14 patients following resection of tumor. There were no complications like infection, fracture or non-union. There was 100% union at the host-irradiated bone junction within 8 months. Another similar study.90 using extensively porous coated stem for constructing the Proximal Femoral Autograft Prosthetic Composite in 14 patients showed that the union was achieved in 12 patients at a mean of 20.3 weeks. There were no major complications reported. The authors suggested that this technique could be a reliable method of managing the massive bone loss in oriental countries where the availability of obtaining allograft is an issue.
The Allograft Prosthesis Composites have been currently favored by many over the other reconstruction techniques.87, 98, 99, 100 However, the problems like infection, non-union, allograft resorption, periprosthetic fracture and risk of disease transmission continue as major issues. The ultimate outcome depends on the etiology (i.e. neoplastic or non-neoplastic), intactness of soft tissue, size of defect, method of reconstruction, and preparation of the allograft. The patients’ characteristics such as age at presentation, gender, and occurrence of a pathologic fracture plays an important role in determining the function, disability, and health-related quality of life following allograft-prosthesis composite reconstruction of the proximal femur.88
3.2.2. Distal femur and proximal tibia
Distal Femur and Proximal Tibia being the common sites for tumor, massive skeletal defects are commonly encountered following wide surgical excision of the lesion. Large defects can also be seen in cases of Failed Total Knee Arthroplasty, infection and complex trauma. Because of the limited longevity of megaprosthesis and the need of future revision, their use has been limited to the elderly only. Biological reconstruction in young patients using osteoarticular allografts have been associated with high rate of failures due to fractures.106 Because of the encouraging results with the use of APCs in the reconstruction of proximal femur and proximal humerus, indications have been extended for their use in distal and proximal tibia as well. The outcomes of use of APCs around the distal femur and proximal tibia, reported in different studies are summarized in Table 9, Table 10 respectively.
Table 9.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of Allograft Prosthesis Composite for the management of massive skeletal defects in distal femur.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Mean age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Moon et al.107 | Tumors | 12 | 19 | 89 m | MSTS score available for 6 patients; | – | 8 patients had complications non-union, fracture, infection and stem perforation | 3 non- union and 2 failures revised | – |
Average = 90% | |||||||||
Mo S et al.108 | Tumors | 12 | 29.5 | 45.7 m | MSTS in 9 patients with preserved limb = 27 | – | 1 fracture | 1 died | |
1 infection | 4 revisions | ||||||||
1 instability | |||||||||
1 local recurrence | |||||||||
Saidi K et al.109 | Fractures | 7 APC | 79 | KSS = 74.1 | – | 1 infection | 3 revisions | ||
9 RSA | 1 dislocation | ||||||||
7 DFR | 1 non-union | ||||||||
Ye ZM et al.110 | Tumors | 12 PF | – | 64 m | EFS = 23.4 | No loosening | No dislocation | 3 died | – |
10 DF | |||||||||
3 PT | |||||||||
Farfalli et al.111 | Tumors | (Group 1) 50 APC (28 DF, 22 PT) with non-constrained prosthesi |
35 in both | Group 1–69 m | MSTS = 25 in Group 1 | – | Group 1: | Group 1: | Group 1: 69% at 5 years and 62% at 10 years |
Group 2–75 m | MSTS = 25.3 in Group 2 | 8 infection | 2 died, | ||||||
(Group 2) 36 APC (17 DF, 19 PT) with constrained prosthesis |
3 fracture | 16 APC removed | Group 2: 80 % at 5 years and 53 % at 10 years | ||||||
2 instability | |||||||||
1 loosening | Group 2: | ||||||||
1 local recurrence | 5 died, | ||||||||
1 non-union | 9 APC removed | ||||||||
Group 2: | |||||||||
3 infection | |||||||||
3 fracture | |||||||||
3 loosening | |||||||||
Wilkins RM et al .112 | Revision of distal femoral replacement in tumors | 4 | 17 | 59 m | MSTS = 62% | – | No fracture | No revision | |
No loosening | |||||||||
No infection |
Abbreviations: m = months, y = years, APC = Allograft Prosthesis Composite, DF = Distal Femur, PT = Proximal Tibia, RSA = revision systems, DFR = Distal Femur Endoprostheis, KSS = Knee Society Score, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score.
Table 10.
Summary of the data from the recent studies on the use of Allograft Prosthesis Composite for the management of massive skeletal defects in proximal tibia.
Authors | Diagnosis | No of patients | Mean age (years) | Average Follow up | Clinical outcome | Radiological Outcome | Complications | Result | Survival |
Campanacci et al.113 | – | 19 | 6–16 y | 78 m | 13 patients who retained original implant has MSTS of 22 points (range, 12 to 30 points). | – | 6 fracture | 5 revised | 68 months (6 to 188), |
2 non-union | 1 died | 72.2% at 5 year, | |||||||
1 infection | 56.1% at 10 year | ||||||||
1.9 cm of LLD | |||||||||
Donati D et al.114 | 58 tumor | 62 | 24 y | 72 m | 90% of patients had MSTS higher than 65 | 2 loosening | 15 infection | – | 73.4% at 5 y |
4 reconstruction of failed procedure | 3 local recurrences | ||||||||
Capanna R et al .115 | Tumors | 14 | 34.9 y | 4.5 y | MSTS = 83% | – | 2 infection | 4 died | – |
2 prosthesis failure | |||||||||
1 stem fracture | |||||||||
Biau D et al.116 | Tumors | 26 APC in PT | 25 y | 62 m | – | – | 6 infection | 38 re-operations (15 revisions) in 18 patients | 72 % at 5 y |
9 mechanical failures | 43 % at 10 y | ||||||||
Biau DJ et al.117 | Tumors | 26 | 24 y | 128 m | – | 6 showed signs of partial resorption | 7 fracture | 10 died | 68 % at 5 y |
6 infection | 14 revised | 33 % at 10 y | |||||||
Gilbert et al.118 | Tumors | 12 | 34.5 y | 49 m | MSTS = 24.3 (81%) | – | 1 deep infection | 3 died | 79% at 5 y |
No revision | |||||||||
1 flap failure | 1 re-operation for infection | ||||||||
Jeon DG et al.119 | Tumors | 13 | 26 y | 43 m | MSTS = 23.6 | 1 loosening | 3 infection | 4 removal of prosthesis | 76.9 % at 5y |
4 non-union |
Abbreviations: m = months, y = years, LLD = limb length discrepancy, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score, APC = Allograft Prosthesis Composite, PT = Proximal Tibia.
The various studies (mentioned in the table) have shown good to excellent results following knee reconstruction with the use of APCs in distal femur and proximal tibia. The survivorship has been reported as low as 33% at 10 years for proximal tibia to as high as 80% at 5 years for distal femur. The senior author (RM) has reported the successful outcome of using a dual massive allograft (distal femoral and proximal tibial) for the reconstruction of large femoral and tibial uncontained defects in the setting of revision knee arthroplasty.120 The patient, currently at 11 years follow is doing well without any sign of infection, graft failure or loosening of the implant.
3.2.3. Literature review comparing megaprosthesis with allograft prosthesis composite
There are very few studies comparing the outcome of megaprosthesis and allograft prosthesis composite for major reconstruction of massive bone defects. In addition, majority of them are retrospective analyses. The results are different for different etiologies and so are the survivorships. Table 11 summarizes the results of different studies comparing the outcome following use of megaprosthesis and allograft prosthesis composite for the reconstruction of massive skeletal defects in different anatomic sites.
Table 11.
Summary of the results of different studies comparing the outcome following use of megaprosthesis and allograft prosthesis composite for the reconstruction of massive skeletal defects in different anatomic sites.
Authors & Anatomic site | Megaprosthesis |
No. of patients | Mean Follow-up | Outcome | Results | Survival | No. of patients | Mean Follow-up | Outcome | Results | Survival | |
Michiel et al.121 | 14 | 10 y | 21% complications | 1 revision | 88% at 5 years | 10 | 10 y | 40% complications | 3 revisions | 60% at 5 years |
Proximal Humerus | ||||||||||
Benedetti et al.122 | 10 | 118 m | MMT = 4/5 (hip abductors) | – | 10 | 60 m | MMT = 4/5 (hip abductors) | – | – | |
Proximal Femur | MSTS = 87% | MSTS = 90% | ||||||||
Gait: Lower cadence | Gait: Higher cadence | |||||||||
Anract et al.123 | 20 | – | Higher incidence of limp and use of crutches | – | 73 + 11 % at 5 years and 0% at 10 years | 21 | Lower incidence of limp and use of crutches | Allograft resorption seen in 50% cases without affecting the function | 77 + 12% at 5 and 10 years | |
Proximal Femur | ||||||||||
Farid et al.124 | 52 | 146 m | 2 infections | – | 86% at 10 years | 20 | 76 m | 1 infection | – | 86% at 10 years |
Proximal Femur | 10% aseptic loosening | 10% non-union | ||||||||
MSTS = 70% | MSTS = 82% | |||||||||
HAS = 2.8/5 | HAS = 4.6/5 | |||||||||
Zehr et al.125 | 17 (18 MPs) | MSTS = 80% | 8revisions | 58% at 10 years | 16(18APCs) | MSTS = 87% | 1 revised to rotationplasty | 76% at 10 years | ||
Proximal Femur | 47% complications | 18% complications | 1 hip disarticulation | |||||||
2 deaths from disease | ||||||||||
2 stem breakage | 1 persistent nonunion | |||||||||
1 loosening | ||||||||||
1 infection | ||||||||||
1 recurrence | ||||||||||
3 instability | ||||||||||
Zimel et al.126 | 47 | 7 y | 11% recurrence | 9 deaths from disease | 87% at 10 years | 38 (Condyle sparing allograft) | 7 y | 18% recurrence | 8 deaths from disease | 81% at 10 years |
Distal Femur | 53% alive with no disease | 68% alive with no disease | ||||||||
17% alive with disease | 11 % alive with disease | |||||||||
Muller et al.127 | 23 | 62 m | ISLOS Score: | 5 failures: | 78.8% at 10 years | 19 | 62 m | ISLOS Score: | 4 failures: | 93.7% at 10 years |
Proximal Tibia | 6 Excellent | 1 amputation | 10 Excellent | 1 amputation | ||||||
11 Good | 4 implant removal | 11 Good | 2 implant removal | |||||||
1 Fair | 1 Fair | 1 change of inlay | ||||||||
Wunder et al.128 | 64 (50 DF, 14 PT) | Minimum 3 years | MSTS = 26.3 | 2 infection | 91% at 3 years | 11 (6 DF, 5 PT) | 4 infection | MSTS = 20 | 22% at 3 years | |
Knee | 4 prosthesis breakage | 5 allograft fracture | ||||||||
1 loosening |
Abbreviations: y = years, m = months, MMT = Manual Muscle Test, MSTS = Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Score, HAS = Hip Abductor Strength, MP = Megaprosthesis, ISLOS = International Society of Limb Salvage, DF = Distal Femur, PT = Proximal Tibia.
4. Conclusion
Megaprosthesis and Allograft Prosthesis Composite (APC) both present viable options for the management of massive skeletal defects. The development in megaprosthesis include improved material and designs, silver coating to prevent infection and technologies to improve osteointegration in the host bone. The APC on the other hand is continuously finding applications for a wide array of newer indications. The complication rates remain high with both technologies and the most notable ones are infections and complications due to the failure to restore soft tissue envelope. The choice is decided by the age of the patient, level of activity, affordability, availability of bone allografts, and, skill of the surgeon. Still, APC remains the method of choice for reconstruction for the young patient where further surgeries may be required.
No funds were received in the form of payment or services from a third party for any aspect of the submitted work.
Conflict of interest
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