Human Molecular Genetics 2008, 17, 3487–3501. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddn241
The Authors wish to make a correction to the genotype indicated for two melanocyte cell lines developed and characterized in the study above. Indeed, during a recent RNAseq analysis, we realized that the previously indicated Oa1+/+ and Oa1-/- melanocyte lines are actually Oa1+/Y and Oa1-/Y, i.e. they are wild type and Oa1-KO, respectively, as originally reported, but they are both male, rather than female (Figures 1-2). These new findings do not affect any of the major conclusions of the original manuscript, since even in the remote possibility that the sex could impact on the physiopathology of isolated melanocytes in culture, the published work contains several other independent controls (analysis of wild type and Oa1-KO mouse retinas; analysis of Oa1-KO melanocytes transiently transfected or stably transduced with vectors for wild type or mutant OA1) supporting the reliability of the results. The genotypes will also be corrected in the Wellcome Trust Functional Genomics Cell Bank website, through which these cell lines are presently available (
Figure 1.
PCR from genomic DNA to confirm the HPRT cassette insertion at the Oa1 locus in the indicated melanocyte cell lines. As described in the manuscript, heterozygous Oa1+/- were subcloned and tested for Oa1 expression, to select clones expressing Oa1 from the wild type X chromosome.
Figure 2.
Expression levels of Oa1 (Gpr143), Xist (X-inactive specific transcript), and three Y specific genes (Ddx3y, Eif2s3y, Kdm5d), obtained by RNAseq analysis and normalized for transcript length and total number of reads (RPKM). Mean ± SD of 3 independent samples for each melanocyte cell line.
The RNAseq analysis and additional validation experiments were performed by A Palmigiano and MV Schiaffino, both authors of the original manuscript.