Abstract Abstract
A checklist of the family Trombiculidae and Leeuwenhoekiidae is presented, containing 63 species in 30 genera of chiggers from 80 different hosts and 146 localities in Brazil. The type locality and depository are provided, including new locality and host records for the country.
Keywords: Brazil, Chigger mites, Cricetidae, Didelphidae, distribution
The mites known as “chiggers” or “chigger mites” belong to three families: Trombiculidae Ewing, 1944, Leeuwenhoekiidae Womersley, 1944, and Walchiidae Ewing, 1946 sensu Wen (1999). The larvae are ectoparasites of vertebrates, and during the parasitism, they liquefy and suck the host’s epithelial tissue by the enzymatic action of their saliva. Blood is not ingested in this process, but some blood cells can be found in the gut of the mite (Jones 1950). Deutonymphs and adults are free living predators (Crossley 1960).
Studies of the biology and taxonomy of these mites were intensified during World War II, thus increasing considerably the number of known species. Soldiers were attacked in encampments and contracted rickettsioses from infected larvae (Wharton and Fuller 1952). According to these authors, in the front of the situation, the public health departments were faced with the need for cataloging studies, description, morphology, and biology of these mites. Although they are considered potential vectors of pathogens, the role of these mites in the epidemiology of rickettsiosis is unknown in the Neotropical region (Azad and Beard 1998, Poinar and Poinar 1998).
In South America, the countries that have a checklist of chiggers species are: Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975), Peru (Brennan and Jones 1961), Surinam (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971) and recently Chile (Stekolnikov and González-Acuña 2015). Ewing (1931) compiled the first list of chigger mites from the New World, eight species from Brazil. Wharton and Fuller (1952) increased the number by eight genera and 18 species. Fonseca (1955) reported the first human hosts for Brazil. Brennan and Goff (1977) reported 87 chigger genera for the Nearctic and Neotropical regions, of which 18 were recorded from Brazil.
The Brazilian territory is composed by five regions (north, northeast, central-west, southeast and south), 26 states and one federal district (Contel 2014). Between the 1970s and 1990s, new species were described by various researchers from specimens collected primarily in the northern and central-western parts of the country, but have never been summarized (Stekolnikov and González-Acuña 2015). Therefore, here we are compiling a checklist of species from Brazil, including new hosts and localities.
Materials and methods
In the checklist, the taxa comprise two families, Trombiculidae and Leeuwenhoekiidae. The genera and species are arranged alphabetically, in the follow format: Genus - Valid name, author and data; Species – Checklist number, valid name of species, author, date, type locality, host, and type depository, in parenthesis are the typification and the collection number, when available. In cases where the original host name has changed, the current host name is listed with the original host name in parenthesis. The host species were updated based on the IUCN (2017).
The following abbreviations were used:
BPBM USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum;
FMNH USA, Illinois, Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History Chicago (cited in original description as CNHM);
IBSP Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo, Instituto Butantan;
MNRJ Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, São Cristovão, Universidade do Rio Janeiro, Museu Nacional;
MZSP Brazil, São Paulo, São Paulo, Universidade de São Paulo;
NHMUK United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)] (cited in original description as BMNH or BM);
OMNH USA, Oklahoma, Norman, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History;
OSAL USA, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio State University Acarology Laboratory;
RMNH Netherlands, Leiden, Naturalis Biodiversity Centre [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie];
SAM Australia, South Australia, Adelaide, South Australian Museum;
USNM USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly United States National Museum] which is housed at the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (BARC-USDA-ARS), cited in original descriptions as NMNH.
Details of the records in Brazil were provided based on the bibliographic review, followed to the new records for the country, when available. The new records from the checklist are based on the material deposited in the IBSP collection. Some of these species were also reported outside Brazilian territory. These recordings of literature were included in other records.
In addition, a list of chiggers from Brazil is summarized with their respective hosts (Appendix 1) and a list of vertebrate hosts and their respective chiggers and the published information from Brazil (Appendix 2).
A Brazilian checklist with eight species of the family Leeuwenhoekiidae and 55 of the family Trombiculidae, totaling 63 chigger species in 30 genera from approximately 70 different hosts is presented. Some regions just have one or two chigger records and most of these records are represented by the type series. Species of the family Walchiidade were never recorded in the Brazilian territory until this work.
The chigger species P. aemulata, Q. flochi, Q. mirandae, and Q. trapezoides are reported for the first time in Brazil, and new records of locality for T. bakeri and new localities and hosts for the species C. spinosus, E. tinami, K. brasiliensis, Q. pazca, and S. tamarina are provided too.
Checklist of larvae chigger species (in alphabetical order) recorded from Brazil
Family LEEUWENHOEKIIDAE Womersley, 1944
Genus Apolonia Torres & Braga, 1938: 172
1. Apolonia tigipioensis Torres & Braga, 1938: 172; Tigipió, Pernambuco state, Brazil, ex Gallus gallus domesticus; IBSP (syntype, n° 1954).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, Carneiro (1949, 1952) reported A. tigipioensis parasitizing humans and Nothura maculosa cearensis (Tinamiformes) in Limoeiro (Pernambuco). This chigger was also found parasitizing the birds Struthio camelus (Struthioniformes) and Passer domesticus (Passeriformes) in Petrolina (Pernambuco) (Ornelas-Almeida et al. 2007).
Other records. Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
Genus Hannemania Oudemans, 1911: 137
2. Hannemania hepatica Fonseca, 1936: 30; Butantan, São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil; ex. Leptodactylus latrans (= L. ocellatus); IBSP (holotype, n° 31).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
3. Hannemania hylodeus (Oudemans, 1910): 88; Brazil, ex Hylodes sp.; RMNH (n° 6247).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data, no locality information was provided by the author.
4. Hannemania newsteadi Sambon, 1928: 127; Urucum, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, ex Hyla rubra; NHMUK.
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
5. Hannemania stephensi Sambon, 1928: 127; Tombador, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, ex Pristimantis conspicillatus (= Hylodes conspicillatus); NHMUK.
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Leeuwenhoekia Oudemans, 1911: 137
6. Leeuwenhoekia verduni (Oudemans, 1910): 88; southern Brazil; ex. Didelphis sp., “opossum” RMNH (n° 6250).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data, this species was described from an unknown location in southern Brazil.
Genus Whartonia Ewing, 1944: 102
7. Whartonia nudosetosa (Wharton, 1938): 142; Cave near Oxkutzcab, Yucatan, Mexico, ex Artibeus jamaicensis yucatanicus and “Peteropteryx canina canina”; USNM (n° 1264).
Note. The correct host name is Peropteryx macrotis, originally described as Verpertillio caninus.
Records from Brazil. Silveira et al. (2015) reported this species from Medina and São José da Safira (Minas Gerais state) on Carollia perspicillata (Chiroptera).
Other records. Costa Rica (Webb and Loomis 1977); Guatemala (Brennan and Dalmat 1960); Jamaica (Brennan 1953); Nicaragua (Webb and Loomis 1977); Mexico (Wharton 1938, Hoffmann 1949, Loomis 1969, Webb and Loomis 1977); Surinam (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975); Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960, Brennan 1967) and Venezuela (Reed and Brennan 1975).
8. Whartonia pachywhartoni Vercammen-Grandjean, 1966: 282; Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, ex Micronycteris megalotis, USNM (holotype, n° 10462/6).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, W. pachywhartoni was found in São José da Safira (Minas Gerais) parasitizing the bat C. perspicillata (Silveira et al. 2015).
Family TROMBICULIDAE Ewing, 1944
Genus Aitkenius Brennan, 1970: 1694
9. Aitkenius vellosus Brennan, 1970: 1695; Belém, Pará state, Brazil, ex Proechimys guyannensis, USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 48876), FMNH (paratypes) and NHMUK (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, A. vellosus was also found at the same locality, on Hylaeamys megacephalus (Rodentia), and in Bragança (Pará) on the water rat Nectomys squamipes (Rodentia) (Brennan 1970d).
Genus Arisocerus Brennan, 1970: 32
10. Arisocerus amapensis Brennan, 1970: 32; Serra do Navio, Amapá state, Brazil, ex Euryoryzomys macconnelli; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49368).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was also found at the same locality, on H. megacephalus, and in Belém (Pará) parasitizing H. megacephalus and P. guyannesis (Brennan 1970c).
Other records. Suriname (Brennan 1970c, Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975) and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
11. Arisocerus hertigi (Brennan & Jones, 1964): 308; Sommerfield, Paraguay, ex “agouti”; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 43427), FMNH (paratypes), OSAL (paratypes), BPBM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. This species was found in Brasília (Federal District), parasitizing the marsupial Didelphis albiventris (Didelphimorphia) (Goff and Gettinger 1989). In addition, A. hertigi was found on the Archipelago Moleques do Sul (Santa Catarina) parasitizing Cavia intermedia (Rodentia) (Regolin et al. 2015).
Other records. Paraguay (Brennan and Jones 1964a).
Genus Blankaartia Oudemans, 1911: 123
12. Blankaartia shatroviBassini-Silva & Barros-Battesti, 2016: 83; São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil, ex “bird”; IBSP (holotype and paratypes, n° 367).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was also found in Coronel Pacheco (Minas Gerais) parasitizing Trichothraupis melanops (Passeriformes) (Bassini-Silva et al. 2016).
13. Blankaartia sinnamaryi Floch & Fauran, 1956: 3; Sinnamary, French Guiana, ex Homo sapiens.
Records from Brazil. This species was found in Paraty (Rio de Janeiro) parasitizing Manacus manacus (Passeriformes), in Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais) parasitizing Picumnus cirratus (Piciformes), Tachyphonus coronatus, Thamnophilus caerulescens and Turdus rufiventris (Passeriformes), and in Coronel Pacheco (Minas Gerais) parasitizing Conopophaga lineata and Turdus albicollis (Passeriformes) (Bassini-Silva et al. 2016).
Other records. Costa Rica (Arnold 1970, Stekolnikov et al. 2007), Cuba (Daniel and Stekolnikov 2003), French Guiana (Floch and Fauran 1956), Jamaica (Brennan 1953), Panama (Brennan and Yunker 1966), Peru (Brennan and Jones 1961a), Surinam (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975), Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960), USA (Brennan 1965, Spalding et al. 1997) and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
Genus Buclypeus Brennan, 1972: 1178
14. Buclypeus catatonus Brennan, 1972: 1178; Belém, Pará state, Brazil, ex Proechimys guyannensis; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49322), NHMUK (paratypes), BPBM (paratypes) and FMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
15. Buclypeus ignotus (Brennan, 1971): 214; Belém, Pará state, Brazil, ex Proechimys guyannensis, USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49322), NHMUK (paratypes) and FMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Caamembecaia Gazêta, Amorim, Bossi, Linhares & Serra-Freire, 2006: 137
16. Caamembecaia gratiosus Gazêta, Amorim, Bossi, Linhares & Serra-Freire, 2006: 137; Itatiaia National Park, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, ex Trinomys gratiosus; MNRJ (holotype, n° 67498).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Chiroptella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960: 469
17. Chiroptella (Oudemansidium) australis (Brennan, 1970): 810; Pedras Negras, Rondônia state, Brazil, ex Nyctinomops laticaudatus (= Tadarida laticaudata); USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 50192), NHMUK (paratypes) and FMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Other records. Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
Genus Colicus Brennan, 1970: 271
18. Colicus brasiliensis Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1983: 185; São Roque de Minas, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, ex Oligoryzomys formesi (= Oryzomys fornesi) and Cerradomys subflavus (= Oryzomys subflavus); BPBM (holotype, n°12711 and paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
19. Colicus icomi Brennan, 1970: 271; Serra do Navio, Amapá state Brazil, ex Proechimys guyannensis; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49342).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Other records. Surinam (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975).
20. Colicus spinosus Goff & Gettinger, 1989: 554; Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, ex Gracilinannus agilis; MZSP (holotype), BPBM (paratypes), OMNH (paratypes) and USNM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
New record. IBSP 11116 (1 larva), Condomínio Vila Verde, Itapevi, São Paulo, state of São Paulo, 29-XI-2012, Monodelphis sp. (Didelphimorphia) (#VV 105).
Genus EuschoengastiaEwing 1938: 293
21. Euschoengastia trouessarti (Oudemans, 1910): 87; southern Brazil; ex Didelphis sp.; RMNH.
Records from Brazil. Only the type data, this species was described from an unknown location in southern Brazil.
Genus Eutrombicula Ewing, 1938: 293
22. Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Oudemans, 1910: 84; México, ex Homo sapiens; RMNH.
Records from Brazil. This species was found in Correntes (Mato Grosso) parasitizing the snake, Xenodon merremii and a human in São Paulo (São Paulo) (Fonseca 1932a). This species was also found in Unaí (Minas Gerais) and Pirenópolis (Goiás) parasitizing Tropidurus oreadicus, Tropidurus itambere and Tropidurus torquatus (Squamata) (Carvalho et al. 2006). There are additional records from Chapada do Araripe (Ceará) on Tropidurus hispidus (Squamata) (Delfino et al. 2011) and from Morro do Chapéu (Bahia), on Tropidurus hispidus, Tropidurus cocorobensis, Tropidurus semitaeniatus and Tropidurus erythrocephalus (Menezes et al. 2011). Recently this species was found parasitizing goats in Maranhão state (Faccini et al. 2017).
Other records. Bolivia (Brennan 1970a); Costa Rica (Arnold 1970); Cuba (Daniel and Stekolnikov 2004); USA (Rohani and Cromroy 1979); Guatemala (Brennan and Dalmat 1960); Mexico (Oudemans 1910, Wharton 1938, Pearse et al. 1936, Hoffmann 1949, Jenkins 1949, Kroman et al. 1967, Loomis 1969, Loomis and Spath 1969, Hoffmann 1990, Estébanes-González and Cervantes 2005); Panama (Brennan and Yunker 1966); Surinam (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975; Brennan and Lukoschus 1971); Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960) and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1974).
23. Eutrombicula batatas (Linnaeus, 1758): 617; Surinam, ex unknown host; NHMUK.
Records from Brazil. This species was found in Manaus and Carvoeiro (Amazonas) parasitizing G. domesticus, and in Belém (Pará), parasitizing Meleagris gallopavo (Galliformes) (Ewing 1925). There are also records of E. batatas parasitizing Dasyprocta agouti (Rodentia) and unidentified Cervidae in Pará state (Bequaert 1926). Confalonieri and De Carvalho (1973) found E. batatas parasitizing G. domesticus in Mangaratiba (Rio de Janeiro). This species was also found parasitizing equines in Cáceres (Mato Grosso) (Confalonieri and Benez 1976) and on goats in Maranhão state (Faccini et al. 2017).
Other records. Argentina (Brennan and Jones 1964b); Bolivia (Brennan 1970a); Costa Rica (Arnold 1970); Curaçao (Brennan 1967); Guatemala (Brennan and Dalmat 1960); Jamaica (Brennan 1953); Mexico (Linnaeus 1758, Jenkins 1949, Loomis and Stephens 1962, Loomis 1969, Hoffmann 1990, Estébanes-González and Cervantes 2005); Panama (Brennan and Yunker 1966); Surinam (Linnaeus 1758, Brennan and Lukoschus 1971, Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975); Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960, Bennett and Loomis 1980) and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1974).
24. Eutrombicula bruyanti (Oudemans, 1910): 85; southern Brazil; ex Didelphis sp. “opossum”; RMNH.
Records from Brazil. Only the type data, this species was described from an unknown location in southern Brazil.
25. Eutrombicula goeldii (Oudemans, 1910): 84; Brazil; ex Dasyprocta aguti; RMNH.
Records from Brazil. Only the type data, no locality information was provided by the author.
Other records. Bolivia (Brennan 1970a); Colombia (Boshell and Kerr 1942, Brennan 1968a); Costa Rica (Arnold 1970); Dominica (Brennan 1967); Panama (Brennan and Yunker 1966); Surinam (Brennan 1970c, Brennan and Lukoschus 1971, Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975); Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960); Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1974).
26. Eutrombicula tinami (Oudemans, 1910): 84; Brazil; ex Crypturus noctivagus; RMNH.
Records from Brazil. Only the type data, no locality information was provided by the author.
New record. IBSP 11368 (8 larvae), Condomínio Vila Verde, Itapevi, São Paulo, state of São Paulo, 19-VI-2013, Didelphis aurita (#VV 107).
Other records. Panama (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971); Surinam (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971); and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1974).
Genus Fonsecia Radford, 1942: 56
27. Fonsecia ewingi (Fonseca, 1932): 153; Correntes, Mato Grosso state, Brazil, ex Xenodon merremii; IBSP (syntypes, n° 27).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was also found at the following localities: Quiteriozinho (Mato Grosso), Birigui, Guatapará, Jacaré, Matão, Penápolis, Promissão and Silvania (São Paulo), Morrinhos (Goiás) and Rio Negro (Paraná) (Fonseca 1932b).
Other records. Trinidad (Brennan 1967).
28. Fonsecia ophidica (Fonseca, 1932): 151; Promissão, São Paulo state, Brazil, ex Xenodon merremii; IBSP (syntypes, n° 29).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was also found in Matão (São Paulo), on the same host (Fonseca 1932b).
29. Fonsecia travassosi (Fonseca, 1936): 29; Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil; ex Spilotes pullatus; IBSP (holotype, n° 30).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Hooperella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967: 853
30. Hooperella spinirostra (Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967): 854; Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, ex Micronycteris megalotis; USNM (holotype, n° 10462/B).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Kymocta Yunker & Brennan, 1962: 572
31. Kymocta brasiliensis (Fonseca, 1936): 32; Butantan, São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil, ex “wild mouse”; IBSP (holotype, n° 334).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
New records. IBSP 11129C (3 larvae), Morro Grande, Cotia, state of São Paulo, 26-IV-2012, Akodon montensis (#MGR 38).
32. Kymocta faitkeni Brennan, 1968: 614; Serra do Navio, Amapá state, Brazil, ex Hylaeamys megacephalus (= Oryzomys capito); USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 48875) and NHMUK (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was record in the same locality and host by Brennan and van Bronswijk (1973) and was also found in Bragança (Pará) parasitizing Necromys lasiurus (= Zygodontomys lasiurus) (Rodentia) and Didelphis marsupialis (Didelphimorphia) (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1973).
Other records. Trinidad (Brennan 1968b) and Venezuela (Brennan and Yunker 1969, Brennan and van Bronswijk 1973).
33. Kymocta inca (Brennan & Jones, 1961): 177; Quince Mil, Cuzco, Peru, Nephelomys keaysi (= Oryzomys keaysi); USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 33554).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was record in the same locality and host by Brennan and van Bronswijk (1973) and on the rodent P. guyannensis in Bragança (Pará) (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1973).
Other records. Peru (Brennan and Jones 1961a) and Venezuela (Brennan and Yunker 1969).
34. Kymocta lutui Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1983: 185; National Park of Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, Necromys lasiurus (= Zygodontomys lasiurus); BPBM (holotype and paratypes, n°12712).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Microtrombicula Ewing, 1950: 297
35. Microtrombicula brachytrichia Brennan, 1971: 214; Belém, Para state, Brazil, Proechimys guyannensis; USNM (holotype and paratypes n° 50350).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
36. Microtrombicula brennani Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1986: 171; Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, ex Lentopithecus rosalia; USNM (holotype and paratypes) and BPBM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
37. Microtrombicula rhipidomysi Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1983: 183; National Park of Serra da Canastra, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, ex Rhipidomys mastacalis; BPBM (holotype, n° 12710 and paratypes)
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Neoschoengastia Ewing, 1929: 187
38. Neoschoengastia esorhina Brennan, 1971: 666; Ananindeua, Pará state, Brazil, ex Automolus infuscatus, USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 56193).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Parascoshoengastia Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960: 469
39. Parascoschoengastia aemulata (Brennan & Jones, 1964): 307; Rancho Grande, Aragua, Venezuela, ex Anoura caudata; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 40658), FMNH (paratypes), OSAL (paratypes), BPNM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Present study.
New record. IBSP 12558 (1 larva), Morro Grande, Cotia, São Paulo, 20-X-2015, Akodon sp. (#MGR 246).
Other records. Venezuela (Brennan and Jones 1964a).
Genus Parasecia Loomis, 1966: 191
40. Parasecia aitkeni (Brennan & Jones, 1960): 510; Cumaca, Trinidad, ex Nectomys squamipes; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 33628), FHMUK (paratypes), FMNH (paratypes) and SAM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was found in the same locality, but parasitizing the marsupial Monodelphis domestica (Whitaker and Dietz 1987).
Other records. Bolivia (Brennan 1970a); Surinam (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971); Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960, Brennan 1969c) and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
41. Parasecia fundata Brennan, 1969: 664; Belém, Pará state, and Serra do Navio, Amapá state, Brazil, ex Caluromys philander, Didelphis marsupialis and Glyphorynchus spirurus; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49323) and NHMUK (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was also found parasitizing P. guyannensis in Serra do Navio (Amapá) (Brennan 1969c).
Other records. Costa Rica (Stekolnikov et al. 2007).
42. Parasecia lasiurus Goff & Gettinger, 1991: 401; Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, ex Necromys lasiurus and Oxymycterus sp.; MZSP (holotype), BPBM (paratypes), OMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
43. Parasecia orphana Brennan, 1971: 212; Belém, Pará state, Brazil, ex Proechimys guyannensis; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 50351), NHMUK (paratypes), FMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
44. Parasecia thalurania Brennan, 1969: 663; Belém, Pará state, Brazil; ex Thalurania furcata; USNM (holotype, n°49374).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
45. Parasecia valida Brennan, 1969: 663; Bragança, Pará state, and Serra do Navio, Amapá state, Brazil, ex Hylaeamys megacephalus, Necromys lasiurus (= Zygodontomys lasiurus fuscinus) and Monodelphis brevicaudata; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49092) and NHMUK (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Other records. Surinam (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971).
Genus Paratrombicula Goff & Whitaker, 1984: 329
46. Paratrombicula plaumanni (Brennan & Jones, 1964): 309; Nova Teutônia, Santa Catarina state, Brazil, ex Ctenomys minutus; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 34911), NHMUK (paratypes), FMNH (paratypes), OSAL (paratypes), BPNM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Other records. Chile (Stekolnikov and González-Acuña 2012).
Genus Perissopalla Brennan & White, 1960: 303
47. Perissopalla barticonycteris Brennan, 1969: 429; Belém, Pará state, Brazil, ex Glyphonycteris daviesi; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49939).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Other records. Bolivia (Brennan 1970a) and Surinam (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971, Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975).
48. Perissopalla ipeani Brennan, 1969: 429; Belém, Pará state, Brazil, ex Carollia perspicillata; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49366).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was also reported from Tonatia bidens (Chiroptera) in Parque Estadual Pedra Branca (Rio de Janeiro) (Almeida et al. 2011).
Other records. Surinam (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975, Brennan and Lukoschus 1971).
49. Perissopalla tanycera Brennan, 1969: 430; Icabarú, Bolivar, Venezuela, ex Peropteryx sp.; RML (holotype and paratypes, n° 49833).
Records from Brazil. This species was found in Príncipe de Beira (Rondônia) parasitizing the bat Saccopteryx bilineata (Brennan 1970a).
Other records. Bolivia (Brennan 1970a); Surinam (Brennan and van Bronswijk 1975) and Venezuela (Brennan 1969b, Brennan and Reed 1975).
Genus Polylopadium Brennan & Jones, 1961: 112
50. Polylopadium aspasium Brennan, 1969: 868; Serra do Navio, Amapá state and Bragança, Pará state, Brazil; ex H. megacephalus (= Oryzomys capito); RML (holotype and paratypes, n° 49341).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, this species was found in the same host, but in Belém (Pará) (Brennan 1969a).and also was found on the rodent Proechimys sp.in Príncipe da Beira (Rondônia) (Brennan 1970a).
Other records. Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
Genus Quadraseta Brennan, 1970: 1695
51. Quadraseta brasiliensis Goff & Gettinger, 1989: 557; Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, ex Hylaeamys megacephalus, Gracilinannus agilis, Monodelphis Americana; MZSP (holotype), BPBM (paratypes) and OMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
52. Quadraseta flochi (Brennan & Jones, 1960): 503; Maingot state, Trinidad, ex Rattus rattus; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 33885), FMNH (paratypes), NHMUK (paratypes) and SAM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Present study.
New record. IBSP 11096F (2 larvae), Morro Grande, Cotia, São Paulo state, 20-VI-2012, Euryoryzomys russatus (#MGR 32).
Other records. Colombia (Brennan 1968a), Surinam (Brennan and Lukoschus 1971), Trinidad (Brennan and Jones 1960) and Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975).
53. Quadraseta mirandae Goff & Brennan, 1977: 504; Quebrada Chacaito, Miranda, Venezuela, ex Nephelomys albigularis (= Oryzomys albigularis); USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 52518) and BPBM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Present study.
New records. IBSP 10606C (1 larva), Morro Grande, Cotia, São Paulo state, 13-IX-2011, Akodon montensis (#MGR 6); 1 larva (IBSP 11129B), same locality and host (#MGR 38), 26-VI-2012.
Other records. Venezuela (Goff and Brennan 1977).
54. Quadraseta pazca (Brennan & Jones, 1964): 700; Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina, ex Rattus sp. and Mus sp.; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 38090), NHMUK (paratypes), FMNH (paratypes) and OSAL (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Whitaker and Dietz (1987) reported this species from the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais) on the rodent Calomys tener.
New records. IBSP 10606B (1 larva), Morro Grande, Cotia, São Paulo state, 13-IX-2011, Akodon montensis (#MGR 6); 2 larvae (IBSP 11096E), same locality, 20-VI-2012, Euryoryzomys russatus (#MGR 32).
Other records. Argentina (Brennan and Jones 1964b).
55. Quadraseta trapezoides (Brennan & Jones, 1964): 699; Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentina, ex “fox”; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 38095), NHMUK (paratypes), FMNH (paratypes) and OSAL (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Present study.
New record. IBSP 11110C (12 larvae), Morro Grande, Cotia, São Paulo state, 16-VII-2012, Nectomys squamipes (#MGR 40).
Other records. Argentina (Brennan and Jones 1964b).
Genus Rhinibius Brennan & Yunker, 1969: 304
56. Rhinibus tamandua Brennan & Yunker, 1969: 304; Belém, Pará state, ex Tamandua tetradactyla; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 49365), FMNH (paratypes) and NHMUK (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Other records. Venezuela (Brennan and Reed 1975, Brennan and Yunker 1969).
Genus Serratacarus Goff & Whitaker, 1984: 162
57. Serratacarus dietzi Goff & Whitaker, 1984: 163; Serra da Canastra National Park, Minas Gerais state, Brazil; ex Necromys lasiurus; USNM (holotype and paratypes) and BPBM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
58. Serratacarus lasiurus Goff & Whitaker, 1984: 166; Serra da Canastra National Park, Minas Gerais state, Brazil; ex Necromys lasiurus; USNM (holotype and paratypes) and BPBM (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Speleocola Lipovsky, 1952: 132
59. Speleocola tamarina Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1987: 198; Poço das Antas Biological Reserve, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, ex Lentopithecus rosalia; USNM (holotype and paratypes).
Records from Brazil. The type data and the present study.
New records. IBSP 11364B (1 larva), Morro Grande, Cotia, São Paulo, 21-VII-2013, Sooretamys angouya (#MGR 148).
Genus Trombewingia Fonseca, 1955: 3
60. Trombewingia bakeri (Fonseca, 1955): 3; Reserva Florestal do Horto Florestal de São Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil, ex Guerlinguetus ingrami; IBSP (Lectotype and Paralectotypes, n° 344).
Records from Brazil. In addition to the type data, Whitaker and Dietz (1987) reported it from the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais) parasitizing the marsupial M. domestica. Other recent reports from São Paulo state include the municipality of Campos do Jordão and municipality of Cotia parasitizing A. montensis, and the rodents Delomys dorsalis and Sooretamys angouya (Jacinavicius et al. 2015).
61. Trombewingia brasiliensis Goff & Gettinger, 1991: 401; Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, ex Necromys lasiurus (= Bolomys lasiurus); MZSP (holotype), BPBM (paratypes) and OMNH (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Trombicula Berlese, 1905: 155
62. Trombicula truncata Brennan, 1970: 272; Príncipe de Beira, Rondônia state, Brazil, ex Saccopteryx bilineata; USNM (holotype and paratypes, n° 50188), FMNH (paratypes) and NHMUK (paratypes).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
Genus Vercammenia Audy & Nadchatram, 1957: 95
63. Vercammenia yorkei (Sambon, 1928): 119; Urucum, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, ex Scinax funereus (= Hyla rubra); NHMUK (holotype, n° 147-9).
Records from Brazil. Only the type data.
To Debra D. Creel, SEL-USDA, Floyd Shockley and David Furth, NMNH for technical assistance with the chigger specimens and literature. To the Smithsonian NMNH, the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (USDA-ARS) for their support and material used in this study. This work was supported by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq no. 454907/2014-1 to DMB-B and 377976/2014-8 to FCJ) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP no. 2010/51875-9 to DMB-B and 2017/01416-7 to RB-S). Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA; USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Appendix 1
Taxonomic list of chiggers and their respective hosts.
Apolonia tigipioensis Torres & Braga, 1938
Gallus gallus domesticus
Passer domesticus
Struthio camelus
Nothura maculosa cearensis
Homo sapiens
Hannemania hepatica Fonseca, 1936
Leptodactylus latrans
Hannemania hylodeus (Oudemans, 1910)
Hylodes sp.
Hannemania newsteadi Sambon, 1928
Scinax funereus
Hannemania stephensi Sambon, 1928
Pristimantis conspicillatus
Leeuwenhoekia verduni (Oudemans, 1910)
Didelphis sp.
Whartonia nudosetosa (Wharton, 1938)
Carollia perspicillata
Whartonia pachywhartoni Vercammen-Grandjean, 1966
Carollia perspicillata
Micronycteris megalotis
Aitkenius vellosus Brennan, 1970
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Nectomys squamipes
Proechimys guyannensis
Arisocerus amapensis Brennan, 1970
Euryoryzomys macconnelli
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Proechimys guyannensis
Arisocerus hertigi (Brennan & Jones, 1964)
Didelphis albiventris
Cavia intermedia
Blankaartia shatroviBassini-Silva & Barros-Battesti, 2016
Trichothraupis melanops
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Floch & Fauran, 1956
Conopophaga lineata
Manacus manacus
Thamnophilus caerulescens
Tachyphonus coronatus
Turdus albicollis
Turdus rufiventris
Picumnus cirratus
Homo sapiens
Buclypeus catatonus Brennan, 1972
Proechimys guyannensis
Buclypeus ignotus (Brennan, 1971)
Proechimys guyannensis
Caamembecaia gratiosus Gazêta, Amorim, Bossi, Linhares & Serra-Freire, 2006
Trinomys gratiosus
Chiroptella (Oudemansidium) australis (Brennan, 1970)
Nyctinomops laticaudatus
Colicus brasiliensis Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1983
Cerradomys subflavus
Oligoryzomys fornesi
Colicus icomi Brennan, 1970
Proechimys guyannensis
Colicus spinosus Goff & Gettinger, 1989
Gracilinannus agilis
Monodelphis sp.
Euschoengastia trouessarti (Oudemans, 1910)
Didelphis sp.
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Oudemans, 1910
Homo sapiens
Xenodon merremii
Tropidurus cocorobensis
Tropidurus erythrocephalus
Tropidurus hispidus
Tropidurus itambere
Tropidurus oreadicus
Tropidurus semitaeniatus
Tropidurus torquatus
Eutrombicula batatas (Linnaeus, 1758)
Gallus domesticus
Meleagris gallopavo
Dasyprocta agouti
Eutrombicula bruyanti (Oudemans, 1910)
Didelphis sp.
Eutrombicula goeldii (Oudemans, 1910)
Dasyprocta agouti
Eutrombicula tinami (Oudemans, 1910)
Crypturellus noctivagus
Didelphis aurita
Fonsecia ewingi (Fonseca, 1932)
Xenodon merremii
Fonsecia ophidica (Fonseca, 1932)
Xenodon merremii
Fonsecia travassosi (Fonseca, 1936)
Spilotes pullatus
Hooperella spinirostra (Vercammen-Grandjean, 1967)
Micronycteris megalotis
Kymocta brasiliensis (Fonseca, 1936)
“wild mouse”
Akodon montensis
Kymocta faitkeni Brennan, 1968
Didelphis marsupialis
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Necromys lasiurus
Kymocta inca (Brennan & Jones, 1961)
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Proechimys guyannensis
Kymocta lutui Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1983
Necromys lasiurus
Microtrombicula brachytrichia Brennan, 1971
Proechimys guyannensis
Microtrombicula brennani Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1986
Lentopithecus rosalia
Microtrombicula rhipidomysi Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1983
Rhipidomys mastacalis
Neoschoengastia esorhina Brennan, 1971
Automolus infuscatus
Parascoschoengastia aemulata (Brennan & Jones, 1964)
Akodon sp.
Parasecia aitkeni (Brennan & Jones, 1960)
Monodelphis domestica
Calomys tener
Nectomys squamipes
Parasecia fundata Brennan, 1969
Glyphorynchus spirurus
Caluromys philander
Didelphis marsupialis
Proechimys guyannensis
Parasecia lasiurus Goff & Gettinger, 1991
Necromys lasiurus
Oxymycterus sp.
Parasecia orphana Brennan, 1971
Proechimys guyannensis
Parasecia thalurania Brennan, 1969
Thalurania furcata
Parasecia valida Brennan, 1969
Monodelphis brevicaudata
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Necromys lasiurus
Paratrombicula plaumanni (Brennan & Jones, 1964)
Ctenomys minutus
Perissopalla barticonycteris Brennan, 1969
Glyphonycteris daviesi
Perissopalla ipeani Brennan, 1969
Carollia perspicillata
Tonatia bidens
Perissopalla tanycera Brennan, 1969
Saccopteryx bilineata
Polylopadium aspasium Brennan, 1969
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Proechimys sp.
Quadraseta brasiliensis Goff & Gettinger, 1989
Gracilinannus agilis
Monodelphis americana
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Quadraseta flochi (Brennan & Jones, 1960)
Euryoryzomys russatus
Quadraseta mirandae Goff & Brennan, 1977
Akodon montensis
Quadraseta pazca (Brennan & Jones, 1964)
Euryoryzomys russatus
Calomys tener
Quadraseta trapezoides (Brennan & Jones, 1964)
Nectomys squamipes
Rhinibus tamandua Brennan & Yunker, 1969
Tamandua tetradactyla
Serratacarus dietzi Goff & Whitaker, 1984
Nectomys lasiurus
Serratacarus lasiurus Goff & Whitaker, 1984
Nectomys lasiurus
Speleocola tamarina Goff, Whitaker & Dietz, 1987
Lentopithecus rosalia
Sooretamys angouya
Trombewingia bakeri (Fonseca, 1955)
Akodon montensis
Delomys dorsalis
Sooretamys angouya
Guerlinguetus ingrami
Monodelphis domestica
Trombewingia brasiliensis Goff & Gettinger, 1991
Necromys lasiurus (= Bolomys lasiurus)
Trombicula truncata Brennan, 1970
Saccopteryx bilineata
Vercammenia yorkei (Sambon, 1928)
Scinax funereus
Appendix 2
List of hosts, their associations with chiggers and the respective reference.
Pristimantis conspicillatus
Hannemania stephensi Sambon 1928
Scinax funereus
Hannemania newsteadi Sambon 1928
Vercammenia yorkei Sambon 1928
Hylodes sp.
Hannemania hylodeus Oudemans 1910
Leptodactylus latrans
Hannemania hepatica Fonseca 1936
Spilotes pullatus
Fonsecia travassosi Fonseca 1936
Xenodon merremii
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Fonseca 1932a
Fonsecia ewingi Fonseca 1932b
Fonsecia ophidica Fonseca 1932b
Tropidurus cocorobensis
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Menezes et al. 2011
Tropidurus erythrocephalus
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Menezes et al. 2011
Tropidurus hispidus
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Delfino et al. 2011, Menezes et al. 2011
Tropidurus itambere
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Carvalho et al. 2006
Tropidurus oreadicus
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Carvalho et al. 2006
Tropidurus semitaeniatus
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Menezes et al. 2011
Tropidurus torquatus
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Carvalho et al. 2006
Blankaartia shatrovi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Thalurania furcata
Parasecia thalurania Brennan 1969c
Gallus domesticus
Apolonia tigipioensis Torres and Braga 1938
Eutrombicula batatas Ewing 1925, Confalonieri and De Carvalho 1973
Meleagris gallopavo
Eutrombicula batatas Ewing 1925
Conopophaga lineata
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Glyphorynchus spirurus
Parasecia fundata Brennan 1969c
Automolus infuscatus
Neoschoengastia esorhina Brennan 1971a
Manacus manacus
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Passer domesticus
Apolonia tigipioensis Ornelas-Almeida et al. 2007
Thamnophilus caerulescens
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Tachyphonus coronatus
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Trichothraupis melanops
Blankaartia shatrovi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Turdus albicollis
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Turdus rufiventris
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Picumnus cirratus
Blankaartia sinnamaryi Bassini-Silva et al. 2016
Struthio camelus
Apolonia tigipioensis Ornelas-Almeida et al. 2007
Crypturellus noctivagus
Eutrombicula tinami Oudemans 1910
Nothura maculosa cearensis
Apolonia tigipioensis Carneiro 1949, 1952
Eutrombicula batatas Faccini et al. 2017
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Faccini et al. 2017
Eutrombicula batatas Bequaert 1926
Saccopteryx bilineata
Perissopalla tanycera Brennan 1970a
Trombicula truncata Brennan 1970a
Carollia perspicillata
Perissopalla ipeani Brennan 1969b
Whartonia nudosetosa Silveira et al. 2015
Whartonia pachywhartoni Silveira et al. 2015
Glyphonycteris daviesi
Perissopalla barticonycteris Brennan 1969b
Micronycteris megalotis
Hooperella spinirostra Vercammen-Grandjean 1967
Whartonia pachywhartoni Vercammen-Grandjean 1966
Tonatia bidens
Perissopalla ipeani Almeida et al. 2011
Nyctinomops laticaudatus
Chiroptella (Oudemansidium) australis Brennan 1970a
Caluromys philander
Parasecia fundata Brennan 1969c
Didelphis albiventris
Arisocerus hertigi Goff and Gettinger 1989
Didelphis aurita
Eutrombicula tinami this study
Didelphis marsupialis
Kymocta faitkeni Brennan and Bronswijk 1973
Parasecia fundata Brennan 1969c
Didelphis sp.
Euschoengastia trouessarti Oudemans 1910
Eutrombicula bruyanti Oudemans 1910
Leeuwenhoekia verduni Oudemans 1910
Gracilinannus agilis
Colicus spinosus Goff and Gettinger 1989
Quadraseta brasiliensis Goff and Gettinger 1989
Monodelphis americana
Quadraseta brasiliensis Goff and Gettinger 1989
Monodelphis brevicaudata
Parasecia valida Brennan 1969c
Monodelphis domestica
Parasecia aitkeni Whitaker and Dietz 1987
Trombewingia bakeri Whitaker and Dietz 1987
Monodelphis sp.
Colicus spinosus this study
“Equines” Confalonieri and Benez 1976
Eutrombicula batatas
Tamandua tetradactyla
Rhinibus tamandua Brennan and Yunker 1969
Lentopithecus rosalia
Microtrombicula brennani Goff et al. 1986
Speleocola tamarina Goff et al. 1987
Homo sapiens
Apolonia tigipioensis Carneiro 1949, 1952
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi Fonseca 1932a
“wild mouse”
Kymocta brasiliensis Fonseca 1936
Cavia intermedia
Arisocerus hertigi Regolin et al. 2015
Akodon montensis
Kymocta brasiliensis this study
Quadraseta mirandae this study
Quadraseta pazca this study
Trombewingia bakeri Jacinavicius et al. 2015
Akodon sp.
Parascoschoengastia aemulata this study
Calomys tener
Parasecia aitkeni Whitaker and Dietz 1987
Quadraseta pazca Whitaker and Dietz 1987
Cerradomys subflavus
Colicus brasiliensis Goff et al. 1983
Delomys dorsalis
Trombewingia bakeri Jacinavicius et al. 2015
Euryoryzomys macconnelli
Arisocerus amapensis Brennan 1970
Euryoryzomys russatus
Quadraseta flochi this study
Quadraseta pazca this study
Necromys lasiurus
Kymocta faitkeni Brennan and Bronswijk 1973
Kymocta lutui Goff et al. 1983
Parasecia lasiurus Goff and Gettinger 1991
Parasecia valida Brennan 1969c
Serratacarus dietzi Goff and Whitaker 1984a
Serratacarus lasiurus Goff and Whitaker 1984a
Trombewingia brasiliensis Goff and Gettinger 1991
Nectomys squamipes
Aitkenius vellosus Brennan 1970d
Parasecia aitkeni Brennan and Jones 1960, Whitaker and Dietz 1987
Quadraseta trapezoides this study
Hylaeamys megacephalus
Aitkenius vellosus Brennan 1970d
Arisocerus amapensis Brennan 1970c
Kymocta faitkeni Brennan 1968b
Kymocta inca Brennan 1968b, Brennan and Bronswijk 1973
Parasecia valida Brennan 1969c
Polylopadium aspasium Brennan 1969a
Quadraseta brasiliensis Goff and Gettinger 1989
Oligoryzomys fornesi
Colicus brasiliensis Goff et al. 1983
Oxymycterus sp.
Parasecia lasiurus Goff and Gettinger 1991
Rhipidomys mastacalis
Microtrombicula rhipidomysi Goff et al. 1983
Sooretamys angouya
Speleocola tamarina this study
Trombewingia bakeri Jacinavicius et al. 2015
Ctenomys minutus
Paratrombicula plaumanni Brennan and Jones 1964a
Dasyprocta aguti
Eutrombicula batatas Bequaert 1926
Eutrombicula goeldii Oudemans 1910
Proechimys guyannensis
Aitkenius vellosus Brennan 1970
Arisocerus amapensis Brennan 1970c
Buclypeus catatonus Brennan 1972
Buclypeus ignotus Brennan 1971b
Colicus icomi Brennan 1970b
Kymocta inca Brennan and Bronswijk 1973
Microtrombicula brachytrichia Brennan 1971b
Parasecia fundata Brennan 1969c
Parasecia orphana Brennan 1971b
Proechimys sp.
Polylopadium aspasium Brennan 1970a
Trinomys gratiosus
Caamembecaia gratiosus Gazêta et al. 2006
Guerlinguetus ingrami
Trombewingia bakeri Fonseca 1955
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