To elucidate the significance of angiotensin II (AID‐induced hypertension chemotherapy, changes of tissue blood flow both in normal subcutis and in tumors (AH109A, LY80) were measured with the hydrogen gas clearance method. A newly‐developed anesthetic machine was used to keep the animals' condition constant. Tissue blood flow in normal subcutis and tumors always fluctuated with time under normotension. The nature and the rate of fluctuation in tumor Wood flow were almost identical in two different types of tumors. However, the fluctuation of blood flow in tumor and that in normal subcutis were almost always inversely related when blood flows in these different tissues were measured simultaneously, i.e., when tissue blood flow in normal subcutis decreased, tumor blood flow increased, and vice versa. The findings supported the idea that the connection mode between the tumor vascular bed and normal vascular bed is a parallel circuit. Vascular resistance in the normal vascular bed under All‐induced hypertension seemed to be greater than that under normotension, because the All‐increased tumor blood flow always exceeded the maximum tumor blood flow under normotension. Due to the fluctuations of tumor blood flow, no‐flow or low‐flow areas, resistant to delivery of anti‐cancer drugs, moved sporadically within the tumor under the normotensive condition. However, good conditions for drug delivery to tumor tissue were induced by All‐induced hypertension.
Keywords: Tumor blood flow, Angiotensin II, Anesthetic machine, Hydrogen clearance method, No‐flow area
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