This study examined the validity of micro social observations and macro ratings of parent–child interaction in early to middle childhood. Seven hundred and thirty-one families representing multiple ethnic groups were recruited and screened as at risk in the context of Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Nutritional Supplement service settings. Families were randomly assigned to the Family Checkup (FCU) intervention or the control condition at age 2 and videotaped in structured interactions in the home at ages 2, 3, 4, and 5. Parent–child interaction videotapes were microcoded using the Relationship Affect Coding System (RACS) that captures the duration of two mutual dyadic states: positive engagement and coercion. Macro ratings of parenting skills were collected after coding the videotapes to assess parent use of positive behavior support and limit setting skills (or lack thereof). Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that the measurement model of macro ratings of limit setting and positive behavior support was not supported by the data, and thus, were excluded from further analyses. However, there was moderate stability in the families’ micro social dynamics across early childhood and it showed significant improvements as a function of random assignment to the FCU. Moreover, parent–child dynamics were predictive of chronic behavior problems as rated by parents in middle childhood, but not emotional problems. We conclude with a discussion of the validity of the RACS and on methodological advantages of micro social coding over the statistical limitations of macro rating observations. Future directions are discussed for observation research in prevention science.
Keywords: Early childhood, Parent, child interaction, Parenting skills, Problem behavior, Middle childhood
Observations of Parenting
Early research on parent–child interactions prognostic of future delinquency relied on narrative case notes that were later transcribed into parenting dimensions (e.g., Glueck and Glueck 1950). Decades later, independent students would sift through the case notes and create construct scores. These labor-intensive methods yielded constructs such as harsh discipline or lax supervision and were among the strongest predictors of delinquent behavior in adolescence (for a review, see Loeber and Dishion 1984). Thus, the field of home observation was born.
During a rapid period of innovation of behavioral interventions, it became apparent that parenting practices themselves could be the target of intervention (see O’Dell 1974). Behavior therapy focused on teaching parents to use contingent positive reinforcement of children’s positive behavior to replace problem behavior and introducing limit-setting practices such as time out and response cost (see Patterson 1974a, b). Central to these innovations was an intensive focus on measurement. Structured, in vivo, direct observation procedures were common to all behavioral interventions (e.g., Reid 1978). Using a time sampling procedure, the frequency of aversive behaviors would be divided by the observation time to create a total aversive behavior (TAB) score reflecting the child’s coercive behavior during the observation session (see Patterson 1974a, b). The TAB score was collected at baseline, during an intervention phase, and often when the intervention was removed (i.e., ABA designs). From a behavioral perspective, evidence of a change in the TAB score was sufficient to conclude that the intervention was working.
The vast majority of behavior observation systems that assessed parent–child interaction focused on the frequency of events (Gardner 2000; Reid 1978). However, it became apparent that some parent–child interactions endured into extended interactive chains (Patterson and Moore 1979). Coding systems, such as the Family Process Code, were designed that measured the duration and emotional valence of the behavior e.g., Dishion et al. (1983) The Family Process Code: A multidimensional system for observing family interaction, Unpublished report. As a result, statistical frameworks that utilized duration information were articulated (Griffin and Gardner 1989). Despite advancements in coding of duration of parent–child interaction and the refinement of relevant statistical models, the use of duration to assess time-sensitive dynamics was wanting.
A Dynamic Systems Framework
A dynamic systems framework became useful for the analysis and visualization of duration of events between the parent and the child (e.g., Granic and Patterson 2006; Hollenstein and Lewis 2006; Lewis 2000). The ongoing interaction between a parent and child could be captured and visualized within a “state space” grid (see Hollenstein 2013). The target child’s (TC) behavior could be simplified from a variety of content and affect codes into specific states, including positive (POS), neutral (NEU), directive (DIR), negative (NEG), not talking (NTK), and ignoring (IGN), using the Relationship Affect Code Peterson et al. (2008) m Relationship Affect Coding System, Unpublished coding manual. Similarly, parent behavior could be captured in the same states. As both parent and child are measured at every time point during the observation, it is possible to visually depict the ongoing interaction in the state space diagram, as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Space grid of RACS coding. Pos postive engagement, Neu neutral engagement, Dir directive, Neg negative engagement, Ntk no talk, Ign ignore
Introducing another level of simplification, Dishion et al. (2012) examined mutual dyadic states, such as (1) the duration parents and adolescents remained in neutral-positive (positive engagement) during a problem-solving discussion, referred to as dyadic positive engagement (DPE), and (2) the duration parents and adolescents remained in negative states, labeled dyadic coercion (DC). Dyadic states are as the grist of the mill in socialization, in that both family members are engaged in a reciprocal process with potential short and long-term effects (see Bell 1979; Patterson 1982; Shaw and Bell 1993).
Conceptually, DPE and DC map onto two broad domains of parenting that often serve as targets in family intervention research. Positive behavior support describes a set of parent skills that prompt, evoke, and reinforce positive behavior in children and adolescents in the service of positive social and emotional development. DPE fits within this domain of parenting, as an observed tendency to engage children in extended interactions and discussions that involve periodic positive behavior, reinforcement, and prompting for continued interaction. The child’s responsiveness to parent leadership may, in part, be a reflection of the parent’s sensitivity and skill. Children’s development of competence and self-regulation emerges from repeated participation in interactions that are verbal, encouraging, and engaging (Eisenberg et al. 2005; Gardner et al. 1999; Hart and Risley 1995).
Limit setting on children’s behavior is a critical parenting skill relevant to the development of several forms of problem behavior (Patterson 1982). Skillful limit setting requires kind but firm structured guidance to improve self-regulation, as well as to benefit the daily lives of others. Direct observations of DC are indicative of the parent’s lack of skill in limit setting, which is reflected in the average duration of both the parent and child’s engagement in various forms of negative behavior. DC falls squarely into limit setting, as it captures the parent’s emotional and aversive reactions to the child’s problem behavior, as well as the child’s tendency to be emotionally reactive to adult limits. The duration of “conflict” is the cornerstone of coercion theory (Patterson 1982; Snyder et al. 1994) and provides a venue for negative reinforcement of relatively minor problem behaviors, which may evolve into more serious forms of problem behavior at home and school (Loeber and Dishion 1984).
In both early childhood and adolescence, the Relationship Affect Coding System (RACS) dyadic states (e.g., proportion of time) were shown to predict concurrent problem behavior. For example, Dishion et al. (2012) found that DPE and DC fluctuated across interactive tasks, nonetheless predicted antisocial behavior from age 16 to 18 based on 8 min of videotaped discussion. Most recently, Sitnick et al. (2014) found that DC and DPE correlate across time with parent’s report of oppositional and aggressive behavior from age 2 to 5, with DPE predicting later DC (but not the converse) at adjacent years in cross-lagged analysis.
Macro Ratings Parent–Child Interaction
Initially, global ratings were introduced to capture patterns of family interaction that could be missed in micro social coding of behavioral exchanges (see Weinrott et al. 1981). Such global ratings were less rigorous with respect to training in reliability. It was surprising that the global ratings of family interaction were predictive, despite the lack of training involved in collecting the data (Patterson 1986). Some methodological problems, however, became clear with macro coding of family interaction, when applied to multi-agent and multi-method structural equation models (Dwyer 1983). We initially referred to the inability to confirm separate constructs from global ratings as the “glop” problem (Bank et al. 1990). Briefly, the glop problem refers to mono-method bias because of the inability of coders to distinguish anything but one general parenting dimension, much like an evaluative dimension such as a “good–bad” factor (see Osgood 1962). The good–bad evaluative factor embedded within-coder macro ratings leads to high correlations among parenting constructs when testing measurement models.
Bias in macro ratings of parenting is also troubling if considering the use of direct observation for evaluating parenting skills in families across diverse cultures and races. Behavioral measurements of parenting in the early phases of the behavioral revolution were very specific to reinforcement contingencies and the like. However, as the field became more developmental, more complex constructs emerged such as monitoring and problem solving that require fuller appreciation of their developmental and cultural context on the part of the observer (Patterson et al. 1992). Gonzales et al. (1995) studied the micro social coding of African-American and Asian American families and found important caveats to the use of universal coding systems for families of diverse ethnicities. Extending this work to global ratings of parenting practices, Yasui and Dishion (2008) introduced a naïve versus trained condition for macro ratings of parenting practices and found that when coders were untrained and gave impressionistic ratings, bias emerged in the direction of lower ratings for African-American families. However, these studies suggested that bias could be eliminated with appropriate training to assure raters met conventional standards of reliability.
Presently, the area of prevention science utilizes direct observation of parent–child dynamics and macro ratings of parenting practices to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and to understand the development of psychopathology. Observations of family interaction using videotapes are crucial for the study of intervention effects because these allow the measurement of outcomes using trained raters blind to the intervention status. Indeed, the majority of empirically supported intervention programs for child problem behavior were developed in using direct observations of parent–child interaction to evaluate effectiveness (e.g., Forgatch and Patterson 2010; Webster-Stratton and Reid 2010). However, to date, there is little work on formally comparing direct observation coding systems such as the RACS with less costly macro ratings of parenting skills with respect to convergent and predictive validity and retest stability, as well as sensitivity to change to family-centered interventions.
Present Study
The goal of the present study is to test the relative utility of RACS parent–child dynamics compared to the macro ratings of parenting skills. First, we use confirmatory factor analysis to examine the convergent validity of the RACS parent–child dynamics latent variable indicated by DPE and DC, with the macro ratings of parenting skills indicated by positive behavior support (PBS) and coercive limit setting (CLS). Next, we examine the stability of micro observation and macro ratings of parenting skills, respectively, over a 3-year interval and sensitivity to change to family intervention over the same interval. Finally, we examine the predictive validity of the two observation methods to future externalizing and internalizing problems of the youth during middle childhood, based on parent report.
Parents of 2 year olds were recruited from WIC programs in Pittsburgh, PA; Eugene, OR; and Charlottesville, VA between 2002 and 2003. The WIC program provides nutritional assistance for impoverished families (see Shaw et al. 2006). Families were invited to participate in our study based on the following criteria: (a) families had a child whose age is between 2 years old and (b) caregivers reporting risk. Specifically, families were included in the study if they reported one standard deviation above the mean in two of the three following domains: (1) family disruption (i.e., maternal depression, daily parenting challenges, substance use problems, teen parent status), (2) child adjustment (i.e., conduct problems and high-conflict relationships with adults), and (3) socio-demographic stress (i.e., low education and income level relevant to WIC criterion).
A total of 1666 families initially approached for inclusion in the study. Among them, 879 families met the eligibility requirements and 731 families consented to participate in the study with 272 (37 %) families recruited in Pittsburgh, 271 (37 %) in Eugene, and 188 (26 %) in Charlottesville. These families were randomly assigned to either the intervention (367 families) or the control (364 families) group after the first assessment at age 2 years. In two parent families, parents were deemed either the primary caregiver (PC) or the alternative caregiver (AC). The target child (TC) was the 2-year-old in the family. At the initial assessment, the children (49 % female) had a mean age of 29.9 months (SD = 3.2). The PC self-identified ethnicity is described as 46.6 % European-American, 27.6 % African-American, 13.4 % Hispanic, 9.8 % biracial, and 2.4 % other. More than two thirds of the families had an annual income of less than $20,000, and the average number of family members per household was 4.5 (SD = 1.63). For primary caregiver, 23.6 % had less than a high school education, 41 % had a high school diploma or general education diploma, and 35.4 % had post-high school training. Most of the families (78.4 %) were retained at the age 10 follow-up assessment.
Assessments were completed in the home and included videotaped parent–child activities and an array of questionnaires for the PC and AC to complete. The structured activities that comprised the observation task included: the TC was involved in a free-play task (15 min); the PC and TC engaged in a cleanup task (5 min), a delay of gratification task (5 min), and four teaching tasks (3 min each). Then, TC was involved in a second free-play task (4 min) and TC and PC participated in a second cleanup task (4 min). Finally, there was the presentation of inhibition-inducing toys (2 min) followed by a meal preparation/lunch task (20 min). All assessments were conducted with a PC and a TC. When available, the AC was included in the home assessment. From ages 2 to 5, the same home assessment procedures were repeated for both the control and the intervention groups. For later coding, all PC–TC interactions were videotaped during assessment sessions with coders blinded to the intervention status (see Dishion et al. 2008, for detailed description).
Financial incentives were provided for families participating in the project. Prior to the study, written consents were obtained from all caregivers and ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional review boards at three universities. Those in the control condition were paid only for assessments and otherwise received WIC services as usual. In addition, all control and intervention participants received a list of local mental health and developmental disability services.
Random Assignment
Following the first assessment in the home, families’ random assignment was revealed to the caregivers. Assessment staff was given an envelope with the random assignment results. Assessment staff opened the envelope in the presence of the caregiver and revealed their experimental status. Families who were randomized to the intervention group were invited to receive feedback from the assessment, which is the first step in the Family Checkup model described below.
The Family Checkup
The FCU is a three-session program offered annually to the families assigned to the intervention group. It is designed to assess the need for follow-up evidence-based parenting support services on the basis of the everyday parenting curriculum (Dishion et al. 2011). The brief intervention includes the following: (a) a home-based, observational assessment session that is multi-informant and ecological, (b) an initial intake session, and (c) a feedback session (see Dishion and Stormshak 2007, for a more detailed information). For this research, families first completed the observation session (prior to random assignment) and then were invited into the initial interview. The initial interview session was conducted with parent consultants trained by the first author and colleagues in the FCU model. They examined caregivers’ concerns, specifically about children’s behavior and well-being. Parent consultants summarized the assessment results into a feedback form often referred to as the “rainbow sheet,” which organizes information into domains of family functioning, with an indication of strengths and areas that need attention. Motivational interviewing (Miller and Rollnick 2002) is used within the feedback session. Specific sessions focusing on parent management strategies (Dishion et al. 2011) were motivated within the feedback session. Levels of engagement in the FCU, parent management, and observations of parent consultant fidelity were reported by Smith et al. (2014).
Observed Dyadic Positive Engagement and Coercion
The Relationship Affect Coding System (RACS; Peterson et al. 2008) was used to code the videotaped PC–TC task interactions at ages 2 to 5. RACS is a micro social coding system that measures the topography (e.g., hit, talk, comply) and the affective quality of the PC–TC interactions (e.g., anger, happy, neutral). The RACS captures three simultaneous dimensions of behavior—verbal, physical, and affect—for both TC and PC. Each participant’s behavioral cues—facial expressions, tone of voice, and non-verbal cues (e.g., body posture and/or orientation)—were used for coding. Each dimension of behavior was then aggregated into three clusters: positive, negative, and neutral.
Noldus Observer XT, Version 11.0 (Noldus Information Technology 2012) was used for RACS coding. The software allows for continuous coding of interactions between the TC and the PC, simultaneously. The RACS system includes content codes (e.g., Positive Verbal, Directive, Negative Verbal, Neutral Physical, etc.) and affect codes (e.g., Positive Affect, Distress, Anger, Neutral Affect, etc.), which are rendered into the following six behavior clusters: positive, neutral, directives, negative, no talk, and ignore. Decision rules on how to combine the content and affect codes into clusters followed the principle that negative affect or content trumped all neutral and positive codes in the formation of the negative cluster. For example, a positive verbal in angry affect functions as an aversive event and therefore was included in the negative cluster. The positive behavior cluster included behaviors such as positive verbal, structure, affect or physical, and validation. The negative behavior cluster included behaviors that are associated with anger and disgust, negative verbal statements, and negative physical interaction. Decision rules for determining which behavior stream wins out in the event that two different behavior streams were present simultaneously were developed and the order of trumping is as follows: (1) ignore, (2) negative, (3) positive, (4) directive, (5) no talk, and (6) neutral behavior. For example, if a PC made a negative verbal statement and showed signs of positive affect to the TC simultaneously, this would be coded as negative behavior. Based on the six behavior clusters, dyadic states were derived by coding both the PC and the TC’s states on a continuous timeline of the videotaped observation. Thus, the durations of behavior clusters were calculated for the PC and TC, respectively, and the durations of dyadic states and interaction dynamics within families (both PC and TC) were also calculated.
The duration of five different PC and TC’s interaction states was derived as follows: dyadic positive engagement (DPE), dyadic coercion (DC), parent coercion, child coercion, and dyadic non-engagement. DPE is a summary score that reflects the duration of positive (POS) and neutral (NEU) behavior engagement between the PC and the TC. As shown in Fig. 1, the DPE included four out of 36 possible cells on the grid. Twelve out 36 cells on the grid represents the DC states. Similarly, a summary score was created for parent coercion, child coercion, and dyadic non-engagement. However, these were not used in the present study. A duration–proportion score was then calculated for the five dyadic states by dividing the total duration of each PC–TC dyad observed in the region by the overall session time. The cleanup, joint play, inhibition, and meal tasks were coded for all ages. Over the course of 3 years, 46 mostly undergraduate students were trained to use the RACS code. Inter-rater reliability coefficients based on the duration and sequencing of coded behavior were computed on 20 % of all videotapes and were found to be in good to excellent range, with an overall kappa score of 0.93 at each age and coder agreement of 93, 94, 93, and 94 % at ages 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
Coder Impression Inventory
Coders of videotapes completed the Coder Impressions Inventory COIMP; Dishion et al. (2004) The Coder Impressions Inventory, Unpublished coding manual for the videotaped interactions between PC and TC at ages 2, 3, 4, and 5. The COIMP measures various dimensions of family management processes including relationship quality and family problem-solving skills. Coders rated each COIMP item on a nine-point response scale (e.g., 1 = not at all, 9 = very much). Based on percent agreement (within 1 point scored as agreement), a reliability analysis based on 20 % of randomly selected videotapes showed that percent agreement ranged from 87 to 88 % from age 2 through age 5.
We used expert ratings to select items from COIMP as indicators of positive behavior support (PBS) and limit setting. Because many of the items relevant to limit setting were actually coercive strategies, we labeled this construct coercive limit setting (CLS). Experts were presented with written definitions of PBS and CLS. Experts included established researchers in child and family therapy familiar with social learning based models of parent interventions. Eighteen experts in this field of research rated each of the COIMP items on a scale of 1 to 9 (1 = not at all, 5 = somewhat, and 9 = very likely) as to what extent the COIMP items could be used to describe one of the two constructs. Based upon the ratings, we carefully selected a total of five items from COIMP to present PBS (e.g., “Does the parent encourage positive child behavior with praise and/or incentives?”) and 10 items to present CLS (e.g., “Does the parent threaten the child with any sort of punishment to gain compliance?”). Cronbach’s alphas for the PBS at age 2 and 5 were 0.84 and 0.72, respectively, and for the CLS, 0.85 and 0.86, respectively.
Child Behavior Checklist
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is a well-validated measure of parent report of behavioral and emotional problems in children ages between 4 to 18 years old (Achenbach and Edelbrock 1983). Annual parent report of a child’s behavior from ages 7.5 to 10.5 was used in the present study. The PC rated how each item was of the TC’s usual behavior in the previous 6 months on a three-point Likert scale (0 = not true, 1 = somewhat or sometimes true, and 2 = very true or often true). The two major behavioral problem subscales, internalizing and externalizing, were used for the present study. Cronbach’s alphas ranged from 0.93 to 0.95 for the externalizing and 0.87 to 0.89 for the internalizing subscale.
Analytic Strategy
Descriptive statistics and outlier analyses using Cook’s (1977) distance as criterion were first conducted for all study variables. Second, a confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) was used to test how the COIMP items that were selected by experts’ ratings represent the two theoretical constructs (i.e., positive behavior support and coercive limit setting) in the present study. The hypothesized measurement model for the parent–child dynamics (formed by DPE and DC of RACS variables) and the macro ratings of parenting skills (constructed by COIMP measures of PBS and CLS) was tested by CFA, examining the covariation among the latent constructs as well as fit to the data. Contingent on the findings from the measurement model, the stability of the latent constructs was examined across age 2 (baseline) to 5 following procedures suggested by Pitts et al. (1996).
After testing the measurement model, the sensitivity to the FCU was examined for the parent–child dynamics and parenting skills constructs. Specifically, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the intervention effects on each of these constructs at age 5, controlling for the same construct measured at age 2.
Finally, the predictive validity of the two parenting constructs at age 5 was tested to the trajectories of youth externalizing and internalizing problems during middle childhood (i.e., from age 7.5 to 10.5). Growth mixture modeling (GMM) was used to identify distinct longitudinal trajectories of children’s externalizing and internalizing problems, separately. The analytic procedure for GMM followed the three-step approach (see Bolck et al. 2004). In the first step, the number of trajectory classes and the shape of the growth trajectories was identified based upon the outline suggested by Ram and Grimm (2009), without adding any covariates. Second, contingent on entropy (>0.8) the most likely classification membership was exported from the GMM analyses. Previous studies suggest that when the entropy is higher than 0.8 and the sample size is larger than 500, the 3-step approach that uses the most likely classification membership does not introduce significant bias (Asparouhov and Muthén 2013; Clark and Muthen 2009; Muthén and Muthén 2012a, b).1 In the third step, logistic regression was employed to examine the predictive validity to the externalizing and internalizing class membership. Gender, ethnicity (two dummy codes: African-American vs. European-American and ethnic minorities vs. European-American; European-American group was set as a reference group), and intervention status were included as covariates in the third step.
Mplus version 7.3 (Muthén and Muthén 2012a, b) was used for testing the hypothesized models. The full information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation was used to handle missing data. The goodness of fit indices for CFA and path models were evaluated by using the comparative fit index (CFI), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and the standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) (see Hu and Bentler 1999). For selecting the best fitting model in the GMM, Bayesian information criterion (BIC; Schwarz 1978), the adjusted BIC (Sclove 1987), Vuong-Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test (VLMR; Lo et al. 2001), bootstrap likelihood ratio test (BLRT; McLachlan and Peel 2000), and entropy (Ramaswamy et al. 1993) were used as criteria (see Tein et al. 2013).
Preliminary Analyses
The descriptive statistics for all study variables are summarized in Table 1, including baseline variables. Skewness and kurtosis of all variables fell within the acceptable range (West et al.1995). Multivariate outlier analyses identified no influential cases. A correlation table of the study variables is available as the online supplement.
Table 1.
Mean, standard deviations, skewness, and kurtosis of study variables
Study variables | M | SD | Skewness | Kurtosis |
Dyadic positive engagement age 2 | 0.33 | 0.14 | 0.25 | −0.19 |
Dyadic coercion age 2 | 0.11 | 0.08 | 1.32 | 1.99 |
Positive behavior support COIMP age 2 | 5.91 | 1.33 | −0.29 | 0.57 |
Coercive limit setting COIMP age 2 | 2.88 | 0.87 | 0.23 | 0.15 |
Dyadic positive engagement age 5 | 0.37 | 0.14 | 0.08 | −0.43 |
Dyadic coercion age 5 | 0.06 | 0.05 | 1.70 | 4.53 |
Positive behavior support COIMP age 5 | 5.24 | 1.33 | 0.00 | −0.35 |
Coercive limit setting COIMP age 5 | 2.57 | 0.80 | 0.56 | 0.57 |
CBCL externalizing age 7 | 12.85 | 9.56 | 1.09 | 1.04 |
CBCL externalizing age 8 | 10.91 | 9.35 | 1.13 | 1.03 |
CBCL externalizing age 9 | 10.71 | 9.03 | 1.18 | 1.46 |
CBCL externalizing age 10 | 10.49 | 9.58 | 1.41 | 1.90 |
CBCL internalizing age 7 | 8.19 | 7.04 | 1.52 | 2.76 |
CBCL internalizing age 8 | 7.82 | 7.17 | 1.37 | 1.79 |
CBCL internalizing age 9 | 7.89 | 7.23 | 1.64 | 3.90 |
CBCL internalizing age 10 | 7.99 | 7.34 | 1.30 | 1.73 |
Female (percentage) | 49.5 % | |||
European-American (percentage) | 46.6 % | |||
African-American (percentage) | 27.6 % | |||
Other ethnicities (percentage) | 25.8 % |
For gender and ethnicity variables, percentages were provided
Confirmatory Factor Analyses
Measurement Model of Macro Ratings of Parenting Skills
To confirm whether the selected COIMP items by experts represented the two theoretical latent constructs (i.e., positive behavior support and coercive limit setting), a CFA was conducted. The measurement model of macro ratings of parenting skills at age 2 (baseline) showed poor model fit to the present data, χ2 (89) = 1342.36, p < .001, RMSEA = 0.14, CFI = 0.75, and SRMR = 0.09.2 The modification indices of the Mplus output suggested that there were many crossover factor loadings between the two latent constructs. Multiple indicators were correlated based upon the modification indices, but the additional correlations did not significantly improve model fit. The findings of the exploratory factor (EFA) analysis were consistent with CFA. The two factor model with oblimin rotation showed overall poor model fit. Lastly, based upon the previous findings, suggesting a pervasive underlying good–bad factor to coder macro ratings (Bank et al. 1990; Osgood 1962), a bi-factor model was tested. The bi-factor model failed to converge. Based on these findings, we conclude that a measurement model based on macro ratings of limit setting and positive behavior support was not supported by the data and is excluded from further analyses.
Stability of Parent–Child Dynamics from Age 2 to 5 Years
We examined that the stability of the parent–child micro of this latent variable remained stable across age 2 to 5. Following Pitts et al. (1996) proposed guideline, we compared a model without parameter constraints and a model constraining factor loadings to be equal across age 2 to 5. The model without constraints fit the data adequately, χ2 (4) = 19.66, p < .001, RMSEA = 0.07, CFI = 0.99, and SRMR = 0.02 (see Fig. 2) as did the constrained model, χ2 (8) = 29.85, p < .001, RMSEA = 0.06, CFI = 0.99, and SRMR = 0.03. Although the chi-square difference test between the two models was significant [Δχ2 (4) = 10.19, p = .04], all other fit indices did not change significantly. Following Chen’s (2007) criteria (e.g., ΔCFI ≤ 0.01, ΔRMSEA ≤ 0.015, and ΔSRMR ≤ 0.03 indicating invariance), the longitudinal measurement invariance of the factor loadings (i.e., the relation between DPE and DC of RACS variables) was accepted for the micro ratings of parent–child dynamics. In addition, it was found that the parent–child dynamics across age 2 to 5 were moderately inter-correlated, suggesting test–retest stability in these observed indicators of parent–child interaction dynamics.
Fig. 2.
Micro ratings of parent–child dynamics from age 2 to 5. Note. PCD parent–child dynamics, DPE dyadic positive engagement, DC dyadic coercion. Standardized path coefficients are presented here. ***p < .001
Sensitivity to Change by FCU Intervention
Figure 3 shows the result of analysis of covariance for RACS parent–child dynamics construct at age 5. Consistent with previous findings (Sitnick et al. 2014), families randomly assigned to the FCU intervention showed improvement in these RACS indicators of parent–child dynamics (B = 0.09, SE = 0.04, p < .05).3
Fig. 3.
Summary of retest stability and sensitivity to change in parent–child dynamics. Note. PCD parent–child dynamics latent variable. Standardized path estimates are presented here; values in the parentheses are standard errors. *p < .05 and ***p < .001
Predictive Validity for RACS Parent–Child Dynamics
Table 2 shows the results of the model fitting processes for problem behaviors. We identified the two-class model that freely estimates factor means as the best fitting model. Although the two-class model that freely estimates residual variances, covariances, and means was run without improper solution, the value of entropy was low. The two-class model that freely estimates factor means included a group of young children showing high and increasing problem behavior (13.5 %) and a group exhibiting low and decreasing levels of problem behavior (86.6 %). Table 3 represents the parameter estimates of this two-class model, and Fig. 4a shows the estimated mean trajectories for classes 1 and 2.
Table 2.
Model fit information for class determination of externalizing and internalizing problems GMM models
Model | BIC | Adjusted BIC | VLMR | BLRT | Entropy |
Externalizing problems: | |||||
1 Class | 14,838.350 | 14,809.775 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 Class (free mean) | 14,691.386 | 14,653.287 | p = .0003 | p = .0000 | 0.880 |
2 Class (free mean, covariances)a | 14,531.497 | 14,483.873 | p = .0000 | p = .0000 | 0.638 |
2 Class (free mean, covariances, residuals) | 14,316.085 | 14,255.760 | p = .0000 | p = .0000 | 0.677 |
3 Class (free mean)a | 14,633.585 | 14,585.961 | p = .0939 | p = 1.0000 | 0.865 |
4 Class (free mean)a | 14,610.855 | 14,553.706 | p = .0538 | p = 1.0000 | 0.860 |
Internalizing problems: | |||||
1 Class | 13,948.105 | 13,919.531 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 Class (free mean) | 13,806.057 | 13,767.958 | p = .0001 | p = .0000 | 0.898 |
2 Class (free mean, covariances)a | 13,626.690 | 13,579.065 | p = .0002 | p = .0000 | 0.613 |
2 Class (free mean, covariances, residuals) | 13,279.987 | 13,219.663 | p = .0000 | p = .0000 | 0.736 |
3 Class (free mean)a | 13,752.765 | 13,705.141 | p = .0783 | p = 1.0000 | 0.879 |
4 Class (free mean)a | 13,718.605 | 13,661.456 | p = .1317 | p = 1.0000 | 0.867 |
Improper solution with negative variance/residual variance for a latent variable
Table 3.
Parameter estimates for two-class GMM for problem behavior and emotional distress
Problem behavior | Emotional distress | |||
| ||||
Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 1 | Class 2 | |
Class membership | ||||
N | 87 | 560 | 62 | 585 |
Proportion | 13.5 % | 86.6 % | 9.6 % | 90.4 % |
Latent variable means | ||||
Intercept mean | 24.51 (1.52)*** | 10.03 (0.48)*** | 22.5 (1.58)*** | 6.22 (0.31)*** |
Slope mean | 1.30 (0.77) | −0.89 (0.12)*** | −1.96 (0.58)** | 0.26 (0.10)* |
Latent variable covariances | ||||
Intercept variance | 41.05 (6.75)*** | 41.05 (6.75)*** | 9.42 (2.66)*** | 9.42 (2.66)*** |
Slope variance | 1.24 (0.81) | 1.24 (0.81) | 0.71 (0.57) | 0.71 (0.57) |
Intercept-slope variance | −5.76 (1.78)** | −5.76 (1.78)** | 2.66 (1.17)* | 2.66 (1.17)* |
Values in parentheses are standard errors for each parameter
p < .05;
p < .01;
p < .001
Fig. 4.
a Growth trajectories of externalizing problem. b Growth trajectories of internalizing problem
Table 2 also displays the findings of the systematic model fitting process for the GMM for internalizing problems in middle childhood. We chose the two-class model with freely estimated factor means as the best fitting model based the same procedures as externalizing problems. The two trajectories included a group of young children showing high levels of internalizing problems that showed a decreasing trend (9.6 %) and a group exhibiting consistently low and increasing levels of internalizing (90.4 %). Table 3 provides the parameter estimates for this two-class model and Fig. 4b, as well as the estimated mean trajectories for classes 1 and 2.
We tested the predictive validity of RACS parent–child dynamics at age 5 separately on trajectory patterns of problem behavior and emotional distress while controlling for gender, ethnicity, and intervention status. Children who had higher scores on parent–child dynamics (i.e., higher levels of DPE and lower levels of DC) had lower odds of belonging to high and increasing problem behavior (i.e., externalizing) group (B = −5.26, SE = 1.44, odds ratio [OR] = 0.01, p < .001). However, parent–child dynamics were not predictive of persistent emotional distress (i.e., internalizing) in middle childhood. Among the covariates, male children had higher odds of belonging to the group of children perceived by parents as having externalizing problems in middle childhood (B = 0.50, SE = 0.25, OR = 1.64, p < .05). The results of odds ratio statistics for the parent–child dynamics as a predictor are reported in Table 4.
Table 4.
Logistic regression results (parent–child dynamics as a predictor)
Predictors | Problem behavior class
Emotional distress class
(0 = low, 1 = high)
(0 = low, 1 = high)
Estimates | SE | OR | Estimates | SE | OR | |
Parent–child dynamics at age 5 | −5.26** | 1.44 | 0.01 | −2.69 | 1.68 | 0.07 |
Gender | 0.50* | 0.25 | 1.64 | −0.07 | 0.27 | 0.93 |
Control vs. treatment | 0.08 | 0.24 | 1.08 | −0.03 | 0.27 | 0.98 |
Black vs. White | −0.15 | 0.30 | 0.86 | −0.29 | 0.35 | 0.75 |
Minority vs. White | −0.33 | 0.32 | 0.72 | −0.39 | 0.35 | 0.68 |
p < .05;
p < .01
This study examined the convergent and predictive validity of the RACS family interaction coding system for assessing parent–child interaction in early childhood. Importantly, we focused on comparing the validity of this micro coding approach to that of using macro ratings of parenting skill. In the dynamic coding, behavior of the child and parent is coded separately and simultaneously. From a dynamic systems framework, this level of coding introduces the need to consider the ongoing dyadic state and to de-emphasize the behavior of each individual. Parent–child dyadic positive engagement (DPE) and dyadic coercion (DC) were moderately correlated and formed well within a larger latent construct of parent– child dynamics. The finding that random assignment was associated with improved parent–child interaction suggests that these dyadic states are, in part, driven by parenting skills.
Although macro ratings of parenting practices in structured interaction tasks are relatively easy to collect and often provide meaningful descriptions of interaction processes, they are not without their psychometric problems when analyzed from a latent variable perspective. In previous research, we identified the glop problem for macro ratings, which is a variation on mono method bias (Bank et al. 1990; Cook and Campbell 1979). Despite an effort to rigorously identify macro ratings that described positive behavior support and coercive limit setting, the measurement model was not supported by the data, and the two parenting dimensions were indistinguishable. For the purpose of this study, we excluded these ratings from further analyses. However, this finding does suggest the need for further measurement development of macro ratings of relationship dynamics.
The analysis of longitudinal stability and change confirmed previous research with this sample and other studies that focus on changing parent–child interaction through supporting parenting skill (e.g., Patterson 1974a, b; Forgatch and DeGarmo 1999). Despite the fact that the latent constructs were moderately stable from age 2 to 5, the parent–child dynamics construct was sensitive to change in the context of a randomized prevention trial using the FCU. Moreover, as expected, the parent–child dynamics construct predicted long-term pervasive problem behavior through middle childhood.
These findings support the perspective articulated by Fiske (1986) on the need for behavioral sciences to directly measure behavior. Measures that are specific and targeted to events as they occur in real time are more likely to improve our understanding of behavior compared to those based on participants’ reports and/or macro ratings of the interaction. Indeed, great strides in the field of intervention research occurred as a result of the direct measurement of targeted behaviors. Moreover, we are now becoming more sophisticated in the measurement of family interaction by capturing the duration of interaction between the parent and the child and not arbitrarily censoring either the parent (as in the TAB score) or the child, as is typical in many direct observations of parenting practices. As shown in the present study, it is not surprising that the more objective and specific measurements of the parent–child dynamics were more sensitive to change within a prevention trial that emphasized yearly FCUs. Previous studies also revealed modest improvements in long-term improvements in the child’s problem behavior, and most recently, in teachers’ ratings of the child’s problem behavior in elementary school (Dishion et al. 2014).
Although we focused on validating the larger construct of parent–child dynamics, it is worth noting that when one examines dyadic positive engagement and dyadic coercion, previous research suggests that the former is more readily changed in the context of a preventive intervention than the latter (Sitnick et al. 2014). Moreover, we found that videotaped feedback is often necessary to help parents change their parenting when they are revealed to have high levels of dyadic coercion (Smith et al. 2014). Coercive interaction patterns are often emotionally driven and occur outside of parents’ awareness (Patterson 1982). Thus, it may often be the case that the parents may not be able to accurately report on their own tendency to engage in coercive bouts with their young child until they actually see the interactions on videotapes in the context of a supportive therapist. Direct observation is useful as a measurement tool, which can also be used as a support for motivating change in basic, unconscious interaction dynamics.
Future research should continue to contribute to the science of behavior, in general, and to family health, in particular, by clarifying the types of tasks that evoke the behavior of interest and the measurement systems that accurately capture the specificity of the parenting skill and the parent–child dynamic. We see that both developmental and intervention science would benefit from a clear methodology for studying “dynamic mediation” for growth in competence and decrease in maladaptation in the context of intervention science. Advances in multi-level modeling enable the study of linkage between hundreds of micro social events and long-term behavioral outcomes (see Stoolmiller and Snyder 2006).
Limitations and Conclusions
This study had three limitations. First, the tasks selected to evoke parent–child interaction changed because of children’s evolving developmental status from age 2 through age 5 and to conduct these analyses, we were able to only use those tasks consistently used at all ages. Thus, the observations were based on relatively brief samples of behavior at each age. Despite the limitation, it is surprising that we were able to find good retest stability and predictive validity. Second, the families of the present study were at risk and they represented a wide variety of cultures, races, and ethnicities. It is possible that these direct observation methods require additional adjustment or trainings for coders to assure measurement equivalence and to reduce bias. Lastly, the focus on duration of events generally is only a first step in understanding the temporal dynamics of family interaction. The specific analysis of duration is a growing area of observation research, and new analytic tools such as multi-level survival models are being applied to understanding the covariates of duration and rigidity (Stoolmiller and Snyder 2006; Hollenstein 2013). However, these findings suggest the importance of analysis of temporal patterns of DC as well as DPE.
In general, the field of direct observation is growing in both cost efficiency and scientific validity and will remain as a critical tool for prevention science in the near and distant future. As a clinical tool, we have found videotaped parent–child interactions to be acceptable to families of diverse ethnicities and cultures, including families with less education. In contrast, questionnaires and interviews are often embedded with academic terms and language that can be off-putting to parents and youth. Despite the scientific and clinical appeal, direct observation is expensive in time and costs to the researchers. Technological strategies for reducing costs are emerging, such as robotic coding of videotapes for facial affect (Cohn and De la Torre 2015) and remote videotaping of families using the Internet and guidance from research or clinical staff. Based on the growth in videotaping and audiotaping in the general population, it is likely that it will become increasingly viable to include direct observation in many intervention studies that propose to change behavior.
Supplementary Material
Funding Funding for this research was provided by National Institute on Drug Abuse grant R01 DA036832-01A1 awarded to Daniel Shaw.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11121-016-0697-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Note that the recently developed three-step approach (Asparouhov and Muthén 2013) was not feasible in this study because the main predictor variable was a latent variable. It is not yet possible to include a latent variable in the auxiliary variable command in the new three-step approach.
The CFA result of this model at age 5 also had a poor fit of the data, χ2 (89) = 1296.19, p < .001, RMSEA = 0.16, CFI = 0.70, and SRMR = 0.14
Additionally, we tested FCU intervention effects on parent–child dynamics at age 3 and 4, respectively. There was a significant intervention effect on parent–child dynamics at age 3 but not at age 4.
Compliance with Ethical Standards
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Ethical Approval All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. This article does not contain any studies with animals performed by any of the authors.
Informed Consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.
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