How satisfied are you with the following aspects of this clinic visit?
Availability of free and/or affordable medications
Availability of both primary care and specialists (such as cardiology, nephrology, etc.)
Education on disease treatment and prevention
Education about your medications
Wait time during this appointment
Length of time spent in the clinic from arrival to departure
Overall medical care
Students’ knowledge
Doctors’ knowledge
Treatment by teaching faculty
Availability of after-hours appointments
Courtesy and respect of our staff
Team approach to your medical care including pharmacy/medical students partnering with doctors
Overall clinic experience
How satisfied are you with the improvement in your health since you first came to the evening KNIGHTS Clinic?
One of the benefits of the evening KNIGHTS Clinic is the opportunity to influence the education of future physicians. How much do you value this aspect?
What do you think the evening KNIGHTS Clinic does well?
How can the evening KNIGHTS Clinic serve you better?
Today, did you see a specialist (i.e. cardiology, etc.) or a primary care physician?
How long ago did you first come to an evening KNIGHTS Clinic?
How long was the total time of your visit today, including waiting time?
Did you receive free medication (samples or medicines through the drug assistance programs)?
Were you seen by a member of the patient education team (a student who educates you about health or medicines after the history and physical exam portion of your clinic visit)?
Did you use the lab today for services including blood draws, vaccinations, or urine samples?
Have you been seen at the evening KNIGHTS Clinic within the past month?