WT HEK293T cells along with COG, GALE, and MGAT1 KO cells were analyzed by lectin blot (A–C) and flow cytometry analysis (D–F) for GNL (A, D), GS-II (B, E) and HPA (C, F) binding. COG and MGAT1 KO cell lysates show increased affinity to terminal high mannose binding lectin GNL. GALE KO cell lysates show increased affinity for GlcNAc binding GS-II lectin. COG KO lysates show increased affinity to GalNAc binding HPA. (D–F) Top: Flow cytometry of fluorescent lectin binding to non-permeabilized cells. 30,000 cells were counted for each condition. Bottom: an example glycan that binds to each lectin analyzed.