Validation of two-step HK autophosphorylation mechanism. Time course analysis of formation of labeled MtrBH305Q·ATP complex using the HTA platform in the presence of various concentrations of unlabeled ATP as shown in the panels. (A) 5 µM, (B) 10 µM, (C) 100 µM, (D) 150 µM, (E) 200 µM. A fixed concentration of labeled ATP (20 nM) and 5 µM mutated MtrBH305Q was used for all reactions. Best-fits (solid lines) along with 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines) of model predictions (equation 10) are obtained by simultaneous fitting to the data using kp = 0 (absence of phosphorylation), Ke = 1.7 mm−1, and ϕ as adjustable parameter. The data are shown as means ± SD (n = 3).