(a) DVB neuron schematic. (b) DVB visualized with
lim-6int4::wCherry during adulthood in males
and hermaphrodites (asterisk=PVT neuron, arrowheads=DVB
neurites, scale bar=10 μm(true for all subsequence figures), n
same as (c)). Presynaptic boutons visualized with presynaptic
marker lim-6int4::gfp::rab-3. DVB neurite outgrowth
quantified by (c) total neurite length and (d) number
of neurite junctions (dot=one animal, magenta bar=median, and
boxes=quartiles. Comparison using one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey HSD,
p-values and n shown). (e) Schematic of DVB and post-synaptic
spicule-associated neurons and muscles in male tail. (f) Example
demonstrating males with normal or protracted spicules (red line indicates
spicule(n>10)). (g) Connectivity of DVB at adult stage inferred
from electron micrographs8,11. Chemical synapses depicted as
arrows, black arrows and neurons are sex-shared, red are hermaphrodite-specific,
blue are male-specific. Behavioral output indicated for each sex.