Extended Data Fig. 9. NRX-1 long isoform functions in DVB to control DVB neurite outgrowth and NRX-1 expression in DVB controls neurite outgrowth of nlg-1 mutants.
(a) Genetic loci of nrx-1 showing long and short isoforms, PDZ domain, and location of point mutation gk246237, and deletions ok1649 and wy778. Quantification of (b) total neurite length and (c) number of neurite junctions in controls and long-isoform specific mutants nrx-1(ok1649) and nrx-1(gk246237) at day 3. Quantification of (d) total neurite outgrowth and (e) number of neurite junctions at day 3 in control, Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1LONG], nrx-1(wy778), nrx-1(wy778); Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1LONG], nrx-1(wy778); Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1SHORT], nrx-1(wy778); Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1noPDZ]. (f) Time to spicule protraction at day 3 in control, nrx-1(wy778), nrx-1(wy778); Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1LONG], and Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1LONG]. (g) Confocal images of lim-6int4::wCherry expression, and quantification of (h) total neurite length and (i) number of neurite junctions of day 3 nlg-1(ok259), nlg-1(ok259); Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1LONG], nrx-1(wy778), nrx-1(wy778); nlg-1(ok259), nrx-1(wy778); nlg-1(ok259); Ex[lim-6int4::birA::nrx-1LONG] males. (j) Confocal images of lim-6int4::wCherry and Ex[lim-6int4::gfp::nrx-1LONG] in control, nrx-1(wy778), and nlg-1(ok259) males at day 1 and 3. (dot=one animal, magenta bar=median, and boxes=quartiles, one-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey HSD).