Figure 4. Force has a great impact on formin processivity.
(A) Sketch of the experimental configuration, similar to that of Figure 1C, but where significant forces are applied using various flow rates. The applied force scales with the filament length. (B) Survival fractions of mDia1-anchored filaments, elongating with 1 µM actin +10 µM profilin, using different flow rates to reach different force ranges: each filament underwent 0.051 pN/µm (initial filament length = 4.9 µm, N = 46 filaments), 0.204 pN/µm (initial filament length = 3.2 µm, N = 49) or 0.501 pN/µm (initial filament length = 2.6 µm, N = 49) for ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ flow rate curves, respectively. (C–E) mDia1 formin dissociation rate as a function of applied force (log-linear plots), for different actin concentrations in the absence of profilin (C); for 1 µM actin with different profilin concentrations (D); for 0.3 µM actin in presence or absence of FH1 domains (E, top); and for 1 µM actin, 4 µM profilin for mDia1 (FH1-FH2-DAD) formins either anchored by their FH1 N-terminus or FH2 C-terminus (E, bottom). Experiments were carried out by elongating the filaments with unlabeled actin, at 50 mM KCl. (F) mDia1 and mDia2 formin dissociation rates as a function of applied force (log-linear plots), for different profilin and unlabeled actin concentrations, at 100 mM KCl. Dissociation rates were obtained by local fits of the slope in survival fractions similar to the ones shown in (B) (see Materials and methods). Each data point is either obtained from a single experiment or is the average of 2–3 independent experiments. The data points at zero force were measured independently, using the configuration shown in Figure 1B (striped filaments). The error bars indicate standard deviations when several independent experiments were grouped (data from individual experiments for (C) and (D) are shown in Supp. Figure 4—figure supplement 2).