HLA-A*202:01-positive donors, seronegative for HCMV, respond to peptide NLVPMVATV. Four HLA-A*202:01-positive donors were selected who in previous assays were shown to either respond to I-HCMV and the HCMVpp65 peptide pool (Donors 9, 14, and 19), or not to respond to these antigens (Donor 73)—see Table 1. All four donors were retested in an IFN-γ ImmunoSpot® assay for I-HCMV and HCMVpp65 peptide pool reactivity, but this time also testing for the single peptide HCMVpp65(495–503), NLVPMVATV. Each condition was tested in triplicate wells, of which one representative well is shown.