(A) Staining of Pacs-7::gfp::acs-7 L4 worms with LysoTracker Red dye. (B) Staining of Pacs-7::gfp::acs-7 adult worms with LysoTracker Red dye. (C,D) Staining of Pacs-7::gfp::acs-7 adult worms with LysoTracker Red dye, before (C) and after (D) bleaching the GFP signal under the fluorescent microscope. Bleaching in (C) selectively eliminates peroxisomal GFP while making lysosomal autofluoresence more prominent. (E) Staining of wild-type (N2) worms with LysoTracker Red dye. In (A–E), peroxisomes are indicated with arrows and lysosomes are indicated with triangles. In (A), L3 worms are imaged, and in (B–E), L4 to adult worms are imaged. Scale bar = 20 μm.