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. 2016 Aug 10;150(6):1371–1386. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2016.07.027

Table 2.

Recent Trials in Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease

Disease Trial/Medication Primary End Point/Objective Outcomes
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis CAPACITY-004 (PIPF004)19
[Pirfenidone 2,403 mg/d vs 1,197 mg/d vs placebo]
Change in FVC at 72 wk Pirfenidone 2,403 mg/d significantly reduced decline in FVC
CAPACITY-006 (PIPF006)19
[Pirfenidone 2,403 mg/d vs placebo]
Change in FVC at 72 wk No significant difference between groups
[Pirfenidone 2,403 mg/d vs placebo]
Change in FVC at 52 wk Pirfenidone significantly reduced decline in FVC, significantly improved progression-free survival
[Pirfenidone 2,403 mg/d]
Long-term safety and tolerability Pirfenidone was safe and generally well tolerated
Loeh et al20
[Retrospective comparison of pirfenidone vs historical control subjects]
Treatment-elicited changes in lung function Reduction in annual decline in FVC after initiation of pirfenidone
[Nintedanib 50 mg/d vs 50 mg bid vs 100 mg bid vs 150 mg bid vs placebo]
Rate of decline in FVC at 12 mo Trend toward a reduced decline in lung function and fewer acute exacerbations with 150 mg bid
INPULSIS-133, 34
[Nintedanib 150 mg bid vs placebo]
Rate of decline in FVC at 52 wk Reduced FVC decline with nintedanib
INPULSIS-233, 34
[Nintedanib 150 mg bid vs placebo]
Rate of decline in FVC at 52 wk Reduced FVC decline; increased time to first acute exacerbation
Costabel et al.36
[Prespecified subgroup analyses of pooled data from INPULSIS-1 and -2]
Treatment effect of nintedanib Nintedanib had a consistent effect on slowing disease progression across several prespecified subgroups
Connective tissue disease-interstitial lung disease SLS68, 69
[Cyclophosphamide ≤ 2 mg/kg/d vs placebo]
Percent predicted FVC at 12 mo, after adjusting for baseline FVC Modest benefit on FVC, dyspnea, skin thickening, and quality of life with cyclophosphamide
EUSTAR Rituximab study76
[Retrospective comparison of rituximab with control subjects]
Change in skin fibrosis Rituximab improved skin fibrosis and prevented worsening of lung fibrosis
LOTUSS SSc-ILD study72, 73
[Pirfenidone 2,403 mg/d]
Evaluation of adverse events Pirfenidone was safe and generally well tolerated
Tacrolimus in polymyositis and dermatomyositis84, 85
[Retrospective comparison of tacrolimus vs conventional therapy]
Time to relapse or death from respiratory cause or serious adverse event Event-free survival and disease-free survival significantly longer with tacrolimus
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis Keir et al60
[Rituximab, pre-to-post]
Change in predicted percentage of FVC and Dlco Median improvement in FVC; stable Dlco

ASCEND = Assessment of Pirfenidone to Confirm Efficacy and Safety in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis; CAPACITY = Clinical Studies Assessing Pirfenidone in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Research of Efficacy and Safety Outcomes; Dlco = diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide; EUSTAR = European Scleroderma Trial and Research; LOTUSS = Safety and Tolerability of Pirfenidone in Patients With Systemic Sclerosis−Related Interstitial Lung Disease; SLS = Scleroderma Lung Study; TOMORROW = To Improve Pulmonary Fibrosis With BIBF 1120.