Similar development of Venus-VGAT+ pups between vapor chamber-exposure conditions. (A) Pups weights (mean + SEM) from both vapor chamber exposure condition before (P1) during (P5 and P9) and after (P16) vapor chamber exposure to monitor pup growth over time. P1: air n = 12 litters, EtOH n = 10 litters; P5: air n = 6 litters, EtOH n = 6 litters; P9: air n = 11 litters, EtOH n = 9 litters; P16: air n = 10 litters, EtOH = 8 litters. (B) The day (mean + SEM) pups acquired the following developmental milestones: surface righting reflex, ability to cross an open field, eye opening, display of an auditory startle reflex, and ear twitch in response to tactile stimulation. Black bars represent air-exposed mice, red bars represent EtOH-exposed mice. n = 6 litters per vapor chamber exposure condition.