Transcription factors and their target promoters are central to synthetic biology. By arranging these components into novel gene regulatory circuits, synthetic biologists have been able to create a wide variety of phenotypes, including bistable switches, oscillators, and logic gates. However, transcription factors (TFs) do not instantaneously regulate downstream targets. After the gene encoding a TF is turned on, the gene must first be transcribed, the transcripts must be translated, and sufficient TF must accumulate in order to bind operator sites of the target promoter. The time to complete this process, here called the “signaling time,” is a critical aspect in the design of dynamic regulatory networks, yet it remains poorly characterized. In this work, we measured the signaling time of two TFs in Escherichia coli commonly used in synthetic biology: the activator AraC and the repressor LacI. We found that signaling times can range from a few to tens of minutes, and are affected by the expression rate of the TF. Our single-cell data also show that the variability of the signaling time increases with its mean. To validate these signaling time measurements, we constructed a two-step genetic cascade, and showed that the signaling time of the full cascade can be predicted from those of its constituent steps. These results provide concrete estimates for the timescales of transcriptional regulation in living cells, which are important for understanding the dynamics of synthetic transcriptional gene circuits.
One aspect of synthetic biology is the rearrangement of regulatory mechanisms within cells to elicit novel phenotypes. While post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms are sometimes used1,2, the majority of synthetic gene circuits in E. coli primarily rely on transcription factors (TFs) and their target promoters. By engineering novel transcriptional regulatory topologies, synthetic biologists have created a vast array of genetic circuits3, including toggle switches4,5, oscillators6,7, logic gates8,9, dose-response linearizers10, and multicellular systems11–14. Yet, despite the increasing scale and complexity of synthetic transcriptional circuits15 and a deep theoretical understanding of the consequences of finite signaling times16, a precise experimental understanding of the dynamics of transcriptional signaling is lacking.
For many types of gene circuits, transcriptional signaling times17 do not play an important role. If a circuit is designed to only operate at steady state then transcriptional signaling times only add to the transient time scales generally governed by cell growth and proteolysis18. For instance, dose-response linearizers10 simplify the relationship between the input concentration of inducer (the dose) and the output steady-state concentration of protein (the response). Provided the time it takes to reach steady state protein levels is inconsequential, transcriptional signaling times do not need to be taken into account during the design process.
If the dynamics of a synthetic gene circuit is important to its function, transcriptional signaling times can drastically alter their behavior. This is especially true for many (though not all) gene circuits that have transcriptional feedback loops. The oscillations in some synthetic circuits, for example, are thought to result from transcriptional delay in a core negative feedback loop7,13,19. Theoretical examinations of these oscillators predict that changes to the transcriptional delay (and hence the signaling time) can alter their period20–22. Similarly, transcriptional positive feedback loops can lead to bistable gene expression patterns4,23 and theory predicts that the stability of the competing states increases as transcriptional signaling times increase24.
Transcriptional signaling times can also impact the function of circuits that do not have feedback loops. Feedforward loops consist of parallel signaling pathways of different lengths that converge on the same transcriptional target25. The difference in the signaling times of those two pathways can alter the behavior of the target. For instance, incoherent feedforward loops can act as temporal pulse generators, and the pulse width will depend on the difference in timing of the two paths. Similarly, the behavior of any type of transcriptional circuit that relies on the temporal coincidence of multiple signals (such as transcriptional logic gates26,27) will depend on the respective signaling times of the upstream transcription factors.
Transcriptional signaling involves many sub-steps, including transcription and translation of the TF gene and its message, protein folding and oligomerization, the accumulation of sufficient protein concentration, and promoter searching and binding. Each of these steps takes time and is affected by dilution, degradation, and cellular noise28,29. The timescales of some of the steps required for transcriptional signaling have been measured. For example, the transcription rate of RNA polymerase30, translation rate of ribosome31, and the promoter-searching rate of TF along DNA32 have been characterized. However, the overall timescale and variability of transcriptional signaling times have not yet been determined. Such knowledge would aid in the computational design of synthetic gene circuits by providing needed dynamical information important for mathematical models18.
Here we measured the transcriptional signaling time of two transcription factors in synthetic gene circuits. Specifically, we used microfluidics and time-lapse fluorescence microscopy33,34 to quantify the mean and variability of signaling times of two key transcription factors used by synthetic biologists in E. coli: LacI and AraC. We found that average signaling times for both AraC and LacI were on the order of a few minutes at high induction levels. When induction levels were low, the mean and standard deviation of the signaling times greatly increased. Additionally, by examining the dynamics of a type-1 incoherent feedforward loop25 and its sub circuits, we found that the signaling time of composite systems could be predicted from the signaling times of the constituent parts. This type of prediction is important for the forward engineering of ever more complex synthetic gene circuits35,36.
We first set out to experimentally characterize the transcriptional signaling time of a transcriptional activator regulating a downstream target. To do this, we built a plasmid-borne “activation circuit,” depicted in Figure 1A. Specifically, we placed the gene encoding the transcriptional activator AraC (with the LAA version of the ssrA proteolysis tag37) under control of a LacI regulated promoter, PA1lacO1, and the gene encoding superfolding yellow fluorescent protein (sfYFP)38 under control of the PBAD promoter. In the absence of isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), the PA1lacO1 promoter is repressed by a genomically integrated, constitutively expressed copy of lacI. In the presence of arabinose, the PBAD promoter is up-regulated by AraC. Therefore, we could initiate the transcriptional signal by simultaneously introducing IPTG and arabinose into a microfluidic device in which cells containing the circuit were growing and measure the resulting output of the target promoter via YFP fluorescence (see Supporting Information). By varying the amount of IPTG (with arabinose held constant at 2% (w/v)), we could tune the mean level of downstream protein production (Fig. 1B). In addition, we also directly measured the “observation time” of sfYFP, i.e. the time it takes to first observe fluorescence without the need for the accumulation of AraC, by examining a simple “reporter only” circuit in which the PBAD promoter drives sfyfp upon introduction of arabinose (Fig. S1C).
To measure the observation time of sfYFP, we transformed the reporter only circuit into the strain JS006A, which is a ΔlacIΔaraC cell strain with constitutively expressed araC knocked into the genome. We loaded cells into a microfluidic device capable of rapidly switching between two different sources of media. Cells were monitored via microfluidic aided fluorescence microscopy for 10 minutes in LB media before switching to media with 2% (w/v) arabinose. The fluorescence trajectories of single cells were recorded and the experiment was repeated to obtain at least 60 single-cell trajectories. To determine the time at which downstream fluorescence was first observed, we defined a threshold level of fluorescence 4 standard deviations above the fluorescence observed in non-inducing media (Fig. 2A). This threshold was determined to be the minimum threshold that accurately reflected the start of the increase in sfYFP fluorescence while not underestimating the observation time (see SI). The time at which the fluorescence of each cell reaches threshold was recorded (Fig. 2B), and the resulting histogram of maturation times is shown in Fig. 2C. From these measurements, we determined that the mean observation time of sfYFP to be 6.4±1.3 minutes.
To determine the signaling time of AraC activation, we transformed the activation circuit into the strain JS006LT, which is a ΔlacIΔaraC cell strain with constitutively expressed lacI and tetR knocked into the genome. We next measured the response of the circuit by inducing araC expression with three different IPTG concentrations: 0.05 mM, 0.2 mM, and 2 mM. These concentrations of IPTG were chosen to give low, medium, and high levels of induction, respectively, based on the measured activity of PA1lacO1 as a function of IPTG (Fig. 1B). Specifically, cells were loaded into the microfluidic device as before, grown in LB media before switching to media containing varying amount of IPTG and 2% arabinose. Individual cells were monitored as described above, and their activation times were recorded (based on the threshold method described above).
For the activation circuit, when the inducer concentration is high (2mM IPTG), the estimated signaling time was near the observation time of sfYFP, namely 7.2±1.4 minutes (Fig. 2D-F). We hypothesized that reducing the amount of IPTG, and hence reducing the induction level of AraC, would increase the activation time as it would likely take longer to reach a sufficient concentration of AraC within the cell to activate the downstream promoter. Indeed, we found that reducing the IPTG concentration lead to an increase in signaling time and its variability: the signaling time increased to 13.9±4.1 minutes when the IPTG concentration was reduced to 0.2 mM, and to 27±13 minutes at 0.05 mM IPTG (Fig. 2G-L). Note that at 0.05 mM IPTG the steady-state expression level of sfYFP was very low, yet fluorescence increased discernably over background levels, and crossed our set threshold level (Fig. 2J).
We next tested whether signaling times under transcriptional repression exhibited similar behavior. To do so, we measured the signaling time of LacI. To build the “repression circuit,” we placed the gene encoding LacI (with the LAA tag) under control of the arabinose-inducible promoter PBAD and the gene encoding sfyfp (with the LAA tag) under control of the hybrid Plac/ara-1 promoter39, which is activated by AraC and repressed by LacI (Fig. 3A). AraC was provided by a constitutively expressed genomic copy of araC. The circuit was designed so that sfyfp and lacI were activated simultaneously when arabinose was added. Once sufficient LacI accumulates, it should repress sfyfp. We therefore expected the circuit to act as a pulse generator with sfYFP fluorescence increasing, reaching a maximum, and then decaying once its production has been repressed. The strength and duration of the pulse are determined by the promoter activities of PBAD and Plac/ara-1, as determined by the arabinose concentration (Fig. 3B).
We transformed the plasmid containing the repression circuit into the strain JS006A, described above. We monitored cells as described above, but we instead triggered the circuit by introducing 4 different levels of arabinose: one with a high level of induction (2% w/v), one with a low level of induction (0.02%), and two different intermediate concentrations (0.1% and 0.05%). Note that we chose two different intermediate concentrations because the two promoters (PBAD and Plac/ara-1) respond differently to arabinose (Fig. 3B). Under each condition, we recorded at least 60 single-cell trajectories. We estimated the signaling time of LacI by measuring the time from the introduction of inducer to the time of peak sfYFP fluorescence. At high inducer concentration (2% arabinose), the signaling time was 8.6±1.1 minutes (Figure 4A-C). As in the activation circuit, the signaling time of the repression circuit and its variability increased with decreasing induction (Fig. 4D-L).
While the time to reach peak fluorescence is one measure of the signaling time in the repression circuit, it does not exactly reflect the minimum time for LacI to influence the downstream promoter. This is because the rate of sfYFP accumulation depends on both the production rate and the degradation rate of sfYFP. Peak fluorescence occurs when the degradation rate equals the production rate. However, LacI can still affect sfYFP production before this peak by reducing the production rate to a level that is still above the degradation rate. To estimate the minimal time of signaling, we examined the time derivative of the fluorescence trajectories. The peak of the derivatives indicates the inflection point in the recorded fluorescence, and thus provides an estimate of the minimal time it takes LacI to affect the target promoter. As shown in Fig. 5, this estimate of the signaling time is tightly distributed around 4 minutes at 2% arabinose (4.1±0.4 minutes). Note that this estimate provides an upper bound for the transcriptional delay time16 (the time it takes to make one fully functional protein). Our measured time is consistent with theoretical estimates of the transcriptional delay time for LacI20. The minimal delay is thought to be necessary for the robustness of some synthetic genetic oscillators7.
Finally, we wanted to determine if the dynamics of a circuit consisting of multiple transcriptional signaling pathways could be predicted from the signaling times of the individual pathways in isolation. To do so we constructed a type-1 incoherent feedforward loop25 shown in Fig. 6A. Specifically, the gene encoding araC was placed under the control of the TetR responsive promoter Ptet (which can be induced by anhydrotetracycline, ATc); lacI (with the LAA tag) was placed under the control of PBAD, and sfyfp (with the LAA tag) under the control of Plac/ara-1. Therefore, upon introduction of inducers, AraC was produced first and up-regulated both lacI and sfyfp. Once a sufficient concentration of LacI was reached within the cell, sfyfp was turned off and sfYFP fluorescence began to decrease. Note that this feedforward loop consists of two different paths. The short path is similar to the activation circuit described above. Here, we are more interested in the longer path (containing an initial activation step and a subsequent repression step) and the time it takes for it to turn off production of sfYFP.
We hypothesized that the dynamics of the feedforward loop could be predicted from the signaling times of its constituent pathways. Specifically, we wanted to estimate the time it takes to turn off production of sfYFP from the signaling times of the two steps in the longer pathway. To do so we first characterized the dynamics of three sub-circuits of the feedforward loop (Fig. 6): 1) the initial activation step (with signaling time T1); 2) the subsequent repression step (with signaling time T2); and 3) a small circuit that simply induces sfYFP:LAA (with signaling Ty). We expected that the signaling time of the combined long pathway, combining the activation and repressive steps, to equal TTOT=T1+T2−Ty. We note that Ty must be subtracted because the accumulation time of the intermediate protein (LacI in the feedforward loop) is measured twice – both as part of T1 and T2. Because we cannot measure the accumulation of LacI directly in single cells, we used sfYFP as a surrogate.
To test our hypothesis, we individually transformed each of the sub-circuits and the full feedforward loop into the strain JS006T, which has constitutively expressed tetR knocked into the genome, and assayed the cells as described above, using 1μg/ml ATc and 2% arabinose to induce the circuits. T2 and Ty were measured above by the repression circuit and the PBAD reporter only circuit (Fig. 6). The feedforward loop acts as a pulse generator with the peak fluorescence at 12.8±1.3 minutes after induction.
To obtain a prediction of the time at which the peak fluorescence occurs, we assumed that T1, T2, and TY are thee independent random variables. To estimate the distribution of TTOT we sampled a value of T1,i, T2,i, and TY,i from the measured values and set TTOT,i=T1,i+T2,i−TY,i. We repeated this process 100,000 times. As shown in Fig. 6C, the distribution of the time at which fluorescence begins to turn off is close to the predicted distribution of TTOT (13.3±2.4 minutes). However, we note that the standard deviation of the estimated time is slightly larger than the experimentally measured standard deviation. This might be due to correlations among the individual signaling times within the feedforward loop40. For instance, if AraC and LacI compete for the same resource, such as free ribosome or RNA polymerase, then T1 and T2 can be negatively correlated. We found that if these correlations are taken into account, the standard deviation of the estimated distribution of TTOT is closer to the experimentally measured standard deviation (see SI).
We measured the transcriptional signaling time for the activator AraC and the repressor LacI, two transcription factors commonly used in the construction of synthetic genetic circuits. When they are highly expressed, transcriptional signaling times can be as short as a few minutes. Not unexpectedly, reducing the expression rate of a TF leads to an increased signaling time. When a TF is weakly expressed, the TF concentration inside the cell stays below the threshold needed to regulate its target promoter effectively41, and the signaling time becomes highly variable for single cells – a fact that can be explained with simple gene regulation models42. Note the measured signaling times here include the ligand uptake time, which may become significant at low concentration43. However, it is difficult to measure the ligand uptake time using a fluorescent protein reporter, since ligand concentration affects both the uptake time and the level of target gene expression. Nevertheless, the measurements here provide the upper limit for the delay of transcriptional regulation, and the possible range of this delay when the production rate of a TF is varied.
We also examined a two-step process to determine if the timing and variability of each step can be used to predict the timing and variability of the entire pathway. Interestingly, while the mean signaling time of the entire cascade can be predicted from its constituent parts, its overall variability is smaller than that predicted from the simple convolution of the constituent distributions. It is possible that this could be explained by correlations in the signaling times of the two constituent pathways. If a cell can make the first transcription factor within the pathway quickly, it might make the second transcription factor slowly. In that case, the timing of the first step will be negatively correlated with the second step, making the variability of the two-step pathway smaller than the convolution of the individual signaling time distributions. Although the predicted distribution of the signaling time is slightly wider than the measured one, the similarity between the mean signaling time showed that our measurements are precise enough to predict a more complex circuit’s signaling time.
Since the transcriptional signaling times are determined by the TF production rate, it is possible that one could fine-tune synthetic gene circuits with regulatory mechanisms such as CRISPR interference44 or antisense RNA45. For example, it might be possible to extend the period of a synthetic gene oscillator by introducing additional delay into the negative-feedback loop20. It would also be interesting to see whether the findings here hold for other TFs. If other TFs behave similarly, a library of functional modules that have predictable dynamics can be built using different TFs.
As noted above, delays in transcriptional signaling can strongly affect the dynamics of circuits in which feedback loops, especially oscillators and bistable switches20,24. However, signaling times are difficult to measure in these circuits. Our approach allowed us to measure the signaling times of the constituent components of these circuits, and provided an upper bound of transcription delay consistent with theoretical estimates20,46. Moreover, we have also shown that the delay in multi-step pathways can be estimated from the constituent steps. Therefore, while the functions of the circuits we examined here are not drastically affected by signaling times, they do allow us to measure them. And while one cannot a priori assume that the signaling times will be similar in other types of circuits, these measurements at least provide an understanding of the relevant time scales. As a further caveat, it should be noted that these signaling times were measured on plasmid-borne synthetic circuits in bacteria. Circuits built in the chromosome of bacteria could behave differently due to the lower copy numbers of the constituent genes47, and circuits built in eukaryotes will have additional complicating factors such as nuclear localization of transcription factors and chromatin remodeling48.
Supplementary Material
This work was funded by the National Institutes of Health, through the joint NSF/NIGMS mathematical biology program grant R01GM104974 (MRB and KJ), the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1122094 (KJ), the Welch Foundation grant C-1729 (MRB), and the Taiwan Studying Abroad Scholarship (YYC). MRB, YYC, and KJ conceived and designed the study. YYC performed the experiments, analyzed the data and ran the computational simulations. AJH designed and fabricated the microfluidic device. MRB supervised the project. All authors wrote the manuscript.
Supporting Information
Materials and Methods, supplementary figures.
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