A) Metaplots showing enrichment of H3K27me3 (left) and H3K4me3 (right) ChIPseq signal at all (top), reduced (↓) and increased (↑) CDK8 peaks. (
B) Heatmaps showing enrichment of CDK8, H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 ChIPseq signal at H3K27me3 peaks (n = 5588) divided by overlap with CDK8 peaks (CDK8 +n = 3637, CDK8- n = 1950) sorted by decreasing H3K27me3 signal. Distance from the peak center is shown. (
C) Volcano plots showing alterations in expression (log2 fold change) comparing ES cells and RA-treated cells. Genes that rely on FBXL19 for normal CDK8 binding in the ES cells state are plotted. Top: reduced levels of CDK8 (red, n = 673 of which 203 genes are significantly induced by RA and 55 genes are ES-specific). Bottom: increased levels of CDK8 (green, n = 255 of which 28 genes are significantly induced by RA and 26 genes are ES-specific). (
D) Genes for
Figure 5D–F were separated into two categories (low and high expression) based on FPKM value cut-off represented by the dashed line. (
E) Gene ontology analysis of the genes associated with unchanged CDK8 levels in
FBXL19ΔCxxC ES cells (n = 14767).