全组419例患者中病理证实为良性者63例,恶性者356例,其中原发性肺癌338例,肺转移瘤18例。PET/CT对恶性肿瘤定性诊断(SUVmax>2.5)的敏感性为85.0%,特异性为52.4%,准确性79.2%,阳性预测值89.2%,阴性预测值42.9%。338例患者中治疗前行PET/CT者275例,共发现远处转移46例(46/275, 16.7%),较传统检查(38/275, 13.8%)多发现8例。对临床怀疑术后复发者(89例)行PET/CT,发现复发43例(43/89, 48.3%),较传统检查(37/89, 41.6%)多发现6例。对手术的168例患者作了T及N分期相关性的研究,发现SUVmax与肿瘤直径正相关(P<0.05)。清扫淋巴结共计610组,PET/CT诊断肺癌淋巴结转移的敏感性为36.3%,特异性为93.9%,准确性为84.3%,阳性预测值为54.4%,阴性预测值为88.0%。全组有10例患者化疗前后均作了PET/CT,SUVmax随肿瘤降期而下降,下降平均百分比为37.5%(P<0.05)。
Keywords: 肺肿瘤, 肿瘤样病变, PET/CT
Background and objective
The application and the value of PET/CT in lung cancer are on the way to development. The aim of this study is to summarize the data from 419 patients with pulmonary tumor or tumor-like disease and to explore the appliance of PET/CT.
From Dec 2007 to Aug 2011, 594 patients with pulmonary tumor or tumor-like disease underwent PET/CT examination during the different course of treatment, which were treated by single surgery team from Peking University Cancer Hospital. Of these patients, 419 cases diagnosed pathologically were included into study. The clinicapathological and follow-up data were collected to analyze the value of PET/CT in diagnosis, TNM staging, therapy response evaluation and posttherapy monitoring.
Four hundred and nineteen cases comprised of 63 benign and 356 malignant, of which, 338 were primary lung cancer, and 18 were metastases. The SUVmax cutoff was defined as 2.5 to differentiate the benign and malignant disease. PET/CT obtained the role of diagnosis with sensitivity as 85.0%, specificity as 52.4%, accuracy rate as 79.2%, positive predictive value as 89.2% and negative predictive value as 42.9%, respectively. Of 338 primary cases, 275 underwent PET/CT at initial diagnosis, in which, 46 (16.7%) distant metastasis were found, including 8 additional metastasis not found by conventional utilities. Six of 43 recurrences were found by PET/CT following conventional examination. In T staging, SUVmax is positively correlated with diameter of tumors (P < 0.05). In N staging, 610 stations of lymph nodes were resected from 168 cases, with 37 stations predicted as positive by PET/CT and 102 stations pathologically proven positive, therefore, calculating the sensitivity as 36.3%, specificity as 93.9%, accuracy rate as 84.3%, positive predictive value as 54.4% and negative predictive value as 88.0%, respectively. Ten patients underwent PET/CT scan for chemotherapy response evaluation, with SUVmax changing following T downstaging.
PET/CT is one optional method for diagnosis of pulmonary tumors. In TNM staging, PET/CT showed the superiority than conventional utilities in M staging, but possesses the high specificity but inferior sensitivity in N staging. Therefore, PET/CT should be used as routine examination for postoperation follow-up. Furthermore, PET/CT performed the outstanding role in chemotherapy response evaluation.
Keywords: Lung neoplasms, Tumor-like disease, PET/CT
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 一般资料
2007年12月-2011年8月北京大学肿瘤医院胸外一科单个医疗组共对594例肺部肿瘤或肿瘤样病变患者实施了PET/CT检查。175例无病理诊断,另419例有病理诊断(支气管镜/CT引导穿刺/淋巴结活检/手术),该419例为本文的研究对象。全组419例中男性250例,女性169例,年龄12岁-81岁,中位年龄59岁。良性病变63例,包括炎性肉芽肿21例,错构瘤11例,非特异性炎症14例,炎性假瘤3例,硬化性血管瘤4例,其它良性病变病理类型10例,病理获得方式均为手术切除。419例中恶性肿瘤356例,包括肺恶性转移瘤18例均行手术切除(包括软组织肉瘤/骨肉瘤肺转移7例,结直肠癌肺转移9例,乳腺癌肺转移2例),原发肺癌者338例,其中双原发癌10例(食管癌并肺癌2例,胃癌并肺癌2例,肺癌术后第二原发肺癌6例)。338例肺癌中231例获得病理方式为手术切除(局部切除术20例、肺叶切除术193例、全肺切除术11例、袖状肺叶切除术7例),其余107例获取病理的方式为支气管镜42例,CT引导穿刺32例,淋巴结活检24例,其它方法9例。338例中腺癌194例,鳞癌78例,小细胞癌23例,其它病理类型43例(表 1)。
Clinical characteristics of 419 patients
Variable | n | % |
Gender | ||
Male | 250 | 59.7 |
Female | 169 | 40.3 |
Media age (yr) | 59 | |
Pathology | ||
Benign | 63 | |
Granulomatous inflammation | 21 | 33.3 |
Hamartoma | 11 | 17.5 |
Nonspecific inflammation | 14 | 22.2 |
Inflammatory pseudotumor | 3 | 4.8 |
Sclerosing hemangioma | 4 | 6.3 |
Others | 10 | 15.9 |
Malignancy | 356 | |
Squamous carcinoma | 78 | 21.9 |
Adenocarcinoma | 194 | 54.5 |
Small cell carcinoma | 23 | 6.5 |
Metastatic tumor | 18 | 5.1 |
Others | 43 | 12.0 |
1.2. PET/CT成像方法
2007年12月-2009年12月患者18F-FDG PET/CT扫描采用西门子公司PET/CT显像仪(Biograph HR 16, Siemens, German),其中PET部分采用LSO晶体和微电子设备,CT部分为16排高分辨螺旋CT。2009年12月-2011年8月18F-FDG PET/CT扫描采用飞利浦公司PET/CT显像仪(Gemini TF 16, Philips, Netherland),其中PET/CT部分采用LYSO晶体和微电子设备,CT部分为16排高分辨螺旋CT。所有患者检查前空腹6 h以上。测定患者空腹血糖水平<10 mmol/L。按患者体重(3.0 MBq/kg-3.7 MBq/kg)静脉注射18F-FDG后,患者平静休息,60 min左右行颅脑及躯干部PET/CT图像采集。发射采集大多数从床尾开始,每床位扫描1.5 min-2 min。由2位以上经验丰富的核医学专家阅片并行图像分析。观察指标选取肿瘤最大标准摄取值SUVmax(maximum standardized uptake value, SUVmax)。
1.3. PET/CT检查资料
1.4. 随访
1.5. 统计分析
统计软件采用SPSS 13.0软件包。肿瘤SUVmax与肿瘤大小相关分析采用Spearman相关分析。化疗前后SUVmax差异和PR与SD患者SUVmax下降百分比之间的差异采用配对样本t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2. 结果
2.1. PET/CT对肺部恶性肿瘤的定性诊断
356例定性诊断病例中,良性肺部疾病为63例,恶性为293例。所有356例肺部肿物的SUVmax为0.5-33.3,中位值5.2。以SUVmax>2.5为判断恶性的界值,SUVmax>2.5者279例,SUVmax≤2.5者77例。PET/CT定性诊断后与病理行对照研究,结果为真阳性249例,真阴性33例,假阳性30例(肉芽肿性炎14例,非特异性炎症7例,结节病2例,炎性假瘤2例,真菌感染2例,其它良性病变3例),假阴性44例(腺癌32例,鳞癌5例,其它病理类型恶性肿瘤7例),假阴性中22例肿瘤直径<1.0 cm。PET/CT定性诊断的敏感性为85.0%,特异性为52.4%,准确性为79.2%,阳性预测值为89.2%,阴性预测值为42.9%。
2.2. PET/CT对肺癌M分期及在术后肿瘤复发转移中的监测
275例肺癌在传统分期检查中共发现远处转移38例(38/275, 13.8%),然而PET/CT(46/275, 16.7%)较传统检查额外发现远处转移8例。包括骨转移6例,肾上腺转移1例,肝转移并骨转移1例。肺癌手术后临床怀疑复发者行PET/CT共计89例,PET/CT检查时间与手术时间间隔为1个月-93个月,中位时间为19.0个月。传统检查共发现转移及复发37例(37/89, 41.6%),PET/CT较传统检查(43/89, 48.3%)额外发现复发6例(残端复发1例,胸壁转移1例,胸膜转移1例,多发转移3例)。
2.3. PET/CT对原发性肺癌N分期的诊断
168例原发性肺癌行根治手术,清扫淋巴结共计610组。其中术后病理证实转移淋巴结102组,非转移淋巴结508组。术前PET/CT对淋巴结的定性诊断与术中清扫的淋巴结在解剖位置上一一对应,比对术后淋巴结病理报告,PET/CT诊断淋巴结转移真阳性37组,假阳性31组,假阴性65组,真阴性477组。PET/CT对淋巴结分期诊断的敏感性为36.3%,特异性为93.9%,准确性为84.3%,阳性预测值为54.4%,阴性预测值为88.0%(表 2)。
PET/CT for LN metastasis detection
PET/CT | Pathological type | Total | |
Positive | Negative | ||
Positive | 37 | 31 | 68 |
Negative | 65 | 477 | 542 |
Total | 102 | 508 | 610 |
2.4. 肺癌原发肿瘤SUVmax与肿瘤直径间的关系
168例行术前PET/CT检查的原发性肺癌患者的肿瘤长径与短径平均值0.1 cm-7.5 cm,中位值为2.0 cm。肿瘤SUVmax为0.5-17.1,中位值为5.2。将每个肿瘤直径与其SUVmax一一对应,行相关性分析,发现肿瘤SUVmax与肿瘤直径明显相关(P<0.05)。
2.5. PET/CT对肿瘤化疗的疗效评价
10例化疗前后行PET/CT检查的患者,其局部肿瘤化疗前后的SUVmax见表 3,化疗前SUVmax值为1.4-13.9,平均值为7.7±3.8;化疗后SUVmax值为0.9-8.4,平均值为4.2±2.6。化疗前后SUVmax之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。化疗前后SUVmax下降平均百分比为(37.5±39.3)%。以化疗前后SUVmax下降50%为界值,化疗有效者5例,平均SUVmax下降百分比为(63.7±12.5)%;无效者5例,平均SUVmax下降百分比为(11.3±40.1)%。按照RECIST(Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors)标准评效,达到部分缓解(paitial response, PR)患者5例,平均SUVmax下降百分比为(56.1±20.7)%,疾病稳定(stable disease, SD)的患者5例,平均SUVmax下降百分比为(18.8±46.8)%。临床评效PR的患者与评效SD的患者化疗前后SUVmax下降百分比之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
Summary on treatment evaluation of 10 patients
No | Pretreatment SUVmax | Posttreatment SUVmax | %ΔSUVmax | PET/CT evaluation | Clinical evaluation |
SD: stable disease; PR: partial response. | |||||
1 | 7.0 | 8.4 | -20.0 | Nonresponser | SD |
2 | 6.0 | 0.9 | 85.0 | Responser | PR |
3 | 9.4 | 5.6 | 40.4 | Nonresponser | PR |
4 | 2.8 | 1.5 | 46.4 | Nonresponser | SD |
5 | 8.3 | 3.6 | 56.6 | Responser | SD |
6 | 13.9 | 5.8 | 58.3 | Responser | PR |
7 | 1.4 | 2.0 | -42.9 | Nonresponser | SD |
8 | 7.4 | 3.4 | 54.1 | Responser | SD |
9 | 11.4 | 7.7 | 32.5 | Nonresponser | PR |
10 | 9.8 | 3.5 | 64.3 | Responser | PR |
Mean | 7.7 | 4.2 | 37.5 | - | - |
3. 讨论
3.1. PET/CT能够有效鉴别肺部良/恶性病变
除外科术后病理诊断外,临床常用的判断肺部肿瘤或肿瘤样病变良恶性的方法有超声、CT、气管镜、CT引导穿刺活检等。CT应用最为广泛,但特异性较低,假阳性率高。气管镜、CT引导穿刺等属有创检查,亦存在假阴性及假阳性。PET/CT是一种无创检查方法,适用范围广,准确性较高[3]。如Allen等[4]认为PET/CT在肺部结节定性诊断方面优于CT。Hashimoto等[5]的研究以SUVmax>2.5作为诊断恶性病变的标准,认为PET/CT定性诊断的敏感性和特异性分别为100%和63%。本组PET/CT定性诊断(SUVmax>2.5)的敏感性为85.0%,特异性为52.4%,准确性为79.2%,阳性预测值为89.2%,阴性预测值为42.9%。假阳性30例,假阴性44例。原因可能为PET/CT在感染和炎症病变亦存在高摄取可能导致假阳性结果[4],建议此类患者常规抗生素治疗后再行PET/CT检查。腺癌患者肿瘤摄取程度较低[6],亦受肿瘤大小影响(假阴性中22例肿瘤直径<1.0 cm),因<1.0 cm肿瘤受部分容积效应的影响摄取率较低,可能造成假阴性结果[1]。
3.2. PET/CT是M分期及术后转移复发监测的有效手段
3.3. PET/CT在肺癌N分期中的价值
肺癌的N分期一直是胸外科备受关注的问题,常用手段为CT,其以淋巴结直径>1.0 cm作为判定淋巴结转移的标准[8],但淋巴结直径与术后病理是否转移并不一致。单一形态学信息区分转移与非转移淋巴结存在很大局限性。PET/CT将结构与功能相结合,可为肿瘤的N分期提供有价值的参考信息。然而,多数作者认为PET/CT在肺癌N分期方面的敏感性较低。Darling等[9]的研究认为PET/CT在纵隔淋巴结分期方面的特异性和阴性预测值较高,但有一定的假阳性率。Lv等[10]也得出了相同的结论。本组研究中PET/CT在肺癌N分期方面的特异性(93.9%)和阴性预测值(88.0%)较高,但敏感性较低(36.3%)。我们认为PET/CT能够有效排除非转移性淋巴结。但是,PET/CT诊断肺癌淋巴结转移的假阳性率较高,可能原因为PET/CT在肉芽肿性炎、非特异性炎症等情况下也可表现为高摄取[9]。
3.4. PET/CT在肿瘤直径方面有助于肺癌的T分期
3.5. PET/CT可用作肺癌化疗评效的有效手段
Funding Statement
This study was partly supported by the grants from National Basic Research Program of China (973 program)(No.2011CB504300), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30572130), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No.7102029), Capital medicine development Foundation (No.2005-2020) and Beijing Acdemic Leader Programe (all to Keneng CHEN)(No.2009-2-17)
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