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Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer logoLink to Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
. 2012 Feb 20;15(2):90–96. [Article in Chinese] doi: 10.3779/j.issn.1009-3419.2012.02.05


Chest Wall Resection and Reconstruction for Thoracic Tumor Invading the Chest Wall: A Report of 12 Cases

马 少华 1, 申 潞艳 1, 李 森恺 2, 师 晓天 3, 梁 震 1, 陈 克能 1,*
PMCID: PMC6000262  PMID: 22336236



胸部肿瘤累及胸壁是临床常见事件,若无远处转移,完整切除受累胸壁仍可获得良好疗效。本文结合12例肿瘤患者胸壁切除与重建(chest wall resection and reconstruction, CWRR)的经验就重建人工材料、软组织覆盖等方面作一介绍,并强调切除外科与重建外科合作的重要性。


总结2005年10月-2011年4月北京大学肿瘤医院胸外一科和重建外科共同参与的CWRR 12例,详细复习自确诊至今的诊治全过程,包括术前治疗、手术方式、切除范围、重建方式,主要的局部及全身并发症及生存情况。


12例均为根治性手术,均行骨性胸壁切除,切除后骨性胸壁缺损为25 cm2-700 cm2,胸壁软组织缺损为56 cm2-400 cm2。骨性胸壁修补材料采用聚丙烯单丝网片(polypropylene mesh),软组织修复采用转移肌瓣、转移肌皮瓣及大网膜瓣。术后1例发生呼吸衰竭,呼吸机辅助通气1个月后痊愈,余11例均无并发症,全组12例至今全部存活。



Keywords: 胸部肿瘤, 胸壁, 切除, 整形

胸壁原发性肿瘤和胸部肿瘤侵犯胸壁是胸外科常见的临床情况,需行胸壁切除,对胸外科医生来讲切除胸壁并非难事。然而,胸壁的完整性是维持人体正常呼吸循环生理解剖的重要组成部分,切除后联合整形外科,需选用合适的人工材料重建胸壁以恢复其解剖和生理,并选用合适的软组织覆盖以保护人工材料以便最终愈合,从而达到根治肿瘤,改善疗效的目的。现将北京大学肿瘤医院的12例胸壁切除与重建(chest wall resection and reconstruction, CWRR)治疗经验总结如下。

1. 患者与方法

2005年10月-2011年4月北京大学肿瘤医院胸外一科和重建外科共同参与的CWRR 12例(表 1),其中男性8例,女性4例,年龄37岁-78岁,包括左侧胸壁软骨肉瘤术后复发侵犯第6、7、8肋骨,前锯肌,左肺下叶,心包及膈肌1例;右乳腺癌术后放疗局部皮肤破溃30年,恶变为疣状癌,侵犯双侧第2、3、4、5肋软骨,部分胸骨,右侧胸大肌及心包1例;左胸壁恶性纤维细胞瘤术后复发,侵犯前锯肌及左第4、5、6肋骨1例;右肺上叶腺癌侵犯右前第3、4肋骨及前锯肌1例;左乳腺癌术后3.5年局部胸壁复发侵犯左胸大肌,胸小肌,左第2、3、4肋软肋骨及左侧部分胸骨1例;前纵隔鳞癌术后复发侵犯右侧第4、5前肋,右侧部分胸骨,胸小肌及胸大肌1例;左肺上叶癌术后8个月,局部胸壁复发,侵犯左第3、4肋骨及前锯肌1例;胸壁孤立性转移癌侵犯左后第8肋骨,前锯肌及下后锯肌1例;左肺上叶腺癌侵犯第1、2前肋及胸小肌1例;右肺上叶鳞癌侵犯右前第2肋骨及胸小肌1例;左肺上叶腺癌侵犯左第4后肋1例;前纵隔弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤侵犯左侧第4、5肋骨及下1/2胸骨1例。



General data of 12 patients with CWRR

No. Gender Age Diagnosis Tumor diameter (mm) Bony chest wall invading Soft tissue invading Neo-adjuvant chemo Adjuvant chemo
CWRR: chest wall resection and reconstruction; Chemo: chemotherapy
1 Male 68 Chondrosarcoma recurrence of left chest wall 250×280 6th, 7th, 8th rib Serratus anterior No No
2 Female 76 Local skin ulceration malignant transform to verrucous carcinoma after mastectomy 80×50 Bilateral 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th costal cartilage and partial of stemum Pectoralis major No No
3 Female 37 Recurrence malignant fiber cell tumor of left chest wall 110×90 4th, 5th, 6th rib Serratus anterior No No
4 Male 73 Adenocarcinoma of left upper lobe lung 25×25 3rd, 4th rib Serratus anterior No TP×4
5 Female 53 Local recurrence of left chest wall after radical mastectomy 30×30 2nd, 3rd, 4th rib and partial of sternum Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor No No
6 Male 78 Anterior mediastinal recurrence squamous cell carcinoma 70×52 4th, 5th rib and right partial sternum Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor TP×3 No
7 Male 60 Recurrence squamous cell carcinoma after pulmonary lobectomy of left upper lobe 50×40 3rd, 4th rib Serratus anterior No No
8 Male 53 Isolation metastatic carcinoma of left chest wall 55×45 8th posterior rib Serratus anterior and serratus posterior inferior muscle No TP×2
9 Male 53 Adenocarcinoma of left upper lobe lung 30×30 1st, 2nd anterior rib Pectoralis minor muscle TP×1 No
10 Male 74 Squamous cell carcinoma of right upper lobe lung 75×60 2nd anterior rib Pectoralis minor muscle TP×2 No
11 Female 56 Adenocarcinoma of left upper lobe lung 30×30 4th posterior rib No TP×2 TP×2
12 Male 39 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of anterior mediastinal 50×50 Left 4th, 5th rib and partial of stenum No No No

12例患者术前均行胸部增强计算机断层显像(computerized tomography, CT)检查,2011年以前手术的7例患者均行常规分期检查,如颈部及腹部超声、骨扫描、头颅核磁等,2011年手术的5例患者除常规分期检查外,加行正电子发射计算机断层显像(positron emission tomography-computerized tomography, PET-CT)检查,其中1例在2周期新辅助化疗后复查PET-CT。术前对心肺功能做详细评估,包括心脏彩超、肺功能及动脉血气分析。所有患者术前均与整形外科医生会诊,设计切口,骨性胸壁及软组织切除范围及软组织修补方式。

2. 结果

2011年以前手术的7例患者术前常规肿瘤分期检查均未见远处转移及肿瘤淋巴引流区域明显肿大淋巴结。2011年手术的5例患者除常规分期检查外加行PET-CT检查,除肿瘤本身外均未见全身其它部位及肿瘤淋巴引流区域高代谢病灶。12例术后病理均证实无引流区域淋巴结转移。5例行PET-CT检查中的1例患肺癌者行新辅助化疗,在化疗后复查PET-CT,其标准摄取值(standard uptake value, SUV)明显下降,且此5例术前均加做了CT三围胸壁骨成像(图 1),明确显示了骨性胸壁受累情况,与术后病理结果吻合。12例均行根治性切除(表 2)。肿瘤直径25 mm×25 mm-250 mm×280 mm,其中1例肿瘤导致皮损面积达200 mm×200 mm(图 2)。所有切口均根据肿瘤生长部位及范围来决定,均为不规则切口,切口总长度从15 cm-90 cm不等(图 2)。切除后胸壁软组织缺损56 cm2-400 cm2;同时切除骨性胸壁12例,骨性胸壁缺损25 cm2-700 cm2,骨性胸壁修补材料采用聚丙烯单丝网片(图 3),软组织修复采用转移肌瓣、转移肌皮瓣或大网膜转移瓣,其中胸大肌转移肌瓣4例(图 3),背阔肌转移肌瓣3例(图 4),胸大肌及背阔肌联合转移肌瓣1例,腹直肌肌皮瓣1例(图 5),大网膜转移瓣1例(图 6)。1例由于为感染切口未行人工材料修补,而采用了广泛游离的皮瓣修复(图 2)。其修复方法为以肿瘤为中心的“X”形切口,皮瓣游离范围上达双侧锁骨水平,下达髂前上棘,外侧达双侧腋后线,此例术后呼吸衰竭(限制性通气障碍),呼吸机辅助通气1个月后痊愈。全组中另有1例系后胸壁切除,有肩胛骨覆盖且未累及胸部软组织而只切除胸壁未作真正意义上的修复。12例患者随访至2011年5月15日,全部存活,其中1例左侧胸壁恶性纤维细胞瘤行CWRR术后43个月发生肺转移,再行肺叶部分切除术。




Case 10, 74-year old male, with lung cancer of right upper lobe invading 2nd rib and pectoralis minor muscle. Treated with 2 cycles of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery. Three-dimensional CT synthetic image shows tumor invading 2nd rib, compare with the first PET/CT prior to chemotherapy (top right). SUV decreased from 10.8 to 7.7. SUV: standard uptake value.



Operation features of 12 patients treated with CWRR

No. Organs resection Defect of bony chest wall (mm) Defect of soft tissue (mm) Material of bony chest wall reconstruction Coverage Operation time Survival time (month)
1 Partial of left lower lobe, partial of pericardium, partial of diaphragm, 6th, 7th and 8th rib 250 ×280 150 ×150 Marlex Left latissimus dorsi musclar flap 2005.10.15 66
2 Bilateral 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th costal cartilage, partial of sternum, partial of left upper lobe, partial of pericardium 100 ×80 200 ×200 No Widely dissociative skin flaps 2007.9.7 43
3 Left 4th, 5th, 6th rib, partial of left lower lobe 140 ×120 140 ×120 Marlex Left latissimus dorsi muscle 2007.9.9 43
4 Right upper lobe of lung, 3rd, 4th rib, partial of serratus anterior muscle 70 ×50 80 ×70 Polypropylene monofilament Right pectoralis major muscle flap 2009.2.4 26
5 Left 2nd, 3rd, 4th costal cartilage, partial left sternum 100 ×60 110 ×70 Polypropylene monofilament Right pectoralis major muscle flap 2009.5.25 23
6 Right 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th rib, partial of right sternum 140 ×120 200 ×150 Polypropylene monofilament Left rectus abdominis muscleflap 2009.10.28 18
7 Left 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th rib, partial of serratus anterior muscle 120 ×110 120 ×120 Polypropylene monofilament Left pectoralis major muscle flap and latissimus dorsi flap 2010.5.18 11
8 Left 7th, 8th, 9th rib, partial of serratus anterior muscle, partial of serratus posterior inferior muscle 100 ×65 12 0 ×70 Polypropylene monofilament Latissimus dorsi flap 2011.2.15 2
9 Left upper lobe of lung, 1st, 2nd, 3rd rib, partial pectoralis minor muscle 100 ×100 120 ×120 Polypropylene monofilament Pectoralis major muscle flap 2011.4.1 1
10 Right upper lobe of lung, 1st, 2nd, 3rd rib, partial pectoralis minor muscle 100 ×100 120 ×120 Polypropylene monofilament Pectoralis major muscle flap 2011.4.9 1
11 Left upper lobe of lung, 4th, 5th rib 50 ×50 0 Scapula No 2011.4.10 1
12 Left upper lobe of lung, 3rd, 4th, 5th rib, partial of sternum 120 ×80 150 ×100 Polypropylene monofilament Great omental flap 2011.4.29 1



病例2,女性,76岁,30年前行右乳腺癌改良根治术,术后放疗致皮肤溃疡经久不愈,切除肿瘤80 mm×50 mm,骨性胸壁缺损为100 mm×80 mm,皮损面积达到200 mm×200 mm,因感染,未行人工材料修补,仅广泛游离左侧乳腺及上腹部皮瓣修补软组织。

Case 2, 76-year old female, underwent radical mastectomy followed by radiotherapy. Local skin ulcer prolong for 30 years. She underwent CWRR, and the tumor was 80 mm×50 mm, the defect of bony chest wall was 100 mm×80 mm, and the soft tissue defect reached to 200 mm×200 mm. Due to infection, synthetic materials were not used, widely dissociative skin flaps were used to repair the large chest wall defect.



病例10,男性,74岁,右肺上叶癌,侵犯右第2前肋及胸小肌,实施新辅助化疗2周期后,实施右肺上叶+第1、2、3部分肋骨+部分胸小肌切除,骨性胸壁缺损达100 mm×100 mm,采用聚丙烯单丝网片修补,软组织修复采用胸大肌转移肌瓣。

Case 10, 74-year old male Lung cancer of right upper lobe, with invasion of 2nd rib and pectoralis minor muscle. Treated with 2 cycles of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery consisting of right upper lobectomy, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ribs and partial pectoralis minor muscle resection. The bony chest wall defect was 100 mm×100 mm, and polypropylene mesh was used for reconstruction and the synthetic material was covered by pectoralis major muscle flap.



病例8,男性,53岁,左后胸壁单发肿瘤,侵犯左后第8肋骨,实施左后第7、8、9肋骨部分切除,切除后骨性胸壁缺损100 mm×65 mm,采用聚丙烯单丝重建骨性胸壁,背阔肌转移肌瓣修补软组织

Case 8, 53-year old male, isolated left chest wall metastasis involving the posterior left 8th rib, underwent CWRR with resection of left 7th, 8th, and 9th ribs. The bony chest wall defect was 100 mm×65 mm, and polypropylene mesh was used for to reconstruction, which was covered with latissimus dorsi muscle flap.



病例6,男性,78岁,前纵隔鳞癌术后复发,侵犯右第4、5肋骨、右侧部分胸骨、胸小肌及胸大肌,实施右第3、4、5、6前肋、右侧部分胸骨、部分胸小肌及部分胸大肌切除,骨性胸壁缺损140 mm×120 mm,软组织缺损200 mm×150 mm,采用左侧腹直肌转移肌瓣修复胸壁软组织缺损。

Case 6, 78-year old male, Anterior mediastinal postoperative recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma, which involved the right 4th and 5th ribs, part of the sternum, and the pectoralis minor and major muscles. Treated with CWRR, with resection of the right 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th ribs, partial sternal resection, and partial resection of the pectoralis minor and major muscles. The bony chest wall defect measured 140 mm×120 mm, with a soft tissue defect of 200 mm×150 mm. Polypropylene mesh was used to repair the chest wall defect and a left rectus muscle flap was transferred to cover the artificial material.



病例12,男性,39岁,前纵隔弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤,侵犯第4、5肋骨+左侧部分胸骨,实施双侧3、4、5、6肋软骨切除+部分胸骨切除+左肺上叶切除,骨性缺损120 mm×80 mm,采用聚丙烯单丝修补,软组织缺损达150 mm×100 mm,采用大网膜转移瓣修补

Case 12, 39-year old male, with lymphoma of the anterior mediastinum involving the 4th and 5th ribs and part of the sternum. Treated with bilateral 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th costal cartilage resection, partial sternal resection and resection of the left upper lung lobe. The bony chest wall defect measured 120 mm×80 mm and soft tissue defect measured 150 mm×100 mm. Polypropylene mesh was used to repair the bony defect followed by use of a greater omental flap to cover the artificial material.

3. 讨论

3.1. 肿瘤根治原则是胸壁切除术的前提


3.2. 骨性胸壁的重建是恢复心肺功能的保证

对呼吸功能较好,切除范围较小者,CWRR对呼吸的机械影响可忽略不计,若以软组织瓣覆盖也可在一定程度上克服术后胸壁的反常呼吸[4-7]。但对缺损较大者需行骨性胸壁重建。国内尝试过多种稳定性材料,包括自体和人工材料两类,前者因为额外增加手术切口而被淘汰。人工材料如不锈钢、钛合金、透明树酯、玻璃纤维等硬材料难以避免腐蚀、感染,也很少应用[8]。即便近年来国内的文献[9]报道胸壁重建材料为有机玻璃板、玻璃条、钢丝网、钛板、涤纶、硅橡胶等,但也因为修补材料与组织结合困难,后期常常松动造成组织破坏而逐渐被淘汰。目前,良好的骨性胸壁重建材料需要具备以下几个条件[9]:①柔软易放置,顺应性好,且能维持胸壁的强度及美观;②组织反应性小,与组织能够完全融合;③感染风险较低;④机械强度高,以便能够维持很长时间;⑤能够成为潜在早期复发者手术切除的标记。近年流行的Marlex网、polypropylene网等网状材料,其特点为多孔网状,可与组织融合,且融合后顺应性好,更适合胸壁重建[7, 10]。本组全部选用聚丙烯单丝网状补片,组织相容性好,顺应性强且维持了一定的胸壁硬度。

3.3. 术前与整形外科的会诊,多学科会诊是治疗成功的关键




Funding Statement


This study was supported by the grants from Beijing Academic Leaders Program (No.2009-2-17), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No.7102029), Capital Medical Development Research Found (No.2007-1023), New Scholar Star Program of Ministry of Education, and National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program)(No.2011CB504300)(all to Keneng CHEN)


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