检索PubMed、CENTRAL、中国生物医学文献数据库系统(CBM)、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、中文科技期刊全文数据库(VIP)等收集国内外公开发表的肺癌家族聚集性的病例对照研究。采用RevMan version 4.2统计软件对各研究结果进行分析,计算其合并优势比和95%可信区间。
纳入合并分析的文献共有28篇,分析结果表明:肺癌先证家系一级亲属患肺癌的风险是对照家系一级亲属的1.88倍(P < 0.001)。分层分析,先证家系的父亲、母亲及兄弟姐妹患肺癌的风险分别是对照家系的1.62倍(P < 0.001)、1.96倍(P < 0.001)和1.92倍(P < 0.001);吸烟和非吸烟先证者一级亲属患肺癌的风险分别是对照组中吸烟者和非吸烟者一级亲属患肺癌的1.73倍(P < 0.001)和1.42倍(P=0.02);女性和男性肺癌先证者一级亲属患肺癌的风险性分别是对照组中女性和男性一级亲属患肺癌的1.89倍(P < 0.001)和1.99倍(P < 0.001)。
Keywords: 肺肿瘤, 家族聚集, 系统评价
Background and objective
Fourty years ago, Tokuhata and Lilienfeld provided the first epidemio- logic evidence of familial aggregation of lung cancer. Familial aggregation and increased familial risk for lung cancer have been reported in several studies, subsequently. But the results are not consistent with each other. The aim of this study is to further explore the relationship between family history of lung cancer and lung cancer risk.
By searching PubMed, CENTRAL, CBM, CNKI and VIP, we collected both domestic and overseas published documents before November, 2009 on family history of lung cancer and lung cancer risk. RevMan version 4.2 was used to perform meta-analysis on the case-control study results, the combined odds ratio (OR) and the 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated as well.
Twenty- eight publications were included into the combined analysis, which indicated that the lung cancer risk of the probands' first- degree relatives was 1.88 times higher than that of their controls' (P < 0.001). In the sub-study, compared with the controls' father mother and siblings, the OR of the probands' father mother and siblings was 1.62 (P < 0.001), 1.96 (P < 0.001) and 1.92 (P < 0.001), respectively. For smoking status, lung cancer risk in first-degree relatives of smoking probands was 1.73 (P < 0.001) times higher than that of their corresponding controls'. And for non-smoking subjects the lung cancer risk was 1.42 (P=0.02) times higher in proboands' first-degree relatives. For gender categories, lung cancer risk in first-degree relatives of female pro- bands was 1.89 (P < 0.001) times higher than that of their corresponding controls'. And for male subjects, the lung cancer risk was 1.99 (P < 0.001) times higher in proboands' first-degree relatives.
Lung cancer risk was increased in probands' first-degree relatives, and obvious familial aggregation of lung cancer was observed in this study.
Keywords: Lung neoplasms, Familial aggregation, Systematic review
1. 资料与方法
1.1. 资料来源
1.2. 检索策略
英文数据库使用自由词检索,检索词包括:“lung cancer”、“lung neoplasm”、“neoplasm of the lung”;“risk”;“family history”;“familial aggregation”。检索语种为英语。中文数据库使用关键词检索,检索词包括:“肺癌”、“家族聚集”、“家族史”。为尽量避免漏查文献,对所检索文献中提供的参考文献进行二次检索,相关综述、会议摘要都被检索,以发现可能合格的研究。
1.3. 纳入标准
① 发表时间为2009年11月以前公开发表的文献;②研究类型为病例对照研究;③研究对象为病理证实或临床诊断为肺癌患者;④各文献研究设计及研究方法相似;⑤原文献提供原始数据能够进行OR值及95%CI计算;⑥暴露及各因素分层划分标准基本相似。
1.4. 排除标准
① 文献质量较差,未能提供原始数据用以计算OR值及95%CI者;②研究类型为非病例对照研究;③非中、英文文章。
1.5. 文献筛选和资料提取
1.6. 质量控制
1.7. 统计分析
阅读文献,按照系统评价要求整理数据,建立数据库,并核校数据。用优势比(odds ratio, OR)来分析肺癌家族史与肺癌发生的关系。所有统计分析用统计软件RevMan version 4.2完成,纳入研究结果间的异质性采用χ2检验,如纳入研究结果不存在明显的异质性(P > 0.05),采用固定效应模型进行分析;反之,如果存在异质性(P < 0.05),则用DerSimonian-Laird法随机效应模型分析,并对可能导致异质性的因素进行亚组分析。采用倒漏斗图来评价发表偏倚。
2. 结果
2.1. 文献基本情况
纳入本次分析的28篇文献[2-29]的基本情况(表 1)。其中病例组16 936例,对照组21 741例,纳入研究的每篇文献均提供了病例组和对照组的原始数据。其中有13篇[2, 4, 5, 9-12, 14-17, 21, 24]文献提供了先证家系中双亲患肺癌的情况(表 2),研究结果间不存在明显的异质性(父亲:χ2=7.71,P=0.81;母亲:χ2=18.38,P=0.10);11篇[2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14-17, 19]文献提供了先证家系中兄弟姐妹患肺癌的情况(表 2),研究结果间不存在明显异质性(χ2=13.76, P=0.18);13篇[2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 16-18, 21, 22, 24, 26]文献提供了非吸烟先证者一级亲属患肺癌的情况,研究结果间存在异质性(χ2=29.6, P=0.003);10篇[2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26]文献提供了吸烟先证者一级亲属患肺癌的情况,研究结果间不存在明显异质性(χ2=4.91, P=0.84);14篇[2, 5, 8, 11-13, 15, 19-23, 25, 26]文献提供了女性肺癌先证者一级亲属患肺癌的情况,研究结果间不存在明显异质性(χ2=21.37, P=0.07);5篇[2, 13, 15, 19, 23]文献提供了男性肺癌先证者一级亲属患肺癌的情况,研究结果间不存在明显异质性(χ2=8.27, P=0.08)。
First author | No. of cases | No. of controls | Study type | Sex | OR | 95%CI | Years of data collection | Year of publicaion | Region |
OR: odds ratio; F: female; M: male. | |||||||||
Tokuhata[2] | 270 | 270 | Case-control | M/F | 3.87 | 1.88-7.99 | 1960-1961 | 1963 | US |
Cassidy[3] | 693 | 1 299 | Case-control | M/F | 1.49 | 1.16-1.91 | 2002-2006 | 2009 | Europe |
Gao[4] | 1 436 | 1 643 | Case-control | M/F | 1.73 | 1.43-2.10 | 2002-2005 | 2009 | Italian |
Rachtan[5] | 1 058 | 2 116 | Case-control | F | 1.91 | 1.52-2.39 | 2004-2007 | 2009 | Poland |
Cassidy[6] | 579 | 1 157 | Case-control | M/F | 1.21 | 0.94-1.55 | 1998-2004 | 2006 | UK |
Gorlova[7] | 280 | 242 | Case-control | M/F | 0.82 | 0.50-1.34 | 1995-2003 | 2006 | US |
Neuberger[8] | 413 | 614 | Case-control | F | 1.70 | 1.24-2.33 | 1994-1997 | 2006 | US |
Cote[9] | 629 | 773 | Case-control | M/F | 2.19 | 1.59-3.03 | 1990-2003 | 2005 | US |
Jin[10] | 740 | 740 | Case-control | M/F | 1.76 | 1.33-2.33 | 1992-1999 | 2005 | China |
Matakidou[11] | 1 482 | 1 079 | Case-control | F | 1.60 | 1.25-2.05 | 1999-2004 | 2005 | UK |
Wu[12] | 108 | 108 | Case-control | F | 4.35 | 1.79-10.55 | 1992-2002 | 2004 | Taiwan |
Jin[13] | 370 | 370 | Case-control | M/F | 1.91 | 1.37-2.67 | 1987-1990 | 2002 | China |
Wunsch-Filho[14] | 334 | 578 | Case-control | M/F | 1.76 | 0.78-3.96 | 1989-1991 | 2002 | Brazil |
Bromen[15] | 945 | 983 | Case-control | M/F | 1.91 | 1.31-2.77 | 1988-1993 | 2000 | Germany |
Mayne[16] | 437 | 437 | Case-control | M/F | 1.96 | 1.20-3.20 | 1982-1984 | 1999 | US |
Kreuzer[17] | 2 226 | 2 302 | Case-control | M/F | 1.52 | 1.19-1.94 | 1990-1996 | 1998 | Germany |
Brownson[18] | 618 | 1 402 | Case-control | M/F | 1.31 | 0.98-1.76 | 1986-1991 | 1997 | US |
Schwartz [19] | 257 | 277 | Case-control | M/F | 1.33 | 0.76-2.33 | 1984-1987 | 1996 | US |
Xiang[20] | 649 | 675 | Case-control | F | 2.85 | 1.68-4.83 | 1992-1993 | 1996 | China |
Wu[21] | 646 | 1 252 | Case-control | F | 1.35 | 0.95-1.93 | 1985-1988 | 1996 | US |
Osann[22] | 208 | 208 | Case-control | F | 1.97 | 0.86-4.52 | 1969-1977 | 1991 | US |
Liu[23] | 110 | 426 | Case-control | M/F | 3.22 | 1.82-5.70 | 1985-1986 | 1991 | China |
Shaw[24] | 943 | 955 | Case-control | M/F | 1.75 | 1.31-2.32 | 1976-1980 | 1991 | US |
Wu[25] | 334 | 335 | Case-control | F | 4.42 | 2.40-8.13 | 1983-1986 | 1988 | US |
Horwitz[26] | 112 | 224 | Case-control | F | 2.38 | 0.84-6.75 | 1977-1982 | 1988 | US |
Guo[27] | 205 | 200 | Case-control | M/F | 7.75 | 2.67-22.53 | 1981-1983 | 1987 | China |
Ooi[28] | 336 | 307 | Case-control | M/F | 3.18 | 2.03-4.98 | 1976-1979 | 1986 | US |
Samet[29] | 518 | 769 | Case-control | M/F | 3.30 | 1.84-5.95 | 1980-1982 | 1986 | US |
Authors\Relatives | Father case | Father control | Mother case | Mother control | Siblings case | Siblings control |
N.R.: not report. | ||||||
Tokuhata[2] | 1.9%, 5/270 | 0.4%, 1/270 | 1.9%, 5/270 | 0.7%, 2/270 | 2.2%, 25/1 152 | 0.7%, 7/1 002 |
Gao[4] | 10.5%, 139/1 826 | 5.7%, 108/1 890 | 1.6%, 30/1 847 | 0.9%, 19/2 063 | 20.5%, 294/1 436 | 12.9%, 213/1 643 |
Rachtan[5] | 8.9%, 95/1 058 | 5.2%, 110/2 116 | 2.2%, 23/1 058 | 1.1%, 23/2 116 | 6.3%, 67/1 058 | 3.1%, 66/2 116 |
Jin[10] | 5.8%, 43/740 | 2.7%, 20/740 | 6.8%, 50/740 | 2.0%, 15/740 | N.R. | N.R. |
Matakidou[11] | 8.7%, 120/1 382 | 5.5%, 57/1 030 | 3.3%, 43/1 305 | 2.0%, 20/993 | 6.6%, 89/1 351 | 3.8%, 38/1 011 |
Cote[9] | 9.4%, 48/501 | 5.1%, 31/611 | 6.3%, 38/601 | 3.2%, 22/683 | 1.1%, 23/2 007 | 0.2%, 4/2 204 |
Wu[12] | 6.5%, 7/108 | 2.8%, 3/108 | 12.9%, 14/108 | 1.9%, 2/108 | 4.6%, 5/108 | 1.9%, 2/108 |
Wunsch-Filho[14] | 1.2%, 4/334 | 1.2%, 7/578 | 0.9%, 3/334 | 0.9%, 5/578 | 2.1%, 7/334 | 1.2%, 7/578 |
Bromen[15] | 4.8%, 45/945 | 2.5%, 25/983 | 0.9%, 9/945 | 1.0%, 10/983 | 2.9%, 27/945 | 1.1%, 11/983 |
Mayne[16] | 3.7%, 16/437 | 2.1%, 9/437 | 0.5%, 2/437 | 0.7%, 3/437 | 7.1%, 31/437 | 3.2%, 14/437 |
Kreuzer[17] | 4.8%, 106/2 226 | 3.3%, 76/2 302 | 0.7%, 16/2 226 | 0.7%, 17/2 302 | 2.1%, 46/2 226 | 0.9%, 22/2 302 |
Wu[21] | 3.4%, 16/464 | 2.4%, 30/1 252 | 1.9%, 9/464 | 0.5%, 6/1252 | N.R. | N.R. |
Schwartz[19] | N.R. | N.R. | N.R. | N.R. | 6.2%, 16/257 | 6.9%, 19/277 |
Shaw[24] | 4.3%, 41/943 | 3.1%, 30/955 | 1.6%, 15/943 | 0.7%, 7/955 | N.R. | N.R. |
2.2. 统计分析结果
肺癌先证家系一级亲属患肺癌的风险是对照家系一级亲属的1.88倍(OR=1.88, 95%CI: 1.66-2.12)。总体检验效应,Z=10.17(P < 0.001)(图 1)。分层分析(表 3)可见,先证家系的父亲、母亲及兄弟姐妹患肺癌的风险分别是对照家系的1.62倍(P < 0.001)、1.96倍(P < 0.001)和1.92倍(P < 0.001);吸烟和非吸烟先证者一级亲属患肺癌的风险分别是对照组中吸烟者和非吸烟者一级亲属患肺癌风险的1.73倍(P < 0.001)和1.42倍(P=0.02);女性和男性肺癌先证者一级亲属患肺癌的风险性分别是对照组中女性和男性一级亲属患肺癌的1.89倍(P < 0.001)和1.99倍(P < 0.001)。
Categories | OR | 95%CI | Z | P |
Relatives affected | ||||
Father[2, 4, 5, 9-12, 14-17, 21, 24] | 1.62 | 1.43-1.82 | 7.85 | < 0.001 |
Mother[2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24] | 1.96 | 1.60-2.41 | 6.44 | < 0.001 |
Siblings[2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14-17, 19] | 1.92 | 1.68-2.19 | 9.58 | < 0.001 |
Smoking status | ||||
Smoking[2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26] | 1.73 | 1.54-1.94 | 9.48 | < 0.001 |
Non-smoking[2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 16-18, 21, 22, 24, 26] | 1.42 | 1.06-1.91 | 2.34 | 0.02 |
Gender | ||||
Female[2, 5, 8, 11-13, 15, 19-23, 25, 26] | 1.89 | 1.68-2.12 | 10.69 | < 0.001 |
Male[2, 13, 15, 19, 23] | 1.99 | 1.52-2.61 | 4.98 | < 0.001 |
2.3. 发表性偏倚的识别
用统计软件RevMan version 4.2绘制倒漏斗图(图 2),图型基本对称,各点上呈漏斗状排列,说明发表性偏倚基本得到了控制。
3. 讨论
Funding Statement
This study was partly supported by grants from the National Eleventh-Five-Year Key Task Project of China (to Qinghua ZHOU)(No.2006BAI02A01), National 863 Project (to Qinghua ZHOU)(No.2006AA02A401) and Tianjin Scientific Support-ing Project, China-Sweden Cooperative Foundation (to Qinghua ZHOU)(No.09ZCZDSF04100)
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