Figure 5.
Inhibition of MAP kinase activation of RANKL induced osteoclast in RAW 264.7 cells by AM extracts. (a,b) AM water and ethanol extracts altered the phosphorylation of the MAPKs (JNK and ERK, p38); (c–h) Band intensities for pJNK/JNK, pERK/ERK, p-p38/p38 as percentages of the RANKL treated group (set as 100%), respectively for AM water and ethanol extracts. Cells were exposed to RANKL (50 ng/mL) in the presence and absence of AM extracts for 3 days. The expression of the proteins were determined by Western blot analysis and Beta actin was used as loading control. RANKL treated group was considered as 100% for densitometric analysis. All data are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments performed with n = 3. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 vs. RANKL treated group; and ## p < 0.01, ### p < 0.001 vs. Con group. Con; positive control, (which was not treated), RANKL; negative control, (which was treated with only RANKL).