Moll et al. (2002) |
7 |
24 ± 9 |
Verbal TMT. Covert articulation of the numerical sequence (TMT-A) and number-letter alternating sequence (TMT-B) in response to the acoustically presented cue. |
Block duration: 25 s Block repetition: 10 × TMT-A, 10 × TMT-B blocks Practice: administered in standard and verbal-TMT formats |
Non-tractable due to covert task requirements. |
v. TMT-B > v. TMT-A |
L precentral gyrus (−44, −2, 38); L inferior frontal sulcus (−40, 23, 29); L middle frontal gyrus (−36, 38, 22); L dorsal premotor cortex (−31, −16, 50); L intraparietal sulcus (−35, −55, 34); L rostral supplementary motor area/cingulate sulcus (−6, 3, 49); R intraparietal sulcus (26, −55, 34) |
Zakzanis et al. (2005) |
12 |
29 ± 5 |
Motor TMT. Connect the trails in the scanner using the specially designed fibre-optic drawing device ("virtual stylus") and monitor performance simultaneously onscreen inside the scanner. |
Block duration: 45 s Block repetition: 4 × TMT-A, 4 × TMT-B, 8 × motor baseline conditions. Practice: 5-min practice session on the virtual stylus |
Significantly fewer trails connected in the TMT-B (M = 9 ± 1) compared to the TMT-A (M = 10 ± 1) (p < 0.01). |
Left-lateralised cluster comprising middle frontal gyrus (−37, 9, 31); precentral gyrus (−34, 8, 37); cingulate gyrus (−13, 9, 28); superior frontal gyrus (−20, 23, 49); medial frontal gyrus (−15, 13, 46); insula (−37, −15, 10). Left-lateralised cluster comprising middle temporal gyrus (−61, −27, 7); superior temporal gyrus (−48, 41, 10). Right-lateralised cluster comprising cingulate gyrus (20, −20, 28); insula (27, −15, 22); paracentral lobule (15, −30, 43) |
Jacobson et al. (2011) |
16 |
23 ± 4 |
Computerised TMT (pc-TMT). Indicate the line orientation attached to each circled number/letter stimulus by a button press. |
Block duration: 45 s Block repetition: 4 × TMT-A, 4 × TMT-B Practice: session administered in both written and computerised formats. Accuracy cut-off (90%) applied prior to entering the scanner. |
No significant behavioural effect. |
L middle temporal gyrus (−35, −68, 28); R precentral gyrus (31, −1, 31); R inferior middle frontal gyri (36, 34, −3) |