1. Cereals, roots and tubers |
rice, wheat, maize, cassava, potatoes |
2. Vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables |
acacia leaves, amaranth, sweet red pepper, Chinese cabbage, carrot, cashew leaf, cassava leaf, chrysanthemum leaf, cowpea leaf, fennel, mustard greens, mango, papaya, etc. |
3. Other fruits |
apple, banana, orange, pear |
4. Other vegetables |
cabbage, green beans, broccoli, mushrooms, cucumber, eggplant, cauliflower |
5. Legumes, pulses and nuts |
beans, peas, peanuts, soy bean |
6. Oils and Fats |
vegetable oil, lard, butter, ghee |
7. Meat, poultry, fish |
beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, shellfish |
8. Dairy |
milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream |
9. Eggs |
10. Other food |
sweets, chips, soda, condiments, etc. |