Optogenetics neuronal targeting combined with single-photon wide-field illumination has already proved its enormous potential in neuroscience, enabling the optical control of entire neuronal networks and disentangling their role in the control of specific behaviors. However, establishing how a single or a sub-set of neurons controls a specific behavior, or how functionally identical neurons are connected in a particular task, or yet how behaviors can be modified in real-time by the complex wiring diagram of neuronal connections requires more sophisticated approaches enabling to drive neuronal circuits activity with single-cell precision and millisecond temporal resolution. This has motivated on one side the development of flexible optical methods for two-photon (2P) optogenetic activation using either, or a hybrid of two approaches: scanning and parallel illumination. On the other side, it has stimulated the engineering of new opsins with modified spectral characteristics, channel kinetics and spatial distribution of expression, offering the necessary flexibility of choosing the appropriate opsin for each application. The need for optical manipulation of multiple targets with millisecond temporal resolution has imposed 3D parallel holographic illumination as the technique of choice for optical control of neuronal circuits organized in 3D. Today 3D parallel illumination exists in different complementary variants, which privilege either simplicity or temporal precision or axial resolution. In parallel, the possibility to reach hundreds of targets in 3D volumes has prompted the development of low-repetition rate amplified laser sources enabling higher peak power, while keeping low average power for stimulating each cell.
All together those progresses open the way for a precise optical manipulation of neuronal circuits with unprecedented precision and flexibility.
Graphical abstract
Since the discovery of Channelrhodopsin1 and the first demonstration of photo-evoked action potentials in mammalian cells2, optogenetics is progressively revolutionizing neuroscience research, opening perspectives both in fundamental and in medical research still unimaginable until few years ago3.
Joint progress in light delivering approaches, multi-photon laser sources development, and opsins engineering has now brought the field of optogenetics into a new phase that we can name “circuit optogenetics”, where neural circuits distributed between different brain areas can be optically interrogated and controlled with millisecond temporal precision and single-cell resolution. The circuit mechanisms underlying brain functions such as perception and behaviors can finally be revealed by linking the gradual changes in task performance with precise reproduction or modulation of the temporal sequences of neuronal excitability in a spatially specific ensemble.
Here, we review the main achievements in each of this field and anticipate the future needs that will make it possible to enlarge even more the use of optogenetics for brain circuits manipulation.
Light delivering approaches
Scanning and parallel illumination
As first demonstrated in 2009, efficient two-photon (2P) optogenetic control of neuronal activity can be achieved by raster or spiral scanning of a focused spot over the cell soma4. By continuously scanning along a spiral trajectory the cell soma for ≈ 30 ms, 2P action potential (AP) generation was first demonstrated in cultured neurons expressing Channerhodospin-2 (ChR2). The successive development of the slower opsin C1V15, enabled to extend this approach to the photostimulation of neurons in acute brain slices and in vivo with total illumination duration ranging from 1 to 70 ms6–9.
Alternatively to scanning activation, using scan-less light shaping approaches, such as low-numerical aperture (NA) Gaussian beams, Computer-Generated Holography (CGH)10 (Figure 1a) or the Generalized Phase Contrast (GPC) method11 (Figure 1b), enables to simultaneously illuminate the entire cell surface at once, thus minimizing the total illumination time for inducing an AP.
For patterned illumination, the quadratic (for low-NA Gaussian beams and GPC) or linear (for CGH) dependence of the axial extension on the lateral spot size12,13 quickly deteriorates the axial resolution. As first demonstrated in 200813, when using 2P excitation this can be remedied by combining parallel illumination approaches with the technique of temporal focusing (TF)14,15 (Figure 1c). After its first demonstration with plane-wave illumination in 2005 for imaging applications14, TF was combined in 2008 with phase modulation of laser beams13,16 and soon afterwards used for optogenetic activation: combined either with phase modulation techniques, GPC17 and CGH18, or low-NA beams19–22, it has been possible to demonstrate efficient AP generation in cultured neurons and neurons in brain slices, using ChR217,19,22 and C1V118,20 by using 1 to 10-ms illumination duration. Patterned illumination with GPC and TF also enabled for the first time the simultaneous activation of multiple cells and multiple cell processes17. Notably, because TF reduces the instantaneously illuminated region to a line, it decreases the probability that non ballistic photons interfere with the ballistic ones in the tissue, thus enabling to preserve the illumination shape after several micrometres propagation through scattering media18,23,24.
Multi-cell targeting
Parallel approaches present the great advantage of minimizing the illumination time with respect to their scanning counterparts. This can be seen as follows: the total illumination time for scanning activation, TI.scan, roughly equals the illumination time per spot (tdwell) multiplied by the number of scanned positions and by the number of targets, while that for parallel approaches, TI.paral, is only given by tdwell. As a consequence, for volumetric multi-cell targeting, TI.scan can largely exceed the value of TI.paral and three-dimensional (3D) parallel illumination remains the only option to achieve multi-target activation with millisecond temporal resolution25.
As originally demonstrated for multi-trap optical tweezers, CGH can generate 3D multi-foci using ‘prisms and lenses’ algorithms26. Similar algorithms combined with visible or IR light have been successively used for 3D neuronal stimulation using 1P or 2P uncaging27–30. Optogenetic activation needs, however, illumination of membrane areas greater than the micrometric size of spots typically adopted for uncaging. A possible solution, originally proposed in Packer et al.7, consists in generating in parallel multiple diffraction-limited spots via CGH at the positions of the targeted cells, and scanning the spots simultaneously over the cell membranes using a galvanometric-mirror-based system. Yet, the need of scanning over the cell body limited the achievable temporal resolution (illumination time for AP generation ≥11 ms; latency ≥20 ms; jitter ≥6 ms)7,8. Lately, the use of high-peak-power amplified excitation laser sources enabled to reduce both latency (<10 ms) and jitter (~1 ms) using illumination durations of 10 ms and ~4.5 mW of average illumination power per cell. Shorter Illumination durations (1 ms) could be used to excite neurons, however this required 2 to 5 times more power per cell (~10–20 mW)9. Because efficient current integration under scanning photoactivation requires slow opsins, this approach limits the maximum achievable spiking rate. Moreover, the need for using focused light at saturation power to compensate for the small spot surface generates important out-of-focus excitation4.
Alternatively, multi-target stimulation can be achieved by scan-less 3D generation of extended patterns using a 3D extension of the Gerchberg-Saxton31 algorithm as proposed years ago in combination with low-NA objectives32,33. More recently, after being adapted to high-NA objectives and being incorporated with intensity compensation protocols34, 3D-CGH was used to generate shaped patterns with uniform light distribution within an excitation field of 240×240×260 μm3. With this approach, it was possible to drive tail bending by selective photoactivation of specific ensemble of premotor neurons in the larval zebrafish brain35. Similarly to the case of 2D-CGH, illumination of spatially closed targets quickly deteriorates the axial resolution36. On the other hand using 3D illumination with TF is a challenge because the axially shifted holographic planes cannot be simultaneously imaged on the TF grating.
As a solution, we demonstrated, in 2016, an optical scheme using two spatial light modulators (SLMs) (Figure 2a) to independently control the lateral shape and position of multiple patterns (SLM1) and their axial position (SLM2)34 by addressing the SLMs in vertical tiles equaling the number of planes to be illuminated (Figure 2b). This strategy enabled for the first time the generation of temporally focused patterns at axially distinct planes, whose axial selectivity demonstrated by 3D photoconversion of multiple targets in the zebrafish larva spinal cord and brain34. The main drawback related to the vertical tiling of the SLMs, is that for a number of pixels in the vertical direction (orthogonal to the dispersion direction) ≤ 10034 the lateral resolution starts deteriorating thus limiting the maximum number of achievable planes to ≈ NSLM/100, with NSLM the total number of pixels in the SLM vertical direction (i.e to 6 to 12 planes for mostly commonly used LCOS devices). This limitation can be overcome by using the second SLM for both lateral and axial beam multiplexing as illustrated in Figure 2c37. This scheme enables multiplexed temporal focusing light shaping (MTF-LS) with several advantages: firstly, because each spot is the exact replica of what the first SLM generates at the TF grating, the spot quality in the 3D volume is independent on the number of generated planes and axial position. Secondly, MTF-LS is compatible with different light shaping approaches, including dynamic CGH37, GPC37–39, CGH with a fixed phase mask37 and low-NA Gaussian beams40,41. Dynamic CGH, has maximal flexibility and enables fast lateral shaping. Replacing the bulky SLM with a smaller static phase mask reduces the flexibility of the system but leads to a simpler and more compact optical design. GPC on the other hand permits generation of illumination patterns with superior axial resolution and higher uniformity (speckle-free) (Figure 2d), which is particularly advantageous for applications requiring spot sizes comparable to the speckle size or for multisite functional imaging. For conventional GPC, the conditions to achieve maximum interferometric contrast impose some restrictions to the optimal spot size and excitation field17, moreover intensity light shaping is only limited to a single plane (conjugated to the SLM plane; Figure 1b). However, when GPC is implemented in a MTF-GPC scheme, these limitations can be all overcome: the GPC setup can be designed to generate a shape with optimal diffraction efficiency, multiplexed laterally and axially by the second SLM, thus enabling 3D spot generation within the same excitation field reached in CGH37–39.
The MTF-LS approach can be further simplified by replacing the first light shaping module with an expanded Gaussian beam, as independently demonstrated by the two groups of M. Booth40 and H. Adesnik41. However, as for MTF-GPC, the use of low-NA Gaussian beams limits the beam size on the SLM in the un-chirped direction to few millimeters40 thus limiting the maximum power that can be used and therefore the maximum number of achievable targets. Introducing a curvature on the incident Gaussian beam, as proposed by Pégard and colleagues41, enabled covering the entire SLM and generating hundreds of spots in a 400×400×400 μm3 excitation volume. However, this solution inevitably separates the spatial from the temporal focal plane and leaves a secondary spatial focus, which deteriorates the axial resolution (Figure 2d). Moreover, the use of a low-NA Gaussian beam is limited to the generation of a non-reconfigurable and single-size spot.
Design of complex, multi-target experiments requires taking into account possible sources of photo-damage to set the maximum number of achievable targets. This includes both thermal damage related to the linear absorption of light, and nonlinear photochemical and ablation damage42–44. Scanning approaches require higher intensity but lower average power, so they will be mostly limited by nonlinear damages. Parallel illumination approaches use very low intensity but higher total average power, so they will be mostly limited by thermal damages.
Laser development
Reliable AP generation can be achieved by using conventional femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser oscillators, commonly adopted in 2P microscopy. However, at the wavelength typically used for photostimulation (i.e. 900–950 nm, Figure 3a) these sources can provide only few Watts output (~200 mW after the objective) which, considering that in vitro AP generation (at depth ≈40 μm), using parallel illumination with these laser sources requires 10–40 mW per cell45,46, limits the maximum number of simultaneously achievable targets to few cells (<10). Combining these sources with multi-target spiral scanning illumination through CGH can increase this number.
Amplified low repetition rate fiber lasers enable higher 2P absorption compared to Ti:Sapphire oscillators (the 2P excited signal S2PE being proportional to the peak power Pavg/(fτ); with f and τ being the repetition rate47 and pulse duration, respectively) and therefore reduced spiking power threshold (1–10 mW per cell at depth of ≈40 μm, in vitro45,46). This, in addition to the capability for these sources to deliver tens of Watts of exit power, makes in principle possible to simultaneously photostimulate hundreds of cells both using parallel and scanning approaches, providing that photodamage thresholds are not reached. Laser sources at the standard repetition rate for oscillators (tens of MHz) can also be used8 although for multi-cell stimulation one should consider the use of even higher average power. Currently low-repetition rate amplifiers are based on Yb3+-doped fibers and have an emission wavelength in the range of 1030–1060 nm. Development of tunable low-repetition rate sources will enable to broaden even further the accessible combination of reporters and actuators.
Opsin engineering
Today an ever growing list of optogenetic actuators with different photocycle kinetics, action spectra, light sensitivity and ion conductance (Figure 3a–b)5,48–50 makes it difficult to choose the optimal optogenetic tool for brain circuits investigation. In the following we will review the criteria that need to be considered when designing an optogenetic experiment with a defined temporal and spatial resolution and/or an “all optical” experiment.
Temporal resolution and kinetics parameters
Opsin-expressing neurons illuminated by a long light pulse show a typical photocurrent trace where one can distinguish a rising, a desensitization and a decay phase (Figure 3a). Each of these phases can be associated to an empirical time constant τon τinact and τoff (using a mono-exponential fit), respectively. This set of ‘kinetics parameters’ together with the values of the peak current and the current plateau can be used as guidance to model the dynamic of photocurrent. The fitting models can have different level of complexity using a three-state1,51, a four-state1,51–53 or a six-state model54 (Figure 3c). The three-state model describes the opsin photocycle using a closed/ground-, an opened- and a closed/desensitized-state, it can qualitatively reproduce the overall kinetics of currents and the peak to plateau ratio as well as admits an analytical solution. The simplicity of the model does not permit, however to account for the bi-exponential off-kinetics of ChR2-mediated photocurrents, and the dark recovery of the peak current. These effects can be well modeled by using a four-state model, which assumes two closed and two open states with different conductivities and lifetimes1,52. To date, all these models have been applied to model the electrophysiological reaction schemes of ChR1 and ChR2. For other opsins, the kinetics parameters (τon τinact and τoff) have been deduced using a mono-exponential fit of photoevoked currents under 1P-wide-field or 2P-soma-targeted illumination of CHO, HEK cells or neuronal cultures. Overall τon and τinact have a non-linear dependence on light irradiance and depend on the excitation wavelength, while τoff can be considered independent of light irradiance. Notably, the kinetics parameters can largely differ from one opsin to another (Figure 3b)36,46,50,55. Fast opsins, such as Chronos, have τon (at saturation) ≈1–2 ms and τoff ≈ 4 ms36,50,55, while slow opsins, such as ReaChR or C1V1TT have τon ≈ 6–8 ms (at saturation) and τoff ≈ 50–100 ms45,50,56. CoChR and ChrimsonR have intermediate values: τon ≈ 2–6 ms, τoff ≈ 30 ms46,50, and τon ≈ 8 ms, τoff ≈ 15 ms50, respectively. Notably when comparing the numbers reported in the literature, one needs to take into account possible differences in experimental configurations and data analysis: holographic targeted light on the cell soma gives shorter τoff values with respect to wide-field illumination46, in cultured cells both τon and τoff can be slowed down by the presence of gap junctions57, τon can be defined either as the time to reach 90% or 1/e of the peak current.
In general, scanning approaches are more suitable with slow opsins (C1V1, ReaChR, CoChR) while parallel approaches can be combined both with slow and fast opsins. Importantly, the efficient current integration under parallel illumination enables to control neuronal spiking in vitro45,46,55 and in vivo58 with millisecond peak latencies and sub-millisecond jitter (i.e. the standard deviation of latencies) independently of the on-kinetics of the opsin (Figure 3d). The off-kinetics, on the other side affects the maximum achievable spiking rate: for example in vitro 2P holographic illumination targeted on the soma of neurons expressing the slower opsin ReaChR could generate APs at a max spiking rate of 20 Hz or 40 Hz, in slow and fast spiking cells, respectively25,45,55, while combined with the fast opsin Chronos could generate spiking train of up to 100 Hz with < 1 ms jitter55. So far, scanning approaches combined with the opsin C1V1 have been able to produce in vitro or in vivo reliable spiking trains at maximum frequency of 20 Hz6.
Single cell resolution and molecular focusing
Although using 2P excitation combined with spiral or spatio-temporally focused beam, enables reducing the illumination volume down to the size of a single cell, still reaching a true cellular resolution is challenged by the expression of the opsin on axons and dendrites. Excitation spots even located several micrometers away from the cell soma can generate high photocurrents21,59 and voltage spikes36,45,46 on the targeted cell thus strongly deteriorating the effective spatial resolution.
Several solutions have been proposed to confine the opsin to specific subcellular compartments (see Rost et al. for a detailed review60) and recently have been combined with 2P parallel illumination to reach the first demonstrations of optical control of neuronal activity with single-cell resolution in cortical slices21,46. In a pioneering work, Baker et al.21 used a ChR2 fusion proteins by attaching a 65 amino acid motif from the Kv2.1 voltage-gated potassium channel to the carboxy (C) terminus of ChR2-EYFP to target ChR2 to the soma and proximal dendrites of neurons in the mouse somatosensory cortex. With this approach combined with Ca2+ imaging they also demonstrated in vitro functional connectivity mapping. More recently, Shemesh and colleagues46 fused the N terminal of the KA2(1–150) (the 150 amino acids of a 360 amino acids fragment of KA2) to the C terminus of GFP-CoChR to achieve somatic expression of CoChR, whose high efficiency enabled to trigger AP with <1 ms jitter and <15 ms latency in mouse cortical brain slices. Combined with multi-site holographic stimulation and low repetition fiber lasers the use of soCoChR also enabled 3D multi targeted activation with reduced cross talk (Figure 4) and perform connectivity experiment with electrophysiological detection of post synaptic responses with millisecond precision.
All optical brain recording
Knowing opsin action spectra and kinetics parameters is crucial when designing multi-wavelength experiments that aim at independently activate a specific combination of actuator and reporter. Although the 2P action spectra peak of most commonly used opsins spans from blue (880 nm) to red (> 1100 nm) (Figure 3a), they are all very broad (FWHM ≈ 50 nm) with a blue tail extending for tens of nanometers. Therefore practically every opsin has non-zero absorption at the wavelength typically used for GCaMP 2P-imaging (920–950 nm), with consequent artefactual opsin activation by the imaging laser.
Different solutions have been proposed to minimize this cross talk, although none of these approaches have so far proved true zero artifactual depolarization during imaging. This includes 2P parallel illumination with somatic opsin (ChR2-P2A-H2B-mRuby2; photostimulation at 880 nm) combined with GCaMP6s 2P imaging (920 nm)21, 2P scanning photostimulation of C1V1-2A-mCherry (1064 nm) combined with fast (30 Hz, scaning rate) GCaMP6s imaging (920 nm)8, 2P holographic photostimulation (920 nm) of ChR2-mCherry combined with nuclear-localized GCaMP6s imaging at 1020 nm35 or 2P holographic photostimulation (1030 nm) of ReachR-dTomato combined with low power GCaMP6s imaging58. Using fast and red shifted opsins, as ChrimsonR, combined with green shifted activity reporter, or blue shifted opsins combined with red Ca2+ indicators should enable to minimize the cross talk even further. For investigation of connectivity among independent neuronal population a convenient solution could be to use non overlapping expression of actuators and sensors61.
Until now, the typical peak power values used for excitation with parallel illumination seem to be below the threshold for ablation damage42 they however may fall well in the range of thermal damage for prolonged exposure time42. Design of complex, multi-target experiments will require careful modeling of light spreading and heat dissipation to find the conditions (pulse duration, average target separation and stimulation frequency) that minimize temperature rise. Until now 2P optogenetics have been demonstrated at depths of 250–300 μm9,24. Optical manipulation of deeper circuits will require the combination of patterned light illumination with endoscopic probes (e.g. GRIN lens)62, eventually combined with flexible fiber bundles63, or three-photon excitation64,65. All-optical circuit manipulation on large volumes, near the mm3 range, will require clever combinations for simultaneous multi-target activation and concurrent activity reading (see also review by W. Yang and R. Yuste on this same issue). Engineering of SLMs with more pixels will enable increasing even further the accessible field of excitation. Development of fast and more sensitive opsins will enable to further reduce the illumination time and therefore the achievable temporal resolution and precision.
Overall “circuit optogenetics” requires joint progress in multi-disciplines such as molecular biology, optics, modeling, biophysics, opsin engineering, and neurophysiology. The knowledge in each respective field can be very far apart and hardly embraced by a single scientist. The success of “circuit optogenetics” depends therefore, and more than ever, on a committed joint effort to deliver and disseminate trustworthy technology.
Manipulation of brain circuits requires millisecond precision and single-cell resolution
Two-photon optogenetics enable neuronal manipulation in depth
Wavefront shaping enables resolved 3D multi-target illumination
Parallel illumination enables control of neuronal activity with millisecond resolution
Soma-targeted opsins enable control of neuronal activity with single-cell precision
We thank Marta Gajowa, Alexis Picot and Dimitrii Tanese for the unpublished data presented in Figure 3(a)(ii).
IWC received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 747598. EP acknowledges the ‘Agence Nationale de la Recherche’ ANR (3DHoloPAc), VE acknowledges the Human Frontiers Science Program (Grant RGP0015/2016), the National Institutes of Health (Grant NIH U01NS090501-03) and the Getty lab. This research was also developed with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), contract No. N66001-17-C-4015. The views, opinions and/or findings expressed are those of the author and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the US Government.
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Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as:
* of special interest
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