Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-21553-0, published online 27 February 2018
The original version of this Article contained errors.
In the Abstract,
“Since 1988, 86% of shark bite events on ocean-users involved surfers off the leeward coast, where 96% of surfing activities took place.”
now reads:
“Since 1988, 86% of shark bite events on surfers involved ocean-users off the leeward coast, where 96% of surfing activities took place.”
In the Results,
“Of the 43 shark bite events, 67% involved surfers (n = 29), with the remaining 43% involving swimmers (n = 5), spear fishers (n = 5), windsurfers (n = 2), a gillnet fisher (n = 1), and a kayaker (n = 1; Fig. 2a).”
now reads:
“Of the 43 shark bite events, 67% involved surfers (n = 29), with the remaining 33% involving swimmers (n = 5), spear fishers (n = 5), windsurfers (n = 2), a gillnet fisher (n = 1), and a kayaker (n = 1; Fig. 2a).”
“However, this proportion reaches 69% for surfers (Fig. 2b).”
now reads:
“However, this proportion reaches 64% for non-surfers (Fig. 2b).”
Finally, in the Discussion,
“The CFR of 46% for all users and 35% for surfers is very high compared to other countries, such as Australia”
now reads:
“The CFR of 42% for all users and 31% for surfers is very high compared to other countries, such as Australia”
These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.