Acinar cells in the adult pancreas show high plasticity and can undergo transdifferentiation to a progenitor-like cell type with ductal characteristics. This process, termed acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM), is an important feature facilitating pancreas regeneration after injury. Data from animal models show that cells that undergo ADM in response to oncogenic signalling are precursors for pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia lesions, which can further progress to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). As human pancreatic adenocarcinoma is often diagnosed at a stage of metastatic disease, understanding the processes that lead to its initiation is important for the discovery of markers for early detection, as well as options that enable an early intervention. Here, the critical determinants of acinar cell plasticity are discussed, in addition to the intracellular and extracellular signalling events that drive acinar cell metaplasia and their contribution to development of PDAC.
Of the adult cell lineages of the pancreas, acinar cells show the highest plasticity1,2. Pancreatic acinar cells can dedifferentiate or transdifferentiate to an embryonic progenitor phenotype that expresses ductal markers, in a process termed acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM)3. Multiple factors have been implicated in mediating ADM, including KRAS hyperactivity and increased inflammatory signalling4–7 (FIG. 1). The implication of ADM in the development of pancreatic adenocarcinoma was first demonstrated in mice by transgenic overexpression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-α8. ADM was also demonstrated in vitro in 3D cell culture, in which mouse acinar cell clusters, in the presence of internal or external stress signalling, oncogenic KRAS, inflammatory cytokines or growth factors that activate epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), spontaneously transdifferentiate into duct-like structures4,6,9–11. Similar 3D cell culture experiments showed that ADM in human acinar cells can be induced by TGFβ12.
ADM is a common and reversible process during pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis) or injury in mouse and human tissue4,13, and the resulting cells are believed to contribute to the regeneration of acinar structures and repopulation of the pancreas. Transgenic mouse models showed that ADM becomes irreversible when cells acquire oncogenic Kras mutations or persistent aberrant growth factor signalling, which prevent redifferentiation and initiate further progression. Oncogenic KRAS in mouse acinar cells alter gene expression profiles and lead to: silencing of acinar genes such as Mist1 (also known as Bhlha15), Cpa1 or those encoding elastase and amylase; the induction of ductal genes encoding cytokeratin 19 (Krt19) and mucin 1 (Muc1); and the upregulated expression of pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (Pdx1) and Sry-related high-mobility group box 9 (Sox9)4,11. Lineage tracing in mice has shown that acinar cells undergoing such changes due to persistent expression of oncogenic KrasG12D transdifferentiate to ADM cells that are incapable of redifferentiating, but instead further progress to duct-like cells that form precancerous pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) 1A or 1B (early dysplastic) or PanIN2 lesions (increasing levels of dysplasia)14. However, oncogenic KRAS alone does not drive carcinogenesis beyond this initiation level; secondary events are needed for further progression to carcinoma in situ (PanIN3; high-grade dysplasia) and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Such events include additional activation of wild-type KRAS alleles through EGFR signalling6,15–17, inflammation5,18–20 and acquisition of additional gene mutations21. However, comparative studies of human tissues and transgenic mice (using the Pdx1-Cre;KrasLSL-G12D model) suggest that ADM also can give rise to dysplastic lesions other than PanIN22,23.
Although ADM as an initiating event for the development of pancreatic cancer has been demonstrated in mice, the proof that ADM has a role in the development of human cancer is still outstanding. On the basis of knowledge mainly obtained with genetic mouse models, this Review will discuss how acinar cell identity is maintained, how ADM (either reversible or irreversible) is initiated, as well as the currently favoured progression model via PanIN.
Acinar cell identity factors
Several basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factors contribute to acinar cell identity and their genetic ablation in mouse models leads to dedifferentiation and ADM. Pancreas transcription factor 1 complex (PTF1) has a central role in not only maintaining the differentiation of acinar cells, but also their function by regulating the production of digestive enzymes24. The PTF1 complex in adult pancreas is a trimeric transcription factor formed by recombining binding protein suppressor of hairless (RBPJ) and a dimer of the bHLH transcription factor pancreas specific transcription factor 1 alpha (PTF1A, also known as p48)25. This complex then recruits p300/CREB (also known as histone acetyltransferase KAT2B), which acetylates PTF1A to further enhance transcriptional activity26. This interaction can be blocked by inhibitor of β-catenin and TCF4 (ICAT; also known as β-catenin-interacting protein 1) with the net effect of negatively-regulating acinar cell differentiation26. Ptf1a has been demonstrated to be epigenetically silenced during inflammation and during oncogenic KRAS-driven ADM in mice27. Furthermore, ablation of Ptf1a in mice is sufficient to induce ADM, potentiate inflammation and accelerate development of invasive PDAC by sensitizing cells to KRAS-mediated transformation28.
Another key regulator of proper development of the exocrine pancreas, as well as maintenance of identity and organization of adult acinar cells, is the bHLH factor MIST1, which functions as a homodimer29. In acinar cells, MIST1 regulates apical–basal polarity, formation of gap junctions, proper positioning of zymogen granules and exocytosis30. Acinar cells in which MIST1 homodimerization is blocked are predisposed to conversion to a duct-like phenotype, which becomes evident by increased expression of SOX9 (REF. 31), as well as upregulation of EGFR and Notch signalling pathways32. Ablation of MIST1 function leads to depletion of gap junctions, loss of polarity, dedifferentiation and ADM31,33, but also acquisition of proliferative potential due to a decrease in p21 gene expression34,35. In the context of KrasG12D mice, these effects, owing to a loss of MIST1, accelerate ADM and the occurrence of PanIN32.
GATA6 is a transcription factor that maintains acinar cell differentiation by suppressing pro-inflammatory and EGFR signalling pathways. Its ablation in mice results in extensive ADM, and in the context of an activating KrasG12V mutation, accelerates tumour development36. Interestingly, smoking is a risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer and nicotine has been shown to decrease GATA6 promoter activity, leading to loss of its expression37.
Other factors that regulate acinar cell identity in mice are the bHLH transcription factor E47 (also known as TFE2), NR5A2, DICER1 and PAF1 (also known as pancreatic differentiation protein 2)38–41. NR5A2 maintains the mature acinar differentiation state, and in the context of an oncogenic Kras mutation, loss of NR5A2 accelerates the occurrence of ADM and PanIN40,42. Processing of microRNA (miRNA) by DICER1 is required for the maintenance of adult pancreatic acinar cells, and deletion of DICER1 increased acinar cell plasticity owing to a loss of polarity41. Additionally, deletion of DICER1 accelerates KRAS-driven acinar cell dedifferentiation and ADM, but not progression of PanIN43. PAF1 expression is normally restricted to acinar cells in the pancreas, but its depletion promotes ADM, indicating a role in maintenance of acinar cell identity39. Consequently, its expression is gradually lost during PDAC initiation39.
Acinar cell dedifferentiation factors
Loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B (CDKN1B; also known as p27Kip1) occurs frequently in human PDAC and is associated with decreased survival44. Nuclear CDKN1B suppresses the expression of key factors that regulate acinar cell dedifferentiation and transdifferentiation to a ductal phenotype, such as the transcription factors SOX9 and PDX1 (REF. 45). KRAS activation can decrease nuclear CDKN1B localization, which increases the expression of both SOX9 and PDX1.
In the normal (mouse and human) adult pancreas, SOX9 is expressed in centroacinar cells, at very low levels in acinar cells and in a subpopulation of ductal cells46,47. Under inflammatory conditions, or in the presence of oncogenic KRAS, SOX9 is increasingly expressed in acinar cells and stimulates gene expression that leads to ADM48, development of pre-malignant lesions and initiation of PDAC in mice14. In line with these findings, SOX9 expression in patient tumour samples is elevated at all stages of preneoplastic lesions and PDAC49, correlating with increased expression of EGFR pathway-related genes50. Similarly, in mice, the absence of SOX9 reduces EGFR signalling and pancreatic tumorigenesis50. However, EGFR signalling can also regulate expression of SOX9 through activation of NFATC1 and NFATC4 (REFS 51,52).
In the adult mouse pancreas, PDX1 is mainly expressed in islets and only at low levels in acinar cells53,54. As shown by lineage tracing, during mouse development, PDX1-positive cells represent progenitors of all mature pancreatic cell types55. PDX1 is involved in regulation of morphologic changes needed for branching morphogenesis during pancreas organogenesis56,57, but it is also required at a later stage in development for differentiation of islet β cells58 and the formation of acinar tissue59. Transgenic persistent expression of PDX1 in mice leads to smaller pancreata, in which acinar cells are replaced by duct-like structures60. In line with this finding, PDX1 is upregulated during pancreatitis, in all types of precursor lesions including PanIN, intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMN) and mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCN), as well as in PDAC, pancreatic endocrine neoplasms and acinar cell carcinoma53,60. PDX1 regulates ADM and the metaplastic phenotype through activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3)60. STAT3 is a regulator of stem cell self-renewal and inflammation, and its activity is also upregulated via IL-6 (REF. 61) and KRAS–YAP1/TAZ signalling62,63.
Notch signalling
Human PanIN samples show increased Notch activity64. During mouse and zebrafish pancreas development, expression of Notch1 intracellular domain (NICD; activated Notch1) prevents differentiation of pancreatic acinar cells and endocrine and exocrine development, indicating that it functions to maintain the undifferentiated state of pancreatic precursor cells65,66. In mice, Notch can be activated downstream of both EGFR–KRAS signalling and oncogenic KRAS activation to drive acinar cell dedifferentiation into a duct-like progenitor phenotype9,64,67, but its activation is not sufficient to drive progression of preneoplastic lesions to invasive adenocarcinoma64. Furthermore, NICD induces SOX9 expression68, but SOX9 function is also required for maintaining Notch signalling69, indicating a mechanism for signal amplification.
Other factors
In addition to the previously discussed molecules, MYC and KLF4 are other factors that are required to initiate the ADM process in mice70,71. Moreover, ectopic expression of hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF6) in mouse or human acinar cells represses acinar genes and upregulates ductal genes48.
Data also indicate that ADM might be induced by alteration of acinar cell polarity or cell–cell contacts72. For example, deletion of liver kinase B1 (LKB1, a regulator of energy homeostasis) in mouse pancreas (Pdx1-Cre;KrasLSL-G12D model) leads to defective acinar cell polarity, cytoskeletal alterations and loss of tight junctions, with all in combination resulting in increased ADM7. Additionally, loss of NUMB, a protein that regulates integrins and cell junctions, results in dedifferentiation of acinar cells and accelerates the ADM process in mice in the presence of oncogenic KRAS73. In addition to cell–matrix connections, E-cadherin-based cell–cell adhesions have important functions in maintaining the acinar cell phenotype. E-cadherin stability in epithelial cells is regulated by p120 catenin and deletion of this protein in epithelial lineages of the developing pancreas in mice leads to ADM and PanIN1A74.
Inflammatory macrophages drive acinar cell dedifferentiation and reversible ADM
Inflammation can be a driver of acinar cell transdifferentiation and the resulting ADM cells might contribute to regeneration after pancreatitis4,75. During pancreatic inflammation, cellular programmes downregulate factors that drive acinar cell identity such as MIST1 (REFS 76,77). Forced expression of MIST1 counteracts ADM and leads to dramatic increases in acinar cell death, organ damage and failure of pancreas repopulation77. In caerulein-induced pancreatitis in mice, the formation of metaplastic ductal intermediates was also associated with increased Hedgehog signalling78, which is necessary to prevent acinar cell damage and to facilitate regeneration. Ablation of macrophages in mice indicated that caerulein-driven ADM is dependent on the presence of macrophages4. Moreover, macrophages were shown to affect acinar cell identity in the absence or presence of an oncogenic Kras mutation4,20.
Inflammatory macrophages initiate the ADM process via secretion of inflammatory mediators (FIG. 2), including IL-6 (REF. 61), TNF and CCL5 (also known as RANTES)4. IL-6 contributes to ADM through activation of JAK–STAT3 signalling61. TNF and CCL5 both activate NF-κB in acinar cells to induce expression of a multitude of genes including those that regulate the degradation of extracellular matrix and ADM, such as matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 (REF. 4). Additionally, macrophage-secreted MMP7 might activate Notch signalling. Consequently, MMP inhibition in mice completely blocked caerulein-induced ADM4. Other transcription factors activated in acinar cells after inflammation that contribute to ADM are NFATC1 and NFATC4 (REFS 51,52).
Oncogene-driven irreversible ADM
Oncogenic KRAS activates transcription factors similar to inflammatory macrophages (FIG. 3), but also facilitates persistent signalling resulting in irreversibility of the ADM process79. Major signalling targets for activated KRAS during ADM are the RAF–MEK–ERK pathway, the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)–AKT pathway and serine/threonine-protein kinase D1 (PRKD1).
The PI3K–AKT pathway
PI3K acts downstream of KRAS and in mice, oncogenic KRAS-induced plasticity of pancreatic cells, formation of preneoplastic lesions and cancer initiation are all dependent on p110α (also known as PIK3CA, the catalytic subunit of PI3K)80,81. In line with this finding, ADM, PanIN and the formation of invasive PDAC can also be observed after transgenic expression of a constitutively-active form of p110α82. PI3K-mediated transdifferentiation of acinar cells is mediated through ERK1/2 signalling82, and small molecule inhibitors targeting the activation of ERK1/2 indicate that these MAP kinases are involved in KrasG12D-driven dedifferentiation of acinar cells, ADM and PanIN formation11,83. To drive these processes, PI3K also initiates actin reorganization processes that are orchestrated by Rho GTPases80,81,84. Pancreas-specific deletion of phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), which negatively regulates PI3K signalling, leads to ductal metaplasia and malignant transformation in mice85. In the context of an oncogenic Kras mutation, loss of PTEN leads to even more accelerated formation of PDAC86,87. Similarly, expression of a constitutively-active allele of Akt1, one of the downstream targets for PI3K signalling, induces ADM88 and cooperates with Kras oncogenic mutations to drive the onset and progression of PDAC89. However, only a subset (2–3%) of human patients with pancreatic cancer carry activating mutations in PIK3CA90, which suggests that increased PI3K activity might mainly be achieved by signalling through oncogenic KRAS in patients.
The PRKD1 pathway
Another emerging signalling pathway that drives ADM and progression to PanIN in mice (p48-Cre;KrasLSL-G12D mouse model) is regulated by PRKD1. This enzyme converges signalling initiated by oncogenic KRAS and wild-type KRAS downstream of EGFR6,9, and increases Notch1 activity to upregulate SOX9 and PDX1. This process is mediated through PRKD1-induced downregulation of suppressors of Notch signalling, such as SEL1L and CBL9, and upregulation of inducers of Notch activation, such as ADAM10, ADAM17 and MMP7 (REFS 9,91). PRKD1 also links oncogenic KRAS signalling to activation of NF-κB6, and activation of the PRKD1–NF-κB pathway is driven by metabolic changes initiated by KRAS that lead to an increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS)6. ROS–PRKD1–NF-κB signalling in acinar cells then upregulates expression of EGFR and its ligands, TGFα and EGF, further potentiating the oncogenic effects of mutant KRAS in a feedback loop6. Notch and NF-κB signalling pathways can cooperate to mediate formation of preneoplastic lesions92. Thus, PRKD1 brings together two important pathways that drive the formation of precancerous lesions. Notch can also act synergistically with other transcription factors such as STAT3 and the combined inhibition of Notch and JAK2–STAT3 signalling in KrasLSL-G12D/+;Trp53−/+;Pdx1-Cre (KPC) mice has been shown to impair ADM and its progression93.
Oncogene-driven microinflammation
Acinar cells with an oncogenic KrasG12D mutation have also been shown to produce chemoattractants for inflammatory macrophages18. This process causes a persistent microinflammation that contributes to acinar cell transdifferentiation. One of the factors released by acinar cells is intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1, also known as CD54), which can be shed as a soluble form. Blocking ICAM1 using neutralization antibodies has been shown to substantially reduce the occurrence and progression of KrasG12D-driven preneoplastic lesions in mice20. However, such microinflammation is not sufficient to drive the progression to PDAC, and additional inflammatory insults and genetic alterations are needed for acceleration of the oncogenic process18,19,94.
ADM as a precursor lesion
Cancer initiation
Mutations in the KRAS proto-oncogenes are the earliest events leading to development of human PDAC95. Data from genetic mouse models have shown that transgenic expression of oncogenic KRAS in acinar cells initiates ADM and locks them into a transdifferentiated duct-like state. To progress from ADM to PanIN and pancreatic cancer, the activities of endogenous and mutant alleles of Kras need to be further increased16 (FIG. 4). Such increases in KRAS activity can be achieved by additional activation of growth factor signalling or chronic inflammation15,17–20. EGFR signalling, for example, not only further activates oncogenic KRAS but also activates the wild-type allele9,15,96. Upregulation of inflammatory and EGFR signalling pathways can also be achieved by loss of GATA6 (REFS 16,36,37).
During the process of cancer initiation, crosstalk between acinar cells with Kras mutations and inflammatory macrophages contributes to ADM and formation of early lesions20. However, during progression to PDAC, the tumour microenvironment becomes immuno-suppressive with a predominance of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and regulatory T cells97. Furthermore, desmoplasia increases with progression98. Pancreatic cancers can have different stromal subtypes, such as stroma characterized by stellate cell expression profiles, or more aggressive stroma characterized by activated fibroblasts and alternatively-activated macrophages99.
Further progression
In the current model for PDAC development, ADM cells can progress to PanIN1A or PanIN1B lesions and PanIN2 lesions, which are high in senescence markers. Clonal expansion and progression to PanIN3 and PDAC requires additional signalling and mutational events to overcome oncogene-induced senescence, such as loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A, also known as p16INK4A). Eventually, additional inactivating mutations of tumour suppressor genes, such as Tp53, Brca2 and Smad4, occur during PanIN2 or PanIN3 progression, but at reduced rates (a detailed review on pancreatic cancer biology and genetics and photomicrographs of different lesions can be found elsewhere100). However, comparative studies of human tissues and transgenic mice (Pdx1-Cre;KrasLSL-G12D model) suggest that dysplastic lesions other than PanIN can also arise from ADM. Such atypical flat lesions might indicate pancreatic cancer development directly from ADM without the intermediate step of PanIN22,23.
Early dissemination and stemness
An interesting aspect during development of PDAC is that cells can disseminate from low-grade lesions with inflammatory foci, with circulating pancreatic epithelial cells present in the blood stream of mice and patients before the development of cancer101,102. Some cells in PanIN1 or PanIN2 lesions were shown to undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT)101, a programme that enables cells to gain invasive properties. In addition, ADM and PanIN1 or PanIN2 lesions contain a subpopulation of cells positive for the serine/threonine-protein kinase DCLK1 (also known as doublecortin-like kinase 1), and the acinar origin of these DCLK-positive cells has been demonstrated by lineage tracing103. A majority of the circulating pancreatic epithelial cells express DCLK1 as a marker; interestingly, DCLK1 expression has also been linked to EMT104.
EMT not only leads to increased invasiveness of cells, but it can also induce stem cell formation105. In low-grade PanIN, DCLK1-positive cells were also shown to characterize a subpopulation with cancer stem cell properties106,107. These cells are characterized by upregulation of Notch and EGFR signalling103,106. However, the signalling pathways that drive the development of DCLK1-positive cells from a clonal population within ADM or PanIN cells, as well as their functions, are not yet well characterized.
Is ADM an initiating event for human PanIN and pancreatic cancer?
Although mouse data obtained with different model systems point to oncogene-driven ADM as an initiating event for the formation of PanIN lesions, the role of ADM in the development of human PDAC is still undefined. That ADM occurs in human pancreatic cancer specimens is generally accepted, as it can be observed in proximity to neoplastic precursor lesions108,109. Attempts have been made to investigate if human acinar cells that underwent ADM can be precursors to PanIN. Analyses of human ADM lesions for KRAS mutations indicated that sections with ADM associated with PanIN lesions harboured the same KRAS gene mutation. By contrast, ADM lesions that were not associated with PanIN had wild-type KRAS. The conclusion was that the ADM lesion associated with PanIN might represent retrograde extension of the PanIN95. With the knowledge that inflammation and macrophage-released cytokines can lead to ADM independent of KRAS mutations6, the detection of ADM lesions that are KRAS wild-type is not surprising. As human PDAC often has pancreatitis associated, one would expect both ADM lesions that express wild-type KRAS and ADM lesions that express mutant KRAS95. Thus, these data can also be interpreted differently: PanIN and ADM lesions associated with PanIN have the same mutations because ADM is a precursor for PanIN; and some of the ADM have progressed to PanIN owing to additional signalling or mutations that other ADM did not have. As discussed earlier, it is also possible that the development of human PDAC from ADM might not follow the PanIN progression model, but rather might lead to occurrence of flat lesions22.
Although this Review focuses on acinar cell transdifferentiation as an initiating step, data does exist that supports other pancreas cell types, including duct cells or centroacinar cells, as the tumour-initiating population. For example, centroacinar cell markers were detected in patient PanINs, which led to a progression model with centroacinar cells as the origin for PDAC110.
In humans, PanIN are the most common of the precursor lesions for pancreatic cancer and are usually found in medium-sized ducts, whereas IPMN and MCN are found in the main duct and its major branches111. With respect to acinar cells as potential progenitors for pancreatic lesions, accumulated conclusive evidence obtained from genetic animal models shows that mature acinar cells in the presence of an oncogenic Kras mutation transdifferentiate to the duct-like cells that form PanIN lesions112. This finding was demonstrated with lineage tracing experiments113–115, but was also shown in different animal models in which expression of oncogenic KRAS under acinar cell-specific promoters, such as PTF1A, elastase or MIST1, all induce ADM and PanIN in mice116. The high plasticity of acinar cells, needed for regeneration processes after pancreatic injury, also makes them vulnerable for persistent transdifferentiation to PanIN cells in the presence of an oncogenic insult.
One could argue that, with increasing age, ADM and low-grade PanIN are relatively common in humans and rarely progress to pancreatic cancer117. Additionally, PanIN are small, clinically difficult to detect (in contrast to IPMN) and the main focus should be on developing new treatment strategies for metastatic disease. However, unexpected findings suggest that early (low-grade) lesions produce cancer stem cells103,107, and that epithelial cells might disseminate into the blood stream at a time point at which no primary tumour is formed in the pancreas101. If seeding potentially occurs at an early stage of PanIN progression, the development of an efficient treatment strategy for the time of diagnosis will be difficult, and a focus should be on detecting and intervening with these early events118. With respect to early detection, circulating factors that have been released by oncogenic KRAS-expressing PanIN cells might be detected in pancreatic juice or blood. The challenge in identifying reliable markers, however, is that they need to be indicative for developing cancer and distinct from factors released during pancreatitis. Eventually, understanding the crosstalk between precancerous and/or cancerous cells with cells of the desmoplastic microenvironment could be of importance to reprogramming pro-tumorigenic signalling into antitumorigenic signalling119.
Key points.
Adult pancreatic acinar cells show high plasticity that enables a change in their differentiation commitment
Acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM) is a mechanism needed for regeneration after inflammation or injury
ADM is a result of epigenetic silencing of markers of acinar cell identity, activation of drivers of acinar cell dedifferentiation or loss of acinar cell organization
ADM is driven by intrinsic and extrinsic signalling
ADM in the presence of oncogenic KRAS signalling is irreversible and leads to a duct-like cell type that forms pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia
The author thanks H. R. Döppler and V. Pandey in the Storz laboratory for critical reading of the manuscript. The author apologizes to colleagues whose papers, although important contributions to the field, have not been cited because of the scope of this Review. This work was supported by grants from the NIH (CA200572 and CA102701-12DRP3).
Competing interests statement
The author declares no competing interests.
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