A) Distribution of
T. notatus damage in flowering
Nicotiana attenuata plants grown in the field and glasshouse. Upper panel: picture 1) field plot at Lytle Preserve, Utah, 2) a typically damaged leaf, 3) glasshouse and plants in the glasshouse. Lower panel: Damaged leaf area in % in field and in glasshouse. Leaves were classified as rosette leaves, lower to mid stem leaves and upper stem leaves and side branches as indicated in the schematic drawing (left). One-way ANOVAs followed by Tukey HSD
post hoc tests were used to identify statistically significant differences. Field plants: N = 21, F
2,33 = 5.729, p=0.007; glasshouse plants: N = 4, F
2,9 = 45.5, p<0.001. Different letters indicate significant differences (p<0.01), error bars depict standard errors. (
B) Choice assay: 10 mirids were placed in an arena with two tubes connected to either a fully-grown leaf or young growing leaves with an apical stem. Number of mirids on each side was counted after 12 hr. Pairwise t-test: N = 12, p=0.026. Error bars depict standard errors. For raw data see Raw_data_FIGURE_6_S1 (Dryad:
Brütting et al., 2018).