Aleyan S, Cole A, Qian W, et al. Risky business: a longitudinal study examining cigarette smoking initiation among susceptible and non-susceptible e-cigarette users in Canada. BMJ Open 2018;8:e021080. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-021080.
The previous version of this manuscript contains some errors in Figure 1, the baseline sample sizes reported in the third and fourth row of the figure were flipped. It was published as:
non-current e-cigarette users (n= 133)
current e-cigarette users (n=2679)
This should instead read as:
non-current e-cigarette users (n=2679)
current e-cigarette users (n=133)
Below is the updated Figure 1.
In addition there were some errors in the ‘Discussion’ section, the second paragraph should read as:
The study findings demonstrated that only a small percentage of non-smoking students reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days (2.2%).
and was incorrectly published as:
The study findings demonstrated that only a small percentage of non-smoking students reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days (4.0%).