Figure 6.
The effects of Salecan on oxidative stress-related parameters in the liver and muscle of mice from different groups. (a) Liver MDA; (b) liver GSH; (c) liver SOD; (d) muscle MDA; (e) muscle GSH; and (f) muscle SOD. Data are expressed as mean ± SD, N = 6, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Rest, the control group without swimming; Swim-Ctrl, the control group that swim for 15 min before sample collection; Swim-LS, the low-dose of Salecan-treated group that swim for 15 min before sample collection; Swim-MS, the medium-dose of Salecan-treated group that swim for 15 min before sample collection; Swim-HS, the high-dose of Salecan-treated group that swim for 15 min before sample collection.