Figure 5. Impact of climate and control measures on DENV transmission during 2013/14, using a model jointly fitted to surveillance and serological data from Central Division.
(A) Model fit to surveillance data. Solid black dots, lab tested dengue cases; black circles, DLI cases; black line, total cases. Blue line shows median estimate from fitted model; dark blue region, 50% credible interval; light blue region, 95% CrI; red region shows timing of clean-up campaign. (B) Pre- and post-outbreak DENV immunity. Red dots show observed MIA seroprevalence against DENV-3 in autumn 2013 and autumn 2015; hollow dots, under 20 age group; solid dots, 20+ age group; lines show 95% binomial confidence interval. Dashed orange line shows model estimated rise in immunity during 2013/14 in under 20 group; solid line shows rise in 20+ group; shaded region shows 95% CrI. (C) Estimated variation in transmission over time. Red region, timing of clean-up campaign; green line, relative transmission as a result of control measures. Black line, basic reproduction number, ; blue line, effective reproduction number, , accounting for herd immunity and control measures. Shaded regions show 95% CrIs. Dashed line shows the herd immunity threshold. (D) Average monthly rainfall (blue lines) and daily temperature (orange line, with black line showing weekly moving average) in Fiji during 2013–15. (E) Change in over time. Shaded regions show 95% CrIs.