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Journal of Medical Toxicology logoLink to Journal of Medical Toxicology
. 2018 Aug 9;14(3):182–211. doi: 10.1007/s13181-018-0679-z

The Toxicology Investigators Consortium Case Registry—the 2017 Annual Report

Lynn A Farrugia 1,, Sean H Rhyee 2, Sharan L Campleman 3, Bryan Judge 4, Louise Kao 5, Anthony Pizon 6, Lauren Porter 7, Anne M Riederer 3, Timothy Wiegand 8, Diane Calello 9, Paul M Wax 10, Jeffrey Brent 11; On behalf of the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Study Group
PMCID: PMC6097971  PMID: 30094774


The Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Case Registry was established by the American College of Medical Toxicology in 2010. The Registry collects data from participating sites with the agreement that all bedside medical toxicology consultations will be entered. The objective of this eighth annual report is to summarize the Registry’s 2017 data and activity with its additional 7577 cases. Cases were identified for inclusion in this report by a query of the ToxIC database for any case entered from 1 January to 31 December 2017. Detailed data was collected from these cases and aggregated to provide information which includes demographics (e.g., age, gender, race, ethnicity), reason for medical toxicology evaluation (e.g., intentional pharmaceutical exposure, envenomation, withdrawal from a substance), agent and agent class, clinical signs and symptoms (e.g., vital sign abnormalities, organ system dysfunction), treatments and antidotes administered, fatality, and life support withdrawal data. Females were involved in 50.4% of cases. Transgender demographic information collection was initiated in 2017 to better represent the population and there were 36 cases involving transgender patients. Adults aged 19–65 were the most commonly reported age group. Non-opioid analgesics were the most commonly reported agent class, with acetaminophen again the most common agent reported. There were 93 fatalities reported in 2017. Treatment interventions were frequently reported with 30.6% receiving specific antidotal therapy. Major trends in demographics and exposure characteristics remained similar to past years’ reports. While treatment interventions were commonly required, fatalities were rare.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (10.1007/s13181-018-0679-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Keywords: Poisonings, Overdose, Surveillance, Epidemiology, Medical toxicology


The year 2017, the eighth full year of operation of the Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC), was marked by a number of achievements and continued robust data collection. A summary of the data collected is provided in the body of this report. Major changes and achievements are described below.

On January 1, 2017, ToxIC moved to the REDCap data collection platform. This provided an even greater level of data security than we had with our previous interface and allowed for the incorporation of two factor authentication of identity before the database was accessed for data entry or searching.

Given the growth of ToxIC and large amount of associated information, policies, and background information, a unique ToxIC website was developed throughout 2016 and went live in 2017 at The reader of this Annual Report is referred to this website for additional information about ToxIC.

In light of the evolving complexity of ToxIC, it was felt that it was necessary to embark on a long-term strategic plan. That plan was completed in 2017 and its implementation was initiated. Continued implementation is expected throughout 2018. It is hoped that the implementation of the strategic plan will lead to further sophistication of our data collection and analysis, research, post-marketing surveillance, and toxicovigilance activities. It is also hoped that the strategic plan implementation will serve as a direction to ensure the continued long-term sustainability of the ToxIC program.

In 2017, there were 7577 novel cases entered from 40 separate sites comprising 63 separate facilities. The year 2017 saw the closure of three projects, the evolution and growth of existing efforts, and the launch of three of new focused sub-Registries.

A study, in the form of a sub-Registry, on diagnostic modalities in caustic ingestions, which collected data for nearly the entire 8 years of ToxIC’s existence, was completed and the sub-Registry was closed by virtue of not being migrated to the REDCap platform. Data analysis collected in this project is now underway.

The focused data collection, also in the form of a sub-Registry, on electrocardiographic QRS widening and the antidotal use of sodium bicarbonate was also closed in 2017. The analysis of data from this project is also underway. Hypotheses emerging from this analysis will be potentially tested once this data analysis is completed.

Our data collection of prescription opioid misuse was closed by virtue of it not being migrated to REDCap. With the continued and growing concern about opioid toxicity, it was felt that a new and more robust approach to this critical problem was necessary. The epidemic of opioid abuse and misuse is a major public health concern and new efforts related to this problem by ToxIC are in development. As described below, one such project relating to pediatric opioid exposures has already been instituted.

Our study on the use of lipid resuscitation therapy continues and currently represents the largest known prospective collection of patients treated with this modality. Data analysis for this project is also underway; however, patient accrual is still ongoing. Following our preliminary analysis, the need for objective definable end-points became apparent and were instituted in our mid-2017 database modifications.

The North American Snakebite sub-Registry continues to thrive and currently represents the largest prospective collection of data on these snakebites in existence. The publications and published abstracts from presentations at national professional meetings deriving from this sub-Registry are listed on

Our extracorporeal substance removal sub-Registry continues to collect unique data on drug clearances by these techniques. Also continuing is the data collection of prognostic factors following drug overdose, now in its fourth year.

Two of our new sub-Registries deal with critical issues related to pediatric exposures: opioids and marijuana. Both of these projects went live with the launch of REDCap on January 1, 2017. Also at that time a sub-Registry on plant and mushroom exposures was initiated. These uncommon but extremely important exposures are very hard to study given the few cases encountered. By aggregating the prospective experience of the network of ToxIC investigators, it is anticipated that a robust series of cases on individual plant and mushroom exposures will be characterized.

There were eight peer-reviewed publications derived from the ToxIC Registry and published by ToxIC investigators in 2017. In addition, there were 17 published abstracts from professional meetings in 2017.

In 2017, ToxIC continued to be supported by a grant on cardiovascular toxicity from the National Institutes of Health, the continuation of our contract with the US Food and Drug Administration, and further unrestricted grant support from BTG International. The latter was used to support the North American Snake Bite Registry.

Ongoing investigator-initiated research projects can be found on the ToxIC website.

This eighth ToxIC Annual Report summarizes the main points of the data collected in our main Registry in 2017. Data from our sub-Registries are published separately.


A detailed description of the creation and design of the ToxIC Registry has been previously reported [1]. To be part of the consortium, all medical toxicologists at participating institutions agree to enter data into the ToxIC Registry on all medical toxicology consultations performed. Cases are entered on a password-protected encrypted online data collection form. The site uses the REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) interface and is hosted by Vanderbilt University. The content of the database is maintained with oversight by the ToxIC Leadership Group. The Registry is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and does not collect any protected health information or otherwise identifying fields. Registry participation is pursuant to the participating institutions’ Institutional Review Board approval and compliant with their policies and procedures. The Registry has also been independently reviewed by the Western IRB and determined not to meet the threshold of human subject research under federal regulation 45 CFR 46 and associated guidance.

Data collected on each case includes presenting signs and symptoms, clinical course, treatments, limited patient demographics, outcome, laboratory values, and circumstances of, and reasons for, the toxicological exposure. As in prior reports, the term consultation is used in this report to describe any in-person encounter with a medical toxicologist in which a formal evaluation was conducted and placed in the medical record. Such encounters may include admission to a medical toxicology inpatient service, or evaluation by a medical toxicologist as a consulting physician in an emergency department, inpatient unit, or outpatient clinic. The online data collection interface is formatted to ensure data entry remains organized and searchable. Free text entry fields allow providers to provide further detail or supplementary information. As part of the Registry’s toxicosurveillance mission, one component of the standard data form is a continuously monitored sentinel detection field that signals novel or unusual cases.

For this report a search of the database was performed to identify cases recorded from January 1, 2017, through December 31, 2017. This descriptive report summarizes case demographics, source and location of consultation, and reasons for encounter and provides case frequencies by individual agent class and treatment provided. We also have included several more focused analyses of particular interest. These dealt with pediatric exposures, marijuana edibles, the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), coingestants associated with opioid exposures, and gabapentinoid misuse.

In the tables describing individual agents or agent classes, unless otherwise indicated, cells with fewer than five occurrences were not listed as separate items but are further grouped as “miscellaneous.” Percentages noted in tables for individual agents represent their relative proportion within their respective agent class.

For clinical signs or symptoms, the tables provide the percentage of individual signs or symptoms relative to the total number of Registry cases in 2017. Signs and symptoms include the presence or absence of a toxidrome, vital sign abnormalities, and a variety of organ system-based derangements which may arise from a toxic exposure. For each sub-heading in the data collection instrument, investigators are required to either select an abnormality, or “None,” to improve the accuracy of data collection and to avoid missing data fields. In the detailed treatment tables, percentages for each treatment modality represent the relative frequency among all treatments rendered.


In 2017, there were a total of 7577 cases reporting toxicologic exposures to the ToxIC Registry. This is a decrease from the prior 2 years (Fig. 1). Table 1 lists all individual sites that contributed cases in 2017.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

ToxIC Registry total case count by year, 2010–2017

Table 1.

Participating institutions providing cases to ToxIC in 2017

  Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix
  Phoenix Children’s Hospital
 Loma Linda
  Loma Linda University Medical Center
 Los Angeles
  University of Southern California Verdugo Hills
  Keck Medical Center of University of Southern California
 San Francisco
  San Francisco General Hospital
  Children’s Hospital Colorado
  Denver Health Medical Center
  Porter and Littleton Adventist Hospital
  Swedish Medical Center
  University of Colorado Medical Center
  Hartford Hospital
  Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Egelston
  Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Hughes Spalding
  Elmhurst Medical Center
  Emory University Hospital
  Grady Health System
  Grady Memorial Hospital
  Evanston North-Shore University Health System
  IU-Eskenazi Hospital
  IU-Indiana University Hospital
  IU-Methodist Hospital-Indianapolis
  IU-Riley Hospital for Children
  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston
  Boston Children’s Hospital
  University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center
 Grand Rapids
  Spectrum Health Hospitals
 Kansas City
  Children’s Mercy Hospitals & Clinics
 St. Louis
  Washington University School of Medicine
  University of Nebraska Medical Center
New Mexico
  University of New Mexico
New Jersey
 New Brunswick
  Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
New York
  North Shore University Hospital
 New York
  Bellevue Medical Center
  Mount Sinai Hospital
  NYU Langone Medical Center
 Staten Island
  Staten Island Hospital
  Staten Island University Hospital
  Highland Hospital
  Strong Memorial Hospital
  Upstate Medical University-Downtown Campus
North Carolina
  Carolinas Medical Center
  Vidant Medical Center
  Oregon Health & Science University Hospital
 Lehigh Valley
  Lehigh Valley Hospital Cedar Crest
  Lehigh Valley Hospital Muhlenberg
  Hahnemann University Hospital
  Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital
  Mercy Hospital of Philadelphia
  St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
  UPMC Magee Women’s Hospital
  UPMC Mercy Hospital
  UPMC Presbyterian/Shadyside
  Children’s Medical Center Dallas
  Parkland Memorial Hospital
  University of Texas Southwestern Clinic
  William P Clements University Hospital
  Ben Taub General Hospital
  Texas Children’s Hospital
 Salt Lake City
  Primary Children’s Hospital
  University of Utah Hospital
  University of Virginia Health Systems
  Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
  Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
  Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
  Rambam Health Care Campus
  Hospital for Sick Children
  Vajira Hospital


Tables 2 and 3 summarize selective demographics including gender, age, race, and ethnicity. In 2017, 50.4% of cases involved female patients. Sixty patients (0.8%) were pregnant (Table 2). New fields were added in 2017 to better represent the population and include transgender patient data. There were 14 male-to-female transgender patients and 22 female-to-male, making up 0.5% of patients in the database.

Table 2.

ToxIC case demographics—age and gender

N (%)
 Male 3718 (49.1)
 Female 3820 (50.4)
  Male to female 14 (0.2)
  Female to male 22 (0.3)
 Not recorded 3 (0.0)
Pregnant 60 (0.8)
Age (years)
 < 2 268 (3.5)
 2–6 371 (4.9)
 7–12 253 (3.3)
 13–18 1468 (19.4)
 19–65 4803 (63.4)
 66–89 376 (5.0)
 > 89 13 (0.2)
 Unknown 25 (0.3)
Total 7577 (100)

Table 3.

ToxIC case demographics—race and Hispanic ethnicity

N (%)
 Caucasian 4504 (59.4)
 Unknown/uncertain 1456 (19.2)
 Black/African 999 (13.2)
 Asian 350 (4.6)
 Mixed 136 (1.8)
 American Indian/Alaska Native 111 (1.5)
 Other 16 (0.2)
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 5 (0.1)
 Total 7577 (100)
Hispanic ethnicitya
 Hispanic 854 (11.3)
 Non-Hispanic 5283 (69.7)
 Unknown 1439 (19.0)
 Total 7577 (100)

One case not recorded as Hispanic or non-Hispanic ethnicity

aHispanic ethnicity as indicated exclusive of race

Age distribution in 2017 was similar to past years [28]. The majority of patients were adults age 19–65 (63.4%), followed by adolescents age 13–18 (19.4%). Children age 12 and under made up 11.8% of cases.

The most commonly reported race was Caucasian (59.4%), followed by Black/African (13.2%) and Asian (4.6%) (Table 3). Unknown or uncertain race was reported in 19.2% of cases, similar to 2016 data [8]. Hispanic ethnicity was reported in 11.3% of cases (Table 3). Nineteen percent of cases reported unknown ethnicity. Race and ethnicity are self-reported by patients, or in cases where a patient is unable to report, it may be reported by the examining medical toxicologist to the best of their ability.

Table 4 summarizes the referral sources of inpatient and outpatient medical toxicology encounters. The majority of inpatient cases (56.7%) were generated from the Emergency Department. Only 0.3% of inpatient encounters were referred from poison centers. Outpatient toxicology evaluations were predominantly referred by primary care or other outpatient physicians (43.5%) or were self-referrals (37.1%).

Table 4.

ToxIC registry case referral sources by inpatient/outpatient status

N (%)
Emergency Department (ED) or inpatient (IP)a
 ED 4066 (56.7)
 Admitting service 1726 (24.1)
 Outside hospital transfer 932 (13.0)
 Request from another hospital service (not ED) 239 (3.3)
 Self-referral 180 (2.5)
 Poison Center 24 (0.3)
 Primary care provider or other outpatient treating physician 4 (0.1)
 Employer/Independent medical evaluation 2 (0.0)
 ED/IP total 7173 (100)
Outpatient (OP)/clinic/office consultationb
 Primary care provider or other OP physician 175 (43.5)
 Self-referral 149 (37.1)
 Employer/Independent medical evaluation 35 (8.7)
 Poison Center 24 (6.0)
 ED 10 (2.5)
 Admitting service 3 (0.7)
 Outside hospital transfer 3 (0.7)
 Request from another hospital service (not ED) 3 (0.7)
 OP total 402 (100)

Two cases not recorded inpatient or outpatient location

aPercentage based on the total number of cases (N = 7173) seen by a medical toxicologist as consultant (ED or IP) or as attending (IP)

bPercentage based on the total number of cases (N = 402) seen by a medical toxicologist as outpatient, clinic visit, or office consultation

Table 5 reports the reasons for medical toxicology encounters. Similar to prior years, intentional pharmaceutical exposures were the most common reason for encounter (54.7%).

Table 5.

Reason for medical toxicology encounter

N (%)
Intentional exposure—pharmaceutical 4144 (54.7)
Intentional exposure—non-pharmaceutical 921 (12.2)
Unintentional exposure—pharmaceutical 610 (8.1)
Unintentional exposure—non-pharmaceutical 322 (4.2)
Envenomation—snake 297 (3.9)
Organ system dysfunction 256 (3.4)
Withdrawal—opioid 217 (2.9)
Withdrawal—ethanol 149 (2.0)
Ethanol abuse 132 (1.7)
Interpretation of toxicology data 123 (1.6)
Environmental evaluation 122 (1.6)
Occupational evaluation 80 (1.1)
Envenomation—spider 55 (0.7)
Malicious/criminal 41 (0.5)
Envenomation—other 38 (0.5)
Withdrawal—sedative-hypnotic 35 (0.5)
Withdrawal—other 16 (0.2)
Withdrawal—cocaine/amphetamine 6 (0.1)
Envenomation—scorpion 5 (0.1)
Marine/fish poisoning 5 (0.1)
Not recorded 3 (0.0)
Total 7577 (100)

Table 6 presents information on reasons for intentional pharmaceutical exposures. The majority of cases (67.6%) were an attempt at self-harm. Of these cases with an attempt at self-harm, 88.2% represented a suicide attempt.

Table 6.

Detailed reason for encounter—intentional pharmaceutical exposure

N (%)
Reason for intentional pharmaceutical exposure subgroupa
 Attempt at self-harm 2803 (67.6)
 Misuse/abuse 718 (17.3)
 Therapeutic use 328 (7.9)
 Unknown 294 (7.1)
 Not recorded 1 (0.0)
 Total 4144 (100)
Attempt at self-harm- suicidal intent subclassificationb
 Suicidal intent 2473 (88.2)
 Suicidal intent unknown 248 (8.8)
 No suicidal intent 79 (2.8)
 Not recorded 3 (0.1)
 Total 2803 (100)

aPercentage of total number of cases (N = 4144) indicating primary reason for encounter due to intentional pharmaceutical exposure

bPercentage of number of cases indicating attempt at self-harm (N = 2803)

Agent Classes

Of the 7577 cases entered into the ToxIC Registry in 2017, 2340 cases involved multiple agents for a total of 10,606 individual agent entries. The non-opioid analgesic class was the most common (14.9%), followed by antidepressants (11.4%), opioids (10.4%), and sedative-hypnotic/muscle relaxants (9.2%). Table 7 presents the totals for each of the 40 agent classes in the Registry.

Table 7.

Agent classes involved in medical toxicology consultation

Analgesic 1582 (14.9)
Antidepressant 1207 (11.4)
Opioid 1101 (10.4)
Sedative-hypnotic/muscle relaxant 972 (9.2)
Ethanol 723 (6.8)
Anticholinergic/antihistamine 669 (6.3)
Sympathomimetic 658 (6.2)
Cardiovascular 597 (5.6)
Antipsychotic 556 (5.2)
Anticonvulsant 399 (3.8)
Envenomation and marine 375 (3.5)
Psychoactive 223 (2.1)
Diabetic medication 172 (1.6)
Lithium 121 (1.1)
Toxic alcohol 118 (1.1)
Metals 115 (1.1)
Cough and cold products 112 (1.1)
Herbal products/dietary supplements 111 (1.0)
Gases/irritants/vapors/dusts 94 (0.9)
Caustic 89 (0.8)
Hydrocarbon 75 (0.7)
Household products 68 (0.6)
Plants and fungi 65 (0.6)
Antimicrobial 60 (0.6)
Endocrine 38 (0.4)
Chemotherapeutic/immunological 35 (0.3)
Other non-pharmaceutical product 33 (0.3)
Gastrointestinal agents 30 (0.3)
Anesthetic 27 (0.3)
Insecticide 27 (0.3)
Anticoagulant 24 (0.2)
Other pharmaceutical product 18 (0.2)
Amphetamine-like hallucinogen 12 (0.1)
Herbicide 10 (0.1)
WMD/riot agent/radiological 7 (0.1)
Anti-parkinsonism drugs 6 (0.1)
Rodenticide 6 (0.1)
Ingested foreign body 5 (0.0)
Pulmonary 4 (0.0)
Fungicide NR (0.0)
Unknown agent 62 (0.6)
Total 10,606 (100)

NR no cases reported

aPercentages are out of total number of reported agent entries in 2017; 2340 cases (30.9%) reported multiple agents

Pediatric Agent Classes

Table 8 presents the agent classes reported by age group. There were 3366 individual agent entries in 2017 for 2360 reported pediatric cases with 610 (25.8%) cases involving multiple agents. The top agent classes for all pediatric cases were analgesics (19.5%), followed by antidepressants (13.0%) and anticholinergic/antihistamine (9.2%). By age category, the most common exposures by agent class were opioids for children < 2 years old, cardiovascular drugs for ages 2–6, envenomations for ages 7–12, and analgesics for ages 13–18. Opioids were ranked sixth in agent class frequency for pediatrics with the majority of exposures involving 13–18 year olds, though they were the most common agent class in those under age 2. Envenomations were most commonly reported in the 7–12 year old age category, followed by 13–18 year olds. Caustic exposures were most often seen in 2–6 year olds.

Table 8.

ToxIC 2017—agent classes for pediatric cases by age group

Exposure rank Totals %a Age < 2 Age 2–6 Age 7–12 Age 13–18
Analgesic 1 658 19.5% 23 20 30 585
Antidepressant 2 436 13.0% 13 25 20 378
Anticholinergic/antihistamine 3 309 9.2% 10 24 30 245
Unknown/blank 4 234 7.0% 36 62 36 100
Cardiovascular 5 224 6.7% 36 82 25 81
Opioid 6 172 5.1% 37 20 5 110
Envenomation 7 171 5.1% 6 37 71 57
Antipsychotic 8 158 4.7% 5 10 8 135
Sympathomimetic 9 155 4.6% 31 24 12 88
Sedative-hypnotic/muscle relaxant 10 148 4.4% 9 16 14 109
Anticonvulsant 11 110 3.3% 8 16 14 72
Psychoactive 12 67 2.0% 8 14 3 42
Herbal/dietary supp/vitamins 13 61 1.8% 9 17 4 31
Diabetic med 14 59 1.8% 14 23 1 21
Ethanol 14 59 1.8% 5 2 2 50
Cough/cold 15 50 1.5% 1 7 2 40
Metals 16 48 1.4% 8 19 5 16
Household product 17 26 0.8% 11 6 1 8
Hydrocarbons 18 24 0.7% 13 9 0 2
Lithium 19 23 0.7% 1 1 2 19
Antimicrobial 20 22 0.7% 4 3 2 13
Caustic 21 19 0.6% 5 10 1 3
Toxic alcohols 22 18 0.5% 5 3 2 8
Endocrine 23 16 0.5% 1 7 1 7
GI Agent 24 15 0.4% 3 2 1 9
Chemotherapeutic/immune 25 14 0.4% 3 2 3 6
Gases/vapors/irritants/dusts 25 14 0.4% 5 2 3 4
Plants/fungi 26 12 0.4% 3 4 3 2
Anesthetic 27 10 0.3% 3 1 2 4
Other non-pharmaceutical 28 9 0.3% 2 2 1 4
Other pharmaceutical 29 7 0.2% 1 1 0 5
Amphetamine-like hallucinogen 30 4 0.1% 0 1 1 2
Anticoagulant 31 3 0.1% 2 1 0 0
Ingested foreign body 31 3 0.1% 1 1 0 1
Insecticide 32 2 0.1% 2 0 0 0
Pulmonary 32 2 0.1% 0 1 0 1
Rodenticide 32 2 0.1% 1 1 0 0
Parkinson’s med 33 1 0.0% 0 1 0 0
WMD 33 1 0.0% 1 0 0 0
Totals 3366 100.0%

aPercentages are out of total number of reported agent entries per year; 610 cases (25.8%) reported multiple agents

Table 9 lists the most commonly reported agent classes involved in exposures in children aged 5 or younger. The cardiovascular agent class was the most commonly reported (15.6%), followed by opioids (8.4%). Diabetic medications (5.0%), herbal products/dietary supplements (3.8%), and metals (3.8%) were also reported more frequently in children aged 5 or younger compared to their representation in the Registry as a whole.

Table 9.

Most frequent exposures by agent class- age ≤ 5 years

N (%)a
Cardiovascular 106 (15.6)
Opioid 57 (8.4)
Sympathomimetic 52 (7.7)
Analgesic 43 (6.3)
Envenomation 38 (5.6)
Antidepressant 34 (5.0)
Diabetic medication 34 (5.0)
Anticholinergic/antihistamine 33 (4.9)
Herbal products/dietary supplements 26 (3.8)
Metals 26 (3.8)
Sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxant 24 (3.5)
Anticonvulsant 24 (3.5)
Psychoactive 22 (3.2)
Hydrocarbon 22 (3.2)
Household 17 (2.5)
Antipsychotic 15 (2.2)
Caustic 15 (2.2)
Class total 678 (100)

aPercentages are out of total number of agent exposures reported in children aged 5 or younger in 2017 (N = 678)

Individual Agents by Class

Tables 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28 present the frequencies of individuals agents, organized by agent class as reported to the Registry in 2017. The organization follows past years for consistency with three agents—ethanol, lithium, and amphetamine-like hallucinogens—defined as their own agent class, but reported in conjunction with other agent classes (toxic alcohols, anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers, and psychoactives, respectively) for brevity. For agent classes with few overall entries (less than 100), or for which a single agent made up more than 75% of the cases, or for which the majority of cases were infrequent miscellaneous agents, the results are reported in Tables S1S16 in the Supplemental Materials.

Table 10.


N (%)
Acetaminophen 901 (57.0)
Aspirin 202 (12.8)
Ibuprofen 183 (11.6)
Gabapentin 176 (11.1)
Naproxen 57 (3.6)
Pregabalin 25 (1.6)
Salicylic acid 10 (0.6)
Analgesic unspecified 6 (0.4)
Meloxicam 5 (0.3)
Miscellaneousa 17 (1.1)
Class total 1582 (100)

aIncludes aminophenazone, diclofenac, etoricoxib, ketorolac, mefenamic acid, unspecified NSAID, other analgesic, phenylbutazone, salicylamide, and salsalate

Table 11.


N (%)
Other antidepressants 476 (39.4)
Bupropion 252 (21.0)
Trazodone 161 (13.3)
Mirtazapine 43 (3.6)
Vilazodone 9 (0.7)
Antidepressant unspecified 8 (0.7)
Miscellaneousa < 5 (< 0.4)
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) 445 (36.9)
Sertraline 128 (10.6)
Fluoxetine 116 (9.6)
Citalopram 96 (8.0)
Escitalopram 80 (6.6)
Paroxetine 25 (2.1)
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) 166 (13.8)
Amitriptyline 105 (8.7)
Nortriptyline 28 (2.3)
Doxepin 25 (2.1)
Miscellaneousb 8 (0.7)
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) 120 (9.9)
Venlafaxine 80 (6.6)
Duloxetine 30 (2.5)
Desvenlafaxine 6 (0.5)
Miscellaneousc < 5 (< 0.4)
Class Total 1207 (100)

aIncludes phenelzine and vortioxetine

bIncludes imipramine, clomipramine, amoxapine, and dosulepin

cIncludes fluvoxamine

Table 12.


N (%)
Heroin 318 (28.9)
Oxycodone 160 (14.5)
Tramadol 106 (9.6)
Fentanyl 87 (7.9)
Opioid unspecified 82 (7.4)
Methadone 79 (7.2)
Hydrocodone 78 (7.1)
Buprenorphine 67 (6.1)
Morphine 38 (3.5)
Hydromorphone 17 (1.5)
Codeine 15 (1.4)
Loperamide 12 (1.1)
Naltrexone 9 (0.8)
Oxymorphone 6 (0.5)
Miscellaneousa 27 (2.5)
Class total 1101 (100)

aIncludes U47700 (designer opioid), butanoyl-4-fluorofentanyl, methylfentanyl (3- or alpha), diphenoxylate, fluorofentanyl, fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl (4- or para-), methyl norfentanyl, N-allyl norfentanyl, butyrylfentanyl (butyr-), carfentanil, naloxone, normethadone, opium (raw, latex), Papaver somniferum (plant parts), and tapentadol

Table 13.

Sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants by sub-type

N (%)
Benzodiazepines 571 (58.8)
Alprazolam 220 (22.8)
Clonazepam 181 (18.6)
Lorazepam 80 (8.2)
Diazepam 42 (4.3)
Benzodiazepine unspecified 23 (2.4)
Temazepam 11 (1.1)
Chlordiazepoxide 6 (0.6)
Miscellaneousa 8 (0.8)
Muscle relaxants 259 (26.7)
Baclofen 97 (10.0)
Cyclobenzaprine 97 (10.0)
Carisoprodol 22 (2.3)
Tizanidine 22 (2.3)
Methocarbamol 15 (1.5)
Metaxalone 5 (0.5)
Miscellaneousb < 5 (< 0.5)
Non-benzodiazepine agonists (“Z” drugs) 63 (6.5)
Zolpidem 58 (6.0)
Miscellaneousc 5 (0.5)
Other Sedatives 52 (5.3)
Sedative-hypnotic unspecified 19 (1.9)
Buspirone 17 (1.8)
Phenibut 5 (0.5)
Miscellaneousd 11 (1.1)
Barbiturates 27 (2.8)
Butalbital 17 (1.8)
Phenobarbital 7 (0.7)
Miscellaneouse 3 (0.3)
Class total 972 (100)

aIncludes clorazepate, midazolam, flunitrazepam, and oxazepam

bIncludes orphenadrine

cIncludes eszopiclone and zopiclone

dIncludes propofol, chlorzoxazone, etizolam, and clomethiazole

eIncludes butabarbital and barbiturate unspecified

Table 14.

Ethanol and toxic alcohols

N (%)
Ethanola 723 (100)
Non-ethanol alcohols and glycols
 Isopropanol 44 (37.3)
 Ethylene glycol 41 (34.7)
 Methanol 18 (15.3)
 Acetone 5 (4.2)
 Miscellaneousb 10 (8.5)
Class total 118 (100)

aEthanol is considered a separate agent class

bIncludes benzyl alcohol, butyl ethylene glycol, diethyl ether, diethylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, glycol ethers, propylene glycol, and toxic alcohol unspecified

Table 15.

Anticholinergics and antihistamines

N (%)
Diphenhydramine 413 (61.7)
Hydroxyzine 85 (12.7)
Doxylamine 32 (4.8)
Chlorpheniramine 22 (3.3)
Benztropine 21 (3.1)
Cetirizine 18 (2.7)
Promethazine 14 (2.1)
Loratadine 9 (1.3)
Trihexyphenidyl 8 (1.2)
Dicyclomine 7 (1.0)
Dimenhydrinate 7 (1.0)
Meclizine 5 (0.7)
Miscellaneousa 28 (4.2)
Class total 669 (100)

aIncludes anticholinergic unspecified, antihistamine unspecified, atropine, brompheniramine, buclizine, cyproheptadine, fexofenadine, homatropine, hyoscyamine, mirabegron, oxybutynin, pheniramine, pyrilamine, scopolamine, and triprolidine

Table 16.


N (%)
Cocaine 255 (38.8)
Methamphetamine 180 (27.4)
Amphetamine 63 (9.6)
Methylphenidate 36 (5.5)
Dextroamphetamine 30 (4.6)
Lisdexamfetamine 16 (2.4)
Sympathomimetic unspecified 15 (2.3)
Methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine 10 (1.5)
Pseudoephedrine 9 (1.4)
Phentermine 8 (1.2)
Atomoxetine 7 (1.1)
Dexmethylphenidate 5 (0.8)
Phenylephrine 5 (0.8)
Miscellaneousa 19 (2.9)
Class total 658 (100)

aIncludes clenbuterol, epinephrine, 2C series drugs, 25I-NBOMe, 3-fluoroethamphetamine, 4-fluoroamphetamine, butylone, cathinone, ephedrine, ethylphenidate, isometheptine, MDPV, norpseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine, and tetrahydrozoline

Table 17.

Cardiovascular agents by sub-type

N (%)
Sympatholytics 150 (25.1)
Clonidine 113 (18.9)
Guanfacine 34 (5.7)
Miscellaneousa < 5 (< 0.8)
Beta blockers 139 (23.3)
Metoprolol 46 (7.7)
Propranolol 39 (6.5)
Carvedilol 24 (4.0)
Atenolol 19 (3.2)
Labetalol 9 (1.5)
Miscellaneousb < 5 (< 0.8)
Calcium channel antagonists 104 (17.4)
Amlodipine 59 (9.9)
Diltiazem 24 (4.0)
Verapamil 10 (1.7)
Nifedipine 9 (1.5)
Miscellaneousc < 5 (< 0.8)
ACE inhibitors 58 (9.7)
Lisinopril 50 (8.4)
Enalapril 5 (0.8)
Miscellaneousd < 5 (< 0.8)
Other antihypertensives and vasodilators 40 (6.7)
Prazosin 26 (4.1)
Hydralazine 5 (0.8)
Miscellaneouse 9 (1.5)
Antidysrhythmics and other cardiovascular agents 38 (6.4)
Atorvastatin 8 (1.3)
Amiodarone 7 (1.2)
Cardiovascular agent unspecified 5 (0.8)
Sotalol 5 (0.8)
Miscellaneousf 13 (2.2)
Cardiac glycosides 30 (5.0)
Digoxin 28 (4.7)
Digitoxin 2 (0.3)
Diuretics 29 (4.9)
Hydrochlorothiazide 14 (2.3)
Furosemide 8 (1.3)
Spironolactone 5 (0.8)
Miscellaneousg < 5 (< 0.8)
Angiotensin receptor blockers 9 (1.5)
Losartan 6 (1.0)
Miscellaneoush < 5 (< 0.8)
Class total 597 (100)

aIncludes dexmetetomidine and methyldopa

bIncludes nadolol

cIncludes felodipine and lercanidipine

dIncludes benazepril and quinipril

eIncludes nitroglycerin, doxazosin, isosorbide, tamsulosin, and terazosin

fIncludes flecainide, gemfibrozil, midodrine, simvastatin, disopyramide, ivabradine, lovastatin, and rosuvastatin

gIncludes chlorthalidone and pamabrom

hIncludes valsartan

Table 18.


N (%)
Quetiapine 264 (47.5)
Olanzapine 81 (14.6)
Risperidone 40 (7.2)
Aripiprazole 39 (7.0)
Haloperidol 31 (5.6)
Chlorpromazine 19 (3.4)
Clozapine 19 (3.4)
Ziprasidone 17 (3.1)
Lurasidone 13 (2.3)
Antipsychotic unspecified 7 (1.3)
Paliperidone 5 (0.9)
Miscellaneousa 21 (3.8)
Class total 556 (100)

aIncludes asenapine, brexpiprazole, fluphenazine, loxapine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine, thiothixene, and trifluoperazine

Table 19.

Anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers, and lithium

N (%)
Lithiuma 121 (100)
Lamotrigine 108 (27.1)
Valproic acid 91 (22.8)
Carbamazepine 38 (9.5)
Topiramate 38 (9.5)
Oxcarbazepine 31 (7.8)
Phenytoin 30 (7.5)
Levetiracetam 24 (6.0)
Divalproex 10 (2.5)
Lacosamide 9 (2.3)
Zonisamide 5 (1.3)
Miscellaneousb 15 (3.8)
Class total 399 (100)

aLithium is considered a separate agent class

bIncludes anticonvulsant unspecified, clobazam, felbamate, fosphenytoin, perampanel, primidone, rufinamide, and tiagabine

Table 20.

Envenomations and marine poisonings

N (%)
Agkistrodon spp. 108 (28.8)
Crotalus spp. 95 (25.3)
Snake unspecified 38 (10.1)
Loxosceles spp. 32 (8.5)
Trimeresurus spp. (Asian pit vipers) 25 (6.7)
Chilopoda spp. (centipedes) 15 (4.0)
Envenomation unspecified 14 (3.7)
Latrodectus spp. 10 (2.7)
Micrurus spp. 9 (2.4)
Hymenoptera 7 (1.9)
Miscellaneousa 19 (5.1)
Class total 375 (100)

aIncludes Centruroides spp., Vipera palaestinae, Homalopsis spp. (water snakes), Naja kaouthia, spider unspecified, Acanthanter plasti (Crown of Thorns starfish), animal bite unspecified, ciguetera poisoning, marine toxin unspecified, Micruroides spp., Scolopendra spp. (giant centipedes), scombroid poisoning, scorpion unspecified, and stingrays

Table 21.


N (%)
Molly—amphetamine-like hallucinogena 12 (100)
Marijuana 73 (32.7)
Cannabinoid synthetic 49 (22.0)
LSD 15 (6.7)
Cannabinoid non-synthetic 14 (6.3)
Phencyclidine 11 (4.9)
Ketamine 10 (4.5)
Gamma hydroxybutyrate 9 (4.0)
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 9 (4.0)
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol 8 (3.6)
Miscellaneousb 25 (11.2)
Class total 223 (100)

LSD lysergic acid diethylamide

aAmphetamine-like hallucinogens are considered a separate agent class

bIncludes 1,4-Butanediol, 3-methoxyphencyclidine, cannabidiol, disulfiram, donepezil, ethylone, gamma butyrolactone, hallucinogen unspecified, Ipracetin (4-acetoxy-DiPT, 4-acetoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine), nicotine, pharmaceutical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), psychoactive unspecified, and thujone

Table 23.

Diabetic medications

N (%)
Metformin 57 (33.1)
Glipizide 40 (23.3)
Insulin 38 (22.1)
Glimepiride 15 (8.7)
Glyburide 12 (7.0)
Miscellaneousa 10 (5.8)
Class total 172 (100)

aIncludes diabetic medication unspecified, sitagliptin, alogliptin, exenatide, and liraglutide

Table 24.


N (%)
Lead 32 (27.8)
Iron 26 (22.6)
Mercury 11 (9.6)
Cobalt 10 (8.7)
Arsenic 6 (5.2)
Chromium 6 (5.2)
Miscellaneousa 24 (20.9)
Class total 115 (100)

aIncludes magnesium, cadmium, copper, gadolinium, manganese, aluminum, antimony, beryllium, cesium, metal unspecified, selenium, titanium, and zinc

Table 25.

Herbal products and dietary supplements

N (%)
Caffeine 30 (25.6)
Melatonin 25 (21.4)
Herbals/dietary supplements/vitamins unspecified 17 (14.5)
Multiple vitamin 5 (4.3)
Vitamin D 5 (4.3)
Eucalyptus oil 5 (4.3)
Limonene 3 (2.6)
Miscellaneousa 27 (23.1)
Class total 117 (100)

aIncludes aloin (aloe vera extract or outer leaves), ashwangandha, black cohosh, Brazil seed (Bertholletia excelsa), citronella oil, dietary supplement unspecified, eugenol (clove oil), herbal (dietary) multibotanical, minerals unspecified, omega-3-acid ethyl esters, orange oil, potassium, senna, sodium chloride, tryptophan, vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and yohimbine

Table 26.

Gases, irritants, vapors, and dusts

N (%)
Carbon monoxide 50 (53.2)
Chlorine 4 (4.3)
Natural gas 4 (4.3)
Hydrogen sulfide 3 (3.2)
Miscellaneousa 33 (35.1)
Class total 94 (100)

aIncludes acetonitrile, asbestos, bromine, carbon dioxide, chloramine, cyanide, diesel exhaust, dust, duster (canned air), fumes/vapors/gases unspecified, gases/vapors/irritants/dusts unspecified, halon, metal dust unspecified, nitric oxide, nitrogen oxides, ozone, petroleum vapors, polyurethane vapors, radon, smoke, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOC) unspecified, welding fumes, and wood dusts

Table 27.

Household products

N (%)
Cleaning solutions and disinfectants 17 (25.0)
Sodium hypochlorite ≤ 6% 13 (19.1)
Soaps and detergents 11 (16.2)
Laundry detergent pod 8 (11.8)
Hair product 4 (5.9)
Paint 4 (5.9)
Miscellaneousa 11 (16.2)
Class total 68 (100)

aIncludes brake fluid, dishwasher detergent, dishwasher detergent pod, fabric softener, household product unspecified, phenylenediamine (hair dye), rubber cement, and sunscreens

Table 28.

Plants and fungi

N (%)
Mold unspecified 29 (44.6)
Mushroom, other/unknown 8 (12.3)
Mitragyna speciosa (kratom) 6 (9.2)
Mushroom, psilocibin 5 (7.7)
Miscellaneousa 17 (26.2)
Class total 65 (100)

aIncludes Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut), Akuamma (Picralima nitida), Amanita phalloides, Datura stramonium (jimsonweed), Hydrastis canadensis (goldenseal), Lupinus (lupini beans), moonflower, Nerium oleander, strychnine, Toxicoscordion venenosum (death camas), Valerian root, and Vicia faba (fava bean)


Table 10 presents the non-opioid analgesics, the largest class reported in the Registry. Acetaminophen, aspirin, and ibuprofen were the most frequently reported agents in 2017 similar to past years [28]. In 2017, gabapentin and pregabalin were moved from the sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants class into the analgesics class. In this largest agent class, gabapentin still made up 11.1% of the category.


Table 11 describes the antidepressant agents. The other antidepressant category was again the most frequent, predominantly due to the frequent reporting of bupropion (21.0%) and trazodone (13.3%). The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) were reported with similar agent frequencies to past years [7, 8].


Table 12 presents the opioid agent class. As in recent years, heroin was the most commonly reported opioid in the Registry in 2017 (28.9%). Oxycodone was again the second most frequently reported agent (14.5%), though its percent contribution to the class was slightly decreased from last year (17.8%) [8]. Overall, oxycodone has declined in its percent contribution to the opioid agent class each year [28]. Tramadol increased slightly from 2016, making up 9.6% of reported opioids [8]. Reported fentanyl exposures increased by more than 90% in 2017 making up 7.9% of the opioid class after being steady at 4.1% in both 2015 and 2016 [7, 8]. In the same years, unspecified opioids had increased from 6.5% in 2015 to 8.1% in 2016, but remained fairly stable in 2017 at 7.4%. This increase in fentanyl cases may be a reflection of increased awareness of and testing for fentanyl adulteration of heroin. Additionally, the opioid unspecified class which has had a trending increase since the Registry began in 2010, may be capturing additional cases of adulterated heroin when testing is not available [28]. In 2017, the miscellaneous opioids included more specific designer opioids not previously reported to the Registry including butanoyl-4-fluorofentanyl, fluorofentanyl, fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl (4- or para-), methyl norfentanyl, N-allyl norfentanyl, butyrylfentanyl (butyr-), and carfentanil. The designer opioid U47700 and methylfentanyl were also reported after being reported to the Registry for the first time in 2016.

Opioid Coingestants

In 2017, there were 988 total opioid agents reported in 718 unique case entries. The frequency of coingestion was high with 403 (56.1%) out of 718 unique cases having more than one primary agent reported. Coingestion rates varied widely; however, based on specific opioid ingested, ranging from a high of 84.4% of cases for which hydrocodone was reported to a low of 21% when buprenorphine was reported. There were 270 cases (37.6%) with more than one opioid reported as a primary agent. Heroin was the most common opioid reported in 2017 with 318 case entries. The most common coingestions included stimulants occurring in 72 (22.6%) of heroin cases. Cocaine was the most commonly reported stimulant reported with heroin occurring in 49 (15.4%) followed by methamphetamine in 23 (7.2%). Alprazolam was the most commonly reported benzodiazepine reported with heroin occurring in 14 (4.4%). Other opioids were reported in 26 (8.2%) of cases involving heroin. Tramadol was the second most commonly reported opioid in 2017 occurring in 104 case entries. Coingestion was reported in 34 (32.7%) of tramadol cases, and while there were some drugs reported more than once, coingestion involved a variety of other agents. There were 18 unique agents reported along with tramadol; THC, kratom, gabapentin, cyclobenzaprine, and alcohol were all reported more than twice. Oxycodone was reported in 100 case entries with coingestion occurring in 57 (57.0%). Acetaminophen was the most commonly reported drug ingested with oxycodone occurring in 13 cases (13.0%). Benzodiazepines were reported as coingestants in 22 (22.0%) of oxycodone cases and alprazolam was the most commonly reported benzodiazepine in 11 (11.0%) of cases. Fentanyl was reported in 87 case entries with 53 cases (60.9%) involving coingestion and cocaine was the single most common drug, occurring in 13 cases (14.9%). Opioids were the most frequent class of drug reported as coingestion for fentanyl reported for nearly a third of all fentanyl cases with co ingestion. Methadone was reported in 79 case entries with coingestion in 30 (37.9%) and other opioids reported most commonly occurring in 19 cases (24.1%) with heroin being the most common opioid reported with methadone. Other drugs reported with methadone included cocaine in 8 (10.1%) and alprazolam was the most commonly reported benzodiazepine reported in 5 cases (6.3%). Hydrocodone was reported in 77 cases with 39 (50.6%) involving coingestion with acetaminophen as ingestion of the coformulation products for hydrocodone and acetaminophen were common. Sedative ingestion was common with hydrocodone though a variety of sedatives were reported including gabapentin, clonazepam, lorazepam, baclofen, and alcohol and although alprazolam was the most common. Buprenorphine was reported in 66 cases with 16 (24.2%) having coingestion reported. Other opiates, sedatives, cocaine, and benzodiazepines were the most commonly reported substances with buprenorphine. Morphine was reported in 37 cases and 26 (70.3%) had coingestion with opioid coingestion occurring in 10 and oxycodone being the most commonly reported other opioid along with morphine. Non-specific opioids (opioids NOS) were reported in 82 unique entries and 13 cases included co ingestion with sedatives being reported in almost half of these cases. Several different benzodiazepines, alcohol, and gabapentin were reported when non-specified opioid ingestion occurred in case entries.

Overall, alprazolam, followed by clonazepam, were the most common benzodiazepines reported with an opioid reported as primary agent. Illicit opioids had other illicit drugs including cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, or heroin reported as coingestion though commonly abused pharmaceuticals were also not uncommon for illicit opioid cases (e.g., sedatives including alprazolam, gabapentin, and baclofen). Coingestion with other opioids and sedatives was also commonly reported for the pharmaceutical opioids as were illicit drugs, though this was at lower rates than their illicit opioid counterparts.

Sedative-Hypnotics/Muscle Relaxants

Table 13 presents the sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants class. Benzodiazepines remained the most commonly reported subclass of sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants in 2017. Alprazolam (22.8%) and clonazepam (18.6%) were again the most frequent agents both for the benzodiazepine subclass, as well as for the agent class as a whole. Of note, in 2016, gabapentin was reclassified from the sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants class to the non-opioid analgesic class, so is summarized in Table 10. The number of gabapentin cases was approximately stable from 2016. The muscle relaxants baclofen and cyclobenzaprine were reported with equal frequency (10.0%) in 2017. Barbiturates were again infrequently reported with butalbital making up the majority of these (1.8%).

Toxic Alcohols and Ethanol

Table 14 presents data on ethanol and toxic alcohols. As in prior years, ethanol is considered its own agent class. There were 723 ethanol exposures in 2017. Among the non-ethanol alcohols and glycols, isopropanol (37.3%) and ethylene glycol (34.7%) were similarly reported.


Table 15 shows the anticholinergics and antihistamines agent class. As in past years, diphenhydramine (59.1%) made up the majority of the agent class, with hydroxyzine (14.9%) following.


Table 16 summarizes the sympathomimetics agent class. Cocaine (38.8%) was the leading agent reported. Methamphetamine (27.4%) and amphetamine (9.6%) were the next most commonly reported, consistent with prior years.

Cardiovascular Agents

Table 17 presents the cardiovascular agent class. In 2017, the sympatholytic subclass was the most commonly reported (25.1%), outnumbering beta blockers (23.3%) for the first time in the Registry. Among all of the cardiovascular agents, clonidine was the most commonly reported agent (18.9%), followed by amlodipine (9.9%), lisinopril (8.4%), and metoprolol (7.7%). Other cardiovascular agent subclasses—other antihypertensives and vasodilators, antidysrhythmics and other cardiovascular agents, cardiac glycosides, diuretics, and angiotensin receptor blockers—each made a smaller contribution to the class, altogether accounting for about one-quarter of the agents.


Table 18 shows the antipsychotic agent class. Distribution of agents was similar to prior years. Quetiapine made up early half of the agent class (47.5%). Olanzapine was the next most common (14.6%), followed by risperidone (7.2%) and aripiprazole (7.0%).

Anticonvulsants, Mood Stabilizers, and Lithium

Table 19 presents the anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers, along with lithium. As in past years, lithium is considered its own agent class, but for brevity, is presented along with the anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers. There were 121 cases reporting lithium exposure in 2017. The distribution of anticonvulsants and mood stabilizers followed a similar trend to past years. Lamotrigine was the most common agent in the class (27.1%), followed by valproic acid (22.8%). Carbamazepine and topiramate were equally reported (9.5%).

Envenomations and Marine Poisonings

Table 20 summarizes the envenomations and marine poisonings. Agkistrodon species exposures slightly outnumbered Crotalus species exposures in 2017 (28.8% vs 25.3%). Unspecified snake exposures were the next most common (10.1%). Loxosceles exposures increased from 2016 when they made up 4.2% of the agent class, making up 8.5% of the class in 2017 [8]. Chilopoda species exposures also were reported more frequently than in past years with 15 cases, making up 4% of the agent class.


Table 21 presents the psychoactive agents and the amphetamine-like hallucinogen methylenedioxymethamphetamine (molly). Molly was reported in 12 cases in 2017, an increase from 2016 when 6 cases were reported [7]. In 2017, the number of marijuana cases surpassed the number of synthetic cannabinoids after a 2-year trend of synthetic cannabinoids being reported more frequently [7, 8].

Marijuana Edibles

Figure 2 presents annual data on exposures to marijuana edible agents from 2012 through 2017, reported by age range. In 2012, there were no cases of oral marijuana ingestion in children aged 0–6. There were 10 cases reported in this age group in 2017 and 8 in 2017. Use among those aged 66–89 was low with only 1 case reported over the timeframe.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Marijuana edibles from 2012 to 2017 by age group

Pediatric Exposures to Drugs of Abuse

Tables 22 A–J present more detailed information about cases involving pediatric exposures to agents that are commonly used as drugs of abuse. If a case was identified reporting a drug of abuse, then additional agents in a polypharmacy exposure were also included in the analysis. Overall, 123 cases involving pediatrics exposed to drugs of abuse were identified. Tables 22 A, B, C, and D present the distribution of these patients by overall race and ethnicity, as well as race and ethnicity broken down by gender. Overall, 59.3% of patients were Caucasian and 21.1% were African American. Tables 22 E and F compare the numbers of single agent exposures and multiple agent exposures overall and by gender. Single agent exposures were more common (61.8%). Table 22 G and H show the most common agent classes involved in these exposures overall and by gender. The top agent classes were psychoactives, sympathomimetics, opioids, and antidepressants. These remained similarly reported among both male and female genders. Table 22 I and J show the reasons for medical toxicology encounters overall and broken down by gender. Intentional non-pharmaceutical exposures were the most commonly reported (38.2%), followed by intentional pharmaceutical exposures (27.6%).

Table 22.

Pediatric exposures to drugs of abuse

A. Ethnicity
Ethnicity Total number of pediatric patients % of total
 Hispanic 20 16.2
 Non-Hispanic 50 40.6
 Unknown 53 43.1
B. Ethnicity by gender
Ethnicity by gender Male % of males Female % of females
 Hispanic 15 22.4 5 8.9
 Non-Hispanic 45 67.2 5 8.9
 Unknown 7 10.4 46 82.1
C. Race
Race Total # of pediatric patients % of total
 Caucasian 73 59.3
 African American 26 21.1
 Asian 2 1.6
 American Indian/Alaska Native 1 0.8
 Mixed 2 1.6
 Unknown 19 15
D. Race by gender
Race by Gender Male % of males Female % of female
 Caucasian 37 55.2 36 64.3
 African American 13 19.4 13 23.2
 Asian 2 3.0 0 0
 American Indian/Alaska Native 0 0 1 1.8
 Mixed 2 3.0 0 0
 Unknown 13 19.4 6 10.7
E. Single and multiple ingestions
Single vs multiple ingestion Total number of pediatric patients % of total
 Single agent 76 61.8
 Multiple agents 47 38.2
F. Single and multiple ingestions by gender
Single vs multiple agents Males % of males Females % of females
 Single 44 65.7 32 57.1
 Multiple 23 34.3 24 42.9
G. Agent classes involved in pediatric exposures to drugs of abuse
Agent class Total number of pediatric patients % of total
 Psychoactive 57 46.3
 Sympathomimetic 54 43.9
 Opioid 29 23.6
 Antidepressant 10 8.1
 Sedative-hypnotic/muscle relaxant 7 5.7
 Anticholinergic/antihistamine 4 3.3
 Amphetamine-like hallucinogen 4 3.3
 Antipsychotic 4 3.3
 Herbals/dietary supplements 3 2.4
 Analgesics 3 2.4
 Cardiovascular 2 2.4
 Alcohol-ethanol 2 2.4
H. Agent classes involved in pediatric exposures to drugs of abuse by gender
 Agent class Males % of males Females % of females
 Psychoactive 32 47.7 25 44.6
 Sympathomimetic 30 44.8 24 42.8
 Opioid 16 23.9 13 23.2
 Antidepressant 3 4.5 1 1.8
 Sedative-hypnotic/muscle relaxant 3 4.5 4 7.1
 Anticholinergic/antihistamine 3 4.5 1 1.8
 Antipsychotic 2 2.9 2 3.6
 Herbals/dietary supplements 2 2.9 1 1.8
 Analgesics 0 0 3 5.4
 Cardiovascular 1 1.5 4 7.1
 Alcohol-ethanol 1 1.5 1 1.8
I. Reason for medical toxicology encounter
Reason for encounter Total number of pediatric patients % of total
 Intentional pharmaceutical 34 27.6
  Attempt at self-harm 16 13.0
  Misuse/abuse 12 9.8
  Therapeutic use 2 1.6
  Unknown 4 3.3
 Intentional non-pharmaceutical 47 38.2
  Attempt at self-harm 1 0.8
  Misuse/abuse 26 21.1
  Use for therapeutic intent 1 0.8
  Drug concealment 1 0.8
  Unknown 18 14.6
 Unintentional pharmaceutical 13 10.6
 Unintentional non-pharmaceutical 27 21.9
 Malicious/criminal 1 0.8
 Interpretation of tox data 1 0.8
J. Reason for medical toxicology encounter by gender
Reason for encounter by gender Male % of males Female % of female
 Intentional pharmaceutical 20 29.8 14 25.0
  Attempt at self-harm 8 11.9 8 14.3
  Misuse/abuse 9 13.4 3 5.4
  Therapeutic use 1 1.5 1 1.8
  Unknown 2 2.9 2 3.6
 Intentional non-pharmaceutical 28 41.8 19 33.9
  Attempt at self-harm 0 0 1 1.8
  Misuse/Abuse 24 35.8 2 3.6
  Use for therapeutic intent 1 1.5 0 0
  Drug concealment 1 1.5 0 0
  Unknown 2 2.98 16 28.6
 Unintentional Pharmaceutical 8 11.9 5 8.9
 Unintentional non-pharmaceutical 10 14.9 17 30.3
 Malicious/criminal 1 1.5 0 0
 Interpretation of tox data 0 0 1 1.8

Diabetic Agents

Table 23 shows diabetic medications. There were 172 diabetic medications reported to the Registry. Metformin was the most commonly reported agent (33.1%). In 2017, glipizide (23.3%) was reported more frequently than insulin (22.1%), a change from prior years.


Table 24 presents the metal agent class. There were 115 agents reported in 2017, with the top agents and frequencies similar to past years. Lead was the most commonly reported (27.8%), followed by iron (22.6%). Cobalt (8.7%) and chromium (5.2%) entries have continued to decrease since they peaked in 2011, coincident with the discontinued use of certain metal-on-metal hip joint prostheses [28].

Herbal Products and Dietary Supplements

Table 25 shows the herbal products and dietary supplements agent class. Similar to past years, this category included a diverse group of products, many of which were infrequently reported with less than 5 cases. Caffeine was again the most common agent (25.6%), followed by melatonin (21.4%). Unspecified herbals/dietary supplements/vitamins were the next most common (9.4%).

Gases, Irritants, Vapors, and Dusts

Table 26 shows the gases, irritants, vapors, and dusts category. Carbon monoxide was the most commonly reported agent (53.2%), consistent with prior years [58]. Chlorine and natural gas were reported with equal frequency (4.3%). In 2017, a number of infrequently reported miscellaneous compounds made up a large portion of the agent class (35.1%).

Household Agents

Table 27 presents the household product agent class. Cleaning solutions and disinfectants were most commonly reported (25.0%), followed by sodium hypochlorite at a concentration less than or equal to 6% (19.1%). Laundry detergent pod exposures decreased slightly, making up 11.8% of the class in 2017 as compared to 13.3% in 2016.

Plants and Fungi

Table 28 summarizes the plants and fungi agent class. There were 65 agents entered with unspecified mold species being the predominant agent in the category (44.6%). Other or unknown mushroom species was the next most common entry (12.3%). Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) entries remained stable from 2016 (9.2%) [8]. Infrequent miscellaneous agents made up 26.2% of the class.

Supplemental Tables

Tables S1–S16 can be found in the Supplemental Materials. They present the less frequently reported agent classes, or those agent classes with little diversity, such as fewer than five agent types, or where one agent made up a vast majority of the class. They are briefly described below.

Cough and Cold Preparations

Table S1 presents the 112 cough and cold product agent entries. As in prior years, dextromethorphan made up the majority of the category (84.8%). Unspecified cough and cold products were the next most common (8.0%).


Table S2 details the caustics agent class. In 2017, cleaning agents and formaldehyde were the most frequently reported agents (10.1%). Miscellaneous caustics, each reported 4 or fewer times, made up more than one-third of the agent class (36.0%).


Table S3 presents the hydrocarbons agent class. Unspecified hydrocarbons were the most frequently reported (21.3%), similar to prior years. In 2017, lamp oil and petroleum distillates each made up 8% of the agent class, an increase from the past few years [68].


Table S4 presents the antimicrobial agent class. The class is subdivided into antibiotics, antivirals, and other antimicrobial agents. In 2017, the top antibiotic agents were again amoxicillin (10.0%) and dapsone (8.3%), with isoniazid (5.0%) and levofloxacin (5.0%) following. Among the other antimicrobials, quinine was the most commonly reported (10.0%). The antiviral subclass made up 16.7% of the agent class with amantadine (5.0%) being the most common agent.


Table S5 summarizes the 38 endocrine agents. Levothyroxine was the most commonly reported agent, making up 31.6% of the agent class. Prednisone was the next most commonly reported (15.8%).

Chemotherapeutic and Immunological Agents

Table S6 summarizes the 35 chemotherapeutic and immunological agents. Methotrexate was again the most commonly reported agent (22.9%). The majority of the class (54.3%) was made up of infrequently reported miscellaneous agents.

Other Non-pharmaceuticals

Table S7 presents the 38 other non-pharmaceutical agents. Perfluoro and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were the most commonly reported (18.2%). Miscellaneous agents made up 51.5% of the agent class.

Gastrointestinal Agents

Table S8 presents the 30 gastrointestinal agents. Omeprazole (30.0%) and ondansetron (10.0%) were the most commonly reported specific agents. Miscellaneous agents made up 60.0% of the class.


Table S9 shows the anesthetic agent class. There were 27 anesthetic agents reported with almost half of the class (48.1%) being made up of miscellaneous items. Lidocaine was the most commonly reported agent (29.6%).

Insecticides, Herbicides, Rodenticides, and Fungicides

Table S10 presents the insecticide, rodenticide, and herbicide agent classes. There were no fungicide agents reported in 2017. There were 27 insecticide agent entries. Unspecified pyrethroids were the most commonly reported agents, making up 22.2% of the class. Miscellaneous agents made up 33.3% of the class. Rodenticides and herbicides were infrequently reported.


Table S11 summarizes the 24 entries in the anticoagulant class. Warfarin was again the most commonly reported agent and made up the majority of the class (58.3%).

Other Pharmaceuticals

Table S12 presents the other pharmaceutical agent class. There were 18 entries in this category, with no agent contributing more than 3 cases. Hydrogen peroxide less than or equal to 10% and sumatriptan were the most commonly reported, each accounting for 16.7% of the class.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Table S13 summarizes the potential weapons of mass destruction/riot agents/ radiological agents class. There were 7 entries with 42.9% being botulinum toxin.

Anti-Parkinsonism Agents

Table S14 presents the 6 entries for the anti-parkinsonism agent class. Levodopa/carbidopa and pramipexole were reported in equal numbers each making up 33.3% of the agent class.

Foreign Bodies

Table S15 presents the ingested foreign bodies agent class. These were infrequently reported with 5 entries, 2 of which were batteries (40.0%).

Pulmonary Agents

Table S16 reports the 4 pulmonary agent entries. Albuterol made up 50.0% of the category.

Clinical Signs and Symptoms

The various clinical signs and symptoms categories report information on a diverse range of abnormal clinical findings. In order to be reported as being present, it must meet pre-defined criteria. For example, tachycardia is defined as a heart rate greater than 140 beats per minute. Additionally, each case may report more than one abnormality within a group or across groups. For example, a single case entry may have more than one vital sign abnormality, or may have both a vital sign abnormality and a neurological abnormality. The percentages for these categories are calculated relative to the total number of Registry cases. It is possible for the total to be more than 100%.


Table 29 summarizes the 2779 toxidrome entries in the Registry in 2017. The frequency of reported toxidromes remained consistent with prior years with the sedative-hypnotic toxidrome being by far the most commonly reported (15.7%). The anticholinergic toxidrome was the next most common (7.3%), followed by sympathomimetic (5.1%), opioid (3.7%), and serotonin syndrome (2.9%).

Table 29.


N (%)a
Sedative-hypnotic 1192 (15.7)
Anticholinergic 550 (7.3)
Sympathomimetic 387 (5.1)
Opioid 280 (3.7)
Serotonin syndrome 217 (2.9)
Alcoholic ketoacidosis 58 (0.8)
Sympatholytic 37 (0.5)
NMS 17 (0.2)
Washout syndrome 16 (0.2)
Overlap syndromes (MCS, chronic fatigue, etc.) 13 (0.2)
Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity 5 (0.1)
Miscellaneousb 7 (0.1)
Total 2779 (36.7)

NMS neuroleptic malignant syndrome

aPercentage equals number cases reporting specific toxidrome relative to total number of Registry cases in 2017 (N = 7577)

bIncludes cholinergic, fume fever

Major Vital Sign Abnormalities

Table 30 summarizes the 2001 recorded major vital sign abnormalities. This represents 26.4% of the Registry, though cases may be associated with more than one major vital sign abnormality. The vital sign abnormalities remained similar in number to prior years. Tachycardia was the most commonly reported (11.8%). Hypotension was the next most common (6.2%).

Table 30.

Major vital sign abnormalities

N (%)a
Tachycardia (HR > 140) 896 (11.8)
Hypotension (systolic BP < 80 mmHg) 471 (6.2)
Bradycardia (HR < 50) 264 (3.5)
Bradypnea (RR < 10) 205 (2.7)
Hypertension (systolic BP > 200 mmHg and/or diastolic BP > 120 mmHg) 123 (1.6)
Hyperthermia (temp > 105 °F) 42 (0.6)
Total 2001 (26.4)b

HR heart rate, BP blood pressure, RR respiratory rate

aPercentage equals the number of cases relative to the total number of Registry cases in 2017 (N = 7577)

bTotal reflects cases reporting at least one major vital sign abnormality. Cases may be associated with more than one major vital sign abnormality

Clinical Signs and Symptoms—Neurological

Table 31 presents the 6138 entries recording neurological signs and symptoms (81.0%). Coma/central nervous system depression remained the most commonly reported sign (33.3%). Agitation (16.5%) and delirium (11.1%) were the next most common.

Table 31.

Clinical signs and symptoms—neurological

N (%)a
Coma/CNS depression 2524 (33.3)
Agitation 1251 (16.5)
Delirium 843 (11.1)
Hyperreflexia/myoclonus/tremor 480 (6.3)
Seizures 427 (5.6)
Hallucinations 312 (4.1)
Dystonia/rigidity/extrapyramidal symptoms 106 (1.4)
Numbness/paresthesia 93 (1.2)
Weakness/paralysis 76 (1.0)
Peripheral neuropathy 26 (0.3)
Total 6138 (81.0)a,b

CNS central nervous system

aPercentage equals number cases relative to total number of Registry cases in 2017 (N = 7577)

bTotal reflects cases reporting at least one neurological symptom. Cases may be associated with more than one neurological symptom

Clinical Signs—Cardiovascular and Pulmonary

Table 32 presents the cardiovascular and pulmonary clinical signs. The most frequently reported cardiovascular sign was prolonged QTc (6.1%) followed by prolonged QRS (1.8%) and myocardial injury or infarction (1.5%). Among pulmonary signs, respiratory depression was the most commonly reported (10.4%) and made up the majority of this category.

Table 32.

Clinical signs—cardiovascular and pulmonary

N (%)a
 Prolonged QTc (≥ 500 ms) 460 (6.1)
 Prolonged QRS (≥ 120 ms) 138 (1.8)
 Myocardial injury or infarction 115 (1.5)
 Ventricular dysrhythmia 71 (0.9)
 AV Block (> 1st degree) 29 (0.4)
 Total 813 (10.7)b
 Respiratory depression 785 (10.4)
 Aspiration pneumonitis 197 (2.6)
 Acute lung injury/ARDS 110 (1.5)
 Asthma/reactive airway disease 49 (0.6)
 Total 1141 (15.1)b

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome

aPercentage equals number cases reporting signs of symptoms relative to total number of Registry cases in 2017 (N = 7577)

bTotal reflects cases reporting at least one cardiovascular or pulmonary symptom. Cases may be associated with more than one symptom

Clinical Signs—Other Organ Systems

Table 33 presents the other organ system clinical signs. Among these additional categories, metabolic abnormalities were most frequently reported (12.4%). Cases reporting an elevated anion gap (5.2%) and a metabolic acidosis (4.7%) made up the majority of this category. The renal/musculoskeletal category was the next most common and cases were fairly evenly distributed between rhabdomyolysis (5.1%) and acute kidney injury (4.1%). Hematological signs made up 6.7% of the other organ systems. Coagulopathy (2.5%) and leukocytosis (1.8%) were the most commonly reported hematological signs. Among the gastrointestinal/hepatic signs, hepatotoxicity (3.2%) was the most common, followed by gastrointestinal bleeding (0.7%) and pancreatitis (0.6%). Dermatological signs were the least commonly reported category (4.5%). Rash (2.1%) and blister/bullae (1.1%) were the most common dermatological signs reported.

Table 33.

Clinical signs—other organ systems

N (%)a
 Elevated anion gap (> 20) 394 (5.2)
 Metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.2) 357 (4.7)
 Hypoglycemia (glucose < 50 mg/dL) 131 (1.7)
 Elevated osmole gap (> 20) 60 (0.8)
 Total 942 (12.4)b
 Rhabdomyolysis (CPK > 1000 IU/L) 383 (5.1)
 Acute kidney injury (creatinine > 2.0 mg/dL) 309 (4.1)
 Total 692 (9.1)b
 Coagulopathy (PT > 15 s) 188 (2.5)
 Leukocytosis (WBC > 20 K/μL) 139 (1.8)
 Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 100 K/μL) 83 (1.1)
 Hemolysis (Hgb < 10 g/dL) 62 (0.8)
 Methemoglobinemia (MetHgb ≥ 2%) 21 (0.3)
 Pancytopenia 16 (0.2)
 Total 509 (6.7)b
 Hepatotoxicity (AST ≥ 1000 IU/L) 243 (3.2)
 Gastrointestinal bleeding 54 (0.7)
 Pancreatitis 46 (0.6)
 Corrosive injury 34 (0.4)
 Intestinal ischemia 3 (0.03)
 Total 380 (5.0)b
 Rash 162 (2.1)
 Blister/bullae 81 (1.1)
 Angioedema 54 (0.7)
 Necrosis 45 (0.6)
 Total 342 (4.5)b

AST aspartate aminotransferase, PT prothrombin time, WBC white blood cells, Hgb hemoglobin, CPK creatine phosphokinase

aPercentage equals the number of cases reporting specific clinical signs compared to the total number of Registry cases in 2017 (N = 7577)

bTotal reflects cases reporting at least one sign in the category. Cases may be associated with more than one symptom


Tables 34 and 35 summarize cases which reported fatalities. Table 34 includes cases involving single agent exposures, and Table 35 presents those fatalities involving multiple agents. Table S17 in the Supplementary materials presents those fatalities in which it is unknown whether there was a related toxicological exposure.

Table 34.

2017 fatalities reported in ToxIC Registry with known toxicological exposure: single agent

Age/gendera Agents involved Clinical findings Life support withdrawn Brain death confirmed Treatmentb
51F Acetaminophen ALI, AGT, CNS, DLM, RFX, MA, AG, HPT, HYS, GIB, PLT, AKI Yes Unknown NAC, vasopressors, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids
14F Acetaminophen None listed No No NAC
34F Acetaminophen HTN, TC, RD, CNS, MA, HPT, CPT, AKI No No NAC, vitamin K, vasopressors, continuous renal replacement, intubation
35M Acetaminophen HT, TC, CNS, MA, HPT, CPT No No NAC, vitamin K, continuous renal replacement, intubation
53F Acetaminophen CNS, MA, HPT, CPT, AKI Yes No NAC, vasopressors, corticosteroids, continuous renal replacement, intubation
37M Acetaminophen HT, TC, AP, CNS, DLM, MA, AG, HPT, GIB, CPT, WBC, AKI Yes Unknown NAC, hemodialysis, intubation, IV fluids
38M Acetaminophen HPT, OTH2 Yes No NAC, thiamine, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, opioids, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion
14F Acetaminophen HPT No No NAC
55F Amitriptyline HT, QRS, QTC, RD, CNS, SZ, AKI No No NaHCO3, benzodiazepines, intubation, IV fluids
52F Amlodipine HT, BC, RD, CNS, MA No No Calcium, glucagon, insulin-euglycemic therapy, methylene blue, vasopressors, neuromuscular blockers, opioids, continuous renal replacement, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
60M Amphetamine MI, ALI, AGT, DLM, RFX, MA, AG, HPT, PLT, AKI, RBM Yes No Fomepizole, NAC, vasopressors, bronchodilators, antiarrhythmics, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, opioids, continuous renal replacement, CPR, aortic balloon pump
18M Bupropion HT, VD, QRS, QTC, MI, RD, CNS, MA Yes Yes Lipid resuscitation, NaHCO3, vasopressors, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
71M Carbon monoxide ALI, CNS, AG No No Hydroxocobalamin
48F Carbon monoxide HT, QTC, MI, RD, CNS, MA No No Vasopressors, CPR, intubation
33F Clonazepam CNS No No None listed
47M Cocaine HT, HYT, VD, CNS, MA, GIB, AKI Unknown Unknown Vasopressors, activated charcoal, hemodialysis, continuous renal replacement, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
43F Cocaine CNS, MA, AG, HPT, AKI, RBM No No Calcium, lipid resuscitation, naloxone, NaHCO3, intubation, IV fluids
51M Cocaine MI, RD, AGT, DLM, SZ, WBC, RBM Yes No Vasopressors, antihypertensives, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
65F Colchicine HT, BC, MI, CNS, MA, PCT, AKI, OTH2 No No None listed
23M Digitoxin HT, BC, VD, QRS, MA, AG, AKI Yes No Digoxin Fab
18F Diphenhydramine AGT No No Physostigmine, benzodiazepines, IV fluids
19M Diphenhydramine AGT, DLM No No Benzodiazepines, IV fluids
47F Doxepin HT, TC, BP, HYT, VD, QRS, MI, RD, CNS, MA, HYS, CPT, WBC, AKI, RBM Yes Unknown NaHCO3, vasopressors, intubation, IV fluids
49M Ethanol RD, CNS, HGY, MA, AG, OG, PNC, GIB, HYS, CPT, PLT, PCT, WBC Yes No Fomepizole, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, glucose, opioids, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion
32M Ethanol CNS No No Folate, thiamine, IV fluids
30M Ethanol RD, CNS Unknown Unknown Intubation, IV fluids
31F Ethanol CNS Unknown Unknown None listed
60M Ethanol HT, AP, CNS, HCN, MA, AG, PNC, CPT Yes Unknown Vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, opioids, intubation, IV fluids
48F Heroin HT, VD, CNS, MA, HPT, AKI Yes No NAC, vasopressors, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
25M Heroin HT, AP, RD, CNS Yes Yes Naloxone, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, intubation
32M Heroin HT, RD, CNS Unknown Unknown Naloxone, vasopressors, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
35M Heroin None listed No No Opioids
66M Metaxalone HT, CNS, DLM, RFX, AKI Yes Yes Benzodiazepines, intubation, IV fluids
50M Metformin HT, RD, CNS, MA, AKI Yes Yes Vasopressors, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids
67M Metformin HT, QTC, ALI, RD, CNS, MA, AG, GIB, CPT, WBC, AKI Yes Unknown Calcium, methylene blue, NaHCO3, thiamine, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, opioids, corticosteroids, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids
> 89F Metformin HT, QTC, CNS, MA, AG, AKI Unknown Unknown IV fluids
57M Methamphetamine HT, TC, MI, RD, CNS, MA, AG Yes No None listed
35M Methamphetamine HT, TC, QRS, MI, SZ, MA, HPT, CPT, AKI, RBM Yes No Vasopressors, benzodiazepines, intubation, IV fluids
55M Methanol SZ, MA, AG, OG Yes Unknown Fomepizole, antiarrhythmics, benzodiazepines, hemodialysis, intubation, IV fluids
84F Methylene chloride None listed No No None listed
29M Methylfentanyl HT, TC, HYT, MI, RD, CNS, MA, HPT, CPT, AKI, RBM Yes No Naloxone, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, opioids, intubation, IV fluids
16M Opioid unspecified HTN, HT, TC, ALI, CNS, MA, HPT Yes No Atropine, naloxone, NaHCO3, vasopressors, antihypertensives, benzodiazepines, opioids, CPR, intubation
54M Quetiapine QTC, RD, CNS No No IV fluids
71M Rasburicase HT, ALI, CNS, MA, MET, HYS, AKI No No Methylene blue, vasopressors, glucose, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion
65F Sodium hydroxide RD, CNS, CRV, INT, OTH2 Yes Yes Vasopressors, opioids, intubation, IV fluids
58F Verapamil HT, BC, AVB, AP, RD, CNS, MA, PNC, AKI No No None listed
17M Vitamin A HT, TC, VD, RD, CNS, MA, HYS, PLT, WBC Yes Unknown Calcium, insulin-euglycemic therapy, lipid resuscitation, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, CPR, ECMO, intubation

Fatalities reported with known toxicological exposure: based on response from medical toxicologist “Did the patient have a toxicological exposure?” equals yes with known agent(s)

wk weeks, m months, AG anion gap, AGT agitation, AKI Acute kidney injury, ALI acute lung injury/ARDS, AP aspiration pneumonia, AVB AV block, BC bradycardia, BP bradypnea, CNS coma/CNS depression, CPT coagulopathy, CRV corrosive injury, DLM delirium, EPS dystonia/rigidity, GIB GI bleeding, HCN hallucinations, HGY hypoglycemia, HPT hepatoxicity, HT hypotension, HTN hypertension, HYS hemolysis, HYT hyperthermia, INT intestinal ischemia, MA metabolic acidosis, MET methemoglobinemia, MI myocardial injury/ischemia, NP neuropathy, OG osmole gap, OTH1 rash, OTH2 skin blisters, necrosis, PCT pancytopenia, PLT thrombocytopenia, PNC pancreatitis, PST paresthesia, QRS QRS prolongation, QTc QTc prolongation, RAD asthma/reactive airway disease, RBM rhabdomyolysis, RD respiratory depression, RFX hyperreflexia/tremor, SZ seizures, TC tachycardia, VD ventricular dysrhythmia, WBC leukocytosis, WKN weakness/paralysis, BAL dimercaprol, CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, NAC n-acetyl cysteine, NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate

aAge in years unless otherwise stated

bPharmacological and non-pharmacological support as reported by medical toxicologist

Table 35.

2017 fatalities reported in ToxIC Registry with known toxicological exposure: multiple agents

Age/gendera Agents involved Clinical findings Life support withdrawn Brain death confirmed Treatmentb
52F Acetaminophen, hydrocodone None listed No No None listed
86F Acetaminophen, ibuprofen TC Yes Unknown NAC,
60F Alprazolam, clonazepam, quetiapine RD, CNS No No Intubation, IV fluids
43F Alprazolam, gabapentin QRS, QTC, MI, RD, MA, AG Yes Yes NaHCO3, vasopressors, continuous renal replacement, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
35F Amitriptyline, buprenorphine, pregabalin, lorazepam HT, TC, QRS, RD, CNS, MA, AG No No Calcium, dantrolene, lipid resuscitation, naloxone, NaHCO3, vasopressors, opioids, intubation, IV fluids
33M Amitriptyline, clonazepam TC, QRS, QTC, ALI, AP, RD, CNS, AG, CPT, RBM No No NaHCO3, intubation, IV fluids
29F Amlodipine, nifedipine, metoprolol HT, BC, VD, RD, CNS, SZ, HGY, MA, AG, HPT, HYS No No Calcium, glucagon, insulin-euglycemic therapy, NaHCO3, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, glucose, opioids, hemodialysis, CPR, intubation
75M Atenolol, diltiazem, amiodarone HT, BC, VD, QRS, RD, EPS Yes Yes Calcium, glucagon, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids
52F Chlorzoxazone, amitriptyline, tramadol CNS, HPT Unknown Unknown NAC
26F Clonazepam, doxepin, fluoxetine, quetiapine, trazodone, bupropion HT, BC, VD, RD, CNS, MA No No Naloxone, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, CPR, cardioversion, intubation, IV fluids, therapeutic hypothermia
11m M Cocaine, methamphetamine HT, TC, RAD, AGT No No Benzodiazepines
12F Diazepam, gabapentin HT, TC, BP, HYT, RD, CNS, MA, AG No No Naloxone, neuromuscular blockers, intubation, IV fluids
39F Digoxin, diltiazem, cardiovascular agent unspecified, warfarin HT, VD, ALI, RD, CNS, MA, CPT, AKI Yes Unknown Calcium, digoxin Fab, glucagon, insulin-euglycemic therapy, lipid resuscitation, NaHCO3, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, glucose, CPR, cardioversion, intubation, IV fluids, pacemaker
41F Ethanol, lorazepam CNS Unknown Unknown Antipsychotics, benzodiazepines,
30F Fentanyl, quinine, buclizine, methyl norfentanyl BP, MI, AP, CNS, MA, AKI, RBM Yes No Naloxone, opioids, intubation, IV fluids
34M Heroin, cocaine, levamisole HT, BC, AP, RD, WBC Yes Yes CPR, IVF, therapeutic hypothermia
26F Heroin, cocaine AVB, CNS, AG, HPT, RBM Yes Yes NaHCO3, vasopressors, opioids, intubation
25M Heroin, ethanol, alprazolam, cocaine HT, MI, RD, CNS, MA, AG, HPT, PNC, AKI Yes Yes Vasopressors, CPR, ECMO, intubation, IV fluids, therapeutic hypothermia
20F Ibuprofen, citalopram, trazodone, penicillin, ethanol CNS No No NAC, IVF
56M Imipramine, cyclobenzaprine, hydrocodone QTC, RD, CNS No No Benzodiazepines, intubation, IV fluids
52M Methamphetamine, amphetamine HT, MI, AP, RD, AGT, CNS, MA, HPT, WBC, AKI, RBM Yes Unknown None listed
31M MDMA, hydromorphone, methadone, marijuana None listed Yes No None listed
57M Nortriptyline, gabapentin QRS, MI, RD, CNS No No NaHCO3, intubation, IV fluids
52M Olanzapine, hydrochlorothiazide TC, DLM No No Benzodiazepines, IV fluids
14F Propofol, ketamine HT, BC, MI, RD, SZ, MA, AG Yes Unknown Vasopressors, hemodialysis, ECMO, intubation
63M Propranolol, citalopram HT, BC, AVB, RD, CNS No No Glucagon, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, CPR, intubation, IV fluids
33F Propranolol, escitalopram, lamotrigine HT, TC, BC, HYT, VD, QRS, QTC, AVB, MI, RD, AGT, CNS, DLM, EPS, RFX, SZ, HGY, MA, AG, PLT, RBM Yes No Anticoagulation reversal, calcium, facto replacement, glucagon, insulin-euglycemic therapy, NaHCO3, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, benzodiazepines, glucose, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion
13F Quetiapine, acetaminophen HT, ALI, CNS, MA, AG, AKI Yes Yes NAC, hemodialysis, ECMO, intubation, IV fluids
47F Trazodone, ethanol, heroin QTC, RFX, GIB Yes Unknown CPR, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion
39F U47700 (designer opioid), venlafaxine, gabapentin, doxepin BP, ALI, AP, RD, CNS, MA Yes Yes IV fluids

Fatalities reported with known toxicological exposure: based on response from medical toxicologist “Did the patient have a toxicological exposure?” equals yes with known agent(s)

wk weeks, m months, AG anion gap, AGT agitation, AKI Acute kidney injury, ALI acute lung injury/ARDS, AP aspiration pneumonia, AVB AV block, BC bradycardia, BP bradypnea, CNS coma/CNS depression, CPT coagulopathy, CRV corrosive injury, DLM delirium, EPS dystonia/rigidity, GIB GI bleeding, HCN hallucinations, HGY hypoglycemia, HPT hepatoxicity, HT hypotension, HTN hypertension, HYS hemolysis, HYT hyperthermia, INT intestinal ischemia, MA metabolic acidosis, MET methemoglobinemia, MI myocardial injury/ischemia, NP neuropathy, OG osmole gap, OTH1 rash, OTH2 skin blisters, necrosis, PCT pancytopenia, PLT thrombocytopenia, PNC pancreatitis, PST paresthesia, QRS QRS prolongation, QTc QTc prolongation, RAD asthma/reactive airway disease, RBM rhabdomyolysis, RD respiratory depression, RFX hyperreflexia/tremor, SZ seizures, TC tachycardia, VD ventricular dysrhythmia, WBC leukocytosis, WKN weakness/paralysis, BAL dimercaprol, CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, NAC n-acetyl cysteine, NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate

aAge in years unless otherwise stated

bPharmacological and non-pharmacological support as reported by medical toxicologist

There were a total of 93 fatalities in 2017, involving 1.2% of Registry cases. Forty-seven cases involved single agent exposures, 21 involved multiple agents, and 25 cases were unknown. The number of fatality cases decreased from 2016, though was similar to the years prior to that [68].

Seventeen fatality cases involved at least one opioid agent. Eight cases involved heroin. Two additional cases involved fentanyl or a fentanyl derivative, and 1 case involved U47700. There were 6 opioid fatalities in which only the single opioid agent was involved, the remainder were polypharmacy exposures, and some involved multiple opioids. Sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants, including gabapentinoids, were involved in 14 fatality cases. There were five cases that involved both a sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxant and an opioid.

In 2017, there were 10 pediatric (age 0–18 years) deaths related to toxicologic exposures. The age range for these was 11 months to 18 years. Six of these were single agent exposures and 4 involved multiple agents. Two deaths were single agent exposures to acetaminophen, both in 14 year olds. One death involved an 18 year-old with a bupropion exposure that resulted in hypotension, ventricular dysrhythmia, QRS prolongation, QTc prolongation, myocardial injury, respiratory depression, metabolic acidosis, and central nervous system depression. He was treated with sodium bicarbonate, lipid resuscitation, vasopressors, intubation, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. There was a death in an 11 month old related to cocaine and methamphetamine who had clinical signs of hypotension, tachycardia, agitation, and reactive airway disease and was treated with benzodiazepines. A 16 year old died related to an unspecified opioid after life support was withdrawn.

There were 38 fatality cases in which life support was withdrawn (0.5% of Registry cases). An additional, 7 cases were unknown whether life support was withdrawn. Brain death was declared in 12 cases, though there were 19 cases in which it was unknown if brain death was declared.

Adverse Drug Reactions

Table 36 presents the drugs most frequently associated with adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Lithium was again the most commonly reported agent in 2017 (4.1%), as it has been in past years. The next most commonly reported agents—valproic acid (3.8%), haloperidol (2.9%), and bupropion (2.7%)—have also been reported in past years. Digoxin was less frequently reported in 2017 and was not one of the top 10 agents as it has been in prior years [58]. The sedatives clonazepam (2.4%) and baclofen (2.1%) were among the most commonly reported agents associated with ADRs in 2017. This was a change from prior years, though in 2015, lorazepam was the second most commonly reported ADR [7].

Table 36.

Most common drugs associated with ADRs

N (%)a
Lithium 14 (4.1)
Valproic acid 13 (3.8)
Haloperidol 10 (2.9)
Bupropion 9 (2.7)
Phenytoin 9 (2.7)
Clonazepam 8 (2.4)
Diphenhydramine 8 (2.4)
Baclofen 7 (2.1)

ADRs adverse drug reactions

aPercentages are calculated out of the total number of cases reporting an ADR (N = 339)


Antidotal Therapy Administered

Table 37 summarizes antidotal therapies reported to the Registry. Similar to prior years, N-acetylcysteine was the most commonly reported antidote (28.3%), followed by naloxone/nalmefene (21.9%) and sodium bicarbonate (11.8%).

Table 37.

Antidotal therapy

N (%)a
N-acetylcysteine 820 (28.3)
Naloxone/nalmefene 633 (21.9)
Sodium bicarbonate 343 (11.8)
Thiamine 267 (9.2)
Folate 157 (5.4)
Fomepizole 102 (3.5)
Calcium 74 (2.6)
Physostigmine 66 (2.3)
Glucagon 63 (2.2)
Octreotide 57 (2.0)
Cyproheptadine 36 (1.2)
L-carnitine 34 (1.2)
Vitamin K 34 (1.2)
Atropine 33 (1.1)
Insulin-euglycemic therapy 32 (1.1)
Flumazenil 31 (1.1)
Lipid resuscitation 27 (0.9)
Pyridoxine 24 (0.8)
Fab for digoxin 16 (0.6)
Methylene blue 11 (0.4)
Dantrolene 8 (0.3)
Hydroxocobalamin 8 (0.3)
Bromocriptine 6 (0.2)
2-PAM 4 (0.2)
Coagulation factor replacement 3 (0.1)
Silimarin 2 (0.1)
Anticoagulation reversal 2 (0.1)
Botulinum antitoxin 1 (< 0.1)
Nitrites 1 (< 0.1)
Total 2895 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of antidotes administered (2895); 2319 registry cases (30.6%) received at least one antidote. Cases may have involved the use of multiple antidotes

Antivenom Therapy Administered

Table 38 summarizes the antivenom therapies reported in 2017. Similar to prior years, Crotalidae polyvalent immune fab (ovine) was the most commonly reported antivenom (92.0%). Other snake venoms were the next most common and made up 3.7% of the category.

Table 38.

Antivenom therapy

N (%)a
Crotalidae polyvalent immune fab (ovine) 173 (92.0)
Other snake antivenom 7 (3.7)
Scorpion antivenom 3 (1.6)
Spider antivenom 2 (1.1)
Not recorded 3 (1.6)
Total 188 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of antivenom treatments administered (N = 188)

Pharmaceutical Supportive Care

Table 39 presents the pharmacological supportive care interventions that were reported in 2017. There were 3574 pharmacological interventions recorded. As in past years, benzodiazepines made up approximately half of the reported pharmacologic interventions (49.1%). Opioids (14.3%) and vasopressors (8.4%) were the next most commonly reported. There were 2501 cases (33.0%) that involved at least one form of pharmacological supportive care.

Table 39.

Supportive care—pharmacological

N (%)a
Benzodiazepines 1756 (49.1)
Opioids 511 (14.3)
Vasopressors 302 (8.4)
Antipsychotics 250 (7.0)
Neuromuscular blockers 197 (5.5)
Anticonvulsants 146 (4.1)
Glucose (concentration > 5%) 137 (3.8)
Antihypertensives 83 (2.3)
Albuterol (or other bronchodilator) 62 (1.7)
Corticosteroids 56 (1.6)
Antiarrhythmics 41 (1.1)
Beta blockers 24 (0.7)
Vasodilators 9 (0.3)
Total 3574 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of treatments administered (3574); 2501 registry cases (33.0%) received at least one form of pharmacological treatment. Cases may have involved the use of multiple forms of treatment

Non-pharmaceutical Supportive Care

Table 40 presents the non-pharmacological supportive care interventions. The majority of this category was made up of intravenous fluid resuscitation (72.3%). Intubation/ventilatory management was the next most common intervention (22.9%). Additional interventions were less common with none making up more than 2% of the category. Overall, 3141 Registry cases (41.5%) reported at least one non-pharmacological intervention.

Table 40.

Supportive care—non-pharmacological

N (%)a
IV fluid resuscitation 2912 (72.3)
Intubation/ventilatory management 919 (22.9)
CPR 74 (1.8)
Transfusion 36 (0.9)
Therapeutic hypothermia 18 (0.4)
Hyperbaric oxygen 15 (0.4)
ECMO 14 (0.3)
Cardioversion 11 (0.3)
Pacemaker 9 (0.2)
Organ transplantation 3 (0.1)
Aortic balloon pump 1 (0.02)
Total 4012 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of treatments administered (4012); 3141 registry cases (41.5%) received at least one form of non-pharmacological treatment. Cases may have involved the use of multiple forms of treatment. CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Chelation Therapy Administered

Table 41 summarizes chelation therapy reported to the Registry in 2017. There were 31 total chelator agents reported in 2017. Twenty-five cases involved the delivery of a single chelating agent, while 5 cases involved two or more agents. The most commonly administered chelator was dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) (38.7%). Deferoxamine was the next most common (25.8%).

Table 41.

Chelation therapy

N (%)a
DMSA 12 (38.7)
Deferoxamine 8 (25.8)
Dimercaprol 6 (19.4)
EDTA 5 (16.1)
Total 31 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of chelation treatments administered (31); 25 registry cases (0.3%) received at least one form of chelation treatment. DMSA dimercaptosuccinic acid, EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid

Decontamination Interventions Administered

Table 42 presents decontamination interventions. Activated charcoal remained by a large margin the most commonly reported decontamination measure (79.6%). External irrigation (8.1%) and whole bowel irrigation (7.7%) were the next most commonly reported. Gastric lavage was an uncommon intervention (4.6%). Overall, there were 264 cases that reported at least one kind of intervention (3.5%). Some cases reported more than one decontamination method.

Table 42.


N (%)a
Activated charcoal 226 (79.6)
External irrigation 23 (8.1)
Whole bowel irrigation 22 (7.7)
Gastric lavage 13 (4.6)
Total 284 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of treatments administered (334); 264 registry cases (3.5%) received at least one form of decontamination

Enhanced Elimination Interventions Administered

Table 43 describes enhanced elimination techniques reported to the Registry. Urinary alkalinization was the most commonly reported intervention (26.4%). Hemodialysis for toxin removal was the next most common (24.8%) and hemodialysis for any other indication made up an additional 18.6% of the treatments in this group. Continuous renal replacement therapy made up 24.8% of the enhanced elimination techniques. There were 226 cases (3.0% of the Registry) reporting at least one enhanced elimination method. Some cases reported more than one.

Table 43.

Enhanced elimination

N (%)a
Urinary alkalinization 64 (26.4)
Hemodialysis (toxin removal) 60 (24.8)
Continuous renal replacement therapy 60 (24.8)
Hemodialysis (other indication) 45 (18.6)
Multiple-dose activation charcoal 11 (4.5)
Exchange transfusion 2 (0.8)
Total 242 (100)

aPercentages are out of the total number of treatments administered (242); 226 registry cases (3.0%) received at least one form of enhanced elimination

Table 44 presents more detailed information about cases in which extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO was delivered from 2013 through 2017. During the 5-year period of data collection, there were 62 cases reporting the use of ECMO. The mean age of patients was 22 years. Most cases involved intentional ingestions.

Table 44.

Cases involving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO): a detailed look from 2013 to 2017

Year ECMO cases %a Age range (mean)b Deaths Toxicological etiology? Type of exposure Primary agent category
Yes No U IN UN U Other Analgesic Opioid CV Psych Symp Antichol Sed Otherc U
2013 11 0.12% 2–48 (20.1) 2 8 2 1 5 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 7 1
2014 7 0.08% 2–29 (17.4) 0 4 1 2 4 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 5 4 2
2015 19 0.23% 1–43 (20.1) 6 16 3 0 14 1 1 3 5 2 4 4 3 1 1 6 1
2016 11 0.13% 15–47 (26.6) 3 8 0 3 10 0 1 0 2 3 2 3 2 2 2
2017 14 0.18% 13–51 (24.4) 4 14 0 0 10 2 0 2 3 5 5 3 1 4 6 1
Totals 60 1–51 (22) 15 50 6 6 43 7 3 9 10 11 14 15 5 5 11 25 7

U unknown, IN intentional UN unintentional, CV cardiovascular agents, Psych antidepressant agents and antipsychotic agents, Symp sympathomimetics, Antichol anticholinergics, Sed sedative-hypnotics/muscle relaxants

aPercentages are out of the total number of ToxIC registry cases for that year (N = 7577 for 2017; N = 8529 for 2016; N = 8115 for 2015; N = 9094 for 2014; N = 8284 for 2013)

b2 cases had unknown/unlisted age; these were not included in the means

cOther category included 4 ethanol, 4 gases/irritants/vapors/dusts, 4 diabetic agents, 3 anticonvulsants, 2 psychoactives, 1 chemotherapeutic/immunological agent, 2 antimicrobial, 1 herbicide, 1 insecticide, 1 herbal products/dietary supplements, 1 gastrointestinal agent, and 1 endocrine agent


The data collection in this eighth year of the ToxIC case registry has been characterized by continued strong data collection and a number of important observations related to new trends and findings. Although the slight reduction in the number of cases entered is multifactorial, probably a major reason is our continued quality assurance efforts and dropping poorly performing sites from the Consortium.

The Registry serves as a large source of information on poisoning cases as evaluated by bedside medical toxicologists. Although the Toxic Registry is not technically population based, it does have multiple sites broadly around the USA. As such, it may be used in conjunction with other types of registries such as poison centers and health agencies to produce a more detailed understanding of poisoning trends, novel exposures, and their public health implications.

Information on novel exposure surveillance is not included with this annual report, but is being analyzed with results to be reported separately.

Overall, this annual report finds that the most common agent classes, agents, demographics, types of encounters, toxidromes, and treatments remain similar year-to-year. Some notable trends in the Registry as well as trends in a larger national context are discussed.

Use of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

The ToxIC case registry has been gathering data on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) since 2013. Analysis of these cases is presented in Table 44. Over 5 years, a total of 62 patients were recorded as receiving ECMO, accounting for a very small percentage of patients in the overall registry. The number of cases per year was relatively consistent, other than in 2015 where there were more cases than typically seen. ECMO patients were relatively younger compared to the total registry sample, with an overall mean age of 22 years. Most of the cases were likely to be related to a toxicologic exposure, with intentional exposures predominating. The most frequently encountered agent classes were analgesics, opioids, cardiovascular agents, psychiatric medications, or a diabetic medication, specifically metformin. Though ECMO is generally considered only in the most critically ill patients, the majority of the patients (76%) survived. This may be related to the superior prognosis of critically ill poisoned patients as compared to patients who are ill from other medical causes. Alternatively, there may be an inconsistent reporting of deaths in the Registry which could have increased this figure. Since a patient might die at some time after a toxicology consult and the Registry case entry, the consultant would need to actively go back and update the case after a death occurs.

Exposures in Pediatric Patients

As with the Registry overall, analgesics and antidepressants were the most commonly reported agent classes in pediatric patients (Table 8). The anticholinergic/antihistamine class was the next most common in pediatrics, though it was sixth overall in the Registry. The majority of pediatric patients with anticholinergic/antihistamine exposures were in the 13–18 year old age group. Opioids were ranked sixth in agent class frequency for pediatrics with the majority of exposures involving 13–18 year olds, though they were also the most common agent class in those under age 2.

The most commonly reported pediatric agent classes in ToxIC are notable in that they are dissimilar to those reported by the National Poison Data System (NPDS) [9]. The NPDS describes the most common agent class exposures reported in children less than or equal to 5 years old. When the same subset of patients in the ToxIC database is compared, there are differences in the frequency of agent classes reported. Whereas the NPDS reported the most common pediatric exposures as involving cosmetic and household cleaning products, these were infrequently reported in the ToxIC database. Household products were ranked 15th in frequency in ToxIC, making up just 2.5% of pediatric exposures. The other non-pharmaceutical class made up only 0.3% of pediatric exposures. The leading agent class in children ≤ 5 years old in the ToxIC database was cardiovascular agents (15.6%), though this agent class made up only 2.1% of the exposures in the NPDS [9]. Opioids (8.4%) and sympathomimetics (7.7%) were the next most frequently reported agents classes in the ToxIC database. The NPDS reported foreign bodies/toys/miscellaneous as the fourth most common agent class (6.5%), compared to being one of the least commonly reported agent classes in ToxIC (0.3%).

Of note, the most recent NPDS data available are from 2016, though the agent classes reported are consistent with prior NPDS reports and would not be expected to significantly change in 2017 [10, 11]. Additionally, there are some differences in the categorization of agents into agent classes between the NPDS and ToxIC, though the general trends are still clear. These differences in agent class reporting between the NPDS and ToxIC support the idea that the ToxIC database represents a unique population of patients, with an inclination towards more severe exposures. This is likely due to that fact that the cases entered are ones in which a patient presented for care and were evaluated by a medical toxicologist. Additionally, the differences between agent class frequencies in the two databases may speak to the important role of poison control centers in reducing the overuse of healthcare settings for non-life threatening exposures that can be safely managed at home.

Pediatric Exposures to Drugs of Abuse

A total of 832 patients from the 2017 ToxIC registry were exposed to drugs of abuse with 123 patients of those being between the ages of 0–18 (14.8%). Pediatric patients exposed to drugs of abuse made up 1.6% of the total Registry. Cases were included after a manual search of pediatric patients for drugs of abuse. Any additional agents in a polypharmacy exposure were also included. The following agents were included: 25I-NBOMe, alprazolam, bupropion, butanoyl-4-fluorofentanyl, caffeine, cannabinoid non-synthetic, cannabinoid synthetic, clonidine, cocaine, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, diphenhydramine, ethanol, fentanyl, fluoxetine, gamma hydroxybutyrate, heroin, hydroxyzine, ketamine, LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), marijuana, methamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methylnorfentanyl, methylphenidate, molly, N-allyl norfentanyl, nicotine, oxycodone, paliperidone, pharmaceutical THC, phencyclidine, phenylephrine, psychoactive unspecified, quetiapine, sympathomimetic unspecified, tramadol, trazodone, and valproic acid. Those patients presenting for withdrawal were excluded from the data analysis. The majority of the pediatric patients were between the ages of 13–18 (54%) followed by ages 2–6 (22%). Fifty-nine percent identified as Caucasian and non-Hispanic (41%). Pediatric patients were more likely to present due to an intentional exposure of a non-pharmaceutical agent (38.2%). The most commonly reported class of drug was psychoactives (46.3%) followed by sympathomimetics (43.9%). The majority of patients had a single agent exposure (61.8%) as opposed their adult counterparts. There were 2 pediatric deaths related to drugs of abuse. The first was an 11-month-old Caucasian male admitted after an unintentional exposure to cocaine and methamphetamine. The second was a 14-year-old female who received ketamine and propofol. She later developed propofol infusion syndrome and sustained cardiac arrest. The circumstances surrounding ketamine exposure were not described. When analyzed by gender, there were no significant differences in the reason for exposure, agent used or demographics in the pediatric drug of abuse population.

Cannabis—the Trouble with Edibles

Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug in the USA, according to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health [12]. While cannabis is typically consumed through smoke inhalation, the increase in the legalization of cannabis has made “edibles” (products containing cannabis intended for oral consumption) more accessible as the cannabis market continues to evolve [13]. There is often significant variation in the potency of “edibles,” which can contribute to accidental overdose, especially with inexperienced users. Perhaps more troubling is the unintentional ingestion of edibles by young children and adolescents that can result in significant toxicity, including agitation, ataxia, hallucinations, lethargy, myoclonus, respiratory depression, seizures, and tachycardia [1416].

Since the first edibles cases were reported in the ToxIC Registry in 2012, there has been a substantial increase in the number of cases involving children 0–6 years of age [4]. In 2012, there were no “edibles” cases reported to the ToxIC Registry that involved children 0–6 years of age, compared with 10 cases in 2016 (52.6% of total “edibles” cases) and 8 cases in 2017 (50.0% of total “edibles” cases) [4, 8]. In 2017, among the children 0–6 years of age that had unintentionally consumed a product containing cannabis, CNS depression was reported in five, delirium in three, agitation in one, hallucinations in one, respiratory depression in one, and seizures in one, with no fatalities reported. Certainly, this is a concerning trend, and clinicians should be proactive in educating parents about the dangers that “edibles” pose to young children.

Increase in ToxIC Gabapentinoid (GP) Cases

Gabapentin and pregabalin are substituted derivatives of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) labeled in the USA for the treatment of neurologic pain and seizures [17, 18]. Their weak GABA-mimetic features include feelings of relaxation and euphoria reported by some patients and recreational users [17]. As with the benzodiazepines and other addictive GABA-mimetics, withdrawal symptoms can occur and tolerance to the euphoria develops, increasing their addiction potential [17]. This, combined with a global increase in GP prescribing for a variety of on- and off-label uses (e.g., anxiety, insomnia, and recreational drug withdrawal, among others), is thought to help explain the recent spikes in the numbers of GP abuse cases reported to pharmacovigilance databases in Europe [19, 20]. In the USA, although population-level estimates of GP misuse/abuse are not yet available, GP misuse/abuse appears on the rise as well [21]. A recent analysis of data from the Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS®) system, a national prescription drug surveillance system covering all states except Hawaii, reported 407 cases of gabapentin diversion in 41 states from 2002 to 2015 and showed steady annual increases of gabapentin diversion from 2002 to 2015, with a 2015 diversion rate comparable to OxyContin [21]. In 2016, the US National Poison Data System (NPDS) reported 3443 intentional (including misuse/abuse, suicide, and unknown) single agent gabapentin exposures, up from 0 in 2011, the first year it was reported separately [9, 22]. These recent spikes in GP misuse/abuse are mirrored in the numbers of GP cases recorded in ToxIC, up from 54 (1.4% of all ToxIC cases) in 2010 to 201 (2.7% of all ToxIC cases) in 2017. Approximately half the ToxIC 2017 cases were suicide attempts and one-quarter were misuse/abuse cases.

Some speculate that off-label prescriptions are increasing as physicians attempt to provide non-opioid pain relief to their patients, despite the lack of efficacy and long-term safety data for common off-label pain indications [23, 24]. There are also published case reports of GP abuse by patients with substance use disorders (SUDs), especially prescription opioid misusers and heroin users, and of patients attempting to potentiate the effects of methadone or buprenorphine or to get high from the buprenorphine/gabapentin combination [9, 24, 25]. A recent systematic review concluded that those most at risk of GP addiction were patients with current or past SUDs, particularly opioid and multi-drug users, and that the risk of overdose lethality increases with multiple agent exposures, particularly those involving opioids and sedatives [17]. Potential mechanisms include pharmacodynamic (i.e., additive respiratory depression of opioids and gabapentin) and pharmacokinetic (i.e., increased gabapentin absorption in the upper small intestine after slowed motility from opioid ingestion) factors [26]. In the GP misuse/abuse cases in ToxIC, coma/CNS (central nervous system) depression affects approximately half or more of both the single and multiple agent cases, regardless of coingestant category, and respiratory depression is seen in approximately one-third or more of the multiple agent cases. Overall, the ToxIC data illustrate the range of potentially severe medical outcomes associated with GP misuse/abuse and provide complimentary insight on its burden on US healthcare facilities.


The ToxIC Registry is a unique database that is able to provide an informed reported relationship between exposures and clinical outcomes due to its involvement of actively practicing medical toxicologists. There are, however, some limitations within the Registry. One of these is a possible bias towards more severe case presentations since cases are only entered if they are evaluated at the bedside by a medical toxicologist. Cases in which the patient did not present for care or in which a medical toxicology consult was not called would not have been reported. Therefore, the Registry likely represents a different population from other agencies such as Poison Control Centers. There may also be a bias in the types of cases reported based on regional variations in drug use and abuse and toxicological exposures. The scope of the ToxIC Registry includes medical toxicologists from multiple, diverse locations, but the entire country is not fully or equally represented. Larger, academic medical centers may be more likely to have practicing medical toxicologists and be more likely to be members of the Consortium. Therefore, some areas of the USA and more rural populations may be underrepresented.

Additionally, there may be a reporting bias towards more complicated or more interesting cases at the level of the individuals reporting cases to the Registry. We attempt to limit this as much as possible by way of a written agreement with all participating sites requiring that all cases that are seen be entered into the Registry. Data regarding substances of exposure, or species of envenomation, relies heavily on patient self-report which is limited by willingness to disclose as well as lack of knowledge about substances involved. This may be particularly true of illicit drugs, making the subset of patients with analytical confirmation of fentanyl analogue exposure particularly valuable. Lastly, improving data quality remains an issue for the registry. While member sites are instructed to complete all applicable data fields in each case, there are still a number of cases with likely incomplete data. This is best demonstrated the fatality cases where no notable signs/symptoms or treatments were reported. Efforts remain underway to improve reporting of data, in particular demographic and fatality data.


The ToxIC Registry continues to be the only database of its kind, poised to collect data on toxicological exposures that have each been evaluated by a bedside medical toxicologist. While limited to the scope of those participating medical toxicologists, this also enhances the ability of the Registry to correlate exposures to clinical findings. Quality improvement efforts have improved the consistent reporting of information, and these efforts continue to be a major focus of the Registry going forward. The most commonly reported exposures, types of encounters, toxidromes, and clinical signs and symptoms overall remain consistent and represent the current practice of participating medical toxicologists. While nearly three-quarters of cases required treatment intervention, fatalities were uncommon.

Electronic Supplementary Material

ESM 1 (32.2KB, docx)

(DOCX 32 kb)


Toxicology Investigators Consortium (ToxIC) Study Group Collaborators:

Algren DA, Alwasiyah D, Beauchamp GA, Bentur Y, Berman AJ, Beuhler MC, Biary R, Bonney C, Boyle KL, Bruccoleri RC, Burns MM, Cahana A, Cannon RD, Caravati EM, Carey J, Chiba T, Christian M, Cook MD, Cumpston K, Davis A, Dribben W, Eisenga BH, Eldos Y, Falkowitz DM, Farkas A, Finkelstein Y, Fisher E, Froberg BA, Ganetsky M, Garlich F, Geib AJ, Gittinger M, Gorodetsky R, Greene SC, Hart K, Hendrickson RG, Hernandez S, Hodgman M, Hoyte C, Judge BS, Kao L, Katz KD, Kessler BD, King JD, Kirschner RI, Kostic M, Leikin JB, Levine M, Lowry JA, Lurie Y, Majlesi N, Malashock H, Manini AF, Marino R, McKay CA Jr., McKeever R, McKeown N, Meadors K, Moore E, Morgan B, Mullins ME, Nacca NE, Niruntarai S, Nogar JN, Olmedo R, Othong R, Riley BD, Rusyniak DE, Schimmel J, Schult R, Schwarz ES, Scoccimarro A, Seifert SA, Shafer S, Smith S, Smolinske SC, Spyres M, Steck A, Stripp M, Sullivan R, Theobald J, Troendle M, Vearrier, Warrick BJ, Watts D, Wills B, Zosel AE.

We also wish to thank study coordinators AB Adefeso, D Hopkins, Julie Licata, Tammy Phan, Andrea Ramirez, Mellissa VandenBerg, and Love Wilson.

Funding Sources

This study received funding from the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1R56DA38366 and 1R01DA037317-01, a data sharing contract with the US Food and Drug Administration and BTG International Inc. (North America).

Conflicts of Interest


Previous Presentation of Data



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