Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/srep39328, published online 09 January 2017
This Article contains errors.
The Authors neglected to include the data for month 2 (M2) and month 24 (M24) in Figure 1. The correct version of this figure is included below as Figure 1.
Additionally, in the Methods section under the subheading ‘Proteome profiling using Tandem Mass Tag-LC-MS/MS’,
“Precursor mass tolerance for the searches was set at 20ppm and fragment mass tolerance at 0.8ppm.”
should read:
“Precursor mass tolerance for the searches was set at 20ppm and fragment mass tolerance at 0.8 Daltons.”
The Data availability section was omitted from the Additional Information section:
Data availability: The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE [1] partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD010181.
Finally, cross-referencing of the animals’ tumour and age data reported in this Article and References [18] and [29] is described in the Table 1 included below.
Table 1.
ID | ID-2 | TMT | Batch | Age | Mammary tumor |
8771 | C4 | 128_N | TMT2 | 720 | 0 |
8787 | C3 | 127_C | TMT1 | 730 | 1 |
8788 | R1 | 129_N | TMT1 | 701 | 1 |
8789 | C2 | 127_N | TMT1 | 540 | 0 |
8820 | C5 | 128_C | TMT2 | 729 | 1 |
8826 | R2 | 129_C | TMT1 | 723 | 1 |
8828 | R3 | 130_N | TMT1 | 345 | 1 |
8837 | C1 | 126 | TMT1 | 646 | 1 |
8868 | R4 | 130_C | TMT1 | 680 | 1 |
9055 | C1 | 126 | TMT2 | 728 | 0 |
9062 | C2 | 127_N | TMT2 | 737 | 1 |
9147 | C3 | 127_C | TMT2 | 736 | 1 |
9150 | R5 | 131 | TMT1 | 731 | 0 |
9151 | R1 | 129_N | TMT2 | 680 | 1 |
9274 | R2 | 129_C | TMT2 | 738 | 1 |
9282 | C5 | 128_C | TMT1 | 721 | 0 |
9313 | C4 | 128_N | TMT1 | 722 | 0 |
9325 | R3 | 130_N | TMT2 | 505 | 1 |
9338 | R4 | 130_C | TMT2 | 533 | 1 |
9512 | R5 | 131 | TMT2 | 715 | 1 |
Column ID refers to the identification number of animals in Reference 29. ID-2, TMT and Batch refers to the same animal as described in this Article. Mammary tumor incidence is from Reference 18.
These changes do not affect the conclusions of the Article. The Authors apologise for the errors.