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. 2018 Jul 20;23(7):1792. doi: 10.3390/molecules23071792

Rapid Investigation and Screening of Bioactive Components in Simo Decoction via LC-Q-TOF-MS and UF-HPLC-MD Methods

Yingjie He 1,2,, Pi Cheng 1,3,, Wei Wang 1, Sien Yan 1, Qi Tang 1,3, Dongbo Liu 1,2,3,4,*, Hongqi Xie 1,2,3,4,*
PMCID: PMC6100586  PMID: 30036998


Simo decoction (SMD), as a traditional medicine, is widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysmotility in China. In this study, a combined method of liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF-MS) and ultrafiltration high-performance liquid chromatography molecular docking (UF-HPLC-MD) was efficiently employed to identify and screen bioactive ingredients in SMD. Ninety-four major constituents were identified or tentatively characterized by comparing their retention times and mass spectra with standards or literature data by using LC-Q-TOF-MS, and the ascription of those compounds were classified for the first time. Among them, 13 bioactive ingredients, including norisoboldine, eriocitrin, neoeriocitrin, narirutin, hesperidin, naringin, neohesperidin, hesperitin-7-O-glucoside, linderane, poncirin, costunolide, nobiletin, and tangeretin, were primarily identified as the human serum albumin (HSA) ligands at a range of docking scores from −29.7 to −40.6 kJ/mol by UF-HPLC-MD. The results indicate the systematic identification and screening of HSA ligands from Simo decoction guided by LC-Q-TOF-MS and UF-HPLC-MD represents a feasible and efficient method that could be extended for the identification and screening of other bioactive ingredients from natural medicines.

Keywords: quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, ultrafiltration, HSA ligands, molecular docking, Simo decoction

1. Introduction

As a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, Simo decoction (SMD) is composed of Semen arecae, Radix linderae, Radix aucklandiae, and Aurantii fructus. It has been used abundantly to regulate gastrointestinal function and bloating in clinical applications for a thousand years [1,2]. Literature shows that SMD combined some methods e.g., chewing gum or acupuncture, could enhance bowel function recovery, prevent postoperative ileus, and shorten hospital stay in postoperative patients [3,4]. The positive effects may be due to its participation of the regulation of gastrointestinal hormones of the digestive system, and promotion of gastrointestinal motility by promoting contraction of smooth muscle [5,6]. Despite many clinical treatments having been applied, arecoline, norisobodine, naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, and narirutin have been identified as the main effective components [7,8]. Besides, some compounds e.g., narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, and nobiletin were detected in the plasma of rats [9]. However, chemical compounds of SMD were still not completely identified and systematically classified, and the bioactive ingredients should be further investigated in detail.

The degree to which a drug is protein-bound in plasma has a marked effect on its toxicological, pharmacological, and pharmacokinetic parameters. It is widely believed that only the free concentration, rather than the total drug concentration, can elicit pharmacological responses [10,11]. Human serum albumin (HSA) is the most abundant protein in the circumstance of blood circulation, playing a crucial role of the protein to transport and transmit many endogenous and exogenous constituents such as fatty acids, hormones, and drugs [12,13]. The binding affinity of HSA with drugs is connected to the efficiency of clinical treatment. Therefore, the binding affinity of HSA and drug is an essential parameter that should be carefully analyzed in drug studies [14]. In vitro means have been frequently applied to select HSA ligands from purified extracts of medicinal plants. However, trials based on active compounds need sophisticated and multiple isolation steps which are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and expensive [15]. With the advance of the analytical techniques for active ingredients in complex systems, one method based on ultrafiltration coupled with liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (UF-LC-MS) is considered to investigate the combination between HSA and bioactive compounds [11,16]. Due to its low sample consumption, reuse of receptors (e.g., HSA, enzymes), and obviated need for immobilization, bioactive ingredients have been high-throughput screened and identified via the UF-LC-MS technique [17]. This method enables an efficient separation of the binder–receptor complexes from unbound ingredients [18]. Besides, the binding affinity of the bioactive could be calculated by comparing the ultrafiltration chromatogram and reference chromatogram, by yielding the ratios of the unbound and total amount of single component [11,19]. The structure types could also be obtained by the MS/MS system. In addition, molecular docking has also been employed as a crucial tool to select bioactive components, and has exhibited efficient screening ability from multiple targets with a substantial degree of accuracy, time-saving, and cost-effectiveness in drug discovery [20,21]. It could therefore be an appropriate assistant in the ultrafiltration screening method.

Inspired by the applications mentioned above, a simplified and efficient strategy on the strength of liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF-MS) and ultrafiltration high-performance liquid chromatography molecular docking (UF-HPLC-MD) to investigate the bioactive ingredients in SMD was developed, as depicted in Figure 1. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that LC-Q-TOF-MS and UF-HPLC-MD have been integrated in the identification and screening of major bioactive components from SMD. The LC-Q-TOF-MS technique could improve the fast detection of chemical compounds, while UF-HPLC-MD supports an approach for the recognition of bioactive ligands of HSA, predicting their binding sites and illustrating more information about the interaction mechanisms between receptor and active ligands [22]. The present study illustrates and explains the practical application of the bioactive compounds of SMD for the clinical treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Strategy based on liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF-MS) and ultrafiltration high-performance liquid chromatography molecular docking (UF-HPLC-MD) method to identify and screen the bioactive ingredients in Simo decoction (SMD). HSA = human serum albumin; HPLC = high-performance liquid chromatography.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Chemicals and Reagents

SMD, used for gastrointestinal dysmotility in China (approval number: guo-yao-zhun-zi Z20025044; specification: 10 mL/division), was obtained from Hunan Hansen Pharmaceutical Company, Ltd. (Yi Yang, China). HSA was acquired from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA), standards, including arecaidine, arecoline, norisoboldine, linderane, costunolide, dehydrocostus lactone, synephrine, rutin, limonin, eriocitrin, narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, heohesperidin, poncirin, naringenin, hesperetin, nobiletin, tangeretin, and sorbic acid with a purity of over 98%, were purchased from Yuan-ye Bio-Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). The formic acid, acetonitrile, and methanol used for HPLC analysis were chromatographic grade and purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China).

2.2. HPLC Conditions

An Agilent 1260 HPLC system (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA), equipped with a quat pump, an automatic sampler with a 20 μL sample loop, a thermostat of column, a diode array detector (DAD), and an Agilent ChemStation (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) had been employed to analyze samples. A Waters-XTerra™ C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm, Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA) was performed for the chromatographic separation of SMD.

2.3. Q-TOF-MS Apparatus

Identification of mass spectrum was employed on an accurate mass spectrometer of Agilent 6530 Q-TOF-MS (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Chromatographic separation was employed on an Agilent-ZORBAX SB-C18 column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA), and the effluent of the HPLC mobile phase was split and guided into the electrospray ionization (ESI) source. Parameter conditions were performed as following: capillary voltage, 3500 V; nebulizer pressure, 50 psi; nozzle voltage, 1000 V; flow rate of drying gas, 6 L/min; temperature of sheath gas, 350 °C; flow rate of sheath gas, 11 L/min; skimmer voltage, 65 V; OCT1 RF Vpp, 750 V; fragmentor voltage, 135 V. The spectra data were recorded in the range of m/z 100–1000 Da in a centroid pattern of full-scan MS analysis mode. The MS/MS data of the selected compounds were obtained by regulating diverse collision energy (18–45 eV).

2.4. Sample Preparations

The SMD for ultrafiltration and LC-MS were filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane, then diluted to 1:10 V/V with a buffer solution of ammonium acetate buffer solution (ABS; 10 mM, pH 7.4) before experiments. The HSA (600 µM) was dissolved in ABS and prepared as the work solution

2.5. UF-HPLC-Based Binding Assay

The procedure of screening was manipulated according to the approach of previous research and consisted of three steps: incubation, washing, and dissociation [11,23]. Briefly, 100 µL of tested SMD solution was incubated with 200 µL HSA (600 µM) and 200 µL buffer solution for 20 min at 37 °C. Meanwhile, denatured HSA solution (boiled for 15 min in a water bath) was used as the negative control in the same manner. The incubated solutions were then filtered through ultrafiltration devices (Millipore Corp., Billerica, MA, USA) with a 30 kDa molecule weight cut-off membrane (Millipore AmiconUltra-0.5 mL, item: UFC503096) and centrifuged at 14,000× g to separate the non-specific ingredients from the HSA-ligand complexes for 15 min at room temperature. The residues were then washed with 200 µL of buffer solution by centrifugation to remove the unbound components three times. The ligands showing specific binding to HSA were then released from the mixtures by elution with 400 µL 50% methanol (pH = 3) for 20 min, and then centrifuged at 14,000× g for 15 min at room temperature, a process which was repeated twice. The dissociated filtrates were combined and added to 1000 µL by 50% methanol and then directly analyzed.

2.6. Molecular Docking Study

To further study the coactions of the bioactive ligands with HSA, a molecular docking study which could conjecture the interactions of ligands within the constraint of receptors binding sites was performed in silico. In the prediction, the initial three-dimensional structure of the HSA was acquired from the Protein Data Bank (PDB, ID: 1E7I). The binders and water molecules were removed from the crystal structure of HSA by using PyMOL (Schrödinger LLC, New York, NY, USA) [11]. The 3D structures of the ligands were drawn and converted using ChemBioDraw Ultra and ChemBio 3D Ultra (Cambridgesoft Corp., Waltham, MA, USA) [11].

The AutoDock Vina [24] was employed for the docking simulation of these ligands. The docking steps were performed according to the protocol described by Ma et al. [25], with some modifications. Due to the various molecule sizes, in the first round of docking, each grid computation was calculated covering all amino acid residues of HSA to recognize the binding sites, and the simulation was then performed with flexible docking of all molecules in HSA. The grid was then concentrated on the center of Sudlow’s site I (60 Å × 60 Å × 60 Å, 0.375 Å, central coordinates x = 30.938, y = 13.241, and z = 7.960) and Sudlow’s site II (60 Å × 60 Å × 60 Å, 0.375 Å, central coordinates x = 9.491, y = 5.575, and z = 18.576), respectively, to find the appropriate binding sites [11]. The calculation of docking score was repeated three times for each ligand. Finally, PyMOL was used to present the docking results.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Optimization of HPLC Conditions

Because of the complicated compositions of four main traditional Chinese medicines, the adequate separation of the aimed constituents is a challenging and essential procedure for HPLC analysis [23]. The SMD was rich in flavonoids, alkaloids, and lactone compounds, and therefore, in the HPLC analytical procedures, the separation conditions containing the mobile phase system, column detection wavelength (nearly higher absorption), temperature, and so on should be investigated. Acid is known to improve separation for constituents with hydroxyl groups by reducing the tailing of the chromatographic peaks. Therefore, formic acid was added to the mobile phase composed of solvents A (0.1% formic acid in water) and B (acetonitrile) [26], and a flow rate of gradient elution was elected at 0.7 mL/min. In consideration of the variety of constituents in SMD in previous pre-experiments, the solvent gradient of the mobile phase was finally optimized as follows: 15% B for 0–5 min, 15–20% B for 5–15 min, 20–25% B for 15–30 min, 25–65% B for 30–42 min, 65–90% B for 42–45 min. The programmed wavelength was selected at 284 nm via comparison of the higher absorption of the main compounds. The column temperature was maintained at 30 °C and the volume of injection was 5 µL.

3.2. Identification of Constituents in SMD

As many as 94 compounds were identified as the main constituents by ESI-Q-TOF-MS in the positive and negative ion mode (Figure 2), and their origin was classified according to the chemical information of single herb and literatures (Table 1). Compounds 4, 5, 13, 15, 33, 36, 38, 41, 46, 47, 53, 55, 57, 59, 67, 71, 73, 82, and 86 were unambiguously identified as arecaidine [27,28], arecoline [27,28], norisoboldine [29], linderane [30,31,32], costunolide [33,34], dehydrocostus lactone [33,34], synephrine [35], rutin [36], limonin [37,38,39], eriocitrin [36,40], narirutin [36,41], naringin [36,41], hesperidin [36,41], neohesperidin [36,41], poncirin [36,41], naringenin [36], hesperetin [36], nobiletin [36,42], and tangeretin [36,42], respectively, by comparison of the retention time, absorption wavelengths, and m/z values with the standards and values reported in the literature. The remaining compounds could be tentatively assigned by comparing the fragmentation patterns, the accurate mass data (absolute value of error < 5 ppm), and the formula predictor software (Table 1). The chemical structures of these compounds were drawn clearly as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Total ion chromatography of Simo decoction (SMD) in positive (A) and negative (B) modes.

Table 1.

Identification of constituents from Simo decoction (SMD) by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF-MS) analysis in positive and negative ion modes.

No. TR (min) ESI+ (m/z) ESI− (m/z) Fragment Ions (Positive/Negative) MW (Mea.) MW (MFG) Formula Compound Ref. Error (ppm) b
Areca catechu
01 1.899 128.0704 109.0289 127.0631 127.0633 C6H9NO2 Guvacine [27] 1.61
02 2.113 142.0860 / 141.0787 141.0790 C7H11NO2 Guvacoline [27] 1.96
03 3.001 144.1021 / 143.0948 143.0946 C7H13NO2 N-Methylnipecotic Acid [28] −1.06
04 5.163 142.0864 124.0252, 109.0289 141.0791 141.0790 C7H11NO2 Arecaidine a [27,28] −0.80
05 7.021 156.1018 127.0410 155.0946 155.0946 C8H13NO2 Arecoline a [27,28] 0.24
06 16.247 137.0240 138.0312 138.0317 C7H6O3 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid [43] 3.23
07 17.508 199.0597 198.0525 198.0528 C9H10O5 Syringic acid [44] 1.62
08 19.379 291.0866 290.0793 290.0790 C15H14O6 Epicatechin [44] −0.93
09 25.337 193.0500 194.0572 194.0579 C10H10O4 Ferulic acid [43] 3.4
Radix linderae
10 5.722 165.0545 164.0472 164.0473 C9H8O3 p-Coumaric acid [29] 0.6
11 20.782 328.1546 327.1474 327.1471 C19H21NO4 Boldine [29,31] −0.91
12 21.558 314.1388 297.1125, 265.0839, 237.0743 313.1315 313.1314 C18H19NO4 Norboldine [29,31] −0.26
13 22.677 314.1387 297.1141, 265.0787, 237.0619 313.1314 313.1314 C18H19NO4 Norisoboldine a [29] −0.12
14 23.466 328.1543 297.1110, 265.0859, 237.0627 327.1470 327.1471 C19H21NO4 Isoboldine / 0.03
15 24.093 261.1116 243.1018, 173.0132 260.1043 260.1049 C15H16O4 Linderane a [30,31,32] 2.07
16 24.698 330.1698 330.1691, 299.1472, 192.0682 329.1625 329.1627 C19H23NO4 Reticuline [29,31] 0.57
17 25.234 263.1270 262.1197 262.1205 C15H18O4 Linderagalactone D [30,31] 3.13
18 35.746 277.1068 276.0995 276.0998 C15H16O5 Linderanlide A [32] 1.01
19 40.231 245.1169 244.1096 244.1099 C15H16O3 Neolinderalactone [30,31] 1.50
20 40.590 291.1223 290.1150 290.1154 C16H18O5 Linderanlide D [32] 1.51
21 44.323 305.1376 304.1303 304.1311 C17H20O5 Linderanlide F [32] 2.54
22 46.623 263.1279 262.1207 262.1205 C15H18O4 Linderagalactone C [30] −0.57
23 47.462 247.1326 246.1254 246.1256 C15H18O3 Hydroylindestenolide isomer [29] 0.92
24 49.032 261.1117 260.1044 260.1049 C15H16O4 Linderane isomer / 1.64
25 50.118 247.1325 246.1252 246.1256 C15H18O3 Hydroylindestenolide [30,31] 1.53
26 50.126 247.1329 246.1256 246.1256 C15H18O3 Lindenenol E [29] 0.08
27 54.009 231.1380 230.1307 230.1307 C15H18O2 Lindenenol [31] −0.01
Radix aucklandiae
28 11.014 127.0388 / 126.0315 126.0317 C6H6O3 5-HydroxymethylFurfual [45] 1.24
29 25.283 193.0490 192.0417 192.0423 C10H8O4 5,7-dihydroxy-2-methylchromone [45] 2.89
30 44.022 233.1534 232.1461 232.1463 C15H20O2 Mokko lactone [46] 0.91
31 46.101 233.1532 232.1459 232.1463 C15H20O2 Costunolide isomer / 1.84
32 47.095 233.1536 232.1464 232.1463 C15H20O2 Cyclocostunolide [46] −0.16
33 49.408 233.1530 187.1475, 121.0516 232.1457 232.1463 C15H20O2 Costunolide a [33,34] 2.75
34 49.895 235.1691 234.1618 234.1620 C15H22O2 Costus acid [46] 0.71
35 51.221 239.2003 238.1930 238.1933 C15H26O2 4-α-hydroxy-4-β-methyldihydrocostol [46] 1.2
36 54.001 231.1373 230.1301 230.1307 C15H18O2 Dehydrocostus lactone a [33,34] 2.69
Aurantii fructus
37 3.201 191.0189 192.0262 192.0270 C6H8O7 Citric acid [37,47] 4.06
38 3.802 168.1017 167.0944 167.0946 C9H13NO2 Synephrine a [35] 1.45
39 9.369 268.1035 267.0962 267.0968 C10H13N5O4 Adenosine [37] 2.03
40 17.108 196.0967 195.0894 195.0895 C10H13NO3 N-Acetylnorsynephrine / 0.8
41 20.439 611.1590 465.0874, 303.0511 610.1518 610.1534 C27H30O16 Quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (Rutin) a [36] 2.53
42 21.337 595.1659 593.1500 594.1587 594.1585 C27H30O15 Isovitexin-7-O-glucoside (Saponarin) [48] −0.31
43 21.903 625.1766 623.1615 301.0723 624.1693 624.1690 C28H32O16 Diosmetin-6,8-di-C-glucoside [47] −0.46
44 22.234 741.2245 579.1833, 417.1323, 271.0756 742.2318 742.2320 C33H42O19 Naringenin-7-O-triglycoside [36,40] 0.36
45 22.377 625.1761 624.1688 624.1690 C28H32O16 Diosmetin 6,8-di-C-glucoside (isomer) [47] 0.41
46 23.947 471.2007 470.1935 470.1941 C26H30O8 Limonin a [37,38,39] 1.28
47 24.235 597.1813 595.1663 435.1278, 417.1185, 331.1826, 289.0702 596.1740 596.1741 C27H32O15 Eriodictyol-7-O-rutinoside (Eriocitrin) a [36] 0.12
48 24.460 481.1683 480.1610 480.1632 C23H28O11 Paeoniflorin, Albiflorin [40] 4.44
49 24.603 649.2501 650.2573 650.2575 C32H42O14 Limonin-17-β-d-glucoside [39,49] 0.16
50 25.124 597.1807 595.1656 451.1287, 289.0699 596.1735 596.1741 C27H32O15 Eriodictyol-7-O-neohesperidoside (Neoeriocitrin) [36,37] 1.06
51 26.946 461.1067 462.1140 462.1162 C22H22O11 Diosmetin-7-O-glucoside [35] 4.85
52 26.986 595.1653 463.1303, 287.0559 594.1579 594.1585 C27H30O15 Luteolin-7-O-rutinoside (Veronicastroside) / 0.9
53 27.421 581.1853 579.1705 435.1274, 273.0757 580.1781 580.1792 C27H32O14 Naringenin-7-O-rutinoside (Narirutin) a [36,41] 1.97
54 27.989 625.2107 643.1461, 267.1224 624.2034 624.2054 C29H36O15 Magnoloside A [37,47] 3.31
55 28.694 581.1857 579.1687 435.1278, 419.1330, 273.0754, 153.0186 580.1785 580.1792 C27H32O14 naringenin-7-O-neohesperidoside (Naringin) a [36,41] 1.26
56 29.032 435.1274 273.0757 434.1201 434.1213 C21H20O10 Naringenin-7-O-glucoside 2.71
57 29.692 611.1965 609.1803 465.1432, 303.0858, 273.0757 610.1891 610.1898 C28H34O15 Hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside (Hesperidin) a [36,41] 1.13
58 30.385 579.1708 577.1549 433.1323, 271.0596 578.1636 578.1636 C27H30O14 Apigenin-7-O-rutinoside (Isorhoifolin) [40] −0.01
59 31.051 611.1962 609.1811 465.1434, 303.0862, 153.0188 610.1889 610.1898 C28H34O15 Hesperetin-7-O-neohesperidoside (Neohesperidin) a [36,41] 1.37
60 31.121 465.1395 331.1881, 303.0861, 155.0372, 121.0216 464.1322 464.1319 C22H24O11 Hesperitin-7-O-glucoside [37] −0.73
61 31.638 609.1819 463.1409, 301.0723 608.1747 608.1741 C28H32O15 Diosmetin-7-O-rutinoside (Diosmin) −0.88
62 32.515 609.1806 463.1411, 301.0723 608.1734 608.1741 C28H32O15 Diosmetin-7-O-neohesperidoside (Neodiosmin) [47] 1.12
63 32.531 693.2756 694.2829 694.2837 C34H46O15 Nominin-17-β-d-glucoside [39,49] 1.12
64 32.787 651.1541 652.1614 652.1639 C29H32O17 Obacunoic acid-17-β-d-glucoside [39] 3.92
65 33.509 711.2850 712.2923 712.2942 C34H48O16 Nomilinic acid 17-O-β-d-glucoside [39,49] 2.74
66 34.361 261.1120 260.1047 260.1049 C15H16O4 Meranzin hydrate [50] 0.67
67 39.559 595.2016 593.1875 449.1505, 287.0917 594.1944 594.1949 C28H34O14 Isosakuranetin-7-O-neohesperidoside, (Poncirin) a [36,41] 0.77
68 39.546 287.0913 286.0840 286.0841 C16H14O5 Oxypeucedanin [48] 0.48
69 41.776 697.1975 696.1901 696.1902 C31H36O18 Isovitexin-7-O-xylocoside 2″-O-arabinoside [40] 0.05
70 42.803 728.3970 727.3896 727.3905 C36H53N7O9 Citrusin III [35,51,52] 1.15
71 43.149 271.0609 272.0682 272.0685 C15H12O5 Naringenin a [36] 1.18
72 44.264 725.2283 724.2210 724.2215 C33H40O18 Melitidin [53] 0.65
73 45.375 301.0714 302.0787 302.0790 C16H14O6 Hesperetin a [36] 1.27
74 47.003 704.3968 703.3895 703.3905 C34H53N7O9 Citrusin I [52] 1.40
75 47.187 329.1023 314.0762, 299.0543 328.0950 328.0947 C18H16O6 Monohydroxytrimethoxyflavone [54] −1.08
76 47.976 355.1533 354.1460 354.1467 C21H22O5 Epoxybergamottin or Cnidicin [55] 2.01
77 48.440 359.1119 344.0877, 326.0771 358.1046 358.1053 C19H18O7 5-Hydroxy-6,7,3′,4′-tetramethoxy-flavone [54] 1.74
78 49.028 261.1117 260.1044 260.1049 C15H16O4 Meranzin, IsoMeranzin [50] 1.64
79 49.634 471.2005 470.1932 470.1941 C26H30O8 Limonin isomer [37,38] 1.76
80 50.227 373.1276 358.1024, 343.0811 372.1204 372.1209 C20H20O7 5,7,8,3′,4′-Pentamethoxyflavone (Isosinensetin) [36,54] 1.44
81 50.853 373.1278 358.1036, 343.0812 372.1205 372.1209 C20H20O7 5,6,7,3′,4′-Pentamethoxyflavone (Sinensetin) [54] 1.04
82 51.721 403.1385 388.1025, 373.1253 402.1312 402.1315 C21H22O8 5,6,7,8,3′,4′-Hexamethoxyflavone (Nobiletin) a [36,42] 0.74
83 51.847 433.1485 403.1021, 388.0773 432.1413 432.1420 C22H24O9 3′,4′,3,5,6,7,8-Heptamethox-yflavone [36] 1.79
84 52.030 343.1174 328.0927, 285.0749 342.1101 342.1103 C19H18O6 5,6,8,4′-Tetramethoxyflavone [54] 0.63
85 52.381 343.1175 328.0919, 313.0705 342.1102 342.1103 C19H18O6 4′,5,7,8-Tetramethoxyflavone [54] 0.36
86 53.099 373.1281 358.1007, 343.1182 372.1208 372.1209 C20H20O7 5,6,7,8,4′-Pentamethoxyflavone, (Tangeretin) a [36,42] 0.25
Common Compounds
87 1.711 116.0705 115.0632 115.0633 C5H9NO2 Proline [38] 0.83
88 2.849 118.0865 117.0792 117.0790 C5H11NO2 Valine [38] −1.83
89 4.328 132.1016 131.0943 131.0946 C6H13NO2 Isoleucine [38] 2.32
90 4.678 132.1019 131.0947 131.0946 C6H13NO2 Leucine [38] −0.32
91 5.813 182.0810 181.0737 181.0739 C9H11NO3 tyrosine [38] 0.83
92 9.561 166.0859 165.0786 165.0790 C9H11NO2 Phenylalanine [38] 2.36
93 17.316 205.0969 204.0896 204.0899 C11H12N2O2 Tryptophan [38] 1.34
94 25.552 113.0597 112.0524 112.0524 C6H8O2 Sorbic acid a / 0.25

a Compound identified with standards; b The error (ppm < 5 ppm) was obtained via the accurate mass data and formula predictor software of TOF mass spectrometer.MW (Mea.) = Molecular weight (measured); MW (MFG) = Molecular weight (molecular formula generated).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Figure 3

The compounds were identified or preliminarily assigned from Simo decoction (SMD) based on the time-of flight-mass spectrometer.

For example, compound 12 had [M + H]+ ions m/z at 314.1372 yielding the product ions m/z at 297.1125 [M + H-17]+, 265.0839 [M + H-17-32]+, and 237.0743 [M + H-17-32-28]+, and compound 14 generated [M + H]+ ions m/z at 328.1534 yielding the similar product ions m/z at 297.1110 [M + H-31]+, 265.0859 [M + H-31-32]+, and 237.0627 [M + H-31-32-28]+, both of which had coincident ions with compound 13 and were tentatively assigned as norboldine [29,31] and isoboldine [29,31], respectively. Similarly, compound 16 was initiatively detected as reticuline according to the ions at 330.1691 [M + H]+, 299.1472 [M + H-31]+, and 192.0682 [M + H-138]+ [29,31].

The sugar parts in O-glycosylflavone, such as neohesperidose (1→2) and rutinose (1→6) could be distinguished because neohesperidose in glycosides could yield a stronger abundance of parent nuclei contrasted with rutinose-contained glycosides, and thus could be identified by their characteristic fragmentation behaviors [36]. For example, ion m/z at 273 of naringin was higher than naritutin, and ion m/z at 303 of neohesperidin was higher than hesperidin in ESI+ mode. Compounds 47 and 50 had the same [M + H]+ ions at m/z 597 and molecular formula of C27H32O15. Compound 50 presented product ions m/z at 451 [M + H-146]+ and 289 [M + H-146-162]+, exhibited the same ions with compound 47, and could yield a much higher abundance of fragment ions at m/z 289 when compared with that of compound 47 (eriocitrin), suggesting that it contained neohesperidose (1→2), and it was accurately identified as neoeriocitrin. Compound 60 showed [M + H]+ ion at m/z 465.1387 and [M − H] ion at m/z 463.1252, and produced the parent ion at m/z 303.0861 [M + H]+, with this compound being preliminarily identified as hesperitin-7-O-glucoside. Compound 44 of m/z 741.2245 [M − H] produced product ions at 579.1833 [M − H-162], 417.1323 [M − H-2 × 162], and 271.0756 [M − H-3 × 162] that was identified as naringenin-7-O-triglycoside [36,40]. The remaining ingredients were similarly analyzed and classified by referring to the original medical plants of SMD as shown in Table 1.

3.3. Optimization of Screening Conditions

Working factors of pH and temperature influenced the activity of HSA, time of incubation influenced the binding degree of binders, eluting steps removed the disturbance of unbound compounds, and dissolution reagent was necessary for the dissociation of HSA-drug complexes. Optimum conditions in the study were established by referring to related studies [56,57,58] which performed single factor experiments in previous work. This study was performed at 37 °C (physiological temperature) with pH 7.4 (the plasma condition) to provide optimal reaction conditions. HSA concentration (from 100 μM to 800 μM), incubation time (from 0 min to 50 min), eluting time, and dissolution reagent (methanol of diverse concentration and pH) were improved before experiments. The results showed that each bioactive ligand could be obtained with the best binding affinity when the concentration of HSA was 600 μM to avoid competitive binding, and the incubation time was set at 20 min. ABS was employed as an eluting solution in triplicate, and a 50% methanol solution (pH 3) was optimally chosen to dissociate HSA-drug complexes.

3.4. Screening Bioactive HSA Ligands from SMD

Using the above screening method, 15 binders were identified as “tight-binding” ligands (Figure 4). However, not all the binders bound to the HSA are specific ligands because some are just ‘‘frequent hitters’’, unselectively clogging the protein by hydrophobic interaction without any specific interactions [59], even though the washing procedures were performed. To distinguish between specific ligands and ‘‘frequent hitters’’, the method of ultrafiltration and dissociation could be efficiently combined. In short, if one compound in the complicated sample is able to interact with a specific target receptor, the peak area of the bound constituent will significantly increase in the total ion chromatogram after dissociation from the drug-protein complexes. In this way, the UF-HPLC assay could rapidly screen and identify the ligand-receptor complexes from unbound or nonspecific binding compounds, by directly comparing the chromatogram peak areas between natured and denatured HSA after ultrafiltration, as shown in (a) and (b) in Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

The high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chromatograms for screening of the human serum albumin (HSA) ligands in Simo decoction (SMD) after ultrafiltration and dissociation procedures. The blue solid line represents HPLC profile of SMD sample mixed with natured HSA, and the red and green lines represent HPLC profiles of SMD sample mixed with denatured HSA and buffer solution, respectively. Bioactive ligands (A–M) were identified as norisoboldine (A), eriocitrin (B), neoeriocitrin (C), narirutin (D), hesperidin (E), narigin (F), neohesperidin (G), hesperidin-7-O-glucoside (H), linderane (I), neoponcirin (J), costunolide (K), nobiletin (L), and tangeretin (M), respectively. Triangle (▼) represents a compound with a high response but no specific binding named “frequent hitters”.

Based on the variation of the chromatographic proportion before and after incubation with natured and denatured HSA, the real reduced peak areas can be used to determine the degree of affinity between the ligand and the enzyme. The binding degree (BD) was calculated as follows:

BD=AnAdAs×100% (1)

where As, An, and Ad represent the peak areas obtained from the SMD sample, natured and denatured HSA after dissociation, respectively. The results in Table 2 suggest that flavonoids and alkaloids could exert good affinity activity to HSA. Finally, 13 bioactive ingredients (A–M), containing norisoboldine, eriocitrin, neoeriocitrin, narirutin, hesperidin, naringin, neohesperidin, hesperitin-7-O-gulcoside, linderane, poncirin, costunolide, nobiletin, and tangeretin, were preliminarily identified as the specific HSA ligands.

Table 2.

Binding affinity (%) and docking score (kj/mol) of the ligands in Simo decoction (SMD) with human serum albumin (HSA).

No. Ligand Binding Affinity Docking Score
Site I Site II
A Norisoboldine 26.1 −34.7 −36.1
B Eriocitrin 14.2 −39.7 −30.5
C Neoeriocitrin 15.3 −38.9 −31.8
D Narirutin 15.5 −40.6 −31.4
E Hesperidin 11.6 −39.3 −30.1
F Naringin 13.9 −39.7 −33.9
G Neohesperidin 12.8 −39.3 −30.1
H Hesperitin-7-O-glucoside 9.8 −36.4 −35.5
I Linderane 22.5 −34.3 −36.0
J Poncirin 16.7 −38.9 −31.0
K Costunolide 19.6 −33.5 −35.9
L Nobiletin 14.7 −32.2 −33.5
M Tangeretin 12.9 −31.4 −34.7
Drugs a Warfarin −33.5
Ibuprofen −32.2

a The drugs warfarin and ibuprofen were specific ligands for site I and site II, respectively.

3.5. Repeatability of Ultrafiltration

Due to the potential for nonspecific binders to the HSA to lead to erroneous calculation, the repeatability of the bioactive ingredients in the SMD during ultrafiltration was studied. The repeatability showed the degree of affinity of these specific ingredients in SMD exhibiting large variety from 9.8–26.1% as shown in Table 2, which might be caused by their structure types and proportions. Besides, the bioactivities of the targets might be affected by not only the binding properties but also the drug-like properties [56], and the complicated components exhibited competitive relationships. Therefore, the binding degree in complex compounds might be different from that of single compounds. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of binding degrees of these binders was below 12.7%, indicating that each of the bioactive ligands could interact well with HSA.

3.6. Analysis of Molecular Docking

In order to expound how bioactive drugs conjugate with HSA, a molecular docking simulation was used for further illustration in the active sites and binding degree of the ligands on HSA. The interactions of drugs with HSA typically occur at two major hydrophobic sites, known as Sudlow’s site I (subdomain IIA) and site II (subdomain IIIA), which are located in subdomains [57]. Many studies have verified that warfarin and ibuprofen were specific binders for site I and site II, respectively. In this study, the mode of specific docking (grid in site I and site II) showed more specific affinity than the full grid mode, indicating that these components were appropriate ligands of HSA. The simulation scores of the drugs to the two binding sites are listed in Table 2.

To further investigate the interactions between ligands and binding sites, the ligands, narirutin and norisoboldine, with the highest scores of binding site I and site II, respectively, were analyzed. As shown in Figure 5A, narirutin easily inserted into site I with a docking score of −40.6 kJ/mol and was mainly surrounded by 30 amino acid residues within a range of 4 Å. These residues are believed to be important in the binding affinity. Three hydrogen bonds (dash lines) were formed on the 7-rutinose with Glu153, Lys199, and Arg257, respectively. Hydrophobic bonds were generated on the mother nucleus of the flavanone surrounded with 14 amino acid residues, as follows: Phe211, Trp214, Ala215, Arg218, Leu219, Arg222, Phe223, Leu238, Val241, Arg257, Leu260, Ile264, Ile290, and Ala291. As shown in Figure 5B, norisoboldine efficiently bound with site II and was mainly surrounded by 25 amino acid residues within a range of 4 Å. Two hydrogen bonds were formed on the 6-N and 9-C (OH) with Tyr411 and Arg458, respectively. Pro384, Leu387, Ile388, Phe403, Leu407, Val426, Leu430, Val 433, Ala449, Leu453, Leu457, Leu460, Phe488, and Leu491 surrounded the molecule forming hydrophobic bonds with a docking score at −36.1 kJ//mol.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Molecular docking of narirutin docked to site I (A) and norisoboldine docked to site II (B) of human serum albumin (HSA), respectively (Ligands were shown in stick form and gray dashed lines were hydrogen bonds. The figure was prepared with PyMol. The interactions between bioactive ligands and binding sites were detailed in the article).

It was found that the interactions between HSA and the flavonoids were dependent on the structures of the flavonoids. The glycoside of flavonoid was very important for the affinity degree, which mainly formed hydrogen bonds, while the A, B, and C rings supported hydrophobic bonds. In addition, in site I, as the number of methoxyl groups decreased, the affinity degree might increase. In site II, the docking scores of polymethoxy flavonoids were higher than at site I. This phenomenon was consistent with the tendency of site I to bind bulky heterocyclic anionic compounds and site II to aromatic carboxylates [57]. Moreover, the effect of a hydroxyl on glycosyl was found to be less than that of a hydroxyl on the parent nucleus, perhaps because of the large area of steric hindrance [58]. Although the current simulation studies could be considered efficient and reasonable, we also expect to further apply more advanced methods, such as fluorescence or X-ray, to explain the mechanisms of interactions between the bioactive ingredients and the related receptors, as well as the establishment of animal models to illustrate the metabolic pathways of effective constituents to clarify the pharmacological effects of SMD in future research.

4. Conclusions

In the current study, we established a simplified and effective strategy based on LC-Q-TOF-MS and UF-HPLC-MD for the identification of complicated ingredients and the screening of bioactive HSA ligands from SMD. A total of 94 compounds were identified or tentatively speculated by LC-Q-TOF-MS. Among them, nine compounds were derived from Semen arecae, 28 compounds were derived from Radix linderae, nine compounds were derived from Radix aucklandiae, and 40 compounds were derived from Aurantii fructus, in addition to the speculation of a further eight common compounds (e.g., amino acids). Flavonoids were abundant in these identified compounds in SMD (Table 1). In addition, HSA binders from SMD were screened by the established UF-HPLC-MD method. A total of 13 bioactive ingredients was primarily illustrated as the specific HSA ligands in SMD which may be the main medicinal components. Molecular docking was employed for further illustration in the active site and binding degree of bioactive ligands on HSA.

SMD is widely used in the clinical treatment of gastrointestinal dynamic disorder, and these results provide reliable data to support the pharmacological research of SMD in the future. They also provide a reference for the reasonable combination of SMD with other methods or drugs in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysmotility. In addition, and compared with the conventional bioassay approach, the proposed strategy enables the rapid illustration of the identification and screening of bioactive components from complex mixtures.

Author Contributions

Y.H., H.X. and D.L. conceived and designed the experiments; Y.H., P.C., and W.W. performed the experiments and designed the figures; Y.H., W.W., S.Y., and Q.T. analyzed and helped in data interpretation; Y.H., H.X., and D.L. wrote the paper.


This research was funded by the Program of International Science & Technology Cooperation of Ministry of Science and Technology (No. 2013DFA31790, No. 2013DFG32060), the Project of Hunan Science and Technology Innovation (No. S2017SFXYZ0116), the Major Projects of Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department (No. 2015SK1001), the Project of Hunan Postgraduate Research and Innovation (No. CX2016B311), and the China Agriculture Research System (No. CARS-21).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds are available from the authors.


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