Figure 7. CNO-induced activation of hM3Dq-positive CART neurons in the LHA increases 24 hr food intake and body weight gain in heterozygous Cartptcre/+ mice.
Food intake during fed state 24 hr following saline or CNO injection in LHAhM3Dq mice, expressed both as absolute amounts (A, C) and as a percentage of body weight (B, D) for Cartptcre/cre and Cartptcre/+ mice, respectively. The corresponding body weight change at 24 hr in proportion to pre-treatment body weight (E, F) measured in Cartptcre/cre and Cartptcre/+ LHA→hM3Dq mice receiving saline or CNO injection. Data are means ±SEM. n = 10–12; *p≤0.05, **p≤0.01 for saline versus CNO treatments.