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. 2018 Aug 24;6:e5490. doi: 10.7717/peerj.5490

Table 4. Orthogroup species overlap as predicted by OrthoFinder.

Largest number of orthogroup overlap per species is highlighted in bold. Ca. zebrina transcriptome shows the largest number of overlaps to all species, with the exception of Arabidopsis thaliana, potentially resulting from increased transcriptome coverage in that species.

SPECIES A.  thaliana C.  zebrina Canna sp. D.  thyrsiflora E.  guineensis M.  basjoo M.  acuminata O.  fimbriata P.  dactylifera Z.  officinale
A. thaliana 11,511 10,403 10,298 10,049 10,814 10,089 10,543 9,161 9,627 9,448
Ca. zebrina 10,403 29,032 20,338 15,927 11,405 19,778 12,072 16,904 11,212 16,879
Canna sp. 10,298 20,338 25,460 14,822 11,225 18,149 11,726 15,503 10,830 15,524
D. thyrsiflora 10,049 15,927 14,822 20,139 10,875 14,985 11,073 13,757 10,494 13,985
E. guineensis 10,814 11,405 11,225 10,875 13,065 10,992 11,428 9,820 11,109 10,101
M. basjoo 10,089 19,778 18,149 14,985 10,992 26,331 12,034 15,989 10,591 15,923
M. acuminata 10,543 12,072 11,726 11,073 11,428 12,034 13,910 10,392 10,539 10,547
O. fimbriata 9,161 16,904 15,503 13,757 9,820 15,989 10,392 22,244 9,644 14,164
P. dactylifera 9,627 11,212 10,830 10,494 11,109 10,591 10,539 9,644 13,156 9,805
Z. officinale 9,448 16,879 15,524 13,985 10,101 15,923 10,547 14,164 9,805 21,568