An error appeared in an article published in the May 2018.
Issue of the journal [Rafael Mialski, João Nóbrega de Oliveira, Larissa Honorato da Silva, Adriana Kono, Rosangela Lameira Pinheiro, Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira, Renata Rodrigues Gomes, Flávio de Queiroz-Telles, Fernando Gomes Pinto, Gil Benard; Chronic Meningitis and Hydrocephalus due to Sporothrix brasiliensis in Immunocompetent Adults: A Challenging Entity, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 5, Issue 5, 1 May 2018, ofy081].
The author listing of João Nóbrega de Oliveira Jr. should state João Nobrega de Almeida Jr. This has now been corrected online. The authors regret this error.