Group level baseline effective connectivity A0 (under the DCT model) of the default mode network. (A) Posterior expectation of parameters with confidence intervals and (B) its adjacency matrix of default mode brain regions (C). Effect sizes that survived a criterion of 95% posterior confidence, or more, are shown in rectangles. (D) Graphical illustration of the group level baseline effective connectivity. Red arrows indicate excitatory connection, whereas blue arrows show inhibitory connections. Effect sizes over 0.2 Hz are denoted in the graph. IPL: the inferior parietal lobe, PCC: posterior cingulate cortex, ACC: rostral anterior cingulate gyrus, SFG: superior frontal gyrus, HIP: hippocampus, PHP: parahippocampal gyrus, MTG: middle temporal gyrus and IFG: pars orbitalis of the inferior frontal lobe in the left hemisphere. Arrow after a region indicates directed connectivity from the region.