Figure 13.
Response of LDT/SubLDT Nb-labeled ACh unit in WT-UA mouse to sleep-wake state changes. A, The unit (#1 in mouse CWT8) activity was recorded in association with EEG and EMG during W, SWS, and PS. The unit discharged during W and PS and was virtually silent during SWS. The pattern of firing also changed from mainly tonic during W to phasic with bursting during PS, as evident in expanded segments (1, 2, and 3 below). B, In EEG power spectra, the activity was irregular and mixed during W with a peak at 7.2 Hz (indicated by arrow), slow with a peak at 2 Hz during SWS and rhythmic at high θ frequencies of 8–9 Hz during PS. C, In the unit ISIH, evidence of bursting activity (mode at 83 Hz indicated by arrow) is present but with little evidence of recurrent rhythmicity at the EEG peak frequency (8.3 Hz indicated by arrow) during PS. D, In the unit ACH, there was no evidence of rhythmic firing. E, In the unit-to-EEG STA, there was no evidence of cross-correlated rhythmic activity of the unit during high θ EEG activity. Data analysis was performed on 5-s periods of W, SWS, and PS as illustrated. See legend to Figure 5 for other graph details and abbreviations.