The IAIMS Consortium is a voluntary organization dedicated to the innovative application of computing and communication technologies in the management of health information. Affiliated with the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), the IAIMS Consortium consists of 25 member institutions. Its purposes are :
To communicate IAIMS-related approaches and ideas among institutions interested in IAIMSs (broadly defined, not just NLM-funded sites)
To promote IAIMS-related collaborations between sites
To disseminate IAIMS concepts and approaches to others and thereby improve the management of academic, clinical, and administrative information for the betterment of health care
To support collaboration and communication among member institutions to foster the development of integrated information environments in support of biomedical education, research, and patient care
To become a member of the IAIMS Consortium, an institution must apply for membership by sending a letter to the Chair of the Consortium's Board requesting membership. The request letter should include a copy of the institution's IAIMS or information infrastructure development/management plan. Members are also required to become institutional members of AMIA. Following application, a Board member reviews the applicant's credentials and plan and makes a recommendation to the Board. The Board votes acceptance at its next meeting. Board meetings are held in conjunction with AMIA annual fall and spring meetings and the Consortium's annual workshop. Perry L. Miller, MD, PhD ( ), Yale University, is the Consortium's current Board Chair.
The following institutions are members of the IAIMS Consortium as of November 1996 :
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Baylor College of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
University of Cincinnati
City of Hope National Medical Center
Columbia University
Duke University
Georgetown University
University of Illinois at Chicago
Louisiana State University
University of Maryland
University of Michigan
University of Missouri at Columbia
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Oregon Health Sciences University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
Tufts University
Vanderbilt University
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of Washington
West Virginia University
Medical College of Wisconsin
Yale University
For additional information and contacts at each member institution, see the IAIMS Consortium site on the World Wide Web at .