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. 2017 Aug 30;22(9):1433. doi: 10.3390/molecules22091433

Table A1.

Data collection and refinement statistics.

Protein Data Bank Accession Code  5OV9
Data Collection Statistics
 Resolution range (Å) 29.1–2.4 (2.486–2.4)
  Space group P 212121
  Unit cell (Å, °) 79.6 113.9 226.7 90 90 90
  Total reflections 332,637 (32,579)
  Unique reflections 80,635 (7919)
  Multiplicity 4.1 (4.1)
  Completeness (%) 98.22 (98.00)
  Mean I/sigma (I) 16.39 (4.94)
  Wilson B-factor 42.99
  Rmerge 0.04764 (0.4941)
  Rmeas 0.0545 (0.5644)
Refinement Statistics
  Reflections used in refinement 79975 (7902)
  Reflections used for R-free 1585 (143)
  R-work 0.1614 (0.2108)
  R-free 0.1989 (0.2587)
  CC (work) 0.967 (0.950)
  CC (free) 0.944 (0.905)
  Number of non-hydrogen atoms 9224
  Macromolecules 8334
   Ligands 259
   Solvent 631
   Protein residues 1067
  Rmsd from ideal values
  Bond length 0.012
   Bond angles 1.35
   Ramachandran plot (%)
  Favoured regions 96.40
   Allowed regions 3.31
   Disallowed regions 0.28

Values for the highest resolution shell is shown in parenthesis.